‣ Dramatic Cue (b) - Ronald Hanmer [Krabs ejected] Ocean Adventure is the 165th episode inside of Stampy's Lovely World. Choo Choo - WeeWeeGaming - Venomous Crash - Venomous Spyro - Finnball - Netty - Bread Stick - CaptainSparklez - LionMaker - agentcal117 - Liamardo - Crimson Azoth - Emm2 - JakeOnDaXbox - TankMatt64 - LewisBlogsGaming - Elaine Maatje - Hit the Target - Veeva Dash. "The Gift of Gum"  ‣ Shopping Spree - Laurie Johnson ["Me patty's done!"] In this series we all start off with 10 lives, the goal of the series is to either fight each other or make friends, the last person standing wins! FIGHTING THE ENDER DRAGON!! ‣ Hawaiian Cocktail - Richard Myhill ["Why, Mr. After a brief montage of training, Patchy makes his first burger. They begin fighting over the recipe, eventually tearing it in two, with Plankton getting the bottom half, which says "...and a pinch of chum."  ‣ The Dreadnought Tea Clipper (b) - Tim Laycock, Robert Alexander White ["Darn tootin'!"] 2. Encyclopedia SpongeBobia is a FANDOM TV Community. Potty then appears, and Patchy thinks he is there to apologize, but instead he is told to get back to work. • Parting of the Clouds - Nicolas Carr ["I've done it! The pictures of Plankton as a baby show that he is normal size, however, in ". 21 minutes, 50 seconds • Unknown Track 40 - Nicolas Carr [Krabs and Plankton fight over the recipe] Casey AlexanderZeus CervasMike MitchellSteven BanksTim Hill I post daily videos on my youtube channel, of lets plays, speed runs and more. When young Sheldon says, "I'll show you," one of the test tubes is horizontal. Find video : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 next Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He got engaged with his longtime girlfriend, Nicole, on 11th May 2019. After the SpongeBob plot is over, Patchy is shown reading a newspaper with the word "JOBS" on the front and claims he decided to take some time off to catch up on his reading. ‣ Silent Tears - Keith Nichols [Patchy looking at old photos] Friendships will be tested and new alliances formed as Jesse fights to save the world from this mighty enemy...Jesse and the gang survived the Sea Temple, but they brought home a little more than they bargained for: a lost adventurer, a powerful device, and a colossal enemy capable of grinding Beacontown to dust. DVD. THeMApMAker10000. The same error occurs in ". List of episodes "The Original Fry Cook" When Stinky Burger is shown in a wide shot, there is writing on the order window door. #1 Dec 17, 2015. It could also be based on the fictional ocean liner SS Poseidon (1972/2005)/M/S Poseidon (2006), and the ancient Greek god of the sea. ‣ Of Love and Destiny - Leighton Lucas ["You are never supportive of me!"] The official FaceBook page of SB737 (aka SonicBoom737).  ‣ Chase Me Chester - Roger Roger [Ending]. ‣ Dramatic Impact 1 - Ivor Slaney [Karen enters] ! ‣ Keystone Chaos - Ron Aspery [Plankton takes the formula] ‣ Mississippi Blues - Saul Broudy, Zan S. Mc Leod [Krabs' mom making him an outfit] While approaching Stinky Burgers, it had a single patty and a slice of cheese. When Mr, Krabs says, "Well, you might as well blame me, SpongeBob, there was a time when Plankton and I were best friends," Mr. Krabs is holding SpongeBob and then walks over to a table and sits down. When Mr. Krabs and Plankton finished their burger, it had nothing between its buns except for a patty but later they reveal it with two patties and lettuce. Hello Everybody! Mr. Krabs and Plankton make the first Krabby Patty.  ‣ Dramatic Impact 2 - Ivor Slaney ["Lies!"] Credits Johnny, the fish who he was arguing with (who is also the same fish who tried Plankton's burger at the end of the episode) also has a similar appearance and clothing for the rest of the episode after the scene at Stinky's. SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs start chasing Karen and Plankton in circles outside the Krusty Krab, as the episode ends. It may also refer to the old Game Show Network show of the same name except the game had a question mark in its title. Upon taking a bite, he smiles, falls to the ground, and a newspaper appears saying he knocked out by the taste of the burger. Patchy begins to protest this, until he notices that Potty is wearing an assistant manager badge.  ‣ Beach Party - Harry Bluestone [exterior of Stinky Burgers] All of these ideas are shot down by Potty and, feeling that the latter is never supportive of him, Patchy ends their friendship and runs off. Potty then scolds Patchy for his unsanitary environment such as; keeping raw hamburger meat in an old boot (he claims this is what gives it its special flavor), having rats in the kitchen, not washing his hands after using the bathroom, and not wearing a hair net and apron. Plankton and Mr. Krabs begin arguing about the story until Karen arrives and tells Spongebob that both of them are lying to him and tells him the real story: as she had been a security camera installed by Plankton at the time and recorded everything. Karen on a computer stand, rather than traditionally being only seen in the Chum Bucket computer monitor. About. Both were outcasts, with Plankton being viewed as a nerd for his intelligence, and Mr. Krabs (ironically) being extremely poor, and victims of cold-hearted ridicule and social prejudice by a particular circle apparently led by Billy. Welcome to a new series called 'FRIEND OR FOE' in this series I am being joined by BigB, SB737 and Tomohawk!! ‣ Terror by Night - Hubert Clifford ["We will rule the school!"] At one scene, Potty's uniform was missing after a few minutes. Welcome to a new series called 'FRIEND OR FOE' in this series I am being joined by BigB, SB737 and Tomohawk!! The opening credits say "animation director" even though there are two animation directors. SpongeBob SquarePants Specials Collection, Vol. This is my first ever completed map and I really had fun making it. ‣ Dramatic Cue (b) - Ronald Hanmer [Plankton ejected] Directed by Michael Lembeck. 5 ‣ Tripping Upstairs - Brian Peters [Patchy's boss] Plankton comes in and disagrees with Mr. Krabs' story and tells SpongeBob his own version. Plankton says that they are now ruling the stomachs of the children, and soon will be ruling their brains. Hello Everybody! He did the famous challenge which was the 'Ice Bucket Challenge'. 81 ‣ Fates [#62.02] - Gregor F. Narholz [Krabs says he and Plankton used to be best friends]  • Old Fortyniner - Nicolas Carr ["Oops, I missed a spot."] "Friend or Foe" is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from Season 5. The result of Big Johnny's barf is worse in the animatic. ‣ Dramatic Cue (e) - Ronald Hanmer ["I'll show you, Krabs!"] ‣ Comic Walk - Sidney Torch [Krabs and Plankton compete for customers at school] He created a series "Sky Island Challenge" which Stampy create the challenges. With Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc. • Flashback - Nicolas Carr [exterior of school]  ‣ Blondes & Bullets (a) - Ron Goodwin ["Don't forget your condiments, Plankton!"] U.S. premiere time (EST): Plankton is the same color as Mr. Krabs' eye. N/A Stampy adds a boy named "Charlie" to the Love Garden and then continues to do a race to the doghousewith Lee by boat. In the original, he walks to a table instead of grabbing a barrel.  • Flashback - Nicolas Carr [flashback to Krabs and Plankton as babies] Hello Everybody! To get back to the way it used to be. She previously had her mobile appearance in, This is the fourth appearance of primates in the entire show, the first being ", This was the last episode to be written by, To date, this is the only episode to play ", This episode marked Paul Tibbitt's debut as the voice of Potty. Fed up with Potty's criticisms, Patchy starts throwing patties at Potty, but each one misses, and one eventually hits Mr. Pirateson in the face. Welcome to a new series called 'FRIEND OR FOE' in this series I am being joined by BigB, SB737 and Tomohawk!! In this series we all start off with 10 lives, the goal of the series is to either fight each other or make friends, the last person standing wins!  • Mighty Magnus Fanfare  - Nicolas Carr ["The Patchy Patty!"] This was the first episode to use the APM track ", This is the first episode to premiere with a TV-Y7 rating. Patchy shrugs and says that SpongeBob's first patty probably didn't go so well either. #22 | MINECRAFT • iballisticsquid • Hello Everybody! Credits Mr. Krabs being teased by Plankton and the school bullies.  • Nautical Hijinx 2 - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [Stinky refuses to serve Krabs and Plankton] Patchy and Potty are working at a restaurant called \"The Poop Deck,\" hoping to be just like SpongeBob, although Potty claims he took the job for the \"free sodas.