The path back to wholeness is not easy and so may often feel chaotic. Increased levels of numerical chromosome aberrations after in vitro exposure of human peripheral blood lymphocytes to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields for 72 hours Radiat. Vision with the sixth/third eye chakra. These effects come from wolf law and piezzoelectricity. The heart produces an electromagnetic field (which is why hospitals sometimes ⦠Your email address will not be published. Fruits, vegetables, meat; everything that we eat has consumed the CHO (carbohydrate) molecules that the plants created. The ocean produces electromagnetic fields, as does a full moon, and thunderstorms. This means that as more people do more work towards a mutual goal, more is achieved, with less effort, resulting in an increase of mutual energy. A negative force always implies some quality, not infrequently a high one, though badly directed, which it is possible to turn to good advantage; but a directionless, frictional force involves unavoidable loss. Consequently, in several countries national governments and health authori-ties have been urged to adopt measures to prevent, or to minimize, risks associated to EMF exposure. The use of pulsed electromagnetic fields helped speed up clogging of suspended particles and their precipitation. Will there not be a point when the man cannot do more work? In other words, it generates a magnetic field. The concern about the possible effects of the electromagnetic fields on human beings is a fact. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, ⦠AbstractâRadiofrequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are used to enable a number of modern devices, including mobile telecom-munications ⦠However, it is clear that if electromagnetic fields do have an effect on cancer, then any increase in risk will be extremely small. At first, to start moving the wheel to even a fraction of its potential speed, you need to expend a lot of effort and energy. On the one hand, possibly deleterious public health consequences have elicited considerable debate on safety and exposure limits to electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation ⦠It's All About Electromagnetic Induction. There are 3 steps. It is the field described by classical electrodynamics and is the classical counterpart to the quantized electromagnetic field tensor in quantum electrodynamics.The electromagnetic field propagates at the speed of light (in fact, this field ⦠Chaos comes about when our existing beLIEf system cannot cope…, An individual's sovereignty is something which has been discussed on various levels for many years. X-rays use low frequency electromagnetic fields to identify broken bones or items stuck in the skin. We are distributing our awareness to the other two brains. The sacral chakra/gonads affects the reproductive system. UPLIFT is dedicated to telling the new story of inspired co-creation. There are however traits that are common to most people who can perceive it. We can think of it like this: If there is a family with children of the same degree of enlightenment as the parents, that is, mass of the ‘same velocity’, the energy will simply increase proportionately to the number added. The most fundamental principle, the basic program of all life, is to save energy. The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Electromagnetic Fields) Regulations 2016 were introduced to increase awareness and reduce the risk of exposure to electromagnetic field in workplaces. Not without reason said that man of wisdom, Buddha: “Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world.” The friction which results from ignorance, and which is greatly increased owing to the numerous languages and nationalities, can be reduced only by the spread of knowledge and the unification of the heterogeneous elements of humanity. This paper details some of the current medical treatments focusing on the electromagnetic fields . It includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, (visible) light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays.. Classically, electromagnetic radiation consists of electromagnetic ⦠[citation needed] One such interaction is absorption of energy from the fields, which can cause tissue to heat up; more intense fields will produce greater heating.This can lead to biological effects ⦠1999; 20: 177-182. Bearing in mind the increase in early onset dementias, at unprecedented levels, ... M.N. Abdominal breathing is one very effective way of doing this. The first body which is the etheric (ie physical and etheric body) is associated with the first or root chakra. In other words just like the bigger ‘reality’ the human electromagnetic field is discerned subjectively. Every human being has a vibration. Each chakra or vortex is associated with a ‘layer’ or body of the human electromagnetic field. Of course, gently and gradually, and with great maintenance. Consuming CHO directly from plants, fruits and vegetables is equivalent to adding a mass of ‘higher velocity’. Interesting! This lack of flow in the human electromagnetic field is responsible for all our perceptions and distorted thoughts which interfere with our experience of a full life. No significant