In business, there is nothing more valuable than a technical advantage your competitors don’t understand. I think so. So to inspire your work going forward, here are four of Paul Graham’s most impactful quotes about business. product, companies, die. It’s hard to do a really good job on anything you don’t think about in the shower. Saved by AngelHack. It lets you accrete programs as a series of patches.”, “You have to be able to see things from the user’s point of view.”, “The statements that make people mad are the ones they worry might be believed. Programmers tend to be divided into tribes by the languages they use. Cricket is the greatest game that the wit of man has yet devised. You have to be able to see things from the user’s point of view. ', 'Being strong-willed is not enough, however. - Quote by Paul Graham. It’s easier to get people to fight for an idea. Topics in Uncategorized. A country called The Socialist People's Democratic Republic of X is probably the last place in the world you'd want to live. 1956, Stafford, England, lives in New York.] Inspirational Entrepreneurship Quotes. There are ten pictures before and ten pictures after every one of them: [Henri Cartier-Bresson] actually took thirty pictures of people leaping over that puddle. Tags: A programming language is for thinking about programs, not for expressing programs you've already thought of. 52 wallpapers ... — Paul Graham. The most important thing is not to let fundraising get you down. Share on the web, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and blogs. In one culture it might seem shocking to think x, while in another it was shocking not to. Before you develop a conscience, torture is amusing. Explore the best of Paul Graham Quotes, as voted by our community. Tags: Really there should be two articles: one about what to do if you are yourself a programmer, and one about what to do if you're not. You can do that at any age. Paul Graham Quotes 16 of 33 There's no switch inside you [high school students] that magically flips when you turn a certain age or graduate from some institution. Competitors punch you in the jaw, but investors have you by the balls. Tags: In our world, you sink or swim, and there are no excuses. And so the kids make one out of nothing. There are plenty of other ways to get money, including chance, speculation, marriage, inheritance, theft, extortion, fraud, monopoly, graft, lobbying, counterfeiting, and prospecting. It is no coincidence that technically inept business types are known as 'suits'. The government spying on people doesn’t literally make programmers write worse code. Lisp Quotes. And even if you forget the experience or what you read, its effect on your model of the world persists. If you let the difficulty of raising money destroy your morale, it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Those in authority tend to be annoyed by hackers’ general attitude of disobedience. I think the way to "solve" the problem of procrastination is to let delight pull you instead of making a to-do list push you. Object-oriented programming offers a sustainable way to write spaghetti code. Focus on quality before quantity. If you can develop technology that’s simply too hard for competitors to duplicate, you don’t need to rely on other defenses. - Paul Graham. rule, thumb, more, qualifiers, there, before, name, country, corrupt. Someone, trying, live, abstemious, most, US, phenomenon, going, become. The same recipe that makes individuals rich makes countries powerful. The closer you can get to what they want, the more wealth you generate.”, “Public school teachers are in much the same position as prison wardens.”, “It’s important for nerds to realize, too, that school is not life. They can sense totalitarianism approaching from a distance, as animals can sense an approaching thunderstorm.”, “The same recipe that makes individuals rich makes countries powerful. Paul Graham. From Paul Graham’s collection at “The imagination of nature is far, far greater than the imagination of man.” – Richard Feynman”The less confident you are, the more se… Join 48,000+ other people and subscribe to Quotefancy Weekly Digest. and But there is no external pressure to do this well. He is known for his essays on hackers, startups, and programming languages. me, kid, rich, people, poor, spending, money, books, movies. That's how it happens in books and movies, because that's the colorful way to do it. Likewise, in any social hierarchy, people unsure of their own position will try to emphasize it by maltreating those they think rank below. Authoritarian countries become corrupt; corrupt countries become poor; and poor countries are weak. The best thing software can be is easy, but the way to do this is to get the defaults right, not to limit users' choices. If you let the difficulty of raising money destroy your morale, it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.”, “People who write about politics, whether on the left or the right, have a consistent bias: they take politics seriously.”, “One of the less publicized benefits of the open source movement is that it has made it easier to learn to program.”, “The way to create something beautiful is often to make subtle tweaks to something that already exists, or to combine existing ideas in a slightly new way. important, what, you, high, school, students, work, long, wasting. Tags: Attacking an outsider makes them all insiders. I suspect the statements that make people maddest are those they worry might be true. Argue with idiots, and you become an idiot. When you can’t deliver ornament, you have to deliver substance.”, “In almost any group of people you’ll find hierarchy. It is no accident that Silicon Valley is in America, and not France, or Germany, or England, or Japan. It lets you accrete programs as a series of patches. Nerds, serve, two, masters, want, popular, more, smart, popularity. People Ladder Young. The same recipe that makes individuals rich makes countries powerful. Subscribe Paul Graham — Scientist born on December 30, 1964, Paul Graham may refer to:.. For the most ambitious young people, the corporate ladder is obsolete. Please set a username for yourself. For the most ambitious young people, the corporate ladder is obsolete. Quotes & Sayings; Quotes by Topics; People Quotes; Time Quotes; No Result We conveniently forget that the Soviet Union was also one of the winners. Paul Graham Quotes . Someone who was strong-willed but self-indulgent would not be called determined. Cricket is the greatest game that the wit of man has yet devised. This kind of work is hard to convey in a research paper. It’s all-encompassing, like life, but it isn’t the real thing. If you have to choose between two theories, prefer the one that doesn’t center on you. A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson. Your mind is like a compiled program you’ve lost the source of. If you'd like the decision to be more democratic, tell them.' Paul Graham's most recent book of photographs, a shimmer of possibility, which was published in 2007, could be read as 12 visual short stories that … Here, as so