If you would like to learn how to make a face mask with straps, check out our Free Mask With Straps PDF Pattern today! If you wanted these straps to have a bit of stretch, you could also cut long strips from cotton jersey or knit T-shirt material. Welcome! I am so glad you guys love it. The pattern also includes instructions for inserting nose wire into the upper nose bridge section to create a better fitting fabric mask. All 3 designs contain our updated written directions which include the option of adding a wire such as a paper clip along the nose area for a better fit." Yes, I suppose you could topstitch another layer of fabric to the back of the mask, and leave one side open to be able to insert a filter. See the next photo or the video for clarification. Instead of leaving a 3″ opening, you could make a 4″ inch opening. This mask is breathable and doesn’t sit right on the face. Men seem to like this style better, too - including my husband. Easy Crochet Hat Pattern – Cozy Textured Stripes! This pattern is made specifically so the elastic puts less stress on the ears than other masks. This origami style mask pops over the mouth giving you room to … Stitch down the length of the rectangles along the edge to create the ties. Go to sewing pattern (SarahMaker) Sarah gives us a very thorough tutorial of how to make a cloth pleated face mask with… Face Mask Sewing Pattern Elastic Lengths. 2. You’ll insert a pipe cleaner that helps shape the top edge of the mask. Healthcare provider Kaiser Permanente has a pleated mask pattern with ties and 2 layers. Fitted Face Mask with Filter Pattern: Kid’s Sizing. Be sure to stick around for crafts, DIYs, and fun recipes. Available in 5 sizes for kids and adults – it’s a great scrapbuster since it only requires small pieces of fabric! Pin the folds down, make sure all pleats are facing the same direction. My previous tutorial and pattern have been a huge hit, with over 1 million views on youtube! Please leave a comment on the blog or share a photo on Instagram. Or save the pattern image below to your phone. First, you will print your pattern from the free link and then cut your mask out. TIME: 30 MINUTES. This face mask pattern has 2 layers of fabric, and an internal pocket in which you can add additional layers of disposable filtration material if desired. Follow the CDC guidelines as the situation develops. Using an iron, press the seam open. Check out their website, WeNeedMasks.org. Not all hospitals are requesting masks, but many are. Here are some average lengths to start with for ear loops! Yes! Otherwise, you may need to sew a loop of elastic to use. Apparently they are too closely woven, so the air that we breathe in and out, simply goes around the filter; therefore it can't do its intended function of trapping germs in breath droplets. Many makers have asked for a pattern to sew homemade surgical-style face masks for their families, communities, and local hospitals. Make masks faster with these tips! Pattern by Lavon Peters. C. OST: $.50 - $1.50 . Without further research into the safety and efficacy of face mask filter materials, we won’t know what the best filter is. Test data shows that the best choices for DIY fabric masks are cotton t-shirts, pillowcases, or other cotton materials. They measured how well the household materials could capture and filter small particles. Follow me on Pinterest and Instagram. For fabric ties, if you aren’t using elastic: Fold the fabric rectangle in half, with the right sides facing each other. Then fold the strips in half again (lengthwise) to encase the raw edges. Backstitch over the elastic or fabric ties to secure them. Face Mask Sewing Pattern. Download and print the fitted face mask pattern. Modern Blogger Pro Theme By, Pretty Darn Cute Design, CLOVER Water Soluble Blue Marking Pen with Eraser, https://sweetredpoppy.com/scrub-cap-free-sewing-pattern/, Homemade Face Mask with Elastic - Sih Patrones, How to select the correct face mask - Blogger Communities, DIY Fabric Mask {Easy Tutorials & Videos} - EverythingEtsy.com, DIY Face Mask with Elastic in 10 minutes – Sewing Tutorial | TheFunClip | Best Videos Collection, https://melaniekham.com/homemade-face-mask/, DIY Face Mask with Ties, Fitted Nose and Filter Pocket - Melanie Ham. (Be … Members of the community are encouraged to use reusable fabric face masks and other face coverings when in public, or in situations where social-distancing is difficult. Learn how to make a fabric face mask, elastic or tie. You can also use twill tape, bias tape, or strips from cotton jersey (t-shirt fabric). Most agree that it is the best pattern available for homemade face masks, and I think so too! Leave a 3″ – 4″ opening in the center of this seam