Others are pretty much uninterested. If your kitty is truly crazy for the Christmas tree, simple distractions could be an easy solution. Many of us grew up draping tinsel from the branches of our holiday trees. Many young cats and kittens (and even some older felines) love to climb trees and are naturally intrigued by anything new, bright and sparkly – so they’re probably going to be attracted to a Christmas tree covered in sparkly decorations in the corner of your living room. we got cat few month ago and it is a real challenge to protect the tree, decorations and the cat. If you’re a cat owner, it won’t surprise you to find that cats love Christmas trees. But in the past, they’ve never tried to chew the cord. Although Christmas trees are fun for us, they can be dangerous for our cats. How do your cats react to them? Not a new year is always a favorite holiday just for us but also our pets. Mama Dog Shows Rescuers Where Her Babies Are Hiding. He sees me bring it out (still in the box) and unpack it. While pets can be attracted to delicious smells wafting from the kitchen, glittering decorations adorning the tabletops, or brightly colored greenery spread throughout your home, many cats and dogs are awed by the star of the show—the Christmas tree. Of course, it’s a cat nativity scene–only sheep are the non-cat figures! This not-so-guilty pleasure is actually good for you. Stop your cat from knocking the Christmas tree over Kittens and cats with wild spirits have been known to take down entire Christmas trees. The light string burned out and I haven’t had the chance to replace it, so no lights this year. Foil to the rescue again! Real Christmas trees are potentially more dangerous to your cat than artificial ones. “Most cats are very curious about Christmas trees and see them as an exciting new opportunity. says, “The basic point is surrender to the fact that you have brought in something any cat would be excited about, and adjust accordingly or redirect your cat into more compelling activities, like food puzzles.”. It may seem like a drastic move, but it will keep your tree vertical. If your cat manages to topple your tree — or simply as a preventive measure — consider tethering the tree to the wall and/or ceiling. Keep them out of your cat’s reach! Photography ©suemack | Thinkstock. No tinsel IS common sense when people realize their cats need to be protected from choking hazards as if they were human toddlers but I still see shiny strands of it on numerous cat toys that some people might assume are safe because they are for sale. It had the lights and the colored ornaments. Cats get into Christmas trees and will sometimes chew the wires for the lights. Don’t believe us? Call us today! Daniel Quagliozzi, Cat Behavior Consultant at Go, Cat, Go! As the human is setting up the tree, the cats cannot stop themselves from getting in on the action. They are new, they are fun, and if they are real trees, they smell great. Christmas Trees For Cat Owners Get Your Cat to Stop Climbing Your Christmas Tree With These 20 Alternatives. Cats vs. Christmas Trees. But you should still keep an eye on your cat near the tree. Some cats will always get up to no good at Christmas. Yes. Needles, if ingested, can cause dangerous — and sometimes deadly — intestinal blockages. (One was a climber – sigh. Our tree is a fresh cut Balsam fir that we bring in the week after Thanksgiving and it stays up until mid January. SHARE. I’ve had many cats over the years but when I had 2 brother kittens they played in the tree and one was almost choked. According to vets, cats see Christmas trees as safe places to hide that are filled with toys. 3:04. And no one—especially your cat!—wants to do the countdown to Christmas from the vet's office. Got breakable or keepsake ornaments? Maybe next year he’ll be old enough to leave ornaments alone. They will sit and look, but do not try to climb the tree or pull it down. WHERE did you get a Cat-themed nativity scene?? The best christmas trees come very close to exceeding nature. "The tree was built to send a message about these times we face. Even non-toxic Christmas trees still pose a risk to cats. We provide complete veterinary care including dentistry, laser therapy, surgery, and more. See more ideas about christmas animals, animals, christmas cats. There are a couple of precautions that you should take to keep your favorite feline from spending your Christmas bonus on veterinary medical bills. This is the only tree so far my cats have not tried to chew or knock down! So, in an effort to have a cat-safe Christmas tree, they began anchoring their live trees to the wall. It’s probably late to suggest this but … We have used this approach since 1969 and have not had problems. I have added extra red balls and candy canes to this tree for an unbreakable tree. Published on 4/10/2020 at 11:35 PM. Lastly, cats love to sink their claws into the bark of trees and your Christmas tree is no exception. "They are the protagonists of Christmas this year, making the tree come alive. Fortunately, you can!  |  Obviously, this is painful and can be dangerous. What are your tips for cats and Christmas tree safety? 3:45. Giving pills to cats can be time-consuming and stressful...... Have you ever noticed that your pet’s eyes are...... Anesthesia can be scary for people to imagine their fur...... At Falls Village Veterinary Hospital, a Raleigh, NC veterinarian, dogs, cats & their families deserve the best. We finally got an artificial tree. Now, most cats aren’t going to find the taste of pine or fir to be appealing, but it likely takes a nibble for them to figure that out. This includes drinking water from the Christmas tree stand or grooming sap off of their hair if they get some on them from walking under the tree. See more ideas about christmas cats, cats, cat christmas … Cats vs. xmas trees. 7005 Harps Mill Rd Cats, in particular, usually love Christmas trees. Our Christmas tree is only three feet tall and sits in the center of our dining table. To avoid electrocution, always unplug your tree lights when you go to bed or while you’re away from home. Even if the tree is fertilizer free, harmful bacteria might grow in the reservoir. Keep a close eye on your fur kid until you know if they can be trusted with a real tree. 3 Use repellent smells and textures to keep your cat away from the tree. EMAIL. All of them survived without vet intervention. The ‘plug the lights in when you are in the room and pull them out when you’re not’ sounds like a winning approach. If you are given one of these, either keep them in a cat-proof room or regift them to a pet free home. This can cause a whole host of holiday disasters — from an upended tree, to a kitty who is determined to climb the new, indoor tree. So wrap the base and trunk of your tree in foil to keep kitty away. Outfitted in sparkling lights, shiny baubles, and at the perfect height for climbing or chewing, many Christmas trees have met … Look what Santa brought me! Your email address will not be published. Cat Proof Christmas Trees at a glance. Real Christmas Trees Can Make Cats Sick. No ornaments. Learn how cats and Christmas trees can safely coexist. Next you lift up the green circles and attach the tree to the top of the pole. The Christmas lights have been hung with care, but apparently … Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This not-so-guilty pleasure is actually good for you. There is an incredible war between cats and Christmas trees. When it comes to cats and Christmas trees, some kitties are attracted to the water reservoir of live trees. Cats hate oranges (and all other citrus fruits). Christmas trees can be deadly to cats (they could ingest pine needles, and the water cut trees are placed into usually contains pine resin, preservatives and fire retardants, all of which are toxic). Tell us: How do you feel about cats and Christmas trees? use any of my suggestions for keeping them away from the tree in general OR don’t use electric lights. Click below to make your first appointment and redeem your $1 exam. SHARE. We were told and it worked to put black ground pepper around tree skirt. When the holiday season comes around, cats can suddenly become wild and unstoppable destroyers. CHRISTMAS TREES are the perfect climbing frame for your feline friends, and no matter how well behaved your cats are they will still tear down your tree bauble by bauble. But are Christmas trees toxic to cats? 16-Year-Old Dog Gets To Be A Puppy For The First Time. Cats hate citrus, so an easy way to keep them away from the Christmas tree is by scattering a few peels around the base of the tree. They may fall, rip out a nail, or topple the tree. Here are 22 photos from the war between cats and Christmas trees. Thumbnail: Photography ©Anna-av | Thinkstock.Â. Wonderful post! We hear cats have a thing for boxes. Another word for “dangling shiny thing” is “cat toy”. More Videos. Christmas trees. Cat pens like the MidWest exercise pen with step-thru door can help to prevent the cat from going under the tree and climbing into it, but unfortunately, this will not stop aerial attacks. 1. Some cats regard Christmas trees as a delightful playground. As a safeguard, wrap a sheet of foil around open areas of the container.Â. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Your email address will not be published. Then the ornaments go on, with cat-safe, unbreakable ornaments on the bottom branches. You may find yourself building a barricade around the tree, Les Miz-style — except with baby gates. You’re right, it might! Mistletoe and poinsettias are just a few of the Christmas flowers and plants that are toxic to cats. Good luck.). The tree makes the holidays fun for them too, and keeps them off the nice stuff! By Anita Diamantopoulou. Christmas trees are poisonous to cats, dogs and other pets. I have broken ornaments when decorating or un-decorating the tree, but kitties have not broken any. They can give this holiday a special meaning, by performing stunts near the Christmas tree. Why Procrastinating Pet Dental Procedures is Risky. Ahh, right, there’s the tree. Cat-proofing the Christmas tree isn't just about vanity—some of the items on your tree can be very dangerous when ingested. Cats vs. Christmas Trees. Either of these can be dangerous if swallowed. Cats and christmas trees quotes. Jan 7, 2019 - Cats in trees, cats around trees, cats under trees, cats up trees, cats topping trees, and cute christmas cats : ). I quit trying to put up a real tree! Needless to say, he was less than impressed. 