Nieuw origineel. Fairchild 660/670 - Classic Tube Compressor. Er komt een Fairchild clone van Stam audio. Platinum Blonde. The Fairchild 660 and 670 vintage compressors are the most sought after and coveted compressors of all time. Capitalist pig update: i still have at least a dozen of the pre-changeover good clone 660 crankcases in stock shill, shill, shill Dave Definitive Dave, Dec 28, 2016 #7. stihl saws, Ethan Hamby, Stihl working Hard and 3 others like this. Je kan hem alleen maar bestellen via de site en maakt je 3300 euro armer. Afbeelding bestaande uit londen, fairchild, console - 91119198 Anamod AM660 is a recreation of the famous Fairchild 660 compressor using Anamod's proprietary "AnaMod™ process" to model the complex tube circuitry of the 660 in an API 500 series format (requires 500 series compatible power supply, i.e. I think I prefer the EAR on some vocals and bass than I do the Fairchild. The original high voltage PSU on the FAIRCHILD 660 and the 670 is also totally regulated and fixed, there is no need to use 4 valves to produce an adjustable regulated 240V power supply in the twenty-first century, it can easily be done with a few reliable discrete components and can also be programmed with a very nice and long slow start to avoid any stress on the valves, this … Modern Fire Chainer is a Fairchild 660 Compressor clone.. Power On/Off button; Input Gain control (1 dB steps, 0 to 20 dB) Threshold control (Variable, 0 to 30 dB) Time constant selector A decent plug-in emulation can now be considered pretty much a standard tool, and there are quite a few to choose from. StamChild SA-660. 3. * Input Gain control (1 dB steps, 0 to 20 dB). Mode Machines are developing a Fairchild 670 compressor clone. LA4 rough clone - improved audio path, high-speed opto compression mode - haven't finished it yet * Input Gain control (1 dB steps, 0 to 20 dB). Watch The Fairchild 660 and 670 vintage compressors are the most sought after and coveted compressors of all time. In great working condition. FSB660A-NL, FSB660A, FSB6714 Fairchild/ON Semiconductor van IC Components Electronics Distributor. Threshold control (Variable, 0 to 30 dB). Hatsubai's review "Fairchild clone" 4. The FAIRCHILD 660 or 670 allow a variable from .3 of a second to 25 seconds, conveniently available on the front panel in the form of a 6-position switch. * Threshold control (Variable, 0 to 30 dB). But the schematic is missing the details on what is inside the 9 pin metal can, which applies bias and pre-emphasis to the control circuit. Fairchild 660 rough clone - I built it by following half of the 670 schematic but substituting some tubes. Fairchild 660/670 . 1176LN Compressor clone is in progress... A12 (Sold out) All SCA kits now available! Joined: Dec 27, … The AT-101 is built using traditional point-to-point wiring methods and standard turret component mounts. According to Drip, the 670 is a 100% accurate reproduction of the original, with all … The AT-101 is a faithful recreation of the original Fairchild 670 stereo limiter. 4. Stam Audio creates zero compromise recording gear that is light on the wallet. Nieuw origineel. Started by Falk. The Fairchild 670 is the stereo version of perhaps the most lusted after piece of gear ever. The audio path and power supply are completely free from any printed circuit boards. Hotrod New OPE Member. At this point its easy to buy a bunch that were from the same batch and so there specs are very close. Variable release time. Recreations of vintage analog recording gear for your studio. size 2.32 MB Modern Fire Chainer is a Fairchild 660 Compressor clone. The stereo Fairchild 670 tops at least three lists: it’s undoubtedly the most expensive compressor in the world; at 30 kilograms it’s certainly the heaviest, and it is – most importantly – the undisputed king of variable-mu valve limiting. $135.00. Toch leuk dat ze het doen. The Faircomp Kit is designed with love as quality kit with our professional V-Case enclosure and a black anodized