Flush the toilet before cleaning. Watch out a white rabbit will come out. All you need to do to keep your bowl clean is to drop a magic sponge (aka Magic Eraser) in the tank. What does it do? Cotton swabs, Band-Aids, and tampons are three such items. But guess what? Unfortunately, there’s not much basis to the theory. he also tells you the things that you really need a professional for. Do you think it will clog in the future? Then, get a mirror and check under the rim to be sure that's all clean and the holes are not clogged. Have you tried a magic eraser on the stains? Remember, the power is in the scrubbing action. here is a link to his website, on there is a link to the book. He-he. In fact, I’ll tell you the correct way to dispose of each item. Then, when you’ve finished scrubbing, flush to whisk away the mess. In the morning you will find that most of the toilet bowl stains will be removed. Will it eventually disintegrate? Instead, Brashear suggests a once-a-week deep clean with either a toilet bowl cleaner or antibacterial cleaner, a toilet brush, and rubber gloves. Check them at least once a month. Get your answers by asking now. I was cleaning my bathroom, and I think i accidentally flushed the cleaning rag down the toilet along with the bleach water. Since the eraser’s magic comes from its tiny microfibers which lift stains away, this tactic is useless—you do still have to scrub! And to keep your toilet clean? Rather than a makeshift toilet filter, Brashear recommends using the Magic Eraser how it’s intended: to tackle dirt in your home, from everyday messes like spilled tomato sauce on your stovetop to impossible-to-clean soap scum, scuff marks, or crayon on your walls. One of those fails includes dropping the eraser in the toilet bowl to clean it. The internet is full of Magic Eraser fails from users. Flushing an item down the toilet is a frustrating, worrisome, and all too common accident. Let it float, it doesn’t need to be submerged. Joking aside if it hasn't clogged already it probably won't. Do you think it will clog in the future? I've flushed twice since then with no problems, but I'm worried it might become clogged and cause a world of problems. Center the handle above the top disk and press straight down to attach. Magic Erasers can be, well, magic. Pour 1/4 cup of Borax into the toilet bowl and swish it around with a toilet brush. Morgan Brashear, Scientific Communications Manager at Procter & Gamble, says while the Magic Eraser is a great solution for cleaning dirt around the toilet bowl and the exterior of the toilet, it won’t actually prevent unsightly stains and rings inside of it. Use with Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Toilet Scrubber Wand, Model #240279. The Magic Eraser does not dissolve. Do not flush used magic eraser disks down the toilet. To deep clean the inside of the toilet, use your cleaner and toilet brush to scrub the mess away. I want to share my experience with a … Toilet Cleaner. Magic eraser combined with febreze freshness Do not flush used magic eraser disks down the toilet Includes (4 packs of 10 = 40 total) Cleans toilets easily Use with mr. clean magic eraser toilet scrubber wand, model #240279 I agree with them, but it is also true that a pregnant woman is not the main cause for this reason. Since the eraser’s magic comes from its tiny microfibres which lift stains away, this tactic is useless – you do still have to scrub! any way this author has had like 20+ years of experience and he tells you how to identify problems, and take care of them your self. How to Retrieve an Item That Was Flushed Down a Toilet. To use, simply cut a small piece of your Magic Eraser from the scrub pad and place it in the bowl overnight. To clean a toilet with Coke, pour 1-2 cups of Coke into a glass, and bring the glass into the bathroom. When done, flush the toilet and eject the Magic Eraser disk by holding over the trash and pull on the trigger to release. The internet is full of Magic Eraser fails from users. Simply use a magic eraser to….erase the stains! “At best, the Magic Eraser might act as an additional filter in the tank of your toilet, but there aren’t any cleaning chemicals inside the Eraser to be dispersed into the water as you flush.”