Graphene 360+ Instinct S - 129,95 € - HEAD - Instinct - Raquettes de tennis - Raquette de compétition - bleu_clair - 2. Tennisschläger Head Graphene 360+ Instinct S bringt leicht fortgechrittenen Spielern und Junioren eine Kombination von erstaunlicher Kraft, Spin und perfektem Komfort. We won't be beaten on price. Model: Reket za tenis HEAD Graphene 360 Instinct S. Share: Opis; Recenzije (0) INSTINCT S nudi istu snagu bez napora kao i njegov veći brat, ali je lakši i stoga lakši za rukovanje. / 645 … HEAD Graphene 360 Instinct S Tennis Racquet Make sure this fits by entering your model number. Head est actuellement en train de remettre à jour l’intégralité de sa gamme avec la technologie Graphene 360. De HEAD Graphene 360+ Instinct S is afkomstig uit de Instinct collectie van HEAD. This lighter weight S model makes for easier handling. Click the button below or email to contribute your experiences with this product. Mit dem HEAD Graphene 360 Instinct S fühlst Du Dich ab dem ersten Schlag richtig wohl. La nouvelle Head Graphene 360 Instinct, l’une des raquettes phare de 2019. Head updates the Instinct racquet line for 2019! 285 Gramm Gewicht sind genau die richtige Wahl, denn Du brauchst einen leichten und komfortablen Begleiter. 190,00 € 167,20 € Η νέα Head Graphene 360+ Instinct MP βρίσκεται στην ελληνική αγορά και συνεχίζοντας την παράδοση παραμένει πιστή στην φιλοσοφία κατασκευής όλων των προηγούμενων επιτυχημένων μοντέλων της σειράς Instinct. Anche la Head Graphene 360+ Instinct S offre alte prestazioni, potenza e comfort senza sforzo, come la sorella maggiore MP. Dit racket heeft een medium gewicht van 285 gram dat zorgt voor een goede bespeelbaarheid en extra power. HEAD Graphene 360+ Instinct S Blue. Graphene 360+ Instinct S Turnierschläger - CHF 159,90 - HEAD - Instinct - Tennisschläger - Turnierschläger - hellblau - 2. Head Graphene 360+ Instinct S. Découvrez les dernières nouveautés raquettes de tennis de la marque Head. Länge: 703 mm Leichter vom Gewicht, leicht zu spielen mit dennoch guten Eigenschaften: HEAD Graphene 360 Instinct S Overpower any opponent with the HEAD Graphene 360+ Instinct S tennis racket in Blue, now featuring Graphene 360+ technology for optimal energy transfer. Farbe: dunkelblau - Kopfgröße (cm²): 645 - Besaitungsbild: 16/19 - Profil (mm): 23-26-23 - Gewicht unbesaitet in g: 285 - Länge (mm): 685 - Kollektion: HEAD Instinct - Balancepunkt (mm): 320 - Technologie: Graphene 360+ - Besaitet: Nein - Kopfgröße (cm²): … HEAD GRAPHENE 360 INSTINCT S Specs . Head est actuellement en train de remettre à jour l’intégralité de sa gamme avec la technologie Graphene 360. Lighter and more maneuverable than the MP, the HEAD Graphene 360 Instinct S is lightning fast and perfect for players... Head Size: 100 sq. Head Graphene 360+ Instinct S Tennis Racket (2021) The INSTINCT S is the perfect choice for players who want the effortless high performance, power and comfort of the INSTINCT MP, but with a lighter frame for easier handling. The Head Graphene 360 Instinct S tennis racquet offers players with an easy playability combining high performance and comfort. Head have gone after quite a punchy colour scheme with the new Instinct range. Features asymmetrical color blocking design. 285 grams in weight is just the right choice, you need a light and comfortable partner. This racquet has been refreshed with a new design and upgraded with the innovative Graphene 360+ technology, which delivers enhanced flex and clean impact feel. £119.00 £140.00. $189.95 $119.95 La nouvelle Head Graphene 360 Instinct, l’une des raquettes phare de 2019. in. Grazie al telaio più leggero e l’innovativa tecnologia Graphene 360+, si ha una maggiore maneggevolezza, flessibilità e feeling all'impatto con la palla, per un comfort superiore. The vibrant light blue in … ヘッド Graphene 360 Instinct S 230839 (テニスラケット)のネット通販最安値を見つけよう!全国のネット通販ショップを横断検索できるのは価格.comならでは。レビューやクチコミもありま … De Instinct serie biedt moeiteloos veel power en zorgt voor extra speelcomfort dankzij de grotere sweetspot en de vernieuwde Graphene 360 technologie. HEAD Tennisschläger "Instinct S" unbesaitet unbespannt ohne Coverbag 2 139,99 € Tennisschläger HEAD Graphene 360 Instinct S 2019 (Besaitet)-Griffstärke L0 151,95 € Tennisschläger HEAD Graphene 360 Instinct S 2019 (Unbesaitet)-Griffstärke L4 151,95 € Head Racket Graphene 360 Instinct S Unstrung Blue / Black 4 199,99 € This racquet has been refreshed with a new design and upgraded with the innovative Graphene 360+ technology, which delivers enhanced flex and clean impact feel. HEAD poboljšava novi Instinct S sa dodatnom stabilnošću i snagom, ali zadržava izričitu sposobnost upravljanja reketom. in., 10.7 oz., 16x19 string pattern. Head