Tazmily Village's bell ringer. I had recently downloaded the Visual Boy Advance emulator and started trying to find ROMs for it. When Hinawa is killed, he spends all of his time at her grave. He is only playable in Chapter 1. later, in chapter 8, he is revealed to have become a pigmask soldier. Mixolydia lives on Tanetane Island with an assistant, Ocho (Hachi in the official Japanese version), who is an octopus (his name in Japanese means "eight," and to an extent, in English as well, referring to his tentacles). Jackie is the manager of the Yado Inn, in Tazmily Village. In Mother 3, Porky corrupts the Nowhere Islands and creates a capitalist dictatorship (monarchy?) This causes him to fall off of Thunder Tower. She is the wife of Paul. He works under Pokey and never says a word in the story. Mother 3 is a popular role-playing video game in the Mother series. A deep-sleeping Magypsy who guards a Needle in a volcano near Saturn Valley. Husband of Hinawa and father of Lucas and Claus. He is the first villager to discover money, and he accuses Duster of taking it. He was going to take Ness' place in Super Smash Bros. Melee, but because of the original cancellation of Mother 3, Ness returned for Melee. The Magypsies are the oldest residents of the Nowhere Islands, able to live for several hundreds of years and possess PSI powers. He can get quite angry when upset, for example, he calls Lucas an idiot when he finds out Lucas didn't try to stop Claus. He is always eating bananas and throwing the peels on the ground. He forcefully joins Salsa in Chapter 3 and frequently abuses him with an electric collar. Brenda is a glasses-wearing woman who is the wife of Jonel. He must do whatever he asks or be shocked. Wess alludes to an incident in his past in which he blames himself for paralyzing Duster's left leg. The Masked Man is a mysterious masked man who appears during the final scene of fifth chapter of Mother 3. He is the husband of Linda. (info needed) Biff is a tall orange haired male who is the son of Matt and Jill, and the brother of Butch. Mother of Angie who will make nut cookies or nut bread in exchange for any nuts that the player finds on the ground. Category:Playable party members in Mother 3 | EarthBound Wiki | Fandom. Tessie is quite a caring woman. Of the normal humans, he seems to possess the most knowledge of the Magypsies, as he is good friends with Ionia. Caroline is a woman who runs a bakery in Tazmily Village. In battle, he can do basic attacks or heal Flint. A monkey under Fassad's control. She has blonde hair and a blue dress. He joins Lucas at the end of Chapter 4, Duster gets separated from the group at the end of Chapter 5, but then returns in Chapter 7. He cannot be found after he runs away to try to avenge his mother, but has an important part in the story later on. The insect joins the party as a Key Item until the end of the game, recapping the history of the Nowhere Islands if you ask it to. Players can alter his level in the Debug Room. In the town, he rescues Pippi, a girl missing in the graveyard, and calms the Zoo, where animals had gone craz… Fuel joins Flint in Chapter 1 after rescuing him. He plays no major role in the story, which he even admits to himself. Each stat has a different purpose. Lucas is the character who is played as the most, though there are other playable characters at points in the game, such as Flint and a monkey named Salsa for example. He has the rare power of PK Love and is one of the few people able to pull Needles. Doria is the most empathetic Magypsy, being the only one in the group to sympathize with Alec in his search for Claus in Chapter 1. He is never seen in public, leaving his identity as a mystery. Sebastian is the butler of Pusher and Elmore. Instead, it needs to be avoided and ran from. The Pork Trooper is a muscular Pigmask who is usually seen flirting with women or bossing his subordinates around. She and her husband manufacture glass objects from the sandy beach that their house lies on. Drago is a dinosaur creature which is friends with the residents of Tazmily Village. During the first three chapters he is lying in a bed in the back room of Ed's house. EDIT: I think we should merge the young, old, and other variants of characters. Not much is said about Aeolia, although the character seems to possess more knowledge of Osohe Castle than the other Magypsy, and has a Needle found in the back courtyard of Osohe Castle. Permanent. Consistantly missing Magypsy who is later found to actually be disguised as Fassad. They become one of the first in the village to purchase Happy Boxes from Fassad. Father of Hinawa. Matt is assumed to be an alcoholic who is drunk all the time; however it is later stated that it is