. Dear Help! — seven4eleven Get it from Amazon for $6.99 (for a four-pack). Try using a plunger to unclog your toilet. Or should I get some draino? How to Get Rid of Blue Stain on Toilet Seat [4 Success Methods] Kitchn is a source of inspiration for a happier, healthier life in your kitchen. Got a tip, kitchen tour, or other story our readers should see? So get down and around the whole surface area of the toilet with your Magic Eraser. “Regular cleaning will help keep the germs at bay and will prevent grime and hard water stains from building up, making them more difficult to remove,” she says. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. if it is rubber i don't think it will dissolve. Finish by scrubbing the bowl with a toilet brush to remove the stains. Morgan Brashear, Scientific Communications Manager at Procter & Gamble, says while the Magic Eraser is a great solution for cleaning dirt around the toilet bowl and the exterior of the toilet, it won’t actually prevent unsightly stains and rings inside of it. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? so good luck,, but i would suggest for future drain problems to check out this book, its on like amazon or something like that. First of all, the Magic Eraser doesn’t actually contain any cleaning ingredients (unless it’s specifically labeled as “Magic Eraser with Dawn” or “Magic … Unfortunately, since your Magic Eraser floats, you can’t flush it. Scrub the drain well with your Magic Eraser and watch the gross colors disappear. Coke? Now find out which things you should never flush down the toilet. She lives in the Minneapolis suburbs with her husband and two young sons. Just as importantly: “Always read the instructions on your cleaner of choice to make sure you’re using it correctly to get the result you’re after,” Brashear says. Fill the whole bowl with Coke. Magic Eraser combined with Febreze freshness. When you’ve finished cleaning, flush the toilet to whisk away the dirty mess and reveal a bright, shining toilet! It might take a few goes but it can definitely help. The downside to this cleaning hack is that you have to fish out the Magic Eraser as you cannot flush it. Ashley Abramson is a writer-mom hybrid in Minneapolis, MN. Need a little extra elbow grease in the bathroom? “What people might not realize is that the Magic Eraser provides a mechanical clean, meaning there is no added chemistry in the Original and Extra Durable Erasers,” she says. They can do quite a good job and won’t damage your toilet. Or mayge a brown trout. If you can't unclog it yourself you will have to call a plumber to do it for you. First of all, the Magic Eraser doesn’t actually contain any cleaning ingredients (unless it’s specifically labeled as “Magic Eraser with Dawn” or “Magic Eraser with Gain,” which are meant for kitchen messes and soap scum, respectively). What? Fill it right to the top so that underside you talk about is covered in Coke. so good luck,, but i would suggest for future drain problems to check out this book, its on like amazon or something like that. if it is rubber i don't think it will dissolve. Magic Erasers tend to disintegrate as they're being applied to those stubborn stains, so when you're done you have a spot-free wall and a pile of melamine crumbs on the carpet. That said, I want to explain 10 really, truly, awful things that you may be flushing down the toilet that should never be flushed. Call Roto- Router and they'll reterive it for you. For instance, one tip promises to keep your toilet bowl sparkling clean with no effort—by putting a Magic Eraser in the tank. Flushed a Magic Eraser Down the Toilet?I flushed a used Magic Eraser in the toilet, but it flushed fine. So many people think that toilet seat blue stains occur only for pregnant women. Turn off water to toilet, give another flush to drain tank. he also tells you the things that you really need a professional for. Clean the bowl by scrubbing the inside surface of the toilet. Still have questions? Magic Erasers cost about $1 each, which doesn't sound terrible until you use one and realize that its total productive lifespan is about 10 minutes. Use a Magic Eraser. But before you get cleaning, here are 10 things you should avoid when using a Magic Eraser. Toilet Bowls. To Clean: Open pouch of Mr. Clean Magic Eraser cleaning disks and load in the base of the caddy with colored hook and loop side of the disk facing up. That way, you will clean your bowl every time you flush. Her work, mostly focused on health, psychology, and parenting, has been featured in the Washington Post, New York Times, Allure, and more. Fish it out before flushing the toilet. Flushed a Magic Eraser Down the