A few months ago, I found a great deal on a solid old B 80 that was a bit rough but worked perfectly. The finish, whether paint, wax, stain, or something else, can make or break a project. My question is if anyone of you are familiar with this product and its properties. It is an excellent polishing agent for any wood or metal surface, leaving an extremely hard, thin coating of astonishing durability with excellent resistance to water, alcohol and fingerprints. Renaissance Wax Jewelers Wax - 65ml - Dries hard & clear with lustrous surface Museum grade wax. He uses it personally, and finds it much more durable than a paste wax. Relief, 3D, chip-carving, whittling; carving knives, chisels, pocket-knives, power tools. | Privacy Policy Same finish pure tung oil and Renaissance wax. 1,118 Posts . The product is sometimes used by reenactors to protect armor and weapons. In small quantities, I can buy the raw wax for about $25 per pound. This forum is for all the woodturners out there. The surface detail will remain clear with unlimited applications of this translucent wax. Latest Forum Topics. Renaissance wax can be used with complete success on any surface, from white paper to stone – woods, metals, marble, leather, ivory, ceramics etc. I’ve got a blog on food safe finish here at LJ. That is the thing about oil and Renaissance wax you really have to sand the wood, you are finishing the wood not finishing the finish like thicker products where you put on a coat and sand between. Seller 99.3% positive. Seller 100% positive. We were probably at he same Woodcraft. LJ will not be held liable for the actions of any user. Renaissance Wax Polish, 65 ml. It does not penetrate the wood fiber, staying on the surface, and this is the secret to avoid darkening barn wood. waxes It can be applied to bare wood or on top of a finish in a thin film that dries glass clear and will not yellow over time. At $27.00 for about 4 oz. Renaissance Wax is free from acids and solvents, so it will not harm even the most delicate of surfaces. It contains no silicone and can be removed if needed by using mineral spirits. Used on certain finishes, it can reduce the gloss of the finish and can fill pores with wax that will turn white. Restore and upcycle! Now, it can protect your work as well, producing an acid free, full lustre, glass-clear film. Looking for help with ... Are you unsure of which tools, or hardware, you need, or which brands to buy? I don’t use it on green wood, but on dry wood it is a good choice. - Renaissance Furniture Paint is an eco-friendly chalk paint with excellent coverage. The toughest thing is learning to resist the "more would be better" urge. S C Johnson Wax-Falcon 900-Welcome Aboard Booklet-Safety. Renaissance Wax | Amazing Product - How To Apply It - YouTube After using almost a whole tub (1lb) of SC Johnson paste wax in the last year or so, I caught Renaissance wax on sale at Woodcraft this month and reluctantly bought a can. I was going for the Renaissance wax, and the guy recommended General Salad Bowl Finish. The wax enhances and protects all kinds of museum / fine art objects. Manage Consent. Different from traditional liquid or paste waxes, Renaissance Wax is completely colorless and is thicker. Here is a shot of my computer desk top, a simple 18” wide walnut slab sanded to 400 and finished with pure tung oil and Renaissance wax. I originally made it as a trestle hall table but it made for a better computer desk. In fact, it's the only wax we know of that's likely to be as durable as the finish underneath, resisting staining and marring in any household or office setting. DIY or professional! Supplier of Products for Restoration and Conservation – RENAISSANCE WAX/POLISH along with our other fine restoration supplies renowned for their quality, consistency and … But I like that, it looks and feels like natural wood (and is still protected) I don’t like a thick coat of goop on some projects, especially things like a desk I am going to touch often. frustrations? Renaissance Wax was originally developed in association with the British Museum for restoration and protection of art treasures, and is a superb micro-crystalline polish ideal for use in the shop. 80% Mineral Spirits20% Micro-crystalline waxes (petroleum derived). I don’t know specifically for green turning, but it is a good finish and a little does go a LONG way. He did say that a small amount goes a long way (especially on wood turnings). ... Renaissance Wax, it is also good for the metal too. - Antique wood and metal preservative metalstop. This forum is for scrollsawers: share your tips, ask questions... Have a question? Renaissance Wax, 65 ml, Micro-crystalline wax polish, multi-surface, metal sealer, wood sealer, leather sealer and more TheSparkleStore 5 out of 5 stars (1,612) The final finishing step to my walnut table project ended up being