simply a case of the hiccups. The main antagonist of the game. New Pork City also appears as a stage in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. EarthBound Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. After Chapter 4, Flint isn't seen for a long time in the game until Chapter 8. They know very well the power of PSI and can easily teach it to humans. He is one of the first villagers to receive a happy box. His role was controlling a giant King P. Statue that chases Lucas, and he himself is later fought as a boss in his spider mech, apparently somehow freed from the "Absolutely Safe Capsule.". The game was released in 2006 exclusively for the Game Boy Advance (GBA) handheld system. This is a list of characters in Mother 3. Takes care of the rabbits on top of Snowcap Mountain. He can throw electric bombs that hit all enemies, but sometimes he'll do nothing. Early in the game, he made a deal to sell some of his pigs to Fassad, and in turn was paid 50000 DP. Wife of Flint and mother of Lucas and Claus. Duster (Masked) Duster (Pigmask) Flint. Lucas, the protagonist of Mother 3, joined Ness in Brawl. His name is taken from singer and songwriter Paul McCartney. Photo-Man Appears several times in Earthbound to take a picture of Ness and his friends while they are on their adventure. However, Dr. Andonuts cleverly designed it so that nothing could ever enter or exit the machine upon activation, thus dooming Pokey to spend eternity in isolation. He also was the person who spoke to Flint when he woke up in the jail during Hinawa's funeral, implying he may be the jailer. Isaac is the town lumberjack. Duster. She is killed by a Drago in Chapter 1, and everyone around Tazmily continuously visit her grave. Oriander. He is often seen raising the livestock owned by the family. Also has HUGE head. Playable does not necessarily mean permanent party members, but I believe many of the non controllable ones in MOTHER 3 were intended to be playable in the N64 version. He also appears to be an insensitive Stevie Wonder imitation. Ollie is a blonde-haired man with glasses and the adult son of Pusher and Elmore. He is the leader of the Pig Mask Army. She watched over Kumatora as she grew up after the death of both of her parents. History Talk (0) This category is for all characters in Mother 3 who join the party as playable members. He is the one who alerts Flint of Hinawa's death. Aeolia is the lead Magypsy, who lives on the outskirts of Tazmily Village. He is first introduced in Chapter 1, and becomes the main protagonist in Chapter 2. He lives in the south-easternmost corner of Tazmily Village with his wife, Jill, and his two sons Biff and Butch. Pusher is the mayor of Tazmily Village. List of characters in Mother 3 Playable characters. Husband of Dona who can be found at the Yado Inn bar. He is the husband of Elmore. He owns a pet parrot that was taught "unsavory" words by Flint. Phrygia's Needle is inside the volcano. MOTHER 3, the follow up to the fan-favorite RPG EarthBound (MOTHER 2) and third in the MOTHER series, is an RPG that breaks the mold used by the two previous games in the series. Fassad later stole back the money, causing Butch to panic and accuse Duster, as he had only told Duster about his reward and mentioned the fact that Duster was a practicing thief. Lucas was later made a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Younger son of Matt and Jill. She is about the same age as Lucas. He is the main antagonist of the game. Lucas as he appears in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Wii U. Lucas (リュカ Ryuka) is the main protagonist and a timid young boy who eventually learns PSI powers. His attack is small enough to be of no practical value. He appears frequently during the game, being in almost every location the party visits. He seems to live with the mayor, but the relation between him and the mayor's family is unclear. Daughter of Caroline who helps her with her baking. He is an important character during Chapter 1, he is one of Flint's largest sources of help and often gives him encouragement and moral advice. The main villain in Mother and EarthBound, Giygas (known as Gyiyg in Japan) hoped to take control of people's inner evil to conquer the earth, before being defeated … Wikis. He is usually seen carrying a large piece of wood around. Rope Snake also is used later to grab the getaway ship atop Lightning Tower, but cannot support the weight of four people, must let go, and is captured along with Duster in Saturn Valley (hung on a clothes line). During Chapter 4, his teepee is struck and                   destroyed by Thunder Tower. Save Frogs appear in various places, and will save the player's progress or hold Dragon Power (the game's