My ammonia and nitrites have been high and i cut down to feeding every other day or two and it still hasnt gone down. Amyl nitrite, in common with other alkyl nitrites, is a potent vasodilator; it expands blood vessels, resulting in lowering of the blood pressure.Amyl nitrite may be used during cardiovascular stress testing in patients with suspected hypertrophic cardiomyopathy to cause vasodilation and thereby reduce afterload and provoke a left ventricular outflow tract … I then did another 25% PWC, but my nitrates did not go down. Nitrates are only used in the long cures, for products such as dry sausages or dry-cured hams, which will continually need nitrate to produce nitrite throughout the curing process. Nitrate (NO3) is broken down by bacteria to nitrite (NO2) during the curing process. It only took me about 4 days to see Nitrites and about two weeks to see Nitrates. If, however, the reading for nitrate is 40 or above, you will have to alter the water chemistry to lower this reading down. Nitrites not going down in my cycling fish tank? Then one day I woke up to 0 ammonia 0 nitrites and I swear I almost cried. Do it slowly and gradually. A fully cycled tank show have 0 ppm of ammonia and 0 ppm of nitrites at all times. I'm cycling a new fish tank and well nitrite has been high for more than a week now and staying there. For me, my ammonia was at 0 by week 2, but it took another three weeks for nitrites. I dosed at recommended 2ppm and was reading about every 2 days. My parameters are 8.0 PH , 0 ammonia, nitrites 5.0 or more and nitrates are 5 ppm. The first week my ammonia’s began to go down and nitrites began to rise. I’ve seen mixed results on whether to do a water change. Nitrate will continue to rise until you remove it somehow, most … On 6/28 I did another 25% PWC but it does not seem like Nitrates are going down. The bacteria that produces the nitrAtes needs to have nitrItes to feed on and colonize, and chances are that nitrItes haven’t been in your tank long enough to let the nitrAtes show up yet. If you get your nitrate down under 10, you should be able to keep it manageable every 1-2 weeks. Don't worry about them now until the nitrites are 0. What causes the progressive intoxication is the rapid ingestion of the poison (actually aiming for chlorides) through the gills. Nitrites won’t go down. A new pond will go through "cycling" the same as a new fish tank. During a Nitrite spike is when you bring the 5 ppm ammonia down to 2 ppm...let the ammonia go to 0 then bring it back up to 2 ppm again. Yup, that's the worst bit. So I was wondering when cycling a tank if nitrites have spiked high will it stall the cycle ? Burnt bacon = BAD! I think it seems longer too because you have to keep dosing ammonia for the first round of beneficial bacteria while you wait. ammonia is at .25 and nitrates is 10-20,hard to tell difference from the orange . I also run 2x Whisper 60 HoB filters on the tank. Aquarium Forum > General Freshwater Aquarium Topics > General Freshwater Forum > Nitrites Won't Go Down Members currently in the chatroom: 0 Who's Online: The most chatters online in one day was 17, 09-12-2012. During the cycling process, ammonia levels will go up and then suddenly plummet as the nitrite-forming bacteria take hold. So, nitrites wouldn’t exist without ammonia. Reply. The readings were Ammonia- 0 ppm Nitrites- 1.0 ppm Nitrates- 5 Ph- 7.0 Thanks so so much The process of ammonia being converted into nitrites by bacteria is called nitrification. Ive got 5 zebra danios and 2 … Ammonia in the tank is 0ppm but nitrite doesn't seem to go down or up. Its external surface promotes aerobic bacteria that process ammonia and nitrites, whilst its interior surface promotes anaerobic bacteria that process nitrates. Bear in mind that some species of fish are more nitrite-tolerant than others. pH: 8.2 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: it's off the charts it's a bright purple so around 5.0 ppm Nitrate: 10 ppm My nitrites started showing up around the fourth week of cycling and they won't go down.. Why are they like this? Keeping a balanced aquarium is important for the health and safety of your fish. Thanks, Nick There’s a lot of conflicting information on how long bacon is good for, but it’s safest to stick to the USDA’s recommended storage times.Although it might be shorter spans than you see from other outlets or food experts, the organization’s suggestions are still the best way to make sure you’re not serving up any bacon that’s gone bad. No one is currently using the chat. It is good to get an aquarium that isn't very tall and has more floor space because axolotls are bottom dwellers. How long will it take 1.0 ppm of nitrites to drop to 0 during a fish less cycle? A bacteria called nitrosomonas breaks down the ammonia into nitrites. been seeing 2.0 nitrites in tank for last 2 weeks. Help/Advice. I'm almost 8 weeks into a fishless cycle. First ammonia will go up, then ammonia starts to decline as nitrite goes up, then nitrite goes down as nitrate goes up. Stay patient and test nitrItes and nitrAtes every few days. 2. Invertebrates need nitrate levels below 5 ppm and coral need it below 1 ppm. For instance, if you get your nitrate down to 10 and it rises to 20 over 2 weeks, a 50% water change will drop it back to 10. A second bacteria, called nitrobacter, then feeds on the nitrites and produces nitrates. NitRATES should be kept 20 or under when the tank has finalized. This is 6th week of cycling. Research suggests that 1lb of salt is an effective dosage for 150 gallons of water. Also, will they gradually go down, or suddenly disappear? Generally, the safe level of nitrites in an aquarium is considered to be between 0 and 0.2 ppm (ml/g). I am cycling a 55 gal tank and I tested my water using the API Master Test Kit. After three weeks, I could bring ammonia to 4 ppm at night and the next day it'd be a zero with 0 Nitrites and 0 Nitrates. 