Renaissance Wax based on a suggestion from the hardwood supplier. Renaissance wax is highly resistant to heat, finger prints, and stays crystal clear regardless of the number of applications. On furniture and woodwork, Renaissance wax enhances the wood grain and the finest details. Restore and upcycle! $16.99 + shipping. I liked the sound of that, so I gave it a try. Today it is used to protect and enhance a variety of surfaces: furniture, sculptures, porcelain, knives, fine art, leather, all metals, wood, and much more. Discussion Starter • #1 • Jun 4, 2018. Fast shipping. Commonly used to polish and conserve metal objects, it is also used on gemstones and such organic materials as wood, ivory, and tortoiseshell. It adds nothing in the way of protection and actually attracts and holds dust. microcrystalline wax like Renaissance Wax gives excellent protection and is in use by many American arms museums including the Smithsonian Institution and Springfield Armory. Renaissance Wax is the finest cleaner/polish wax available, specified by museums, art galleries and conservators throughout the world. This was sanded to 400 maybe even 600 I can’t remember, it’s a 24” wide figured maple slab. Different wood requires different woodworking strategies - from cutting to finishing. Renaissance Wax was originally developed in association with the British Museum for restoration and protection of art treasures, and is a superb micro-crystalline polish ideal for use in the shop. $16.79 + shipping. Professional conservators, retailers, restorers and private individuals throughout the world depend on RENAISSANCE WAX to protect their collections and for in home use. Thanks for the responses; I now feel better that I paid $27 for 2 oz. it is not inexpensive stuff. What makes Renaissance Wax different? The steel arms and armors in museums maintain their shine with Renaissance wax, as do copper and brass kitchenware. Topic tags/keywords: Renaissance Wax is a brand of microcrystalline wax polish used in antique restoration and museum conservation around the world. This was sanded to 400 maybe even 600 I can’t remember, it’s a 24” wide figured maple slab. Wheaton Co. Microcrystalline Wax Polish, Preserves and Protects Metal, Leather and Wo… Renaissance Wax is our all-time favorite coating for reducing friction, preventing rust and corrosion, and putting a shine on anything that needs it. It does not penetrate the wood fiber, staying on the surface, and this is the secret to avoid darkening barn wood. DISCLAIMER: Any posts on LJ are posted by individuals acting in their own right and do not necessarily reflect the views of LJ. That is the thing about oil and Renaissance wax you really have to sand the wood, you are finishing the wood not finishing the finish like thicker products where you put on a coat and sand between. Renaissance Wax is our all-time favorite coating for reducing friction, preventing rust and corrosion, and putting a shine on anything that needs it. Chat with your Forum Friends about their projects, their life, thei... http://caledoniachurchofchrist.yolasite.com/. Latest Blog Entries | Both the patina and the Renaissance Wax will wear off on high spots, and some color shifting might occur over time depending on what type of patina you used. That is the thing about oil and Renaissance wax you really have to sand the wood, you are finishing the wood not finishing the finish like thicker products where you put on a coat and sand between. As others have stated, the 200ml amount of R. Wax should be enough to last (literally) a lifetime. Ren Wax in not food safe. If you are selling your work, then you have entered a woodworking dimension with added complexity and stress. It’s uses are endless. Liver of sulfur is relatively stable. Terms of Service Fairfield? I was at Woodcraft, looking at finishes, among other things. It contains no silicone and can be removed if needed by using mineral spirits. It imparts a tough, glass-clear film with an attractive lustre and is highly resistant to finger-marking, environmental pollution, The wax enhances and protects all kinds of museum / fine art objects. - Renaissance Furniture Paint is an eco-friendly chalk paint with excellent coverage. In several cities monuments and statues have been protected with Renaissance wax against corrosion. Different from traditional liquid or paste waxes, Renaissance Wax is completely colorless and is thicker. a challenge, perhaps? of what I knew only by it’s promises (I guess we’ve all done that). Using a jig is like having a couple extra hands helping out. Restore, refresh and protect your antiques, cutlery, furniture, precious metals, armory, collectibles, art, photography and much, much more. RENAISSANCE MICRO-CRYSTALLINE WAX/POLISH is an extra-ordinary wax/polish. Latest Projects | MUST WATCH: How table saw kickback occurs, and how to avoid