1 Fences Act I Comprehension Questions Name _____ Act I, Scene i (p. 1-20) 1. Like Troy she, too, has felt stuck but worked hard to "erase the doubt that you wasn't the finest man in the world." Salarino: Your mind is tossing on the ocean; There, where your argosies with portly sail, Like signiors and rich burghers on the flood, Or, as it were, the pageants of the sea, Do overpeer the petty traffickers, That curtsy to them, do them reverence, As they fly by them … What … In Course Hero. As Cory Runs Out Of The House, Late For A Game, What Does Rose Say To Him? 2) On page 62, what is Bono warning Troy about? To Troy baseball is pure; playing by its rules he was able to shine, at least for a time. He will have to find his own path to manhood. 4. Next to your response, please cite the page number where you found the answer. 14 thoughts on “Fences: Act 1, Scenes 2-3 Question Option #1” Anonymous says: November 16, 2014 at 5:09 pm. He mentions responsibility repeatedly when talking to his children, lectures Bono about it, and respects that his father, at least, recognized his own responsibility. His refusal to support Cory's dream ensures that their relationship will end disastrously. The play examines the life of a former Negro League baseball player and current garbage man, Troy Maxson, who seeks fairness and equity in … While in prison Troy met Bono and learned how to play baseball, which changed his life. Leaving home at 14, Troy was alone in the city, with no education and only farm skills, so he stole to survive. In Fences why does Troy react so angrily when Rose says, "You take"? 2. Neither Cory nor Troy recognize (or admit) what Lyons has recognized: "He's just busting at the seams trying to fill out your shoes." As Troy says, there's nothing inside anybody would want. "Fences Study Guide." Fences Act 1, Scene 1. Trivia Quiz quiz which has been attempted 3106 times by avid quiz takers. He did not have to take on all the responsibility by himself, and together they would have found a way. Situational irony is an occurrence that is the opposite of what is expected or appropriate; Troy signing Gabriel's papers instead of Cory's fits the bill. But the situational irony doesn't end there. Print; Share; Edit; Delete; Host a game. Play this game to review Literature. As Troy says, there's nothing inside anybody would want. Why does Troy use baseball imagery to describe Cory's disrespect in Fences? Cory thinks his father can't stand the idea of his own son surpassing him. He believes that African Americans would be better off spending their money more wisely. Fences Act 1 DRAFT. Live Game Live. Ironically, despite the anger he feels at his father, Cory is still trying to earn his father's approval. 24 Feb. 2021. What does Troy tell Rose happened at work? What purpose does this ritual serve? DIRECTIONS: Answer all questions using complete sentences. What can you infer Bono suspects … About what is Troy complaining in regard to his work? Fences is a play written by August Wilson in 1983. English. Website by Harsh Kumar Fences quizzes about important details and events in every section of the book. On p. 62, what is Bono warning Troy about? Troy understands this to mean she thinks he doesn't give. Start studying fences act 1 scene 2. That is his responsibility. I'll get a chance ... " Cory may be right in thinking that his father's refusal to let him play football comes from a place of fear, but whether Troy fears Cory's success or his failure is unclear. Fences: Act II Comprehension Questions Scene ii 10) On page 76, what happens to Troy? What Troy can't seem to understand is that through football Cory could do very well: "This way I'll be going to college. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. For one, Troy has long objected to putting Gabriel in an institution. What does Rose think should be done about him? 0. What effect does the use of vernacular dialect have in the first scene? Mortality .
. What Does Rose Say In … Free ICSE, NCERT & CBSE solutions for classes 1 to 12. Course Hero. How long have Troy and Bono been friends? Fences Study Guide. Played 76 times. In Fences, Act 1, Scene 2, why is Troy against "playing the numbers"? Course Hero, "Fences Study Guide," November 28, 2016, accessed February 24, 2021, https://www.coursehero.com/lit/Fences/. Performance & security by Cloudflare, Please complete the security check to access. Scene 1. Although his idea is shortsighted, he does want better things for Cory. Course Hero. How Does Cory Respond To His Mother As He Leaves The House, Hurrying Because He Is Late For The Game? Why is Rose in the yard? She sings a song asking Jesus to protect her like a fence… Scene 3, - When he hears Rose saying he does not handle his responsibility, he loses control. Upload them to earn free Course Hero access! Troy complains about the feeling of stagnation that he has been feeling. 