Hi George - it's worth mentioning that our sheep took 1st and 3rd at Black Sheep Gathering last June in Eugene. The Society was organized in December of 1995. Finnsheep are a multi-purpose breed. American Dorper Sheep Breeders’ Society – the official registry for Dorper Sheep in the United States. I did snap a few more photos of the alpacas and the farm in general. An Update from cormo breeder Janet Flamm of Oregon to members. In order to be able to serve the Cormo wool and sheep needs of the United States the Board of Directors voted to regionalize. She’s only had them for a short period of time but they are already very attached to her and feed out of her hands. Chuck & Denise Orr 262 S. Foster Rd. In the April Cormo Notes provided the … Cormo sheep were first introduced to the United States in 1976 when Travis Jones imported 12 bred ewes and 2 stud rams from I.K. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders Association c/o Robbie Eckhoff P.O. I opened my books and browsed the internet to find out everything I could about Cormo sheep. It was a beautiful night to sit outside and watch the sunset. In the United States, their primary use has been in cross-breeding programs to increase the lambing percentage of commercial flocks. I can’t believe how friendly they are. Downie. Both carcass and wool traits are exceptional when Cormos are crossed with existing U. S. wool sheep. Box 214 Hawley, TX 79525 Phone: 409.256.3687 www.rambouilletsheep.org Twitter: @RambouilletAssn Email: eckhoff5@aol.com LATEST NEWS, UPDATES, EVENTS 2020 (Live) National Show & … American Cormo Sheep Association 100 E. River Road Broadus, MT 406-427-5449 The Cormo Sheep Breed is a crossing of Tasmanian stud Corriedale rams on 1200 selected superfine Saxon Merino ewes, singling the development of the Cormo sheep breed. In their native Finland, where they are known as Finnish Landrace Sheep, they are raised for meat, wool and pelts. Source: The American Cormo Sheep Association. The organization was established in 1977 by a group of agricultural historians who recognized the disappearance of breeds of livestock that were part of the traditional culture of many parts of North America. The Cormo is not being promoted as a show type sheep in the U.S., but rather as one of economic value. … The old … To contact Janet for more information See the Breeders Page on Association Website. Elizabeth Ferraro President Cormo Sheep Conservation Registry PO Box 216 Wrightstown, NJ 8562 Phone: 609-752-0596 Fax: 609-752-7536 Email: mail@cormosheep.org Website: www.cormosheep.org. We now have a Western, Central, Midwest and Eastern region. The American Cormo Sheep Association is growing. Jackson Center, PA 16133 814-786-7018 mistyacres@wononline.net www.mistyacres.net The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy is the leading force for breed conservation in the United States. When looking at images of Cormo fiber, I saw the tightest crimp (the tighter the crimp the finer the wool, usually), lustery bright white, very dense clusters of cloudlike wool. In October of 1996 the first event was held in Cameron, Texas with attendees from Mexico, Canada, South Africa and several regions of the United States. American Cormo Assn 51770 Hutchinson Rd 101 E River, Broadus, MT 59317 Phone: 406-427-5378 Fax: Email: ittieyork@gmail.com Website: www.cormosheep.com. I was enthralled before even touching it! ACSA, Cormo Notes From the desk of George Saunders, President of the American Cormo Sheep Association May Issue Elections are interesting.

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