it. $8.43 + shipping. ingredients. Share your "joinery" discussion here. Notes: Manufacturer recommends using only a minimal amount, rub lightly and buff if gloss is desired. Just paint it then stain it. | Copyright Favorite Add to Ragnaroksend Replica Cicero's Ancient iPad Roman Wax Tablet RagnaroksEnd. It takes two or three coats to do a thorough job the first time out, but single coats thereafter will maintain a nearly perfect surface. How, RENAISSANCE Wax, the "Perfect Wax" was created: Prior to 1950, the only polishes available were based on beeswax and carnuba wax.Unfortunately, these natural, saponifiable products could cause damage when acids arose spontaneously through oxidation or hydrolysis. -- You can lead a horse to water, but you can't tie his shoes. It can be applied to bare wood or on top of a finish in a thin film … The big advantage to this stuff is that it is acid-free, unlike natural waxes. Used on furniture, Renaissance Wax will be the toughest wax you've ever used. Discussion Starter • #1 • Jun 4, 2018. renaissance wax-polish has been the #1 choice of museums, art galleries and institutions for the preservation of precious items for over forty years. How, RENAISSANCE Wax, the "Perfect Wax" was created: Prior to 1950, the only polishes available were based on beeswax and carnuba wax.Unfortunately, these natural, saponifiable products could cause damage when acids arose spontaneously through oxidation or hydrolysis. The Renaissance Wax has a distinct chemical odor & should be used in a ventilated space (altho it doesn't say this on the label); the odor dissipates in 10-15 minutes. We use Renaissance Wax even more often on tools and jigs than on furniture. Blaze Foley. Renaissance Wax Metal Polish 65Ml 2.25Oz For Vintaj. While Renaissance Wax offers some protection for your patina, no protectorate is foolproof. 1,118 Posts . Same finish pure tung oil and Renaissance wax. Come to think of it while on the subject here is my old computer desk (some guy bought it, funny story for some other time) This was before I had a decent digital camera so the picture is poor. Looking for information on designing your projects? Professional conservators, retailers, restorers and private individuals throughout the world depend on RENAISSANCE WAX … -- http://caledoniachurchofchrist.yolasite.com/, ©2021 Verticalscope Inc. All Rights Reserved. Dennis Blaine is the exclusive United States agent / wholesale-distributor for all general markets since 1993 for Picreator Enterprises Ltd. of London, England… by appointment to Her Majesty The Queen .. | The #1 choice of museums, galleries and professionals worldwide. Renaissance Wax Material Safety Data Sheet, Highland Woodworking Finishing Cloths - Pack of 10. A few months ago, I found a great deal on a solid old B 80 that was a bit rough but worked perfectly. It's made for wood floors....the big yellow can is soooooo much cheaper than the " gun stock wax" which is nothing more than Johnson's in a little bottle at 10 times the price....Floor Cleaning Section ! It’s been in service for 5 years now. I was torn between a good wax that can be easily retouched and salad bowl finish. It is a micro-crystalline wax but it does not give an ingredient list containing the proportions or even the type waxes. You can do shabby chic, distressed, antique, contemporary & more! The silk-smooth touch of the matured wax film gives added pleasure, compared to the "drag" of fingers leaving trails across the softer beeswax polishes. Eyes, ears, fingers, and... Are you looking for or do you have tips to share regarding the workshop? I use it on my 1911's ivory grips, its what the manufacture recommend. 5 out of 5 stars (10,281) $ 24.00. I say reluctantly since the street price of this stuff is 26 bucks for 200ml or … Most finishers will recommend that wax not be used on furniture wood surfaces. I was in the local Woodcraft Store yesterday, looking for CA glue and an easy general purpose finish for green turned pieces from my lathe. Renaissance Micro-Crystalline Wax Polish was originally formulated in the British Museum research laboratories in the early 1950's and designed for long tem protection of all classes of museum exhibits. Need a break from all the standing and wood dust? It has the wonderful property of polishing metal smoother and smoother with every use—after a few years your jointer beds and plane soles will be as smooth as glass. It's a favorite among pen turners for finishing both wood and plastic pens. You can make your own. No sanding or stripping. Wood, your hand tools, you and a little know-how. Having difficulties reading project plans? Please note due to COVID-19 our existing services have been suspended, it is sadly clear although we continue to support existing clients that a major change is upon us all in respect to how we all work and the services that will