currency) for them. Nana is a recluse who strongly resembles Paula Polestar and Ana. Butch resembles Pokey in both weight and the overalls he wears. Though the button is visible on its back, it serves no purpose unlike in Mother 3. Jonel is a man with a brown mustache who lives with his wife Brenda. Wess (ウェス Wesu) is Duster's father, who joins Duster in Chapter 2. Mother 3 features few returning characters from EarthBound, including the above-mentioned King Porky, small strange creatures called Mr. Saturns, and the father of Jeff, a main protagonist of EarthBound, called Doctor … This city, New Pork City, resembles a giant amusement park and is filled with images of young Pokey, most notable of them all being a giant stone statue topped with a crown. Lisa (リサ Risa) is the wife of Thomas. In Europe, which did not see an EarthBound release, Ness was better known for his role in the fighting game than for his original role in the role-playing game. A young girl from Twoson and gifted psychic, Paula focuses on offensive PSI abilities and is the second playable character to join the party in EarthBound. When Hinawa is killed, he ... Flint. Posted 11 days ago. He has the ability to open dance-activated doors. She is the mother of Dona and Bob. Son of Pusher and Elmore. Husband of Hinawa and father of Lucas and Claus. In addition, Porky appears in The Subspace Emissary as a high ranked member of the Subspace Army. In the earlier chapters, he works in the bazaar and also makes nut cookies (which he describes as dirty and not very tasty). A "thief" who doesn't do much in the way of thieving, though manages some impressive athletic feats with his permanently injured leg. Fuel is Lighter's son. Kumatora (クマトラ) is the tomboyish princess of Osohe Castle. To find the full chart of the character's PSI info, please take a gander here. He usually drops banana peels whenever finishing a banana. Two of the first ROMs I came across were Mother 1+2 and Mother 3 with their respective translation patches. He is beaten quite easily and promises to meet Lucas again in the Mole Cricket Arena. It has a button on its back which switches it off, but the bird on its head could simply press the button again to revive it. She can use many PSI moves that Lucas can't, like PK Fire, PK Freeze, PK Thunder, and PK Starstorm. Lucas (リュカ Ryuka?) Temporary. Salsa (サルサ Sarusa) is a monkey who is looking for his girlfriend. Jonel is one of the most religious men in the village. Don't see the point of having three sheets of Claus when they're all very small and have some of the same sprites. All they do in the afterlife is have parties (which one of the ghosts appears to detest), and as a result they are in a perpetual state of intoxication. He comes to the Nowhere Islands after traveling through time-space and wants to use the world as his playground. Son of Flint and Hinawa and twin brother of Claus. He does all of Porkey's bidding and possesses the power to pull Needles. To put it in perspective, Lucas is the only playable character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl that hasn't had his/her game released outside of Japan. He has a slight resemblance to Jeff in EarthBound. The Wall Staples may also be used in battle to temporarily immobilize an opponent. After he is defeated in combat, Porky encapsulates himself and his mecha bed in the "Absolutely Safe Capsule," a completely indestructible device invented by Dr. Andonuts, which Porky intended to use as a safe haven during an emergency. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Reggie is a man who lives in a tipi near the Sheriff's Office. I Completed MOTHER 3; MOTHER 3 Soundtracks; Froggie Save Library; Mother 3 Cheat Code List; Mother 3 Riddles - February 2021. Like all Pigmasks, using DCMC goods on him during battle will distract him. She somehow knows Wess. Her Needle is guarded by the Barrier Trio. He is one of the first to receive a happy box and becomes a member of the Pig Mask Army. She isn't very popular to most of the villagers, because she never stops talking. A snake that acts as a rope. Playable Characters [11] Boney. Son of Flint and Hinawa and twin brother of Claus. He fights with a branch, similar to Ness's bat, as well as his incredible PSI abilities (the same as Ness's with a few differences), and uses Duster's Rope Snake for grabs and throws. He plays the electric piano. Old villager that dies during the four years between Chapter 3 and Chapter 4. He dresses in an Arabian style and has a pet mouse in which he cares for. He was originally a timid and shy boy. A map expert who gives the player various maps and marks their destination on the map for them. Angie is the daughter of Caroline. This is supported further