3) Gabriel was arrested for "disturbing the peace" If you choose, … Fences Questions and Answers. They both see the purpose of the fence as keeping people out. Troy says he is protecting his son: "The white man ain't gonna let you get nowhere with that football noway." The signing of papers is a sore point in the play. Cory intervened to stop Troy from threatening Rose, but his action heightens the tension in the play. Merchant of Venice Workbook Questions and Answers – ICSE Class 10 & 9 English Merchant of Venice is one of the most famous Shakespearean dramas. November 28, 2016. Some old beat-up chairs sit on … After Troy confesses to having an affair in Act 2, Scene 1, Rose says "You take and don't even know nobody's giving!" Scene 1, - Even to his abusive father he gives credit for being responsible if nothing else. Act 1: Scene 3. In Fences, Act 2, Scene 1, what is the significance of Bono explaining Rose's desire for the fence? Unfortunately, Troy sees Cory's pursuit of football as an attempt to follow his own failed path. Rose's line, "You should have stayed in my bed," is her way of telling Troy he could have found release at home. 3. "Fences Study Guide." This quiz is incomplete! Act 3 Close Reading Activity (focuses on 3.5.1-36, with all the imagery of light and darkness - a crucial dichotomy and thematic trope and motif that runs through the play) MODEL ANSWERS for all the questions + activities as well as a teacher’s guide and further in-depth analysis and commentary of the relevant aspects of Act 1, Scene 1 of Macbeth Act I. Copyright © 2016. Course Hero. At the same time he feels suffocated by the house and those inside it. Lyons enters from the street, knocks on the door, and calls for Rose. Troy and Bono enter the yard, engaged in conversation. We're told that we're in the Maxson family's yard. To link to this page, copy the following code to your site: Scene 2, - Why do you think he cares? This is an example of situational irony for a couple of reasons. How does Troy disagree? • In Fences, Act 2, Scene 1, how does Troy's justification for his extramarital affair show his selfishness? Finish Editing. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. Course Hero. Question: English Composition I Fences Study Questions Act 1, Scene 4 1. To … Try this amazing Fences Play By August Wilson! 2. But he loves and respects Rose. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. He uses it to describe his feelings many times in the play. Towards the end of scene 3, Troy acts very aggressively and somewhat abusively towards his son, Cory. Fences: Act 1: Scene 2 Summary & Analysis Next. "Let him be free," he says in Act 2, Scene 1. Troy calls strike two on his son after Cory hits his father. 2. What is their relationship like? Themes and Colors Key LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in Fences, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work. Cloudflare Ray ID: 626916dddbe32c4a In Fences, Act 2, Scene 1, what fundamental difference in the way Troy and Rose view family is revealed during Troy's confession? Guided Reading: Fences Act 1, scene 2 English 12. In cheating on Rose and threatening Cory twice, Troy has already struck out. It taught him about fair play and became a source of pride. By August Wilson. Act Two: Scene Five; Study Questions; Suggestions for Further Reading; Writing Help. Troy is ready and waiting to repair the roof if it leaks, but he cannot see the damage that his near complete focus on responsibility does to his family. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. In Fences, Act 2, Scene 1, what is the significance of Bono explaining Rose's desire for the fence? Edit. Your IP: 9th - 12th grade . Vocabulary: Soliloquy – A speech given by a character alone on stage that reveals his/her inner most thoughts and emotions. LESSON 8: Closely Looking at Conflicts in Fences, Act 1 Scene 4, to Analyze Character DevelopmentLESSON 9: Using SWBT to Reveal Characters' Reasons for Their Actions in Fences, Act 2 Scene 1LESSON 10: Analyzing the Role of Death in Fences Act 2, Scene 2-3LESSON 11: Analyzing Death as a Theme and Character in Fences, Act 2 Scene 4-5 Which character thinks of fences the first way? We tried our best to provide good and authentic answers to Merchant of Venice Workbook. What do you think this play is going to be about? Homework. In typical August Wilson fashion, the play begins with a whole bunch of stage directions. Act 1, Scene 1. With Alberta, Troy claims he can forget about his responsibility and explore a side of himself that he otherwise suppresses. - Fences study guide - Act II:2 . 28 Nov. 2016. In Fences why does Cory believe his father is holding him back by not meeting with the college football recruiter? To play this quiz, please finish editing it. In Fences, we can see Troy as a tragic figure, a hero, and a villain. Math; Algebra; Calculus; Math Worksheets; Language Arts; Science; Social Studies; Languages; Facts; Quizzes; Flashcards; Timelines; Login; 6th and 7th Grade; 8th Grade; High School; Notes; Formulas; Examples; Literature ; Literature … Troy uses the baseball terminology because the sport is the one thing he truly loves. Rose tells him to come inside and put the money on the table. Rose hangs laundry in the yard on Saturday morning. He says Rose wants the fence to keep her family together because, "she loves you." English II – Mrs. Aston Essays Directions: Select ONE of the following prompts and write a well-constructed essay that thoroughly addresses the writing prompt.. 