Instinct Graphene 360 è la nuova serie di racchette che unisce potenza e comfort per giocare senza sforzo e vincere. Head has strengthed up the Instinct adding Graphene 360 to various parts of the racquet which provides both exceptional stability and optimized energy transfer for more power, leading to added ball speed. Après la Speed et après la Extreme, c’est au tour de la Instinctde se voir attribuer ce matériau s’exception qui améliore les performances de la raquette !Le Graphene 360 tire son nom du fait … New Graphene 360 technology offers enhanced control and energy transfer for even more power. Tennisschläger Head Graphene 360+ Instinct Lite bringt Anfängern und leicht fortgechrittenen Spielern eine Kombination von erstaunlicher Kraft, Spin und perfektem Komfort. While similar to the 360 MP racquet, the Head Graphene 360 Instinct S tennis racquet is a little bit lighter offering easier handling without sacrificing high performance. Gewicht unbesaitet: 230 g. Balancepunkt: 375 mm. PRO Online Price. The HEAD Graphene 360 Instinct S is a robust racket, which even so is convincing in spite of its light weight. Comme le nom l’indique le graphene est présent dans l’ensemble des cadres. The power of the Instinct is further amplified in the latest graphene 360+ range which strengthens the frame for better stability and optimised energy transfer from racket to ball. The INSTINCT S is the perfect choice for players who want the effortless high performance, power and comfort of the INSTINCT MP, but with a lighter frame for easier handling. The Head Graphene 360 Instinct S Tennis Racquets come loaded with next level comfort thanks to the implementation of Graphene 360. Head Size: 100 in² / 645 cm² Length: 27in / 68.5cm Strung Weight: 10.6oz / 301g Unstrung Weight: 10.05 oz/ 285g Balance: 12.6in / 32cm / 4 pts HL Swingweight: 311 String Pattern: 16 Mains / 19 Crosses OUR REVIEW . Cool design, cool performances! Der HEAD Graphene 360 Instinct S ist ein stabiler Schläger, der aber vor allem durch sein leichtes Gewicht überzeugt. Saving £21.00 Profil: 29 mm. With the HEAD Graphene 360 Instinct S you will feel good from the very first shot. The INSTINCT S is the perfect choice for players who want the effortless high performance, power and comfort of the INSTINCT MP, but with a lighter frame for easier handling. Although not necessary, it's interesting to have a first name, city, state and country (no email addresses will be … Der Komfort-Tennisschläger HEAD Graphene 360 Instinct PWR im Überblick Kopfgröße: 740 cm². The new Head Graphene 360 Instinct S tennis racquet offers effortless high performance, power and comfort, with a lighter frame than the Instinct MP for easier handling, and the innovative Graphene 360+ technology. Head Graphene 360 Instinct S Tennis Racquet All-new from Head, the Instinct S with Graphene 360 technology is the perfect frame for players looking for both power and comfort, in a lighter, easier to handle package. Cooles Design, coole Leistungen! The Instinct S is an excellent option for those players seeking the same effortless power you would generate from the MP but with a lighter, more controllable weight -- making it easier to handle. Con la Graphene 360+ Instinct S, HEAD ha creato una racchetta performante leggera adatta a molti giocatori in evoluzione.Oltre ad essere adatta ai principianti appassionati, la Instinct S funziona bene anche per i tennisti di livello intermedio che cercano velocità e spin. Servizio Incordatura gratuito. HEAD Graphene 360 Instinct S Tennis Racquet . With the Graphene 360+Instinct S, Head delivers a light performance racquet to a wide range of improving players.In addition to being well suited to dedicated beginners, the Instinct S should also appeal to the intermediate player who values speed and spin. La nouvelle gamme de raquettes Instinct S se voit dotée de la toute dernière technologie technique et innovante le Graphene 360+. Premium Brand sports apparel, shoes & equipment at LOW prices + backed by our Price MATCH Guarantee! Couleur: bleu foncé - Tamis (cm²): 645 - Plan de cordage: 16/19 - Profile (mm): 23-26-23 - Poids non cordée (gr): 285 - Longueur (mm): 685 - Collection: HEAD Instinct - Point d'équilibre (mm): 320 - Technology: Graphene 360+ - Cordée: Non - Tamis … Introducing the Instinct S with Head's latest Graphene 360 Technology. 100 sq. Besaitungsbild: 16/19 . Head Graphene 360+ Instinct MP . The newest Instinct rackets feature a deep blue and cyan colourblock cosmetic and come with matching grommet strips and bumper, making them look better than ever before! Head Graphene 360+ Instinct Lite Racquets Customer feedback.

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