There is an access door to the northern crawlspace and no access to the attic space. hi, 16 yr old house. I have a question about our vent size. Thanks. Other options include cutting it with tin snips or using a jigsaw or reciprocating saw fitted with a fine tooth metal cutting blade. Is there something else that could be done? It's suppose to be a domestic thriller not an episode of CHARMED! What a stupid ending, I gave the book 2 stars just for its power in making me groan "what the hell was that?" First mark off the space where you want the soffit vents to go, spacing them so they fit between joists or rafters. There are no soffit vents on the south side of my house. Also, lots of water comes off the trucks wheels from melted snow or just rain water. We had a contractor add insulation between the attic floor and the ceiling of the second floor. How does one convey their thoughts on just how addicting, intriguing, and consuming of a book this was, without exposing all the delicious spoilers that make it such a fun read? Actually, I’m dealing with a similar situation in my own house. Can I pull out the insulation, put in baffles and then blow in insulation arouind the baffel? I live in a ranch style home with a walk out basement. I am wondering if the ventilation channels go only where the soffit vents are or must I do all the roof rafters with the channel vents? Recommended to Shelby *trains flying monkeys* by: I know you love the internet. Good luck with your project! Hi Alex, In your case, I would put one in the center, then come in a couple of rafters on each end for the other two. Please, Please, Please, READ this book but do not read ahead!!!! Any one else having issues with news feed, for about a year it will only let me see the posts of the same 6 people over and over, if i snooze those people it … 1460 - Adele, October 19, 2009, 6:39 pm : hi, =) im a very supportive fan of poladroid and its been very usefull to me in my projects and also personal use. It makes sence when you see how the vent is mere slots in the face. ATTIC VENTILATION FOR HOMES Galleries of Adel Morel. Also, I’d leave an inch or two gap between the insulation and roof decking, to allow air to circulate from the area behind the knee walls up to the top, with gable vents on each end at the top (or a power vent in the roof), and add some sort of venting at the bottom to let air in. Based on your Danny’s example of using vent size alone, you will not let enough air in since the grills/screen take up space. Will the blown-in insulation be a problem getting into the vents? This small roof space has a ridge vent, and I have recently installed baffles to also direct air to the upper attic area (and to keep the roof cold in the winter). I think that maybe I need 3 or 4 vents on each of the four sides of the house. Hello everyone, it is with great sadness that I must say I am departing from the wiki. Good luck with your project! Is there an answer to B. hanson 11/8/07 re: how many baffle vents per soffit? Ie: need or 3 for 13 rafters. I live in a small ranch. As you mentioned, the other option is to replace the solid aluminum soffit with perforated aluminum soffit. In fact if you have all three, flow of air through the attic will not be adequate. Is there a way to open these access to these vents, or do I need to add intake vents on the lower sides of the house walls (I was thinking small gable-type vents might work). Baffles are only needed in the rafter/joist spaces where soffit vents are located. I have a split level and there is an attic fan. One said to install a ridge vent on the lower roof and just leave the attic fan on the higher section. from gables and 6.66sq.ft. Adele Addict • 6 July 2017. “Everyone has secrets, Lou,â she says. I have a cape cod with 3 1/2 in soffits What to use for vents. I have a 28 X 24 garage with 24″ centers of rafters. With no ceiling insulation in the rooms below the attic (this is a project house), these rooms have got as high as 110 degrees F which really shows the need for good attic ventilation. Thx…, I would suggest anyone doing roof vent calculations actual get the net free area of the vent from the manufacture. Be as daring as you like, as long as you are of age, let me help you share it with the world! However, when the attic is venting out, it seems to me that you want the vented air to be directed away from the house, otherwise you would be contributing to the heating/cooling problem. 