17 Cats That Love Christmas Trees More Than Life Itself. Pesticides, fertilisers and tree preservers can leech out of the soil when the tree is watered which can pose a danger if the cat drinks the contaminated water. The holidays are like a gift that keeps on giving. We leave it up for 3 days totally undecorated, then the lights go on for another 2-3 days. 3:04 'Stray' Dog Rescues Himself. One was even a tree climber. This can cause a whole host of holiday disasters — from an upended tree, to a kitty who is determined to climb the new, indoor tree. Bags with tissue paper intrigue him to the point of his pulling all the tissue paper out of the bags and laying in with the gifts. The strong scent put off from the peels is enough to deter even the most curious cat. Angie Bailey Especially if owners haven’t put some work into protecting their Christmas trees. Home » Cat Care » Are Christmas Trees Toxic to Cats? Blocking off the tree is the safest option, especially for wily cats or kittens. A Cat Safe Christmas Tree. Use Obstacles to Separate Christmas Trees and Cats You can surround the tree with a barricade or objects, like a cat pen , to obstruct access to the Christmas tree. We have had the occasional die hard individual. Sharp kitty teeth and live electrical cords do not mix. Once the newness wears off, your kitty may not be so inclined to do some holiday swatting. Whichever holiday(s) you celebrate, if you have pets, you’ve likely encountered the challenges and laughter that happen when they (literally) collide with your seasonal decorations. Another way to keep kitty away from the tree is to place foil or double-sided tape on top of the skirt. Here are 22 photos from the war between cats and Christmas trees. What Causes Watery Cat Eyes and Do You Need to Visit a Vet? Artificial trees are safer than live ones, but ingesting the needles can still cause intestinal blockages. Sharp needles from certain species of trees can actually puncture tissues after they are swallowed. I also include some images to match up with these christmas movies. We omit tinsel or any strings or ribbons, even on presents….The dogs are another story, as one year our dog “marked” the tree! And cats still like to poke around bare branches. I have given the cats their very own tree, about four feet high and it sits right on the floor. Cats and Christmas trees are the subject of thousands of humorous videos online, but it’s not so funny when it’s your own tree getting knocked over—or your own cat injuring themselves. The artificial cat Christmas trees come in a double version with three and five foot sizes. Get Your Cat to Stop Climbing Your Christmas Tree With These 20 Alternatives If kitty is completely determined to get her paws on the tree, bypassing all foil sheets and barricades, perhaps a door needs to stand between the cat and the tree. The cat Christmas trees run between $40 and $90. Leave a comment. If she has a penchant for biting pine needles or chewing branches, you may want to try a bitter spray (found at most pet stores and online) as a deterrent. Tinsel — or angel hair — is a major hazard when it comes to cats and Christmas trees since it may cause fatal intestinal obstructions. When the holiday season comes around, cats can suddenly become wild and unstoppable destroyers. The short answer is, Yes. tinsel, but it’s also teeming with free snacks in the form of pine needles, which can cause digestive upset or even damage. I want one!! As mentioned above, cats love jumping on trees, so be sure to set the tree up so that it won’t easily topple over. You just have to think like an animal to understand why the human festivities seem to strange to them–and pose new play opportunities with things that they are attracted to. Tripod would look at it and sniff it, but left it alone. We all know cats are assholes and dogs are clumsy sometimes. We’ve tied the artificial tree to the wall and even one year, suspended it from the ceiling! Christmas trees are under attack all the time by our naughty cats, it seems like cats are always the winner. I’ve actually decorated the bottom of our tree with my fuzzy buddy’s favorite play ornaments and pieces of dangly paracord. Cat behaviorist Pam Johnson-Bennett offers several ways to keep cats and Christmas trees safe this holiday season. There is an incredible war between cats and Christmas trees. 1 Cats can cause a lot of problems if they play with Christmas trees, but you can take precautions. Another story for another day. There is science to prove it! We have generally been living with ‘let’s swing from the rafters’ Siamese or really unusually large Ragdolls.

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