by Flint appearing in a cutscene from Chapter 5 in the preview of the scrapped EarthBound 64. Mixolydia's needle is on a mountaintop on Tanetane Island. After Chapter 3, he must live in the retirement home (which was actually his house to begin with). Son of Thomas and Lisa. Bob is the adult son of Jonel and Brenda. and most battles revolve around Fassad rather than him. Towards the end of the game the player can find Boney's only weapon, the "Canine Weapon." As quoted by Nippolyte, he was most likely during Chapters 4-7 continuing his search for Claus in Mt. She has blond hair and strongly resembles Ness's mother in EarthBound. They dress in feminine clothing, appear to have facial hair and masculine figures, refer to themselves as women, but are considered to be genderless. You won't find an imitation of America in this game, but you will find many familiar themes, a wonderfully written diaglogue, a unique cast of characters, a new rhythm-based battle system, and a gripping story described by MOTHER … He leaves the party after finding Lighter on the ground when Sunshine Forest is on fire. Talkative girl who can put people to sleep with her stories. Lucas actually arrives there during Chapter 7, where he quickly defeats Okera again. He does not help during battle. Butch is a fat male who is the brother of Biff and the son of Matt and Jill. Matt is a man who sports an afro and a mustache. Osohe Ghosts are generic ghosts which reside on Osohe Castle, who appear as both friends and enemies. Flint makes appearances in later chapters, but is only playable in the first. He is captured and forced to work under Fassad, who frequently punishes Salsa by shocking him with a remote-controlled shock collar. Mike is an old man with brown hair and a colorful hat. He plays a helpful role in the first chapter. He never speaks a word and, as his name indicates, always wears a mask, making him seem emotionless. Like Lucas, he refuses to have a happy box, so his house gets struck by lightning. His house consists of a nest of messenger pigeons. Her name is taken from Paul McCartney's first wife, Linda McCartney. Fassad was a confirmed playable character in 1996, and we do know Wess was playable (he was planned to be in the GBA version as well, though this was changed late in development). They help the party get to the volcano, escape from the valley, and restore the Franklin Badge for them. Porky, originally localized as Pokey, is a character from the EarthBound (Mother) series. The Japanese based game, Mother 3, is a popular video game that was released on April 20, 2006. is a fictional character in the EarthBound series of role-playing games published by Nintendo and created by Japanese video game designer Shigesato Itoi. She is about the same age as Lucas, and her brother Nichol. Resembles the cranky lady from Earthbound. Phrygia is a Magypsy, self-proclaimed to be much more serious than the others, who resides near the volcano and sleeps most of the time. Lucas is the son of Flint and Hinawa, and the younger twin brother of Claus. A friendly Magypsy who explains the power of the seven Needles to Lucas. 1 Mother 3 1.1 Prologue 1.2 Chapter 4 - Episode 1 2 Super Smash Bros. Brawl 3 Trivia Chugga controlled Lucas during the Prologue. He is the only other person besides Lucas capable of removing the Seven Needles. He is quiet and reserved, and has the reputation of a crybaby. Leder is the bell ringer of Tazmily Village, recognized for his very tall height. After Duster steals the wrong artifact from Osohe Castle, Wess goes along to make sure they get the right one. Paul is a blond-haired man with glasses and a scarf. Ionia's Needle is in the Chupichupyoi Temple. Klee is a playable Pyro character in Genshin Impact.. She is not helpful in battle, but she teaches Lucas how to use PSI skills. He also secretly takes care of the garden in front of Osohe Castle. Development of Mother 3 began in 1994 for the Super Famicom with Shigeru Miyamoto and Satoru Iwata as producers. The DCMC is a popular music band in Mother 3. Motomario. However, the Ultimate Chimera can be defeated in Brawl by destroying the bridge while the Ultimate Chimera is on it, causing it to fall through and off the stage. Flint (フリント Furinto) is the main protagonist of Chapter 1. Her hair is also the same reddish color as theirs. Like its name implies, it is indestructible and can defeat the player instantly by merely being touched. He is apparently an important part of the Pig Mask Army. Dungeons. EDIT 2: Uploaded revised sheet of Claus, and it's HUGE. She has white hair and is younger than Lucas. He is helpful in battle. Son of Flint and Hinawa and twin brother of Lucas. Lucas is known to be around the age of 12 at the end of the game. The attack is survivable, but only under the rarest circumstances in an area where the player has many platforms to collide with and dampen his momentum. And to put the cherry on the sundae, the plot has no relevance to the main story. He is the secondary antagonist in EarthBound, and is the main antagonist in Mother 3. The Needle she guards is in the Osohe Castle courtyard. Betsy is a plump woman who works at the Yado Inn with Jackie and Tessie. 