engraved front. I used the Russian version of the 6ba6 tube, the 6K4P. I have never used a Fairchild 660.. Classic Fairchild® 660 Compressor clone. Recommended uses: Bass tracks, Beats, Drums, Kick tracks, Synths . Can be used as a limiter or a compressor depending on the program material and personal preference. * Gain Reduction meter include. Each FC-670 Fair Comp is made entirely by hand with the same measurements as the original. western electric / RCA rare 1/4 " patch bay 4 fairchild 660- telephone station ? The FAIRCHILD 660 or 670 allow a variable from .3 of a second to 25 seconds, conveniently available on the front panel in the form of a 6-position switch. RFQ FSB660A-NL bij IC Components. Drip Electronics, maker of boutique PCBs for tube projects, released a PCB for a clone of the Fairchild 670 last month. 3758b9b5-045c … WSW 601-431 / WSW 601-432 Clone / inspired Limiter. Beatles compressor Anamod AM660 is a recreation of the famous Fairchild 660 compressor using Anamod's proprietary "AnaMod™ process" to model the complex tube circuitry of the 660 in an API 500 series format (requires 500 series compatible power supply, i.e. Modeled on the legendary Fairchild compressor, the PuigChild 660/670 includes the PuigChild 660 mono Fairchild plugin and PuigChild 670 stereo Fairchild plugin. A Fairchild 660 solid state tonal clone. 4. This one is a model of the famous Fairchild 660 compressor that was so famously used throughout recording studios during the whole vinyl era. Post Jun 09, 2013 #1 2013-06-09T17:45. Get deals with coupon and discount code! Don't wait. I just finished fairchild 660 clone. Learn More. Excellent même si le bouton de l'attaque n'agit pas vraiment sur le signal, ce compresseur sonne assez bien. 4. The Fairchild 670 and 660 are the most coveted vintage compressor/limiters in the world, with good reason. Low shelf freq selector (20, 30, 60, 100 CPS). The FAIRCHILD 660 or 670 allow a variable from .3 of a second to 25 seconds, conveniently available on the front panel in the form of a 6-position switch. Het signaal pad is het zelfde als het Drip Opto5 LA-2A 3 speed optical tube compressor. Er komt een Fairchild clone van Stam audio. The original Fairchild 660 quickly became a key weapon at Abbey studios finding its way into almost all Beatles recordings where virtually every single vocal, drums and guitar takes when through this vintage tube compressor. Second Instance -> Firechainer (also with medium reduction round 6 db). I have the user manual for the Fairchild 600, would be interested in making a clone for use with my record cutting lathe. 1,603 130. All-time bestsellers and new releases are in stock and ready to ship. RFQ RHRD660 bij IC Components. So you'll get a vocal sound, that sits in the deepest mix. Input Gain control (1 dB steps, 0 to 20 dB). For main- vox I use it in addition with the mono- version of "PeakCompressor" from "sinusweb" (a FREE- plugin what's a little bit like "renvox" from w****). StamChild SA-660. * Power On/Off switch. So I can't compare. BOMB FACTORY FAIRCHILD 660 MANUAL TRANSFER >> DOWNLOAD BOMB FACTORY FAIRCHILD 660 MANUAL TRANSFER >> READ ONLINE avid complete plug in bundle installer avid bf pultec bundle v4 focusrite d2 d3 crack mac avid plugins freebest avid plugins pro tools plug in bundles avid all plugins bundle avid complete plugin bundle review. 5. Antress made another powerful plugins bundle. Bomb Factory Plug-ins … The Fairchild 670 compressor is likely the most well-known and coveted recording device in existence, often considered to as good as it gets for audio compression. The AT-101 like the original Fairchild 670 has been assembled … By clicking Subscribe, I agree to the processing of my data in order to receive emails. Get the best deals for fairchild at Your purchases also help protect forests, including trees traditionally used to make instruments. Modern Apophis – Classic SSL® G384 Compressor clone. * Power On/Off button. The AT-101 like the original Fairchild 670 has been assembled completely by hand and uses high quality modern components. These guys know a thing or two about making hardware clones (x0xb0x for example is the best TB-303 clone on earth), so I expect this to be a great piece of gear: FairComp-670 Fairchild Compressor - MODE MACHINES RHRD660, RHRD660S9A, RHRG3060 Fairchild/ON Semiconductor van IC Components Electronics Distributor. Great, great, great!! … Certainly a pair of EAR's is considerably cheaper than a good Fairchild 670 in top condition.. Also much easier to maintain. 