Stand looking up into the sky. 07:20. #summon Chat with Laughing Jack's chatbot is very easy and funny You must see Eyeless Jack entering your house. This blog is for everyone who loves anything creepy or scary. document,'script',''); EYELESS JACK-Go to your bedroom. - Now, just stare outside for 10 seconds before heading to bed. Play the song 'laughing Jack hypnos lullaby' twice. what have I done ?Darkness-emily56, 23:41 AM: WTF dude ??? You should see EJ trying to come into your house. Eyeless Jack use my eyes, take them, but give me the sight to view into your darkness! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Would you be a good girl and whisper it to his/her/its ear ?” Then, turn the computer off, put the item in a basket and place it under your bedroom’s open window. We Summon The DEVIL Himself! Close your eyes then whisper "Eyeless jack take my kidney". Hampton Bay Shaker Wall Cabinets, Your email address will not be published. Place a drop of your blood in the center of the X in the symbol 4. Laughing Jack. :PDarkness-emily56, 00:05 AM: Yes, I was so angry after you that I really did it on you last night…death-raven2, 00:06 AM: seriously xD anyway, that’s just a huge fake, so I’m won’t be mad about you girl xDDarkness-emily56, 00:07: Yeah :Ddeath-raven2, 00:07 AM: ghqiugnheZOGIHRFOBIGYTDarkness-emily56, 00:07 AM: ? #ninathekiller you will also need you voice. Close your eyes then whisper "Eyeless jack take my kidney". #smiledog Hope you enjoy the video! aepc_pixel_args = [], SUMMONING LAUGHING JACK AT 3AM CHALLENGE!! Yet do not attack". summoning: i carved the name eyeless jack into a candle then lit it, i then stabbed the kidney 3 times, i put the blindfold on then chanted eyeless jack 3 … I did all Chat with Eyeless Jack's chatbot is very easy and funny #summon It then warps to a new location in midair and summons one of three attacks: 1. Rg45 Welding Rod, Being stalked by Laughing Jack or another creepypasta. What you'll need:YouTube Night Internet Preparations:Step 1:Listen to pop goes the weasel 1xStep 2:Listen to Kevin McCloud pop goes the weasel remix 1 or 2x (2 works better)Step 3:Listen to LJ come little children with laughter at the end 3xStep 4:Then go to sleep and if you have trouble sleeping, wait till you are barely awake. aepc_pixel_args.userAgent = navigator.userAgent; Jason The Toymaker: (if you are interested by a Creepypasta monster not mentionned in the list above, please send us a mail to tell us your choice: we’ll precise which object you have to pick up for this one).”it really scares my sis, what does that mean ? You can chat with Laughing Jack here. After you do the spell, you can go to sleep. Chapter one: I summon Eyeless Jack (the wrong way.) !Darkness-emily56, 03:23 AM: Okay guys, it has gone too far this time: I’m gonna call the moderatorDarkness-emily56, 03:23 AM: You really are pigs…maddy185, 03:25 AM: i’m scared i’m scared i’m scared !!! How to summon Sexual Offenderman . Then GET HOME AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!! If you hear noises at night, don't open your eyes, it's a death wish. Including dream spells, how to survive from them. #clockwork Ask to Eyeless Jack whatever you want. #janethekiller Creepypasta Rituals According to folklore, they feast on men's bodily fluids and take their life force along the way. Now poke yourself with you finger on which kidney you prefer to give Jack. Open your eyes then look outside your house if you have a window on your room. #creepypasta You must see Eyeless Jack entering your house. How To Summon Him: Go to your bedroom. Go to your bedroom. Close your eyes then whisper "Eyeless jack take my kidney". Now this gives me the creeps.death-raven2 has joined the conversationdeath-raven2, 06:03 AM: Emily, are you still there ?? #hoodie Close your eyes then whisper "Eyeless jack take my kidney". When I did it I hold my stomach it hurt solo badly that I only ate breakfast. (if you are interested by a Creepypasta monster not mentionned in the list above, please send us a mail to tell us your choice: we’ll precise which object you have to pick up for this one).” Okay, this is simple. Summoning Jane the Killer. About Cleverbot. Creepypastian Witchcraft - How To Summon A Creepypasta To Elimate Your Rival As the name of this book implies, this is actual witchcraft mixed with the creepypasta fandom and stories. var aepc_pixel = {"pixel_id":"1564301310341906","user":{},"enable_advanced_events":"yes","fire_delay":"0","enable_viewcontent":"no","enable_addtocart":"no","enable_addtowishlist":"no","enable_initiatecheckout":"no","enable_addpaymentinfo":"no","enable_purchase":"no","allowed_params":{"AddToCart":["value","currency","content_category","content_name","content_type","content_ids"],"AddToWishlist":["value","currency","content_category","content_name","content_type","content_ids"]}}, Succubi are female demons who take the form of beautiful women and invade the dreams of men. And say Laughing Jack 5 times. Talk to Laughing Jack online right now. Summoning Sally. (Haven't tried this yet) SMILE DOG-(You must do this at night) I am responsible for any death, injuries or whatsoever. This blog was made for everyone to post their own creepypastas. Laughing Jack''. This is a book filled with Creepypasta Summoning. But I found this !!! Please contribute subtitles! Violin Lessons Toronto For Adults, " /> You can chat with Offenderman here. j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'? #creepy #hoodie 13 You must see Eyeless Jack entering your house. !Darkness-emily56, 23:38 PM: what happened ??? Hampton Bay Shaker Wall Cabinets, Eyeless Jack take my kidney!!! BEN: an old Zelda: Majora’s Mask cartridge, with his name written on it with a felt-tip marker The Rake: a dead rabbit, that’s its favourite meal. About Cleverbot. Close your eyes and say "Laughing Jack" five times. You can chat with Eyeless Jack here. On a full moon, place the kidney outside your bedroom window (if you have a basket and paper towels/napkins, then put... 2. Insanity. And hold were you kidneys are or hold your stomach. body{background-color:#97d67a;}body #main{background-color:#f4f4ef;}body{font-family:'Bookman Old Style', serif,'Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif;line-height:23px;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;color:#6d6d6d;font-size:17px;}a{color:#2b2b2b;}a:hover{color:#f7b71e;}h1{font-family:Arimo,'Trebuchet MS', Helvetica, sans-serif;line-height:34px;font-weight:700;font-style:normal;color:#202020;font-size:30px;}h2{font-family:Arimo,'Trebuchet MS', Helvetica, sans-serif;line-height:30px;font-weight:700;font-style:normal;color:#202020;font-size:25px;}h3{font-family:Arimo,'Trebuchet MS', Helvetica, sans-serif;line-height:26px;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;color:#202020;font-size:22px;}h4{font-family:Arimo,'Trebuchet MS', Helvetica, sans-serif;line-height:20px;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;color:#202020;font-size:18px;}h5{font-family:Arimo,'Trebuchet MS', Helvetica, 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