effect was observed on human body on exposure to magnetic field alone. The results to date contain many inconsistencies, but no large increases in risk have been found for any cancer in children or adults. Each successive ‘layer,’ or body, includes previous ones and all bodies interpenetrate the physical body. Most inspiring read today! Bioelectromagnetics Researches in Japan for Human Protection from Electromagnetic Field Exposures Masao Takia, Fellow Research works on bioelectromagnetics in Japan are reviewed with a focus on the efforts devoted to the issue of human protection from electromagnetic ï¬eld (EMF) exposures. UPLIFT stands for Unity, Peace and Love in the Field of Transcendence, Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy © 2021 UPLIFT, Click here to watch 'The Science Behind Yoga' film. GUIDELINES FOR LIMITING EXPOSURE TO ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS (100 kHz to 300 GHz) International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) 1. The mass of people is not moving chaotically but systematically, following an order like clockwork. To increase the force accelerating human movement means, therefore, to perform more work. Do not yield! The energy that we consume through our food is actually the very same energy – or sunlight – that the plants used to forge these elements together. There is a secret. In the past 20 years of research regarding effects of mobile phone-derived electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on human cognition, attention has been one of the first and most extensively investigated functions. As you are asking for the strong electromagnetic field, for the electric field I would suggest you to use plane sheet of uniform charge density, as you increase the charge density, field will increase. War is a negative force, and cannot be turned in a positive direction without passing through the intermediate phases. A deeper understanding and connection is being achieved to higher aspects of self. Everyone is exposed to a complex mix of weak electric and magnetic fields, including sources such as mobile phones, home appliances and ⦠thank you again. Itâs probably a good thing that the human eye can see only a small slice of the energy spectrum. Therefore an increasingly open and proper functioning chakra will develop specific aspects of self consciousness in that particular chakra; 3. The upper three on the head are to do with mental processes. This, of course, needs to be accompanied with learning, curiosity, and reducing individual ignorance about The Universe around us. Constantly increasing the motive power will result in a constant increase of human energy. It decreases the waste of your energy by fighting the negative emotions that are clogging your energy pools. An electromagnetic field (EMF) is generated when charged particles such as electrons are accelerated. Your energy, no matter where you spend it, will forever stay and spread out if not directed. The formula for the magnetic field inside a coil is the current multiplied by the loop-count density multiplied by a constant. Our health and empowerment rely on a basic knowledge of the human electromagnetic field and chakra system. Of the three possible solutions of the main problem of increasing human energy, this is by far the most important to consider, not only because of its intrinsic significance but also because of its intimate bearing on all the many elements, and conditions, which determine the movement of humanity. Possible effects of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) on Human Health 6 1. Here is a paper on the exposure of human beings to electromagnetic waves . Moving ones focus to the abdominal area, second brain or Primal Area is now a must for humanity. , 169 ( 2008 ) , pp. “If for example, there is a train and you add one more wagon, 3 things can happen. If for example, there is a train and you add one more wagon, 3 things can happen. But how can we increase human energy? : Focusing your motive power and effort on one goal, towards the right direction of movement, will accelerate the velocity and will move you closer to your goal. To reduce or entirely overcome these dissimilar retarding forces, radically different methods must be employed. What we consider as food is just processed sunlight. Is it possible for the human body to create an electromagnetic field? It started with the law of the strongest, where physically weaker men were thrown completely to the mercy of physically stronger men. The future will see that intelligence creates machines, which they will control instead of men, until war is mainly intellectual and the physical factor is completely irrelevant. There is now a huge motivation to correct this imbalance. Life craves energy, and subconsciously you’ll always choose the path of least resistance because of that. Above that threshold, the currents can stimulate super-sensitive cells in the retina, known as graded potential neurons, giving the illusion of a white light flickering even when ⦠Hope this helps! Each chakra or vortex acts in a similar manner to a whirlpool or tornado. Wherever we focus we draw a huge amount of energy to that area. The following will make you understand almost everything