1. Fences, Act I - Scene I Lyrics. August Wilson’s written introduction to the first scene informs us that the play takes place in 1957, and that Troy is fifty-three years old. Toggle navigation. Troy and Cory are angry at each other but are united in their agreement that there's no need for the fence. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. What is she singing about? He truly respects the game. When Rose brings up a neighbor who won big and … Bono risks angering Troy by stating what should be painfully obvious. Practice. 0. Retrieved February 24, 2021, from https://www.coursehero.com/lit/Fences/. Fences Act 1 Scenes 2 and 3 Summary - Fences by August Wilson Act 1 Scenes 2 and 3 Summary and Analysis. How about the second way? Yet Troy still worships the rules of the game, and baseball influences his thinking and behavior. What does Troy’s behavior at work say about him as a person? By August Wilson. Blackness and Race Relations. What racial issue does Troy bring up to his boss at work? 76% average accuracy. Have study documents to share about Fences? This accusation cuts at Troy's pride. Topics. The Question and Answer section for Fences is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. There's a wooden porch that needs to be painted really badly. He establishes himself as a man as he asserts his … By reminding Troy of Rose's love, Bono is pushing his friend to admit to the affair with Alberta. Bono says, "Some people build fences ... to keep people in." Troy eloquently describes his own motivations, but his inability to see or consider Rose's experiences reveals his selfishness. (p. 61) 2. At the end of Act 1, Scene 4 Troy says Cory has earned his first strike, and Troy warns him not to strike out. Fences Study Questions. He says to Troy, "You just scared I'm gonna be better than you, that's all." Family, Duty, and Betrayal. Like Lyons, Cory is his own person and cannot be his father. Rose calls from inside the house, telling Lyons to stop yelling – she's just gotten Raynell to sleep. LESSON 8: Closely Looking at Conflicts in Fences, Act 1 Scene 4, to Analyze Character DevelopmentLESSON 9: Using SWBT to Reveal Characters' Reasons for Their Actions in Fences, Act 2 Scene 1LESSON 10: Analyzing the Role of Death in Fences Act 2, Scene 2-3LESSON 11: Analyzing Death as a Theme and Character in Fences, Act 2 Scene 4-5 What do Troy and Bono do on Friday nights? Lyons says he's come by to pay Troy back the twenty dollars he owes him. Solo Practice. Rose tells Troy: "...Alberta had the baby...it's a girl...Alberta died during childbirth" Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. They both see the purpose of the fence as keeping people out. When baseball ultimately held him back, Troy was devastated. This quiz is incomplete! At the end of Act 1, Scene 4 Troy and Cory have suffered a major breakdown in their relationship. How to Write Literary Analysis; Suggested Essay Topics ; How to Cite This SparkNote; Teacher's Handbook; Further Study Act One: Scene Two Quiz Further Study Act One: Scene Two Quiz. Get the eBook on Amazon to study offline. 2. It is 1957. • Fences Summary Fences Act 1 Scene 1 Quiz Fences Act 1 Scenes 2 and 3 Quiz Fences Act 1 Scene 4 Quiz Fences Act 2 Scene 1 Quiz Fences Act 2 Scenes 2 and 4 Quiz Fences Act 2 Scene 5 Quiz Fences Quotes Fences Important Characters All Quizzes . What unintentional benefit does Troy receive from having his brother hospitalized? In Fences how is situational irony created by the fact that Troy signs the papers that send Gabriel to a home? Summarize the background information by giving the place, time, and historical atmosphere. Cory and Rose are a package deal, as Rose herself says: "Maybe you want to wish me and my boy away?" […] asked the bosses why the colored men have to lift the rubbish cans while the white men drive the truck. Act 1 Scene 1 Questions and Answers Question 1 : Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. When Troy warns Cory to stay away from him, the question isn't if Cory will strike out, but when. Is Troy cheating on his wife? Troy and Cory are angry at each other but are united in their agreement that there's no need for the fence. Delete Quiz. She has been right next to him and doing all she can to provide for him in whatever way he needs. Start studying Fences: Act 2, Scenes 1 + 2. 1. By this time, however, Lyons and his mother had moved away, and Troy was unable to play a role in his son's life. Why do you think he … While Rose enjoys taking a small risk by playing the numbers, an illegal lottery common in many poor neighborhoods, Troy views it as irresponsible and a waste of money. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. When Troy came out he was ready to walk the straight and narrow. Troy's ideas about family begin and end with responsibility. He ultimately gets Troy to take action. -----1. In Act 1, Scene 4, What Are Troy And Bono Celebrating When They Come Home? Please enable Cookies and reload the page. If Troy had consented, he would have removed a barrier to Cory's future success. When you’re writing the examination Paper, always quote the keywords and phrases, as much as possible. Share practice link. 9 months ago. What is the … Scene 4, - Previous Post Fences: Act 1, Scenes 2-3 Question Option #2 Next Post Fences End OPTION A: ROSE. 4. Rose has a more expansive idea of family—one that includes not just responsibility but togetherness—symbolized by the fence. by strasburger. Get Free Workbook solutions along with free notes and much more!! He … Play. This strike call comes after Cory accuses his father of wanting Cory to fail. When Cory swings he is awkward and less sure than Troy. What kind of a man is he? But he does not consider Rose. At the end of Fences, Act 2, Scene 1, what is the impact of Troy's calling strike two on Cory? The very thing she tried to do to feel closer to Troy—gain intimacy "upstairs in that room" to suppress her doubts—is the thing he threw away. What is revealed in Troy’s soliloquy at the end of the scene? Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. Accessed February 24, 2021. https://www.coursehero.com/lit/Fences/. Fences: Act II Comprehension Questions Scene i 3) What happened to Gabriel? Scene 5. 10) On page 76, Troy finds out he's a father to a little girl & that Alberta died during childbirth. What do you think Bono means when he says “Some people build fences to keep people out and other people build fences to keep people in”? Troy signs some papers that result in Gabriel's being committed to a home. Previous Next . Fences Act 2, Scene 4. If you are reading the play and would like a structured sheet for students to complete, this is a great resource fo Act 1, Scene 2.First Page: Entrance Slip that asks students to characterize Troy Maxson through prompting questions. What does Bono fear will happen to Troy? Just as the relationship between Rose and Troy is forever damaged, the father-son relationship is on the verge of collapse, too. 3. ... Act Two: Scene Five; Study Questions; Suggestions for Further Reading; Writing Help. Web. This was my first time ever getting to perform a piece from "Fences" by August Wilson. He believes that it is a man's ultimate responsibility to take care of his family. (2016, November 28). Course Hero, Inc. As a reminder, you may only use Course Hero content for your own personal use and may not copy, distribute, or otherwise exploit it for any other purpose. Ironically, the papers Troy does end up signing have the opposite effect: placing a barrier around his brother. Cory will again follow in his father's footsteps and strike out as well, breaking apart the family once and for all. Act 2, Scene 4. Save. Having a conversation, he and Bono enter the yard outside Troy’s house. Also explore over 6 similar quizzes in this category. Fences Questions and Answers - Discover the eNotes.com community of teachers, mentors and students just like you that can answer any question you might have on Fences Summary Analysis The second scene … 1 of 5. Fences Act II Comprehension Questions (30 pts) Name _____ Act II, Scene i (p. 59-72) 1. Fences In-class essay Name _____ Period _____. In Fences how does the beginning of Act 2, Scene 1, which finds Cory swinging a bat at the ball hanging from the tree, create dramatic irony? Previous Next . Troy feels he is slaving away in an unfulfilling job for one reason—to take care of his family. Troy's apparent willingness to sign Gabriel's institutionalization papers contrasts with his unwillingness to sign Cory's recruitment papers. He believes Troy should graduate from high school and work his way up at the grocery store or learn a trade. Edit. In his explanation of the affair, Troy says meeting Alberta made him want more after staying in the same place ("on first base") for so long. Why? Page 1 Page 2 Summary. Their ancient brick house is set off of an alley in a city neighborhood. Since the beginning of the play, Troy has avoided meeting with the college recruiter and signing the papers so that Cory could play college football. Manhood and Fathers. During a robbery a man shot Troy, which led Troy to stab him to death. Practicality, Idealism, and Race. How to Write Literary Analysis; Suggested Essay Topics ; How to Cite This SparkNote; Teacher's Handbook; Summary Act One: Scene Two Summary Act One: Scene Two. In Fences how does Troy's time in prison affect him? When Cory gets out of line, Troy is determined to keep him respectful and uses baseball terminology to warn Cory that he is on watch.
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