Sort by. Here we shall be covering all manner of general tips and tricks, but as we always do, we’re going to start from the very beginning and fill you in on the basics. That would allow you to collect and keep any spices you get via the methods we will be telling you below. Recipes My Cafe Recipes & Stories – All the Special Tea recipes. In this game, the serving will mostly be done by your in-game friend and top employee Ann, as well as the employees you hire for your restaurant. Who knows the answers? Its asking what kevin should write to Nikki and the choices are to write a poem, make it entertaining with stories and stuff or to write a romantic epistle. View the profiles of people named Kevin Riddle. When should I start to upgrade? By the way idk means I don’t know. Level 23 - Kevin's storyline. Toggle navigation. I am in growing stage level 0 about complete it an reach to level 1 which shows by star in left upper corner. Some stories are resolved in one level, while others may be told over several. I don’t get any money if I go offline, when I open the game it looks like I never closed it? Simplified machines + all upgrades cost MORE than buying a premium machine outright. The game gets slow when they don’t want to go. Kevin has a brief affair with Elsa (level 10) Kevin has a mysterious girlfriend from abroad named Nicki (level 23) See Stories. Simple gifts will only award some rose petals, anis, maybe some coins and maybe very little diamonds. The next skill you should upgrade for Ann would be Daily Simple Gift. Speaking of conversations with customers, we said earlier that you should pay close attention. Bill wanting a latte This guide will help you with answers, cheats, solutions, hints and tips. It says you can’t make recipes, and will have to upgrade to premium machines… so what is their purpose? What are they? It’s something to do while you wait for enough income to purchase the upgrades. Sometimes it does that. Our suggestion is that you work on the All Items Prices skills, as it puts a premium on the price of all items being sold in your café. Just get rid of all your Chinese furniture, and if you don’t have enough money to buy replacement English furniture, use Simple Items. Recipes «My Cafe» Search . Level up faster, play more. My son accidentally fired Victoria the first server I had bought. Fun and interesting!!!! Tea . My Café: Recipes and Stories has several secrets, gossips and anecdotes to keep you busy for hours. Hi! That’s the basic element of serving customers in the game, but you can also help Ann and the rest of your staff by tapping on machines and serving your customers drinks. I’m so confused on this! Plus there’s a small café to manage. We mentioned Ann’s skills above, and considering she is your most valuable employee, you’ll want to be very sure you’re upgrading the right skill of hers. As such, pay close attention to the stuff they say. They sometimes allow you to make a recipe using that ingredient. Add some spice to a drink or another food item, and you’ll be cooking up an item that costs a lot of money; sometimes, the prices may be far more premium than what one would normally expect. Energy Matcha with Guarana, Coffee and Honey: Matcha Tea, espresso, honey and also Guarana; Warm up Matcha with Milk, Lemon, Honey and Galangal: Matcha tea, milk, lemon, honey and also Galangal That’s the game in brief, and considering how complicated it may seem compared to other titles in its genre, we’ve decided to ease you in…and then some. For example, upgrading to Level 1 will increase all item prices by 6 percent, and once you’re at level 10, any items can be raised by 30 percent. you can’t because sometimes to complete a quest you need to buy tables. KAVÁRNY; FOTOGALERIE; NABÍDKA; KONTAKT; 5+1 café For example, you can get decoration tips from Margaret, as well as from Café and Restaurant Society chairman Fernando, who will also reward you with VIP points if you talk to him about decorations. Mint . Note: Some story titles are not official. But, the customers ask at the beginning of the special orders for drinks with the rose petals, anise, star anise. Anne is at level 8 yet hasn’t upgraded since level 3 please help ?? Get riddles and answers to share and challenge your friends. Special spices, for starters, are the condiment you would need in order to make special recipes. Like if I get Cardamom, or Nutmeg, guarana…etc…(the ones on the lvl 2 VIP list)harder to get. And also can normal players send each other spices as I have two accounts and on one I have saffron and on the other I need it but don’t have it? You can earn bonus tips from customers through the decorations you use for your café, and if you’re not sure what kind of furniture to use, you can pick up the hints your customers will drop through their conversations. This is the answer for Little Riddles Level 23 with Question and Answers with Cheats, Solutions in English for iPhone, iPad, Android Apps Game Developed by guillaume coulbaux and BroForApp.. What is the solution for Little Riddles Level 23 ? Little Riddles LEVEL 20 Answer – A shower that lights up the = Meteor Little Riddles LEVEL 21 Answer – The itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot variety is quite popular = Bikini; Little Riddles LEVEL 22 Answer – Surname of the pilot of the Millennium Falcon = Solo; Little Riddles LEVEL 23 Answer – Where jewelry pieces your head. You can also earn a free diamond, or maybe a couple, by meeting your customers’ requirements and wants. Which levels gives you what rewards? Riddles is a fun word game that ask you to guess certain items. Who am I? = Calendar Riddle Me That Level 25: I give milk and have a horn but I’m not a cow? I have a northern lights cafe. It’s not progressive, I want them to go… please help me. Leveling up brings a new customer to your café, and if you’re not playing the game, your servers will help Ann as she serves up your customers’ orders. What are the rarest spices in the game? What am I? ADVERTISEMENT. One of the easiest ways to get special spices is to log in to the game every day, or get them as a daily gift. The game has been kept current with new levels and updates. Your server should tell them for you, and depending on which server you hired, they will suggestively sell something else. You will also see avatars for your customers, which you can tap on in order to get some insight on their favorite recipes or decoration themes, or maybe on the gossip they shared. What it mean?? Even if only One is correct and the answers are sometimes easy, you can easily be blocked in some tricky riddles. = Stars Riddle Me That Level 23: My neighbor makes mistakes. I can’t find my cat, complete walkthrough including image hint, video Gameplay and the short answer. But not all conversations are made up of idle chatter. Tea . After sending spices to treasury where they go??? Acesse em português/Brasil. Take note that you can only upgrade one of three skills when an employee levels up, so make sure you’re making the right decision. And if I want them back from where can I get them back??? Additionally, you can get some spices from customers; be social, talk to your customers regularly, and who knows, they just might reward you in the form of spices. u must have at least 1 server. Anyone also face the same issue? That’s way the baristas can fill orders so the servers can serve tables, How to place order request by telephone in township, Make sure you hire a Server, Barista’s only serve counters. But be warned you’re just going to hear everyone try to order whatever you can’t yet make and shake their heads saying “What a shame.” And frequently get up and leave. Tap on a customer, press the “What would you like to order” button, take note of their order, and off you go. What are the chances of getting gold in a simple gift does anyone know? Close. Special items, as we hinted in the earlier tips, cost much more than you common, regular items. The game has been kept current with new levels and updates. Her particular skills are Daily Simple Gift, All Items Prices, and Speed, though the skills of other restaurant employees may differ. It is probably one of the most downloaded of this genre on the stores, with over 10 million downloads on Android alone! This can actually be a good thing because if you level up too fast without having saved enough for the equipment, you will be stuck with all sorts of orders as well as the stories themselves, and since you would be losing income every second due to missing recipes, it would get much harder to get that equipment down the road. Still, don’t overspend on hiring servers, and take a good look at their price tags, as well as their skills. (As an aside, this also allows you to accept takeout orders.) Listen to when Ann tells you that a new server can be hired, and don’t forget to buy a service table (found under Catalog > Furniture) in order to proceed with the hiring process. Can I just have all bar counters and all barista? What do I have yo do with the coffee grinder and tea container I dont understand what their purposes are, it makes the prices go up for a certain percentage depending on what type of coffee or tea you’ll buy(click the item then you’ll understand what i mean), I want the customers to go quick. Help! I’ve already added the deco tips from the visitors and all my furniture is in northern lights style. Keep your PC running smoothly even with multiple instances. save your diamonds from simple gift u get from ann because these workers are costly but very worth it. Known For Uncle Casting Director … It is probably one of the most downloaded of this genre on the stores, with over 10 million downloads on Android alone! What am I (23) Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link. I need a nautical clothing, what is this? One great thing about My Cafe: Recipes and Stories is the fact that all the characters have their own personalities and characteristics. RESTAURANT GAME SIMULATION • With My Cafe you can own and grow a coffee shop or a restaurant of your dreams • Decorate your coffee shop as you wish, hire … Don’t be useless just because you’re the boss – if business is picking up, then go ahead and serve some customers. It’s better to stay online, because then you earn more money, and tons of customers won’t rush in.

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