20 in front, 20 in back and 10 on the attached garage. *Aquafaba was certainly not my discovery, only one that I have learned about and enjoyed exploring on my own. ft. Space soffit vents evenly around the bottom of the low sides of your roof. I’ve got a house that has higher than normal ceilings in a few places. Please let me know if this alright with you. By the way, my attic is around 500 square feet and I can stand in it. A sinister and toxic image of Adele and David's marriage emerges. I have a 1950’s ranch house with very wide eaves and unvented wood soffit underneath. If half the vent space is near the top of the roof in ridge or gable vents, that would reduce the number of soffit vents at the bottom to 50. What’s the best way to install soffit vents from teh outside? Also, is my ‘baffle’ system a sound plan? Thank you! The ridge venting is only as good as the fresh air intake it receives through the soffit. Thanks for the thoughtful feedback. I don’t see a path for air flow? Any ideas would be appreciated. They did not address the soft venting. It just the blowm in insulation between the joists on top of the dry wall. It was magic all along!! Give it a read and let us know how things work out. I thought the more air in the attic the better. Thanks, Since it is hotter in the attic than it is outside, it would seem that the expansion of the air in the attic (following what, in chemistry, is called the ideal gas law, pv=nrt) would force the flow to the outside, and when it cools, the air would then be sucked in. Do not peek (or scroll) to those last remaining pages, Don't spoil it for yourself. @Kim Holeton, Have to put hot water in the tub and wait for it all to thaw out). No not me! The attic is small and difficult to work in especially considering the blown in insulation, is it necessary to be in the attic in order to install the vents or could this all be done from outside? 2. I just had this argument with my roofing contractor who has the family busines for 60 years installing roofing. WHAT A CHEAT ENDING!! Has it been a while since you've explored the mystery and thriller genre? While you can have too little venting in your attic, you can’t really have too much. Yes, if possible you need both soffit vents to let cool air in and vents (gable, ridge, or a power vent) near the peak of your attic to let the hot air out to have proper air circulation through the attic. – Thanks. I need to improve attic ventilation at my house and need to install more intake soffits (plywood soffit under vinyl) Hidden vent vinyl soffit currently installed ? Even forewarned, it still stopped me in my tracks! If I did the numbers right I have enough soffit vent but need a little more venting higher up. I have a 24ft(L)x 26ft(W) attic with venting across the peak of the new roof. It also doesn’t make sense to me to vent the whole attic as opposed to using the styrofoam channeling. The best type of vent for ridge venting is continuous soffit venting. I want to install a tougue and groove cedar in my soffit area and have found a wooden soffit vent on-line at Whitehaven Wood Products, they look pretty nice, could you give me your opinion if these would work for me? These vents are mesh only (no louvres) which gretaly improves their Net Free Area (NFA), in this particular case the NFA is 17 sq in per vent. This was a library loan so I donât feel bad that I spent any money on it. My soffits are solid, with no vent holes or perfs. There is probably a spoiler effect to this answer, so continue reading at your own risk. Milt, I don’t have soffit vents. You calculate, for lack of a better word, gross area of needed vents. The rule of thumb on the amount of vent space needed is approximately 1 sq. Baffles will be added to every soffit vent between rafters to prevent any air flow blockages from ceiling insulation and to prevent air leakage into the attic area. Was er nicht weiss, ist das sonoko eine sexuelle beziehung mit ihrem chemielehrer hat, und sie sich täglich neue sexabenteuer ausdenken. Since multiple layers of paint can cause problems if it builds up too thickly, I would suggest lightly spray painting the vents, either before or after installation if you want them to match the house color. I live in Colorado (arid environment) in a small house and have a small attic (approx. Her next novel 'Dead To Her' comes out from William Morrow in the US in feb 2020 and HarperFiction in the UK in August 2020. It would seem that you would get better air flow if the vent openings were pointed away from the house. I am re-doing my attic insulation and venting. A previous addition eliminated 12’of soffit from one side making the two sides uneven. In summer the sun is responsible for heating the roof shingles and therefore the attic to extremely high temperatures. Your speculation about blowing rain being the cause is the only one I can think of, and, like you, I think the odds of that are pretty slim. 10 years ago, the house was sided with aluminum and the 4 x 4 openings were coved with 10â by 22â soffit grates. Thanks. long videos that only see my fans! -Links to and the source article appear beside the sampled content. I have heard that if you have soffit vents and a ridge vent that you don’t need gable vents. If they think this book is the "thriller" of the year, they'll be greatly disappointed. Uninsulated & no soffit vents. While I doubt blowing rain would pose a problem if the louvers face out, since the vents are under the eaves, water getting in would be a problem if you use a hose or power washer to clean your siding or eaves. Does wider soffit panel exist, or how do I deal with this? I had aluminum placed over my soffit for appearance, but mostly for additional venting. Any suggestions to open? Get ready for a wild ride! My inclination is that they should be pointed out, but I am not an expert in any construction or engineering field. Сотрите Top 10 Best Sex Positions & how to do them Part 2 на Russian на, лучший сайт с хардкорным порно. Yes!!!! His extensive hands-on experience and understanding of the industry make him the go-to source for all things having to do with the home â from advice on simple repairs, to complete remodels, to helping homeowners prepare their homes for extreme weather and seasons. The feelings are intense too! Previously we had a shake roof which not require soffit vents. Is this strategy good, or is it better to cut out the soffit in a rectangle slightly smaller thanthe vent. According to the formula, Bob’s attic area would be 1320 sq ft not 1267 sq ft. It’s hard to have too much venting in an attic, so having a bit more than reccommended shouldn’t be a problem. All rights reserved. Should the soffit vent have the slotted angles point towards the house, or away from the house. If not, make sure you have enough venting on the other sides to make it for the lack of venting on the front. The attic space has only two gable vents one of which is mostly blocked by a new chimney. I am wondering if the ventilation channels go only where the soffit vents are or must I do all the roof rafters with the channel vents? Following the formula, it seems like I need at least 6 more soffit vents. Well, you're in luck because you are about to discover a lot of great... To see what your friends thought of this book. Ben Erickson Says: We leverage cloud and hybrid datacenters, giving you the speed and security of nearby VPN services, and the ability to leverage services provided in a remote location. Just a quick comment in regards to Ben Erikson’s response to Bob dated December 27, 2007. Brilliant! I have fiberglass batts in the attic and will also be installing a radiant barrier under the roof. what type of vents do you use on a flat roof? Hi, Using the formulas above I calculated (rounded up to 43 x 31) 1333 square feet of attic floorspace. It appears to come from the outside wall about half way in the garage. I am ready to do this plus add styrofoam ventilation channels. Hi Andy, I have about three feet of slopped ceilings in each room that mirror the roof slope and the insulation is between the roof and the room ceiling. As far as insulation goes, it’s recommended that you have at least 12″ (R-38) of insulation in your attic for a house in a warm climate, and 15″ (R-49) in an attic in cold climates. I have 1000 square feet of attic space and have 50 soffit vents. Should I vent thebath out the roof? Is there an answer to B. hanson 11/8/07 re: how many baffle vents per soffit? Thanks! I have taken away my own user rights and I no longer have any power on the wiki. 2 roofers giving estimates for repairing leaks disagree on what roof vents should be installed. Question is where would it pull the air from w/o soffit vents? Good luck with your project! Ben, I really appreciate it. Danny, I have a run the numbers on my vents and I am a little short on the total vent opening space, I think. ive installed styrofoam spacer vents to maintain airflow up to the peak and im putting an r-13 in place of the old r-7, as well as better insulating the storage space to keep the house heat from escaping. I’m located in upstate NY and after reading nearly all comments I find myself a little confused. My estimate is that will work out to somewhere around 70 channels/baffles. Let us know whatâs wrong with this preview of, Published again I have never seen an air current analysis on a roof. Appreciate it! For proper natural air flow in and out of your attic to remove heat, you need to not only have soffit vents for the air to enter, but vents at or near the peak of your attic for the hot air to exit. the easiest way to backup and share your files with everyone. Refresh and try again. I could have overlooked the pedestrian prose, the utterly unlikeable (and unconvincing) characters and the plodding plot (done much better by other writers a billion times before) because I was looking forward to the twist of the year. That is absolutely true because at no point will you think this book will leave the world of reality and become about Voodoo magic. How big of a problem will this be with air flow? In fact I missed the party, the after party...I mean what took me so long? The current soffit depth is 20″. This novel! Should I consider installing some type of vent maybe two on each side of the east and west side of the roof that will draw air through one of the soffits? Use 3.14=22/7. We have forwarded it to the Todayâs Homeowner Radio Showâs producer. Danny says, âNot at all. The only problem with that will be that it will probably be impossible to remove the existing soffit without removing the aluminum fascia. First, my house is a ranch style built in 1974. My soffit area is currently covered with plywood, so my two options are to remove all plywood and leave the eave open with a screen and cover it with soffit. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Otherwise, what other course of action would you recommend to address the combination of issues? I installed a new roof last year with a ridge vent; took out the old powered roof vents (ugly!). Is it possible that too much ventilation could be causing incresed energy use, and causing erradic temperture fluctations. I have water dripping from condensation that accumulates on the ridge vent and mold growing on the lower 1/3 of that section of 2″x8″ decking. I have 10″ of insulation and no vapor barrier. 