to create an opening for the filter pocket, and to allow the mask to be turned right side out after sewing. MATERIALS - 1/3 yard of 100% Cotton fabric - 14” Rope Elastic, beading cord elastic will work (you may also use up to 1/4” flat elastic) - Pattern … The New Fitted Face Mask Pattern by Sew Can She …with adjustable ties! note: backstitch well over elastic in corners. Great job. Cut out inner and outer face mask pieces. You will have to determine which size fits your child(ren’s )faces. It is so important that everyone understands that while wearing a cloth face mask can offer some level of protection, it can’t protect against viruses the same way that an N95 mask can. This Surgical Style Face Mask is made from 3 layers of fabric. Optional. Fitted Face Mask. THIS STYLE SECURES BEHIND THE HEAD. Many different types of filters have been suggested, like coffee filters, felt, and vacuum filter bags. If you would like to use a length of elastic instead: 1. Organizations like Masks for Heroes have a searchable database of facilities currently seeking donations. This is the most versatile face mask and fits a variety of face sizes and will fit over a surgical or N95 mask. Stitch down the strips along the edge to create the ties. Sew along the sides to secure the pleats. Any layer will trap the moisture, which is what you want - the germs are in the droplets that are expelled with our breath. Stitch very close to the mask side of the channel, and thread the elastic onto a safety pin and push through the channel. ... Thread elastic through the mask. Homemade fabric surgical face mask to be worn as a last resort in a crisis situation. Sew around the rest of the mask, trim threads and you're done. If you can’t find elastic to make the ear loops, you can make a mask with fabric ties instead. Step 5: Top stitch a 1/4″ seam across the top and bottom of the mask. Whether you are making a face mask for yourself or family, or making face masks to donate or sell, you will find many styles of face mask patterns here. Search your local hospital to see if they have requested donations. When you are feeling sad just think about all the amazingly generous people there are out there that are making extra masks for our healthcare workers. This comfortable face mask pattern is simple to make. How to Sew a DIY Face Mask | Reversible Facemask, Two Styles Step 1. If you can’t find elastic to make elastic ear loops, the pattern includes additional instructions to make and use fabric ties. For best results, use 100% cotton fabric and thread. There is currently a high demand for all types of face masks. My hope is that for all of us that can sew, will take the time to sew at least 5 masks to donate to your local hospital, or another medical facility in need. The DIY face mask pattern in this post will teach you to make a pleated fabric face mask with either elastic ear loops or fabric ties. Step 2: Pin Elastic or Fabric Ties. After sewing hundreds of face masks and spending months developing, testing, and tweaking my face mask patterns, we have developed what we think is the most comfortable, precisely designed fitted face mask pattern — and we have made our free Best Fitted Face Mask Pattern PDF in NINE sizes, four adult sizes and five child sizes. Cut out inner and outer face mask pattern pieces on the solid lines. When masks get moist, even if it’s just from your breath, they need to be cleaned. Just make sure that you clean the masks and filters (if they're reusable) every day. Elastic straps help standard surgical masks fit to any size face. I’ve heard from many people that are having a hard time finding elastic. Sources for further reading: Cambridge Study, Nature, Occ. Always call before you sew to check their requirements. Use my free printable pattern in small, medium, and large. Click for a variety of free patterns. I have another article all about how to add a nose wire to masks patterns and premade masks. I’ve seen people use pipe cleaners, floral wire, or twist ties. Make sure the side channels are wide enough for a safety pin to go through. Overall, this is a great design for a mask for those that do not have a nose wire. Stitch around it on all 3 sides to keep it in place. How to make a Face Mask (with Elastic Loops or with Ties) SIZES: ADULT/CHILD. This is a pleated cloth face mask that can be made with either elastic loops or ties. Use longer lengths to make the mask go around the head instead of over the ear. This mask is different from the simple one because you can choose 3 different layers of fabric to use while the Simple Surgical Pattern is made from 1 piece of fabric that is folded so the front and … Making and wearing fabric face masks is important because it helps to