i don't know if muscle spasm is the best way to describe it, it almost feels like gas bubbles passing through your intestine but it is in the exact same spot over and over. I have started feeling like my body was "vibrating" - not spasms, or jerking - like there is a vibrator in my body. Do rest your hand when you can put an ice pack (or a bag of frozen peas) in a towel and place it on the back of your hand for up to 20 minutes every 2 to 3 hours take paracetamol to ease the pain take off any jewellery if your hand is swollen You can also experience a burning sensation on the skin that feels like sunburn, or the skin feels like sunburn but isn’t, or skin feels hot but no fever. They started when I was about 19 (I'm 39 now, male) playing football (soccer), as I was kicking the ball very high, I lifted my right leg to about eye level and felt sharp pain at the base of the spine on the right hand side where it joins to the pelvis. In the same area on my chest I have a sensitive area as well. The median nerve can be irritated in the carpal tunnel at the wrist or at its origin in the cervical spine. OK, so this afternoon, I was just sitting on a bench watching my neices and nephews play, and it suddenly felt like someone was touching my back on the lower right side. It feels like I was kicked hard by someone with the heal of their shoe. The Joy of My Life.” Hand feels like its burning up. As I type this, my left leg feels moderately uncomfortable - probably a … 3. I am waiting to hear back. When If I find out what it is I will post it on this thread. But not everyone gets an allergic reaction to poison ivy. It feels like someone is pressing on my windpipe and I have to constantly manoever my head to release the strangling sensation. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. It feels like gas, but no pain even if I press my back. It is like it startles me up. I am visiting my daughter in Guam. I turned and no one was there, and it kept happening. I have a 5 year old Renault Clio. This has been going on for 2 days and when I take low dose aspirin it goes away. Mostly happens when I am sleeping or relaxed - it will wake me up, but has happened once when standing. I was stung by the bonnie bee on my right hand. You say 'it feels like my wrist is going to break when I bend it backwards'. Pain that feels like ‘an electric shock’ Pain that feels like a ‘sunburn that won’t go away’ Pain that feels like ‘hot needles’ Pain that feels like ‘metal filings under my skin’ Pain that feels like ‘sharp needles traveling through the back‘ Patient experiences. Any idea of what the problem is and whether it is very expensive to sort out. Dizziness like a cigarette ash being put out on my body here and there, panic attack anxiety i am 17 years old female with a burning sensation in my entire abdominal area skin in upper thigh feels like on fire & a worm crawling under skin now too Burning skin It's very sensitive. The lump on your hand could be a few things, including: A ganglion cyst is a swelling filled with fluid that forms around your joints or tendons. I have no lumps or bumpsl I used to have it all the time up until they got my Levo dosage right, then it went away. Bits of skin peeling off. My left arm feels weird and tingly, and like a rush of hot blood inside up and down, but it doesn't hurt, per se, rather just feels odd and uncomfortable. Feel it most in the back, but everywhere else too. My left hand feels like it has stickers inside and my stomach hurts and my back itches - Answered by a verified Doctor We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. I have what feels like muscle spasms in my lower back on the right hand side of my body. I used to have pain in my wrist when I used it to get up off the floor, etc. What Lhermitte’s sign feels like Lhermitte’s sign mainly results in an electric sensation that travels down your neck and back. I have a patch on my upper back (about 5 inches down and 2 across), just to the left of my spine, that feels like a sunburn but isn't.
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