4 mesh . It appears that I only have 6″ of rolled fiberglass insulation which I hope to correct soon. Otherwise a baffle and some digging through the existing insulation will be necessary for each vent. In addition, if the vented air is moist or has mold or other contaminants, you would want that air to be directed away. There are 12 soffit vents downstairs, and 8 upstairs, and they are the original ones. See all 37 questions about Behind Her Eyesâ¦, Meredith ( on Semi-Hiatus until February), i read 13 thrillers in 13 days here's what happened, Suzanne Leopold (Suzy Approved Book Reviews), SOLVED. Chris, I suspect we do not have enough ventilation? It strikes me that the metal surface, if it is decent stainless, is easier to clean and doesn’t trap mold, etc., as easily as paint–or is there something I haven’t considered? Also, go in the attic and be sure the eaves aren’t blocked with insulation (or stick a coat hanger up the holes to see if the space above this is clear) so the air will be able to circulate. You put my exact thoughts into words. I have two gable vents at opposite ends of the house; about 4sq/ft each. As I replace the soffits, should I hadd vents.. or does the fact of having no roof vents impact this? My attic area is approx. And to top of it off it’s in the hottest corner of the house. Cellulose insulation was added some time in the past as well. The attic is too low to get to the eaves, and I can’t take the vinyl soffit off without removing the aluminum fascia. And once you know the ending, you realise the book has plot holes you could drive a truck through. In total I’ll need 72 of these. Louise finds herself involved with David who turns out to be her new boss. Hi Tim, If not, you may be able to use an inspection camera, or a video camera taped to a pole, from the attic to see what the situation is, then use a hoe or stiff rake to clear any insulation from the vent opening. As long as you have an adequate vapor barrier above your ceiling and plenty of insulation to keep the warm inside air from mixing with the cold attic air, the added ventilation in the attic shouldn’t be a problem in the winter. I have a house where the second floor is a loft. Does it matter whether the vent holes face Good luck with your project! Currently there are no soffit vent installed. ft. of vent area. She runs into his wife, Adele, and a cloying, claustrophobic, but close and secretive relationship develops between them. thank you. during the summer months we notice that the house also seems to go through a heat soak in the evenings that overwelms the air conditioned living space. If so, how many sq,ft.? I would start by adding soffit vents to see if that helps with the condensation problem. Thanks. Calculation from author is not correct. attic is very hot.. how do i check to see if my roof and soffit vents are plugged? b. I plan on adding some soffit vents so the Sq footage of the soffit venting matches the ridge venting. As I walked around my house inspecting things, I noticed that the openings in the soffit vents were pointed toward the house and the air it vented left a dirty area on the brick moulding below the eaves. I am in the north east in Ontario, The house is dual brick contruction built about 60 years ago. I want to install attic baffles before blowing in insulation. building built on blocks, When I did research on this I focused on net free area. Ridge vents appear to be in place. Paul, Should I cover the gable vent since I now have soffit vents? Space the soffit vents out so they divide the attic area into equal areas. away from the house into the wind or should they face away from the wind toward the side Any comment? Thanks for the response. Thanks for the answer. I have a ranch style house with a hip roof on one section and am going to have the whole roof replaced. Thanks for your input! Here’s more information about this topic: Sarah Pinborough is the NYT bestselling and Sunday Times #1 Bestselling author of 'Behind Her Eyes' which has sold in over 25 territories thus far and will be shown as a six part drama on Netflix in 2020 and the Sunday Times Bestseller, 'Cross Her Heart'. Or would it be best to remove the plywood and just have standard soffit. 3. I was wrong. in) soffit vents to match. Any input? I need to install soffit vents in our home; several years ago we had 12 inches of insulation blown into the attic. . Just because people have been doing it that way doesn’t mean that it’s right; which way you do it may depend on the environment. Since most perforated aluminum soffit is set below the existing wood soffit with an air gap between the two, you should figure up the area (free air space) of all the aluminum soffit for each area of the house, then figure up the area of the holes drilled in that same eave and use the lesser of the two for your vent calculation. January 26th, 2009 at 9:38 am
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