Toilet?I flushed a used Magic Eraser in the toilet, but it flushed fine. Grab some gloves and use a Magic Eraser to go to town on toilet bowl stains. Flushed a sponge down the toilet If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. Are there any house that the white wire is the hot wire? any way i loved the book personally it saved me a bunch of $ over the years . There are a few common personal items we flush down the toilet daily that we really need to think twice about. any way this author has had like 20+ years of experience and he tells you how to identify problems, and take care of them your self. It is possible with the Magic Eraser. Unfortunately, as annoying as they are, there may be no simple “hack” to keep dirt and rings at bay. For Tiger Woods, golf is secondary at this point, Judd makes 22-hour trek home after shattering leg, COVID pushes some with eating disorders to get help, 'The devil is already here': Calif. strain sparks concern, Gerard Depardieu charged with rape, sex assault in Paris, Official on Woods: He's 'very fortunate' to be alive, Poll: Partisan divide over vaccine acceptance grows, Palace: Prince Philip has infection, will stay in hospital, State tax changes could mean bigger refunds for some, Obama, Mickelson wish Tiger well after crash. The toilet is in a basement where the pipes don't have many curves or drop offs prior to the sewer. The internet is full of cleaning hacks, some more reliable than others. Do they sell portable heaters that don't require electricity ? good luck!! Or try to use a coat hanger? When cleaning the outside of the toilet, pay special attention to the nooks and crannies, like the hinges of the toilet seat or the bottom of the bowl, where dirt can more easily get trapped. I use white vinegar and a magic eraser to clean the toilet. Let it sit for a few hours. One of those fails includes dropping the eraser in the toilet bowl to clean it. You may have to register before you … Add 1 cup of vinegar and allow the mixture to sit in the bowl for about 20 minutes. Then, once it's empty, you can clean it. Just cut a piece of this legendary cleaner and drop it into the toilet bowl. Use Coca Cola. To prevent the occurrence of new toilet rings, you can put a piece of this product into the toilet tank. Try making toilet cleaning bombs with just a few ingredients. Banana Pudding too Firm and Thick?I have been following the recipe on the Nilla waffer box and my pudding doesn't stay creamy once cooled. I used to have to use heavy-duty cleaner but just a quick wipe down with the Magic Eraser and it's good as new!" Do this regularly to keep your toilet fresh and clean. We independently select these products—if you buy from one of our links, we may earn a commission. Tiny cotton balls seem harmless but have been known to build up in bends of piping, ultimately creating a blockage. It becomes thick like a cheese cake. Yep – you have probably seen what it does to rust. Place the cleaning head in … Let it stay there overnight and then fish it out in the morning. Rumor has it, the cleaning ingredient contained inside the melamine foam gets released into the water, which winds up cleaning the toilet bowl automatically whenever you flush. Do not believe that Pinterest myth of floating a piece of Magic Eraser in your toilet bowl. Is being in a room with holes in the ceiling with some exposed insulation safe. : In (a recent) column, a local toilet cleaning expert recommended using a pumice stone for rusty toilets. the Magic Eraser provides a mechanical clean. Yes, this needs to be removed manually because it floats and hence not possible to flush. Let the soda sit in the toilet for at least an hour to break down the stains, and then flush the toilet to wash away the stains with the Coke. How do you remove toilet bowl stains without scrubbing? Does anybody know of a standby generator (turns on automatically with power outage) that can run a freezer and sump pump? Flush the toilet, making sure the tank doesn't fill up, and flush again to get rid of the water in the toilet. Some users even recommend cutting a piece off and letting it dissolve the bowl to … Using Liquid Plumbr and Hot Water?Why do you pour hot water down the drain 20-60 minutes after you pour Liquid Plumbr into your drain? Do not flush the used magic eraser disk down the toilet. Kit includes: 1 toilet scrubber handle, 1 storage and refill caddy and 6 …

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