reserve medical facemasks meant for healthcare workers. Place the ends of the elastic about 1/4″ to 1/2“ from the top and bottom corners of the fabric. I followed this up a T and my masks came out huge, 5.5 by 7. As you get started, if you have any questions about fabric, sizing, or are looking for other tutorials, be sure you check out the handmade mask roundup on our sister site Sew Daily! The child size pattern is for preschool aged children and the small size is for kids in between. There is also a pocket in this mask that you can use to insert a filter (such as a … Adjustable-Size Pleated Face Mask. Use the template to cut 2 mask exterior pieces (1 reversed) and 2 lining pieces (1 reversed). The user can adjust the fit of the elastic by tying and re-tying it to fit. We all know that face masks need to fit well and be comfortable in order for them to be the most effective. Prepare the elastic and the nose wire. Update: Some people are finding it easier to insert/remove additional filter material if they make a larger opening. Cut a 6-inch piece of pipe cleaner, floral wire, or other flexible wire to create a nose piece. Sew the ends of the elastics to the short ends of one rectangular piece (on the RIGHT side of the fabric) forming loops. After many requests for a more fitted face mask after my pleated face mask tutorial and the no elastic face mask, I’m sharing a tutorial for a fitted face mask pattern! The second Sweet Red Poppy pattern I followed was for this fitted fabric mask. Whichever option you choose, you’ll want to cut 4 pieces about 18″ long, and attach one strip to each of the corners. Use longer lengths to make the mask go around the head instead of over the ear. 3D Mask Template. If it is close to the ear you can use a hair tie. The pattern comes in 4 sizes; small for ages 3-6, medium that fits 7-9, large for 10-13 and x-large for teens. The piece of elastic itself will be sandwiched between the two layers of fabric. As this terrible illness spreads around the world and medical workers are still in great need of masks, we can stop buying surgical masks to protect us and begin making our own protective handmade mask out of fabric. DIY Contoured Face Mask Pattern – 3 sizes, adjustable elastic, straps, nose bridge Months ago, when the Coronavirus pandemic broke out here in Italy, I decided against sharing a face mask pattern because there was so much confusion and so many people were saying that reusable cloth face masks didn’t work and therefore were harmful. If you are making masks for others here are some super cute printable face mask gift tags. Some hospitals and clinics accepting donations of homemade face masks. —DOWNLOAD THE FACE MASK PATTERN, WITH FILTER POCKET, HERE— Print it, share it with friends, pass it around. This pattern is made specifically so the elastic puts less stress on the ears than other masks. ... You can use this same pattern, but create elastic to go around-the-head instead of the ears. The only change I would make is using DIY adjustable ear loops instead. 3D Face Mask Elastic Options. Since disposable masks are hard to come by, many people have been making fabric masks to use as protective face coverings. The child size pattern is for preschool aged children and the small size is for kids in between. From the designer: "Due to popular request, we have added two new sizes of our snag fitting face mask pattern. I’ve written a guide with lots of ideas about how to adjust mask patterns and fix premade masks for the best fitting mask. It would be a shame to make masks for donation with a … This is a great mask, so glad I found it because I really needed the pattern. The CDC says that the use of cloth masks can help slow the spread of disease. Don’t want a filter pocket? The 3D Mask is a favorite because it doesn’t touch the mouth. This is a voluntary public health measure meant to help “stop the spread” when people must visit public spaces such as grocery stores and public transit stations. Supplies Needed: Fabric; Ties (I am using fabric ties made from old t-shirts.You can make ties from t-shirts or any knit fabric, or use elastic, ribbon, string, or even cut-open elastic hair ties.) Cut a 25’’ (for an average sized person) piece of elastic. Face Mask with Elastic | Free PDF Pattern We hope this tutorial helps you! 3D Face Mask. Disclaimer: This pattern has not been industry-tested and is intended for educational purposes only. You can make this easy fabric face mask with or without an optional interior filter pocket. There is also a YouTube video for this one! The easiest way to do this is to fold your fabric in 2 layers right sides together, pin the template on top, and cut out both layers at once. Thank you. You’ll insert a