3. the problem is i think it might be causeing my zoas and palys to slowly disintagrate and if this is not the reason then tell me what y ou think it is and how to fix it. These two types of bacteria work hand in hand and can break down large quantities of fish waste as long … I kept between 2 and 4 ppm, raising it everynight and checking it in the afternoon. Processors may choose to use nitrate or nitrite in their recipes. A 20 gallon long tank is a good size for one axolotl, and if you are going to have more than one in the tank, the rule of thumb is to add at least 10 gallons for each additional axolotl. Your live rock should be able to do this on its own, as long as your bioload is within normal limits. To keep your fishies healthy and icky algae growth at bay, keep your aquarium's nitrate level below 20 parts per million. It’s an exciting feeling when you finally see the nitrAtes show up on your test! Ensuring that the ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates remain at safe levels in the tank will help provide a harmonious habitat in which all of the saltwater creatures can grow and thrive. The cycle will be officially complete once the levels of nitrite and ammonia turned to zero. Fish that are exposed to even low levels of nitrite for long periods of time suffer damage to their immune system and are prone to secondary diseases, such as ich, fin rot, and bacterial infections. Given time (normally 3–4 weeks) in a normal process of a new tank cycling, nitrites are converted into the much less toxic nitrates by the nitrifying bacteria. It’s been like this for a week and a half with no change. 6 weeks ago I started cycling my tank. As waste breaks down, it gives off ammonia. 18. What else can I try to get these Nitrates down to a level I am comfortable with. edit: Jusiko: I think you're meaning "NO3" instead of "Na" for nitrates. As salt doesn’t evaporate, be careful to note down when and how much you have added to your tank. How long does bacon last? Once again, do not just go add tons of fish into your aquarium. With a fishless cycle it may take up to 2 weeks I believe for NitrItes to go down. That's a kinda sketchy choice as to what to do.   As methemoglobin levels increase, damage occurs to the liver, gills, and blood cells. Ive done 4 water changes during this time at about 30-40% and they still havent fell. Nitrates can and should be able to go down on their own in a tank with normal water changes. Vegetables acquire nitrates and nitrites from the soil they grow in – nitrates are part of natural mineral deposits, while nitrites are formed by soil microorganisms that break down … Any quality water testing kit for home hobbyists allows you to monitor the nitrate level. none the less i need to fix my ammonia. I lost a few fish due to nitrite last year when I got back into this hobby. How long will they peak? That way you almost cut the nitrite levels in half and the bacteria can eat up the nitrites quicker. If your kit shows that you have ammonia and/or nitrite present, it could mean that something has gone wrong with the cycle and you may have to go through a partial cycling period again to build up your beneficial bacteria. Break it Down: Ammonia, Nitrites, and Nitrates Ammonia, nitrites and nitrates are all byproducts of organic waste breaking down in an aquarium, and all are toxic at some level to your fish and plant life. A significant amount of fish and plant waste can accumulate in any aquarium, (as well as uneaten food, algae, and bacteria). When curing your bacon, you are using very little nitrites, and the curing time of 7 to 10 days will allow those nitrites to break down into their harmless compounds. My ammonia is at 0, nitrites at 0, and nitrates 0. The nitrites will peak and then drop right away and nitrates will climb. If it were me I would do a 10 gallon water change. Usually, it would go to nearly zero overnight. I’ve been cycling for about two weeks using bio spira and dr Tim’s ammonium chloride . Or how long until they go down it's been two weeks. However, if you were to do a 25% water change when it reaches 20, it would only drop nitrate down to 15. A little over a week ago, my nitrites went through the roof. That will only happen if you do not allow enough time for the nitrites to break down and burn your bacon. Reduce or stop Feeding and add no new fish to the tank until its ammonia and nitrites come to its normal levels. Step 5: Put Your Fish in Your Aquarium. After my nitrites began to lower my nitrates began to rise. It is key to know how to keep nitrites low and how to remove them from an aquarium. Nitrite takes a while to go down. Edited September 23, 2008 by lakshwadeep Tweet LinkBack: Thread Tools: If you have been doing a lot of water changes, you probably have kept your nitrates low or would have been seeing them by now. All my fish seem fine though.

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