be viable in the future. Renaissance wax can be used with complete success on any surface, from white paper to stone – woods, metals, marble, leather, ivory, ceramics etc. Renaissance wax contains no 'cleaners' or abrasives. DIY or professional! Share your tips and challenges ... Before you pick up those woodworking tools, take the time to ensure your safety in the shop! You can do shabby chic, distressed, antique, contemporary & more! Renaissance Wax was originally developed in the British Museum in the 1950's to clean, restore and protect valuable museum objects, art and collectibles. This product may expose you to chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. Renaissance Wax is a brand of microcrystalline wax polish used in antique restoration and museum conservation around the world. Renaissance Wax is free from acids and solvents, so it will not harm even the most delicate of surfaces. The product is sometimes used by reenactors to protect armor and weapons. Wax will enhance the weather resistance of both wood and metal without harming either material, while simultaneously polishing wooden surfaces to a silky sheen. Renaissance Wax is a micro-crystalline wax polish used by many museums as well as jewelers to protect the finish on precious items. On tablesaws, bandsaws, jointers, planers, hand planes & plunge router posts it is an unbeatable corrosion inhibitor and friction reducer. Renaissance wax has a much finer microcrystal structure than that of natural waxes, which makes it much more resistant to moisture. Renaissance wax is much more than a paste wax which would typically be used in woodworking as the final process in applying a finish to cabinetry, a carving or turned piece. It won't adversely affect the finish or patina and may be used on about any metal, wood or leather without harming it. Please read our Proposition 65 warning.For more information, see www.P65Warnings.ca.gov. Another benefit is that it is much more resistant to moisture than natural waxes. renaissance wax-polish has been the #1 choice of museums, art galleries and institutions for the preservation of precious items for over forty years. Fast shipping. | Do Not Sell My Data It will gently lift the grime of antiquity and murky deposits of other polishes, leaving surfaces delightful to see and touch. Have you had to compromise your project... On the lathe, by the lathe: do you have questions? tips? Cleans by gently lifting dirt and the murky remnants of other polishes. ” The clerk recommended Renaissance Wax (he’s a woodworker, also). I am satisfied with it, it dries quickly and has a nice shine. Renaissance™ Micro-Crystalline Wax Polish is the finest wax finish on the market today. Seller 100% positive. This is not a finish but a protectant and cleaner for your whole pen, barrel and metal … We apply Renaissance Wax with a fine Scotch-Brite pad or 4/0 steel wood, putting it on as thinly as possible and buffing it vigorously with a soft cloth after a very short wait. Another benefit is that it is much more resistant to moisture than natural waxes. Questions and answers about CNC machines, tooling, best practices, and projects. Though it seems fabulously expensive, Renaissance Wax lasts so long and works so well that even the most frugal woodworker will find it a genuine value. I did buy it and now I am wondering if I made the best decision. a tip/strategy to share? Commonly used to polish and conserve metal objects, it is also used on gemstones and such organic materials as wood, ivory, and tortoiseshell. The Goddard's had almost no odor, applies like a lotion. E.J. Wax will enhance the weather resistance of both wood and metal without harming either material, while simultaneously polishing wooden surfaces to a silky sheen. Renaissance Wax does not leave a filmy residue and when applied properly creates a clear, protective coat over the object. Kotula's method for using Renaissance Wax on a table is as follows: Take a 5-inch square of white cotton cloth that still has its nap (the nap will pick up grime, since the wax is … Retique It Liquid Wood - Put a fresh coat of wood on it! If you are a carver or want... Intarsia, fretwork, intricate design cutting and more! I did the same thing you did. No sanding or stripping. Retique It Liquid Wood - Put a fresh coat of wood on it! Your woodworking skills are displayed for several lifetimes in each project. Just paint it then stain it. Wood Seasoning Beewax Furniture Polish Beeswax,- Traditional Natural Wood Wax. The finish has held up to much use with little/no upkeep. It would be too weird if we spoke to the same salesman. finishes But I like that, it looks and feels like natural wood (and is still protected) I don’t like a thick coat of goop on some projects, especially things like a desk I am going to touch often.

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