2 x 1950’s NOS Simpson model 47 VU meters for Gates SA-39b and Fairchild 660 670 clone limiter 500.00 1950’s milspec small VU meter for Langevin RCA tube preamp limiter projects Plus they are cheaper than a used american made 6ba6. The Amtec 099 Tube Limiting Amplifier offers the characteristic compression of the legendary Fairchild 660, but it’s not a direct clone: it’s based around an ingenuously laid-out set of valves, benefits from a slightly more modern approach, and boasts a host of additional features. ... * Classic Fairchild® 660 Compressor clone. Foto over De compressor-beperker van Fairchild in Studio 2 de controlekamer van ` s van Abbey Road Studios Portretwijze. Your purchases help youth music programs get the gear they need to make music. * Classic SSL® G384 Compressor clone. Modern Black Dragon – Classic Pultec ® EQP-1A Program Equalizer clone Once Geoff Emerick got ahold of one at Abbey Road, virtually all of the Beatles vocals from Revolver onward were run through a Fairchild 660. Waves PuigChild 660: Hatsubai 's user review « Fairchild clone » 4 Learn More. It was on a visit to Capitol Records’ American studios that EMI engineer Peter Bown heard the Fairchild in action, prompting the purchase of several units. Excellent items are almost entirely free from blemishes and other visual defects and have been played or used with the utmost care. The AT-101 is built using traditional point-to-point wiring methods and standard turret component mounts. These 20-tube tone titans — which now fetch upwards of $50,000 — impart an unmistakable silky warmth heard on hundreds of hit records from the Beatles and Pink Floyd to countless Motown classics. First instance -> PeakCompressr (with medium reduction round 6 db). ... * Classic Fairchild® 660 Compressor clone. From U2 to John Mayer, the dynamics processors modeled in the PuigChild 660/670 have found their way onto countless hit records. Modern Seventh Sign – Classic 1176LN ® Compressor clone. Whether in the form of a clone, a derivative, a software plug-in or a vintage original, the legacy of the Fairchild compressor/limiter continues to permeate music production. a "Lunch Box"). Analoguetube Ltd builds the most authentic versions of the legendary Fairchild compressors. * Power On/Off button. Free shipping for many products! Stam Audio creates zero compromise recording gear that is light on the wallet. The FAIRCHILD 660 or 670 allow a variable from .3 of a second to 25 seconds, conveniently available on the front panel in the form of a 6-position switch. These 20-tube tone titans — which now fetch upwards of $50,000 — impart an unmistakable silky warmth heard on hundreds of hit records from the Beatles and Pink Floyd to countless Motown classics. FOR SALE - San Francisco and Bay Area, CA - Mint condition Anamod 660 compressor. PayPal geaccepteerd. Fairchild's products included amplifiers, preamplifiers, and a control track generator to synchronize tape recorders. Fairchild Recording Equipment Corporation was founded by Sherman Fairchild in 1931 in Whitestone, NY.Fairchild started the company to augment his interests in photography and image projection. The 660 was designed to have a greater than 20dB headroom at input, while the 670’s hand-wired design includes 20 vacuum tubes, 13 transformers and two inductors within its 65-pound (29kg) chassis. $249.50. Bulk buy ms660 online from Chinese suppliers on The older Antress Modern VF-ME 670 is also worth checking out, it's on