20 questions: is this person from tazmily? His hair and skin are discolored (to shades of white and gray, respectively,) in a way reminiscent of his appearance in the first stage of EarthBound final boss battle against Giygas. They can be seen feasting and playing music in Osohe Castle's banquet hall. The Pig King, referred to more generally as "King P," is the leader of the Pigmask Army and the one responsible behind the strange Ultimate Chimera appearing on the Nowhere Islands. He resembles the Bubble Monkey from EarthBound. https://earthbound.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_characters_in_Mother_3?oldid=62171. The village smith who makes the Drago Fang into a weapon for Flint. Salsa is by the far the weakest playable character in the Mother series. Ionia is the most recurring Magypsy, who teaches PSI to Lucas and briefly joins the party towards the beginning of Chapter 7. In Chapter 8, it is revealed that Fassad is the seventh and final Magypsy, Locria. He sports short purple hair, and works with Betsy and Tessie. Lucas (リュカ, Ryuka) is a fictional character in the EarthBound series of role-playing games published by Nintendo and created by Japanese video game designer Shigesato Itoi.The character serves as the main playable protagonist of Mother 3, the third and last game in the series.He also appears as a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl where is voiced by Lani Minella. The name is a play with the Australian band AC/DC. The Ultimate Chimera is a creature created in the Chimera Laboratory during Chapter 7. However, he has no difficulty running and moving on staircases, so his leg might not be completely immobile. Alec is Hinawa's father and Lucas and Claus' grandfather. Claus (クラウス Kurausu) is Lucas' older twin, and the son of Flint and Hinawa. He runs the shop when Thomas is gone. They are: Lucas is the main playable protagonist ofMother 3 and a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Smash. Games Movies TV Video. He is the main playable protagonist of Chapter 3. He joins Flint in Chapter 1. Lucas (Young) Salsa. Doria's Needle is at the bottom of a pond in the Violet Forest. Their names are taken from the famous comedy duo, Bud Abbot and Lou Costello. Mother 3's story is very long and complex, with many different playable characters throughout the journey. In addition to a viking ship ride which can be used as a platform, the stage presents most of the city's layout in the background, including Porky's statue. Boney can only equip hats and collars and cannot use PSI attacks. Through some side effect of his heavy abuse of time travel, Pokey effectively became immortal (albeit bedridden, left in a static near-death state) – Porky himself comments that he could be a thousand or even ten thousand years old by the time Lucas meets him, but he doesn't even know anymore. What a superfluous chapter! When Duster walks, he appears to limp on one leg. Although he has aged many years, his mind apparently never aged with him, as he still retains the immaturity and cowardice that he displayed throughout his childhood. In 1999, Nintendo released the meele fighting game Super Smash Brothers, which featured Ness, the protagonist of Mother 2 (Earthbound), as a playable character, retaining his PSI abilities and his trademark weapon: a bat. He is about the same age as Lucas, and his sister Richie. Because Lucas knows PK Love, he is able to pull the seven needles and wake the Dark Dragon which is sleeping under the Nowhere Islands. Do keep in mind, there are end-game spoilers present on this page, so please be aware before continuing. Duster (ダスター Dasutā) is a thief, skilled at climbing mountainsides and walls using thief's tools known as the "Wall Staples" – giant staples that he carries with him everywhere. They replace the telephones and ATMs from Mother and EarthBound. Kumatora. Lydia is a very sympathetic Magypsy, who looks after several rabbits at home in the snowy mountain. Chances of surviving this are practically unlikely, but are possible. He is the father of Dona and Bob. A friendly race living in Saturn Valley. His name is a French word meaning "boat". He lives in Tazmily Village with his family and dog Boney. The EarthBound series has various different playable characters