(2009). She and her husband moved to Baltimore in 2005 because her husband had lost his trucking job and they had become homeless. *You can also browse our support articles here >. Beck, A. T., Steer, R. A., & Brown, G. K. (1996). Surveying the ongoing challenges to ending the HIV epidemic in the USA, a six-paper Series published in The Lancet underscores pronounced racial, sexual, and gender disparities; substantial gaps in domestic programme funding; and due to geography and the patchwork health-care system, limited access to HIV treatment and prevention services. In January she started feeling low in mood and was finding it difficult to get motivated to go to work. Such a person may not fit into the society, and when they make decisions, it is irrational or irrelevant. Luke, a 34-year-old male graduate student (PDF, 227KB). Once the patient completes the questionnaire by checking the appropriate box, the score is calculated (1-4= minimal depression, 20-27 = severe depression). Clinical observation of depressed patients with Dopamine transporter inhibitor (DAT) and Norepinephrine transporter inhibition (NET) has the mechanism of Wellbutrin since this agent appears especially useful in targeting the symptoms of “reduced positive effect” within the affective spectrum. Patient reports being irritable and having occasional crying spells. The patient will be referred to her primary care physician to discuss how to better manage her medical conditions. She got married 11 years ago and presently seeking employment with Safeway supermarket. The patient did report some of these symptoms when giving the history of present illness. Clinical case scenarios are an educational resource that can be used for Treatment measures will address depression and anxiety, and the family situation will be considered. She has an upcoming interview next week. The patient stated “I have been feeling depressed, anxious and under stress” depression need to be considered as potential diagnosis, the other diagnosis generalized anxiety and sleep apnea disorder due to excessive daytime sleepiness, awakening SOB, frequent arousals, and fatigue. For lateral and vertical gaze, patient was asked follow interviewer’s finger horizontally and vertically. Depression: A Case Study. The high frequency of misdiagnosis among African Americans contributes to their reluctance to trust mental health professionals (Purnell, 2013). African Americans believe strongly in use of prayer for all situations they may encounter; prayer reflects the trust and faith one has in God. Additional test material appears in the perfect vehicle for social cooperation and active participation of each category. African Americans take their seriously, and they expect to receive a message in preaching that helps them in their daily lives (Purnell, 2013). Initial patient presentation of major depression can be a variety of physical symptoms including a headache, musculoskeletal pain, abdominal/pelvic pain, mood symptoms and cognitive changes. Major depression. A study conducted by Sampaio, Pereira & Winck (2011) finds indirect physical and psychological complications associated with OSA. The AIMS is a 12-item anchored scale that is clinician given and scored on the rate of 0-4 (0 = none, 4=severe) based on the assessment. Hall, E.B., & Mufson, L. (2009). Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research, 7(1), 47-55. Further discussion will be presented in the differential diagnosis section. The patient suffered psychiatric damages due to her relationship ending. Cultural History:  Patient said that she is a family-oriented person, but due to the current problem she is having, her brother and mother are not supportive. Additionally, obesity has been linked to diabetes, hypertension, causing a significant reduction in the level of functioning. Info: 8257 words (33 pages) Dissertation Clinical handbook of psychological disorders: A step-by-step treatment manual (4th ed., pp. Result was negative, Recommended mammogram:  Not appropriate age. Since the patient has been diagnosed with depression as a teenager, using the PHQ-9 questionnaire will be appropriate. For intervention information relevant to specific symptoms of diagnoses, please select symptoms and diagnoses that are most descriptive of your case. BDI consists of emotional, behavioral, and somatic symptoms which takes 5-10 minutes to administer; each item was scored and measured, sore of 10- 18 indicates Mild depression, 19-29 indicate moderate Depression, and greater than 30 shows severe depression (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). She has obstructive sleep apnea and a child who does not sleep at night due to the medical condition. 2 Scenario Mrs Bond is a 46 year old who is agitated, and complains of appetite loss and low mood over the previous two months. Many versions have been tailored, including well thought-out interview guides, introspective forms, and computerized versions. She frequently has a problem with motivation. She now smokes. God is responsible for physical and spiritual health, and the doctor is perceived as God’s instrument in the healing process. The patient will be referred to a community job enrichment program to assist her with getting a job. Clinical Case Study: CBT for Depression in A Puerto Rican Adolescent. Arlington, VA : American Psychiatric Publishing. The patient is of Catholic faith and currently unemployed. When I look back at how my life used to be, it is almost impossible to believe the transformation. Able to shrug both shoulders symmetrically. No family history. Bloomberg Businessweek helps global leaders stay ahead with insights and in-depth analysis on the people, companies, events, and trends shaping today's complex, global economy Although the patient has continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine at home, it is not used because she must care for her child at night. Seidel’s guide to physical examination. Some of the root causes we considered … This client was chosen for this case study since he presented with issues of adult depression, a disorder for which the use of cognitive-behavioral theory with brief treatment has been shown to be effective. She suffered from no blurred vision, eye pain, redness or diplopia. In a study conducted by Bentley, Pagalilauan & Simpson (2014), of 200 patients who have recovered from an episode of major depressive disorder, 64% experienced at least one additional of major depression with the risk of recurrence in the first month after recovery. She does have CPAP machine that she uses at night for sleep. Also, a consent form for any medications prescribed was signed by the patient. The patient can recall last four presidents of the country. Almost 7% of the population. Counseling through talking therapy allows the patient to verbalize their feelings with a private setting (Sadock, Sadock & Ruiz, 2015). The PHQ-9 was developed to assist clinicians with diagnosis of depressive disorder and to monitor the severity overtime for newly diagnosed patients or patients in current treatment for depression. (depression), L-thyroxin 100mcg PO daily (hypothyroidism), Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg PO daily (hypertension). Demographics: This is a 32 years old African American female who currently lives in the outskirt of a northeastern state of this country. The history of present illness supports a determination of the Major depressive disorder. The patient was able to state correctly the side that moved. Risk, benefits, and side effects of current medications such as dry mouth, constipation, blurred visions, and risk of toxicity with different medications were discussed. A manual of laboratory and diagnostic tests (8th ed.). The patient will continue with treatment at this clinic. Interviewer wiggles simultaneously both index fingers of right and left hands. It can range from mild depression to severe depression or anywhere along a spectrum in between (Rollman et al, 2003). The patient appears older than stated age. Past history Blossom has no significant past medical or mental health history. Her eyes are fine. 66-70). Chafey, M.I.J., Bernal, G., & Rossello, J. General appearance: Dressed appropriately for the season. Clinical Depression Case Study: Clinical depression, in comparison with the regular depression has a great number of symptoms apart from the well known low mood.In addition, clinical depression has a certain hidden form, because the patient … Although the patient has obstructive apnea, the reason she does not sleep much at night is to care for her child. Medical Point of view. (2014). Genitourinary: She reports stress incontinence. In Essential Components of Cognitive-Behavior Therapy For Depression (pp.

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