the net. This module is based on the "Holy Grail" of compressor/limiters, the Fairchild™ 670. Watch; New Listing Soho House, Los Angeles 22'x 15'x Artist Proof Print , Signed Fairchild Paris. Sounds amazing. Extremely fast attack time, the FAIRCHILD 660 or 670 can produce full limiting in the first 5.000th of a second. The audio path circuit is 100% accurate to the historical model. StamChild SA-660 – Mono Analog Tube Compressor $ 2,390.00 $ 1,890.00 Add to cart; See All Compressors; Equalizers. Fairchild 660 and 670 compressor recreations. Source high quality products in hundreds of … I bought 30 pcs, but the first eight I put in were a good match. or Best Offer +$30.00 shipping. bockaudio. Recreates every drop of character of the original Fairchild 660 originally developed in the US in the early ‘50s. I think I prefer the EAR on some vocals and bass than I do the Fairchild. PayPal geaccepteerd. In fact, I know a guy that has been trying to make his own Fairchild clone for years at the cost of almost $10,000USD and it’s still not finished! Thanks. … Manufacturer's information: Modern Lost Angel – Classic LA-2A ® Compressor clone. Loading link. 3. It is a very nice tube. Recreations of vintage analog recording gear for your studio. 4. The Fairchild 670 was base don the Fairchild 660, a mono tube limiter also designed by Rein Narma, with around 800 units produced. Can be used as a limiter or a compressor depending on the program material and personal preference. The VF-ME 670 performed as well, if not better than 2 660/670 commercial demos I recently evaluated. Download . Certainly a pair of EAR's is considerably cheaper than a good Fairchild 670 in top condition.. Also much easier to maintain. The Fairchild 660 was born… The 660’s justifiably superb reputation is largely the result of its well-publicised use in EMI’s Abbey Road Studios and, in particular, on Beatles sessions. I'd be happy with either. Lijkt me cool, maar ik denk dat ik maar een paar jaar wacht tot Behringer er een maakt voor 1200 euro die je zo in de winkel kan kopen. The Fairchild 660/670 compressor-limiter is arguably the most iconic of all dynamics processors. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Drip Electronics 670 Fairchild Compressor Clone at the best online prices at eBay! Always racked in a smoke free studio. * Thresh control (Threshold, +15 to -30 dB). As a hardware piece this is a rare bird—working vintage units, if you can find one, have been known to go for tens of thousands. Power On/Off button. The Stamchild 660 recreates every drop of character of the original Fairchild 660 originally developed in the US in the early ‘50s. I'd be happy with either. Can be used as a limiter or a compressor depending on the program material and personal preference. 2 Replies 190 Views / 0 January 28, 2021, 06:09:55 AM by dirty1_1garry: Rohde und Schwarz Begrenzungsverstärker ABR / U23. Narma built the first ten 660 units himself, on behalf of The Fairchild Recording Equipment Corporation. Waves has a package of old school plugins they made after very famous compressors out there. Recreates every drop of character of the original Fairchild 660 originally developed in the US in the early ‘50s. I have never used a Fairchild 660.. 2. The audio path and power supply are completely free from any printed circuit boards. Should to be realy good for vocal and beautiful strings or piano pad chords to increase fire and colors of sound. Brand New. The Fairchild 670 and 660 are the most coveted vintage compressor/limiters in the world, with good reason. Je kan hem alleen maar bestellen via de site en maakt je 3300 euro armer. Buy It Now. Free shipping. Audio Hardware: Analogue Tube unveils the AT-101, a faithful recreation of the original Fairchild 670 stereo limiter. Another Hairball / Mnats 1176 Rev D is complete. : Farmertec Holzfforma Blue Thunder G660 Gasoline Chain Saw Chainsaw 92CC with 3/8" .063" 25 Inch Guide Bar and 25 Inch 3/8" .063" 84DL Saw Chain : Garden & Outdoor