pipe cleaner that helps shape the top edge of the mask. Put right sides of cotton fabric together. Best Fitting Face Mask - Designed for simple sewing, less fabric and form fitting for more head shapes. Like you, I looked at many patterns on the internet. I like to sew down the sides twice, just to make sure. Gorgeous Tie Dye Foldover Elastic; Fitted Face Mask. Place the pattern on the fabric and cut out or alternatively, cut out two rectangles measuring 6.5” high by 9.5” wide. Posts may contain affiliate links. According to the CDC, fabric masks are a crisis response option when other supplies have been exhausted. Have the person who will be wearing the mask place it on their face so you can judge the distance between the folded end of the mask and their ear. The 3D Mask is a favorite because it doesn’t touch the mouth. DIY Contoured Face Mask Pattern – 3 sizes, adjustable elastic, straps, nose bridge Months ago, when the Coronavirus pandemic broke out here in Italy, I decided against sharing a face mask pattern because there was so much confusion and so many people were saying that reusable cloth face masks didn’t work and therefore were harmful. Insert flexible nose wire (Optional) 1.7 5. Keep the side with the opening facing up. Fitted Fabric Mask. Fold the long sides to meet in the middle, then fold in half again to encase the raw edges. Sew the curve line of the face mask; 1.5 3.Add the elastic band and finalize your mask; 1.6 4. The type of elastic you choose matters as different elastics make a big difference in terms of comfort! 3D Face Mask. Free DIY contoured face mask pattern in 3 sizes to sew a fashionable shaped surgical mask with removable filters, adjustable elastic and straps, nose wire. Posted on Last updated: January 21, 2021 Categories Face Masks, Sewing. Since sharing my Pleated Fabric Face Mask with Casings & Filter Pocket tutorial , I’ve had a lot of requests for a printable pleated face mask pattern. The finished adult mask will be 7.75″ wide and 3.75″ tall. Use your markings to create three evenly spaced 1/2” pleats. I really like how much detail you put into this article about making a mask. After many requests for a more fitted face mask after my pleated face mask tutorial and the no elastic face mask, I’m sharing a tutorial for a fitted face mask pattern! Here is a clear, step-by-step guide to the best way to properly wear a face mask. Elastic lengths will vary based on head size. you can use ribbon to make the mask adjustable. DIY Face Mask Pattern Step 1: Sew to the top side, with pocket. I only wish that all of the other information that you included like ear savers and adding wires and the kinds of filters to use if needed were also in your pdf pattern. It can also be worn as a scarf or headband, which gives you more flexibility. You can choose to make a 2-4 layers mask, but the more layers the more difficult it is to fold and keep the edges aligned. The CDC does not require a nose wire on face masks, but if you wear glasses they’re a must! After you’ve attached the elastic or ties (in the next step) and turned the mask right side out, you can stitch the opening closed. —DOWNLOAD THE FACE MASK PATTERN, WITH FILTER POCKET, HERE— Print it, share it with friends, pass it around. This fitted face mask mask style scoops over your nose and around your chin. Fold the fabric rectangle in half, with the right sides facing each other. THIS STYLE SECURES BEHIND THE HEAD. Below the post you will be able to download and print the pattern. Turn the mask right side out and press with an iron. If you don’t want or need a pocket, that’s totally fine. Repeat the same process to the other side of elastic casing. 1/4” elastic. 1.1 Supplies and tools; 1.2 INSTRUCTIONS: 1.3 1. Available in 5 sizes for kids and adults – it’s a great scrapbuster since it only requires small pieces of fabric! Another style of face mask that is becoming more and more popular is the Gaitor Face Mask Pattern. These child’s face mask patterns will help to keep your kids safe as they head back to school this fall. Tie the elastic loosely. Create 3 pleats and clip into place by eyeballing the measurement OR make 3 marks and use the seam to create pleat as you sew down. I can’t wait to share my project ideas with you. Wash masks regularly, with regular detergent and in a hot washing machine cycles. Free pattern with 5 sizes for kids and adults. Using a double layer of material for your DIY mask adds a small increase in filtration effectiveness. Federal health officials now recommend people over the age of 2 cover their mouths and noses with cloth face masks when in public. Here is a step by step photo guide for how to make this adjustable shaped face mask using fold over elastic.Here is what you will need 33” fold over elastic5” x 3/8” ribbon for loops2 each front and lining fabrics Matching thread and pins … See notes at the bottom of the post. Choose your 100% cotton fabric. I’m Sarah — artist, maker, and mom. Transfer solid casing line (1 1/2″ from raw edge) onto the wrong side of outer face mask pieces using pencil or other marking tool. Make this face mask pattern with a tiny bit of fabric and elastic. You can make a face mask for a 3-6 year old, 7-12 year old, or teenage and adult with this free pattern. 