with each installment having a new set of playable characters. They are mass-produced from clay and powered by electricity, and need to be recharged every so often. RSS; Pages: 1; 2; Next; Prev; Reply! Parzival. The Masked Man is in reality Lucas' twin brother, Claus, who died early in the game and was reanimated by the Pig Army, likely using the same process they used to create the chimeras. While Lucas and friends are hallucinating on mushrooms in Chapter 7, Mixolydia appears as a young blonde and Ocho her handsome assistant. In Chapter 7, he gives the Courage Badge which he got from Flint to Lucas. There is also a Stinkbug present in the room, of which he asks it to remember his words. He lives in the forest with his son Fuel. His name is a play on musician Jimmy Smith. Strangely enough, though Mike is a named character he does not appear in the cast credits at the end of the game. Dr. Andonuts appears in the Chimera Laboratory hiding in a trash can as the Ultimate Chimera ravages the building. Although it is never shown, the Dark Dragon submits to Lucas' request and begins to turn things back the way they were before Pokey Minch and the Pigmask Army altered everything, and everyone apparently lives the rest of their lives in peace. She is friends with Lisa and Brenda. Actually, there are also a few antagonist characters that you'll fight on multiple occasions, more so than in Mother 3, like the Fierce Pork Trooper, Fassad and even Mr. Genetor. Kumatora is revealed to have been raised by the Magypsies. He is playable again to help Salsa in Chapter 3. He joins Flint in Chaper 1 to find Claus, and later on refuses to get rid of the drago that killed his daughter. Son of Lighter that Flint must rescue from the burning cabin in Chapter 1. Brownie Brown has stated that if this game ever gets a rerelease, they will attempt to avert this trope. In later chapters, he lives in the retirement home, complaining that his grandchildren have not visited him. I'm thinking of reorganizing some of the messier sheets using the Mother 3 sprite editor, since it can be used to make nice, clean sprite sheets. Lucas enters using this item, quickly dismounts, and starts the fight. They do not appear to be as inventive as the populous of EarthBound, but give the player the choice of riding on a transport vehicle they made, Mr. Saturn's Tea Table, and in a redesigned Pork Bean. At some point, the needles are pulled, and the Dragon destroys the entire world in a fiery apocalypse. The credit to the game’s development goes to the two diligent developer industries, Brownie Brown and HAL Laboratory. An inactive clay guy can be quickly revived through any strong jolt of electricity. Category page. Dr. Andonuts was also a key character in EarthBound and the father of one of the chosen four, Jeff Andonuts. Although there were "dungeons" in Mother 3, it is more clear what places are dungeons in this game. After Claus goes missing in Chapter 1, he joins Flint to help find him with the help of his friends, the Magypsies. The table also makes an appearance in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Playable characters, also referred to as party or playable cast, are the characters that can be controlled by the player. His father calls and instructs him to go on an adventure to realize his PSI skills. When Duster brings him the Noble Spittoon, he takes matters into his own hands and goes with Duster to find it. After the pulling of his needle and his eventual disappearance, a pigmask can be found in his shell caring for his rabbits as repayment for saving his life. A briefly summary is given of the character's history, though some are a bit more rich than others. Kumatora (Pigmask) Kumatora (Young) Lucas. Mother 3 begins with Hinawa, Lucas and Claus visiting her father, Alec, in his house in the mountains north of Tazmily Village. The game features similar gameplay mechanics and elements to the other games of the same series. In the Prologue, Hinawa, Lucas, and Claus stay at his cabin on Mount Oriander. Playable Characters. He is a source of moral support for the party and often assists Wess in helping Lucas and company. He is quiet and reserved, and has the reputation of a crybaby. Boney (ボニー Bonii) is the family dog initially owned by Flint. He is about the same age as Lucas and wears a white and red baseball jersey. Inspired by Super Mario 64, the team transitioned from the Super Famicom to the Nintendo 64, believing that they could also creatively flourish by making a 3Dworld without technical restrictions. metropolis for giggles, and screws around with genetic engineering to create biological (see page image/quote) and mechanical chimeras.

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