\" After receiving an order of scurvy fries and a diet bilge water from his boss Mr. Pirateson, Patchy shows off his new patty creations: \"Buried Treasure\" (a treasure chest in between two buns), \"Walk the Plank\" (a wooden board in between two buns), and finally the \"Patchy Patty\" (a lone burger patty with a f… Why does he hate us so?" ‣ 'Er Indoors - Johnny Hawksworth [Patchy flipping burgers] Clip: Someone Has Disappered! Technical: This is the first episode to feature a character on the title card. Stampy wins the race and brings Barnaby along as stampy continue construction of the Tick-Tock Clock Shop. 8:00 pm He also wrote over a hundred Pokémon episodes. - Richard Myhill [Plankton and Krabs make up] After young Eugene says, "Buy things?" However, the show had started airing reruns with a TV-Y7 rating on, It was shown that an orange younger version of Old Man Jenkins with glasses (different version from the one shown helping Mr. Krabs) was the teacher for, Mr. Krabs is portrayed as cheap when he was young in ", The fish who said that the kids don't like Stinky and that they respect him has similar colors and clothes to.  • Birth of the Krabby Patty - Nicolas Carr [fanfare] This might be explained by the original animatic scene of Mr. Krabs grabbing the barrel. All this time, despite the recipe calling for only "a pinch of chum," Plankton has been making food entirely out of chum. • Sneaky Panther Pants - Nicolas Carr ["It was only our third date."]  • Minor Surf Chord - Nicolas Carr [Stinky Burgers closed down]  ‣ Drama Link (b) - Hubert Clifford [gorilla flipping burgers] 2. ! In the beginning of the episode, Patchy and Potty are working at a restaurant called "The Poop Deck," hoping to be just like SpongeBob, although Potty claims he took the job for the "free sodas." When SpongeBob says, "Why, Mr. Krabs? 501/502 Clip: Someone Has Disappered! Two animation directors even though it says only one animation director. Season №: He said that he cannot go back to playing it due to his original account being hacked and most of his old worlds are on that account. Later, they get enough money to buy a burger from Stinky's Burgers. As they war below, the androids Artemis and Moon watch from the moon orbiting Gaia, gathering data on all the characters and delivering factoids to the audience via an out-of-continuity segment calle… When Plankton says, "It's all I ever really wanted.  ‣ Lonely Heart's Club (a) - David Bell, Otto Sieben ["Valuable customers coming through."] • Steel Licks 3 - Jeremy Wakefield ["Gosh, Mr. One day, Mr. Krabs finds a penny at the carnival, his first exposure to money, which he spends on a balloon for Plankton. Stinky, apparently just as shallow and mean as Billy and his group, refuses to serve them, saying that freaks like them are bad for business, and tells them to "wait" at the back of the building, only for him to yell at them again. There, Galvatron seeks to mine and exploit the powerful but highly unstable energy source called Angolmois Energy which rests beneath the planet's surface. ‣ Like Strange - Kenny Graham ["First, we rule their stomachs."] Friend or Foe is a game map originally designed for 2 players. !  ‣ Drama Link (k) - Hubert Clifford ["Soon I will be ruling their minds!"] Paul Tibbitt Mr. Krabs argues that it should be about satisfying the customers, rather than power. Welcome to a new series called 'FRIEND OR FOE' in this series I am being joined by BigB, SB737 and Tomohawk!! If you don't spawn in the lobby these are the coordinates to do so /tp @p -1133 112 435 . November 19, 2006 April 13, 2007 June 15, 2007 December 1, 2007See more... 2007 May 14, 2007 January 21, 2008 April 19, 2008 May 22, 2008 November 10, 2008 November 25, 2008 January 7, 2009 (EBS) May 28, 2009 August 15, 2009 April 10, 2010 When Old Man Jenkins that helps Mr. Krabs first appears in the episode, he has green skin with a red hat. • Steel Licks 9 - Jeremy Wakefield ["Don't you find this a little suspicious?"] ip lookup tool. In the scene where Plankton leaves the pepper shaker when he leaves the shaker and stand on the table. Supervising Producer(s): Copyright year: ‣ Drama Link (h) - Hubert Clifford ["Who needs skill when science is on your side?"] Storyboard: His story is the same as Mr. Krabs', except that their roles during the fight at the end are reversed, with Mr. Krabs wanting to rule the money of the children.  • Steel Licks 1 - Jeremy Wakefield ["I can't believe we poisoned that sweet old guy!"] Friend Or Foe--Demo--Dayz in Minecraft!

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