9 Fold the both sides of the mask 1/2” toward inner side to make the elastic casing. I folded the ends of wire back into to keep them from poking through the fabric. Wear only dry masks. Transfer solid casing line (1 1/2″ from raw edge) onto the wrong side of outerface mask pieces using pencil or other marking tool. This is the updated Face Mask Tutorial. CDC is additionally advising the use of simple cloth face coverings to slow the spread of the virus and help people who may have the virus and do not know it from transmitting it to others. This face mask is my personal favorite because it has casings on the sides that allow the string or elastic to be pulled up or down and is easily adjustable. The specific dimensions would depend on the purchased mask, of course. Try one of these easy DIY Ear Savers patterns to make wearing your face masks much more comfortable! Our first masks were made from tightly woven cotton. Cut out the free template along the line for your desired size. If you don’t have a sewing machine, I have a separate post with 5 Ways to Make a No-Sew Face Mask and another free pattern showing you How to Fold a No-Sew Bandana Face Mask. And if you have any extra supplies and time you can make a few masks to donate too! Tools. Now, get a small safety pin and begin threading the elastic from the right bottom corner of the mask. Sew all the way around the rectangles using a 1/2 inch seam allowance leaving a whole to flip right side out. The fitted mask is the best for using up small scraps of fabric! To respond to the hospitals’ requests for emergency backup masks. Also, an organization called Masks for Heroes has a website with a searchable database of facilities currently seeking donations. 2. Sew Can She has just published a new free fitted mask pattern (adding this on December 3, 2020) – her template is free, comes in 5 sizes: child small (for ages 2-5) child large (for ages 6-10) You can use ready-made 1/4″ twill tape, double-fold bias tape, or cut long strips of the same tightly woven cotton fabric you are using for the rest of the mask. With fabric right sides together, pin pattern pieces to fabric or just trace cutting lines onto fabric. Becare not to accidentally clip the stitches. Here is a step by step photo guide for how to make this adjustable shaped face mask using fold over elastic. The surgical style mask pattern is simple enough even for beginner sewers! This pattern solves that problem by allowing the elastic to be adjusted for the wearer. I’ve also included instructions in the video for all … Plus, it’s easier to put on because you don’t have to tie it in two places, unless you … If you are wondering where you can donate masks, they can help you find a hospital or clinic that needs them. Topstitch or zig-zag stitch along each side of this seam to finish the edge. Don't let used masks and filters touch other surfaces, to reduce the spread of germs. Dry completely. Sew along curve at 1/4” Many groups, such as the Sewing & Craft Alliance, are working to connect healthcare organizations with volunteer sewists. Use a bodkin or safety pin to run the elastic through both casings on the mask. You will still need to leave an opening so that you can turn the mask right side out. Fitted Face Mask Pattern with filter opening (adult size) / Fitted Face Mask Pattern without Filter opening (adult size) ... Cut two pieces of elastic 5” long. You need 7.5 yards of elastic for 25 masks (14” per mask). Step by step cloth face mask tutorial and free pattern. With a 3/8″ seam allowance, sew each side of the facemask. From the designer: "Due to popular request, we have added two new sizes of our snag fitting face mask pattern. Use an iron to make a crease. Stitch the elastic casing 1/8” away from the edge. Thank you for providing these instructions. For the Mask WITH filter opening: Sew the small side panel to the inner facing piece as shown, aligning the small dots. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has explained that wearing a cloth mask can help protect the people around you, especially essential workers or other people with risk factors. Create Flexible Nose with Wire. I have recently read (October 2020) that coffee filters are not a good choice for mask filters. Free face mask sewing pattern (w/ instructional video) Go to sewing pattern (SarahMaker) Sarah gives us a very thorough tutorial of how to make a cloth pleated face mask with elastic ear loops or fabric ties. Download this free printable Pleated Face Mask Pattern complete with opening for filter pocket and casings for drawstrings or elastic. To help community members “slow the spread” in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. In the picture above, I’ve marked this opening with pins. Env Med, Annals Occ Hygiene). Nose Wire. This is a pleated cloth face mask that can be made with either elastic loops or ties. The thin elastic ear loops are easy for kids to keep on. Each tie will be 18″ long. With a tiny bit of fabric and elastic, you can make a comfortable and stylish face mask. All 3 designs contain our updated written directions which include the option of adding a wire such as a paper clip along the nose area for a better fit." Pin one piece of elastic to each side of the mask, one end to the top corner and one end to the bottom corner of the fabric rectangle. Elastic lengths will vary based on head size. To do this, you can measure and mark with a water-soluble fabric pen. 1/8″ flat elastic for ear loops, or 4 fabric ties (you can use the same cotton fabric to make strips, use pre-made bias binding, or strips of cotton jersey), Cut 1 fabric rectangle 16″ long and 8.5″ wide (40.5 cm by 21.5 cm), Cut 2 pieces of elastic, each 7″ long (or up to 8″ for larger adult size) (18 cm – 20 cm), Cut 1 fabric rectangle 14″ long and 6.5″ wide (35.5 cm by 16.5 cm), Cut 2 pieces of elastic, each 6″ long (15 cm), Cut 1 fabric rectangle 15″ long and 7.5″ wide (38 cm by 19 cm), Cut 2 pieces of elastic, each 6.5″ long (16.5 cm). Her face mask pattern also includes instructions for using elastic, but as elastic is getting harder and harder to source right now, she came up with a great solution using knit fabric scraps that most of us already have in our sewing spaces. With fabric right sides together, pin pattern pieces to fabric or just trace cutting lines onto fabric. Here are some average lengths to start with for ear loops! I also wish that the pdf were available near to the top of this article so it is easier to find. The CDC explains that while homemade masks are not a substitute for social distancing, they are an important tool for protecting ourselves and others. The finished mask will then be worn by tying the fabric strips behind the head. The elastic earpieces are attached by just folding over, then sewing. Sew a face mask to help in the prevention of various diseases! Caroline’s new free 5-sized face mask pattern with adjustable ties HERE. The filter pocket allows the wearer to insert additional layers of filtration material if they so desire. Thanks for posting this pattern. Pattern Here: No Elastic Face Mask. Or save the pattern image below to your phone. Once you turn the mask right side out, the elastic will be on the outside. If you’re not using elastic (because it’s sold out everywhere!) To help the mask fit better around your nose, you can insert a length of flexible metal to the top inside of the mask, through the pocket insert opening before forming the pleats. Or, you can do what I did, and fold the mask in quarters – fold the sides to meet in the middle, and then fold again in half. There is also a pocket in this mask that you can use to insert a filter (such as a coffee filter) or an additional piece of cloth, etc. Can a filter pocket be added to a completed mask? The Olson Mask Pattern was designed by medical professionals to be used when other surgical and N95 masks are not available. Repeat this process on each side to make two ear loops. Lay fabric out on a flat surface. Three variations to make a face mask with elastic, how to make a face mask with ties, how to make a face mask with pocket for filter or shield. You should have a rectangle with an elastic strap on each side. And, it’s comfortable to wear since it keeps a bit of stretch. I prefer homemade face masks over disposable ones. https://www.fatquartershop.com/face-mask-with-elastic-free-pdf-pattern When the mask is worn, the pleats should open downwards to prevent any particles from collecting in the fold pockets. This child’s fitted face mask pattern is intended for ages 6-10 years.. We shared the adult version of this pattern a few months ago so if you are in need of a larger sized free mask pattern, refer to these two posts here: Over the last several months I have modified the original to include sizes for all ages, an optional filter pocket and a removable nose wire pocket.

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