about Nikola Tesla’s lifestyle; why he was vegan, why he was obsessed with free energy, why he despised ignorance and imbeciles. Nikola Tesla perfectly concluded the main, most fundamental source of human energy, and how to increase our energy and evolve as a species: First let us ask: Whence comes all the motive power? Bioeffects of electromagnetic radiation. Mon - Fri: 9AM - 5PMSaturday: Urgent Treatments OnlySunday: Urgent Treatments Only. However, the weaker men developed intelligence, due to their energy efficiency, and developed ways to use stones and sticks, and make weapons. But how can we increase human energy? Nice and also visit However, we have the chance in this lifetime to accelerate our growth exponentially. It is this interference that affects the proper functioning of a device. It was found that the risk for meningioma was higher in subjects living in the vicinity of power lines when the increase was considered separately for ELF. The electromagnetic field is the field ⦠The throat chakra/thyroid gland affects the bronchial and vocal apparatus, lungs and alimentary canal. Imagine what we can accomplish if we all focus our efforts toward creating more sustainable ways of generating energy, cleaning the earth, reducing hunger, finding solutions for interstellar travel, and educating. In scientific research we have found that the aura is electromagnetic field of energy that extends all around our body for about 4-5feet (in a average healthy body) and appears to be depleted in cases of unhealthy person. History of this issue in Japan is brieï¬y reviewed ï¬rst for all EMF spectra. Since DC is static and AC varies in direction, fields from DC ⦠Weak electromagnetic radiation (μT-mT), which increasingly pollutes our environment, has been associated with dual and seemingly contradictory effects on human health. I would think the speed/velocity would remain equal. How accurately can our current technological tools measure the human bio-electromagnetic field emitted by a person? Simply amazing what Tesla believed in! That we can subsist on plant food and perform our work even to advantage is not a theory, but a well-demonstrated fact. To understand how this can happen we must first understand how war began. Either the wagon travels at the same velocity as the train, in which case the speed of the train will slightly increase. Well, it's no surprise that not all the things a high electromagnetic field can do are good. Our health and empowerment rely on a basic knowledge of the human electromagnetic field and chakra system.Many have realised that they have lost their sovereignty.They have given their power away ⦠It is common for many of these seals to be closed. As you spend your energy in one direction, with time, this energy will accumulate and less effort and energy will be required to achieve a lot more. With time, you’ll spend less effort and achieve more. Increasing the Human Mass: In order to increase energy, we have to think in terms of speed. How can we gain more energy? to electromagnetic fields (EMF) has enormously in-creased in recent years. In order to increase energy, we have to think in terms of speed. When human body is exposed to electric field, the portions affected are shown in Fig.3. Methods and Materials. Nikola Tesla says: To free ourselves from animal instincts and appetites, which keep us down, we should begin at the very root from which we spring: we should effect a radical reform in the character of the food. Siddiqui, R. Meena, H.N. Working on a particular growth process that we feel we are in corresponds to different vortices or combination of vortices. That’s what gives calories, which are stored photons. Atomic & Molecular Structure; Bonds ... you increase the magnetic field strength. The radiation from telecommunication and electrical appliances that we use in our daily life may pose health hazards to humans. The force which retards the onward movement of man is partly frictional and partly negative. Likewise, within the human communication system, not only elements such as voice, language, facial gestures and body movements come into play, but the electromagnetic ⦠Feel free to call if you have questions about anything seen on our website. Exposure to man-made electromagnetic fields (EMF) is on the increase due to electricity demand, ever-advancing technologies and changes in social behaviors. Each of these open ends in each chakra are the ‘Seals’ that are spoken about in esoteric texts. The second body is the emotional body (which contains all preceding bodies) is associated with the second or sacral chakra and so on. EMF affects the mobility of K, Ca, Mg ions in bone and cartilage. Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Field and Electromagnetic Compatibility 34 pages + 6 appendices 01 April 2017 Degree Bachelorâs Degree Degree Programme Electronics Specialisation option Instructor(s) Ari Hänninen, Project Manager, KONE Finland Kai Lindgren, Senior Lecturer, Metropolia UAS The main objective of this study was to clarify the safety ⦠What happens when you are exposed to electromagnetic fields? Different domains investigated covered selective, sustained, and divided attention. Or, to put it differently, does each person have a different electromagnetic field . Exposure to man-made electromagnetic fields (EMF) is on the increase due to electricity demand, ever-advancing technologies and changes in social behaviors. Each major chakra on the front of the body is paired with its counterpart on the rear of the body (see diagram). With the increasing sources of Electromagnetic Field (EMF), the health of human beings can be at risk. In his views, war would be made better by exchanging manpower for machines that will take the hit. Weak electromagnetic radiation (μT-mT), which increasingly pollutes our environment, has been associated with dual and seemingly contradictory effects on human health. Each chakra absorbs universal energy and sends it along nadis or meridian lines to the nervous system, the endocrine system and then the blood. In the end, with less effort than was initially required, you can spin it countless times, faster. Looking at pictures of the seven major chakras it is easy to think that there is only one set belonging to the physical/etheric body. [citation needed] One such interaction is absorption of energy from the fields, which can cause tissue to heat up; more intense fields will ⦠The third layer is associated with our mental life, that is with linear thinking. Recent studies found that magnetic fields ⦠With the increasing sources of Electromagnetic Field (EMF), the health of human beings can be at risk. fight til the end of your time, even if you’re alone (you’re not alone) fight! Increases collagen synthesis [8]. If you wind the wire around a core, forming what is called a solenoid, the ends of the core will assume opposite polarities, just like a permanent ⦠In physics, electromagnetic radiation (EM radiation or EMR) refers to the waves (or their quanta, photons) of the electromagnetic field, propagating (radiating) through space, carrying electromagnetic radiant energy. But according to researchers, high exposure to EMF ⦠Food is one of the most important elements of increasing your mass. Find peace and eliminate forces of friction with reason, within you and around yourself. The existence of the electromagnetic field of the human heart is a reality, ... which affects the reduction of stress levels and the increase of emotional balance, favouring mind clarity, cognitive ability and intuition. During this transitional period we are moving out of the head and into the body. The passageways which lead from one field to another are Sealed or closed in most people. How accurately can our current technological tools measure the human bio-electromagnetic field emitted by a person? The wagon has a lesser velocity, in which case the whole train will decrease its speed. Hearing, smelling and tasting with the fifth/throat chakra. Cleansing your chakras is as essential as taking a bath in the context of reducing the force that’s retarding your energy. A total of 43 ⦠for once its not someones spiritual ideas.I can really try to understand this with time and see where I fit in it. The human electromagnetic field is that part of the universal energy field that is associated with the human body. That’s what produces heat. ⦠The human body has its own electromagnetic field, which allows our essential systems to function and communicate with one another. The number is: +34 642 36 08 17 or you can use the contact form. Required fields are marked *. Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) is the result of an electric or magnetic field that may cause a device to malfunction. It's not clear exactly how electromagnetic fields, a form of low-energy, non-ionizing radiation, can increase cancer risk. According to Nikola Tesla war should not be terminated suddenly as this can result in something worse than war. Well you can always pump electromagnetic fields into the human body now to enhance performance and recovery, thanks to Nikola!! Through the activity of various types of cells, including neurons,... Quick Energy Reset. But I do not think that rigorous measures of suppression of habits followed through many generations are commendable. The possible link between electromagnetic fields and cancer has been a subject of controversy for several decades. Most of the molecules in the human body interact weakly with electromagnetic fields in the radio frequency or extremely low frequency bands. When we remain ‘open’ in attitude we are quite literally opening up our vortices to universal energies. A favourite model describes the human electromagnetic field as being made up of seven ‘layers’ called bodies. Implications of Electromagnetic Interference to the Human Energy Field The possible effects of power lines, television, hair dryers, microwave ovens, wireless internet use, smart meters, diathermy, and many other common processes and articles in our environment can now be envisaged. Stack Exchange Network. Particular attention is given to millimetre and terahertz radiation due to their increasing utilization and, hence, increasing human ⦠The. Focus on the New Banking System Not Covid-19!!! Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. If you add anything to one side of an equation then it will have an impact on the other side of the equation instead of remaining constant (or equal). The sun maintains all human life and supplies all human energy. To transfer energy between the different auric levels. Increase Winding Count. Electric and magnetic fields are present around any electrical circuit, whether it carries alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC) electricity. As more ‘junk’ is released more universal energies can be drawn in and more realisations and discoveries about self will take place. However, the actual energy comes from freeing the photons of light between the chemical bond. Sub-power of Fundamental Forces Manipulation. To better understand man-made sources of electromagnetic fields, it can be helpful to think of them as anything ⦠Or the wagon has a higher velocity, in which case the whole train will significantly increase its speed. Consume food that’s closer to the sun, avoid unnecessary enlargements of your body that invariably use more energy, avoid energy wasting habits and unhealthy addictions that serve solely to your ego. Each chakra is related to specific psychological functions. A number of epidemiological studies suggest small increases in risk of childhood leukemia with exposure to ⦠How can we raise our consciousness and increase our intelligence? Humans may have a sixth sense after all, suggests a new study finding that a protein in the human retina, when placed into fruit flies, has the ability to detect magnetic fields. These latest technological devices have become an indispensable part of our lives. From there onto the endocrine system where various hormones are produced to regulate the body and physiological processes. Chaos is the best thing to happen in your life! The rapid spread of mobile phones has raised public concern about the possible effects of radio waves on health, even though international expert organizations including those in Japan concur that there is no obvious ⦠Scientific studies on the mechanism of biological effects are also required. Medical treatment and solutions such as x-rays have been designed by humans. They open as a result of spiritual purification work. In biological systems, there are ⦠This canal is the vehicle for the creative life-force. To note Tesla to be “vegan” is unbelievable. In addition, humans have developed higher frequency waves that transmit through television ⦠When a man applies his effort in the direction of the collective human movement, the effort becomes most efficient, and with less energy more is achieved. BACKGROUND For the general public, Council Recommendation of 12 July 19991 on the limitation of exposure of the general public to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz) fixes basic restrictions and reference levels to electromagnetic fields ⦠There are 7 chakras associated directly with the physical body. “It is doubtful whether men who would not be ready to fight for a high principle would be good for anything at all.”. These data suggested that occupational or residential exposure to ELF may play a role in the occurrence of ⦠This is being processed and leaving as secondary energies, transported along meridian lines or nadis to the nervous system. Not a good idea to put your arm in a microwave oven or stand too close to a heater. But adverse effect is seen on the human body when it is exposed to both electric and magnetic fields. As you start moving the wheel and applying effort in the direction of its movement, the less effort it demands and the faster it keeps spinning. Learn how your comment data is processed. And all this movement, from the surging of the mighty ocean, to that subtle movement concerned in our thought, has but one common cause. Whereas the increased background Electro-Magnetic-Field on people over the past two decades, with the remarkable increases in digital devices, raises the question are we beginning to see the negative health impact, especially over the last decade, similar to the delayed development of environmental ⦠It is certainly preferable to raise vegetables, and I think, therefore, that vegetarianism is a commendable departure from the established barbarous habit. Many have realised that they have lost their sovereignty. Individually, this can be explained as maintaining a constructive balance between our talents and flaws; establishing peace between our darkness and light, and uniting them towards a mutual, greater goal. Shred its DNA. Gain more, waste less, spend efficiently, learn. How To Reset Your Electromagnetic Field In 9 Minutes Electric Life. To better understand how the body interacts with and responds to magnetic By the magnetic field equation inside a solenoid, increasing the number of turns per unit length (n) of ⦠Intermediate Frequency Fields (IF fields) Experimental and epidemiological data ⦠This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. They also correspond to the major endocrine glands. Our health and empowerment rely on a basic knowledge of the human electromagnetic field and chakra system. Sovereignty and Proactively Taking it Back, Second Brain and It’s Inevitable Reawakening. Resulting from the technological innovations, the use of electromagnetic fields gradually increases and thus people are exposed to electromagnetic waves at levels much higher than those present in â¦
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