Both the stereo 670 and its mono counterpart the Fairchild 660 use single push .. Get PuigChild 660 & 670 by Waves and learn how to use the plugin with Ableton Live, Logic, GarageBand, and FL Studio for free.. * Classic SSL® G384 Compressor clone. Drip Electronics 670 Fairchild Compressor Clone Custom Built Drip Electronics PCB V.1 Tat Parusha case Sowter and Hammond Transformers EH and JJ Tubes Mogami Wiring There are several important notes from the builders for the customer: "Zero" trimmer behind front panel does not adjust the meter zero. * Threshold control (Variable, 0 to 30 dB). * Time constant selector. 1,603 130. 16 KHz cut In/Out button. Launched in 1959, the single-channel 660 and stereo 670 quickly found favour with top recording studios. The Waves PuigChild 660/670 plug-in puts the sound of legendary producer Jack Joseph Puig's Fairchild compressor/limiter in your DAW. Please check the fields highlighted in red. The tube complement is exactly the same using a new generation 6386 remote cut-off triode developed to replace the original 50 year old tube types many of which were used in the Fairchild 670. The stereo Fairchild 670 tops at least three lists: it’s undoubtedly the most expensive compressor in the world; at 30 kilograms it’s certainly the heaviest, and it is – most importantly – the undisputed king of variable-mu valve limiting. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! Abbey Road purchased several Fairchild limiters following a visit to Capitol Records in America, where the 660 was heard in action by Abbey’s staff engineer Peter Bown. The Waves PuigChild 670 is a plug-in clone of Grammy Award-winning music engineer and producer Jack Joseph Puigs . Lijkt me cool, maar ik denk dat ik maar een paar jaar wacht tot Behringer er een maakt voor 1200 euro die je zo in de winkel kan … 06/15/2011. The first ten units were hand built by Rein himself, and the first unit went to Rudy Van Gelder who used it to cut lacquers for Blue Note Records and Vox Classical records. The "divine ratio" compressor limiter. The Fairchild Tube Limiter Plug-In Collection for UAD-2 and Apollo delivers the legendary 660 and 670 Fairchild tube limiters to your DAW with dead-on emulations — right down to the original hardware’s tube-driven gain control, compression curves, and tube amp and transformer sections. EQ In/Out button. Fairchild 670 Front-/Back & Case Kit is ideal for the poorman 660 /670 compressor DIY project or Drip Fairchild PCB. Drip Electronics 670 Fairchild Compressor Clone Custom BuiltDrip Electronics PCB V.1 Tat Parusha caseSowter and Hammond Transformers EH and JJ TubesMogami WiringThere are several important notes from the builders for the customer:"Zero" trimmer behind front panel does not adjust the meter zero. Distinction between Fairchild 660 and 670 Distinction between Fairchild 660 and 670. bockaudio. * Power On/Off switch. Author Topic: ADL Fairchild 670 clone (Read 2637 times) RMoore. So I can't compare. Modern Fire Chainer – Classic Fairchild ® 660 Compressor clone. The Fairchild 660/670 (mono/stereo versions) combine the more full-featured layout and flexible Attack & Release times of the 1176 with the tube warmth of the LA-2A for a really special quality. Write a user review Ask for a user review. Reliability and stability 6. The FC-670 Fair Comp is a very complex Fairchild 670 clone with 20 tubes and 8 transformers, completely made by hand in Germany. ... Classic Pultec® EQP-1A Program Equalizer clone. With a faithful reproduction of each control, this is an incredibly accurate model that captures every nuance of one of the best Fairchild units available, one considered a true "golden reference". 5. Oops, looks like you forgot something. Input Gain control (1 dB steps, 0 to 20 dB), Attack time (0.2, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 0.4, 0.2 ms), Release time (0.3, 0.8, 2, 5 secs, auto 1, auto 2), Output Gain control (0.5 dB steps, 0 to 20 dB).

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