‘Rule by law’ is when laws are used as an instrument to establish political and social control over people. This fundamental legal doctrine is said to be a safeguard against government arbitration as a nation should be governed by law, but not by arbitrary power. Rule of law is laid down in the EU treaties as one of the values on which the Union is based. The rule of law is an essential element of constitutionalism and upholding the democratic system of government. They would have to physically protect their own property. newspaper associated the absence of the Rule of Law 1 I capitalize the term Rule of Law to distinguish it from a rule of law, which typically refers to a particular legal rule, such as the rule against perpetuities or the rule in the United States that the President must … Thus, the Rule of Law is hostile both to dictatorship and to anarchy. Without a rule of law system, people would have to exact satisfaction for the wrongs committed against them on their own. This was why the English barons forced King John to adopt the royal charter of rights, the Magna Carta , on June 15th 1215. The rule of law as a political principle and legal norm was indeed born of the ambition to constrain the arbitrary power of central authority. The rule of power is its opposite. It means that governments should be bound by law, that they should not take arbitrary decisions and that citizens should be able to challenge their actions in independent courts. LexisNexis is committed to playing a positive role in the community. ... everyone must be obedient to the law. • The rule of law is hostile both to dictatorship and to anarchy. I focus on two aspects of the rule of law in this paper: first, the ideas of certainty, equality before the law, and the absence of arbitrary abuse by authority; and second, a dynamic component missing from most treatments that requires that the rule of law hold today, but also tomorrow. The rule of law is not arbitrary, and it applies to every citizen; no one is above the law or beyond its reach. Merely because a tyrant refers to his commands and arbitrary rulings as “laws” does not make them so. Rule of law, then, is not rule of the law, but a doctrine concerning what the law ought to be—a set of standards, in other words, to which the laws should conform. The principle is intended to be a safeguard against arbitrary governance, whether by a totalitarian leader or by mob rule. Defenders of the rule of law, who in general decry the arbitrary rule of men, should specifically decry the rule of central bankers. Central bankers today are not “slaves of the law” but exercise wide discretion in monetary policy and regulatory rulemaking under the … This would lead to a breakdown in social structure, and it would result in vigilante justice and physical strength playing primary roles in dispute resolution. The principle is intended to be a safeguard against arbitrary governance, whether by a totalitarian leader or by mob rule.

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