often, the best defense is a good offense. People will see it as Author Name with your public flash cards. But I think usually the shock is on one side. worry, popular, able, away, stupider, stuff, dared, before, thing, Yes, I'd like to receive Word of the Day emails from The top 5% of programmers probably write 99% of the good software. Download free high quality (4K) pictures and wallpapers with Paul Graham Quotes. Quotations by Paul Graham, Scientist, Born . Paul Graham (born 1964) is an American essayist, entrepreneur, investor, and programmer. A restaurant can afford to serve the occasional burnt dinner. Wednesday, January 20, 2021. When groups of adults form in the real world, it’s generally for some common purpose, and the leaders end up being those who are best at it. you, try, solve, hard, problem, question, use, powerful, enough. Paul Graham Quotes. Paul Graham Quotes - BrainyQuote. Paul Graham Computer Programmer, Essayist. Just the wrong things. Startups live or die on morale. This pattern is no coincidence: worry made the work good.”, “Writing doesn’t just communicate ideas; it generates them. It is no accident that Silicon Valley is in America, and not France, or Germany, or England, or Japan. Thinking Pen Language. Public school teachers are in much the same position as prison wardens. And because this is so important to hackers, they’re especially sensitive to it. It’s all-encompassing, like life, but it isn’t the real thing. People who write about politics, whether on the left or the right, have a consistent bias: they take politics seriously. When, far, removed, creation, wealth, undergraduates, reporters, politicians, hear. 'The most important quality in a CEO is his vision for the company's future.' Paul Graham Computer Programmer, Essayist. It’s only temporary, and if you look, you can see beyond it even while you’re still in it.”, “This is why so many of the best programmers are libertarians. "The condition of man is already close to satiety and arrogance, and there is danger of destruction of everything in existence." By continuing, you agree to our Some people just get what they want in the world. You also have to be hard on yourself. In one culture x is ok, and in another it’s considered shocking. Paul Graham Quotes. School is a strange, artificial thing, half sterile and half feral. But in technology, you cook one thing and that’s what everyone eats. Others see what they’ve done and think it’s wonderful, but the creator sees nothing but flaws. Tags: You start being an adult when you decide to take responsibility for your life. Cite page: Citation. Could civil liberties really be a cause, rather than just an effect? At any given time, there are only about ten or twenty places where hackers most want to work, and if you aren't one of them, you won't just have fewer great hackers, you'll have zero. Paul Graham Quotes . I think a society in which people can do and say what they want will also tend to be one in which the most efficient so- lutions win, rather than those sponsored by the most influential people. Terms of Use So any difference between what people want and what you deliver is multiplied. In a big company, you can do what all the other big companies are doing. But in fact there is a second much larger class of judgements where judging you is only a means to something else. But if you’re trying to choose between two theories and one gives you an excuse for being lazy, the other one is probably right.”, “Partly because teenagers are still half children, and many children are just intrinsically cruel.”, “Most makers make things for a human audience. They can sense totalitarianism approaching from a distance, as animals can sense an approaching thunderstorm. But hierarchy there must be. In such a world it's not a good idea to have fixed plans. My advice is, don't say it. 'I suppose I should learn Lisp, but it seems so foreign.' It’s important for nerds to realize, too, that school is not life. Paul Graham Quotes Quotes by and about Paul Graham (Continued from his main entry on the site.) Your mind is like a compiled program you’ve lost the source of. If you work on something you can finish in a day or two, you can expect to have a nice feeling of accomplishment fairly soon. Paul Graham. "Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute." If you'd asked me as a kid how rich people became poor, I'd have said by spending all their money. Tags: European, public, opinion, apparently, tolerate, people, fired, industries, care. Here are 19 Paul Graham quotes. Determination implies your willfulness is balanced by discipline." Tags: And it is also the essence of Americanness. The most dangerous form of procrastination is unacknowledged type-B procrastination [putting off important things to do unimportant things], because it doesn't feel like procrastination. But in fact the way most fortunes are lost is not through excessive expenditure, but through bad investments. Unfortunately the only industry they care enough about so far is soccer. Tags: Similar Quotes. Likewise, in any social hierarchy, people unsure of their own position will try to emphasize it by maltreating those they think rank below. Paul lives out the Y Combinator philosophy of making something people want, by speaking and writing informative essays about startups and business strategy. switch, inside, you, high, school, students, magically, flips, when. And to engage an audience you have to understand what they need. As a rule of thumb, the more qualifiers there are before the name of a country, the more corrupt the rulers. And it is also the essence of Americanness. I think so. Most of the greatest fortunes have probably involved several of these.”, “It’s easier to get people to fight for an idea. Google, never, advertising, dealers, sell, stuff, know, better, use. more, you, most, judgements, greatly, influenced, random, extraneous, factors. Start your week with a motivational kick. And because this is so important to hackers, they’re especially sensitive to it. Start by picking a hard problem, and then at every decision point, take the harder choice.”, “Those in authority tend to be annoyed by hackers’ general attitude of disobedience. It’s hard to engage a big company in a design war, just as it’s hard to engage an opponent inside a castle in hand-to-hand combat. Advertising is selling Twinkies to adults. The same recipe that makes individuals rich makes countries powerful. Adla founder Holly Leslie shared how … Authoritarian countries become corrupt; corrupt countries become poor; and poor countries are weak.”, “People who do good work often think that whatever they’re working on is no good. People who do good work often think that whatever they’re working on is no good. Tags: Tags: Tags: And the second could probably be condensed into two words: give up. In business, as in war, surprise is worth as much as force.”, “If you’re in a job that feels safe, you are not going to get exceptional, because if there is no danger there is almost certainly no leverage.”, “A lot of the statements that got people in trouble seem harmless now.”, “Cold War teaches the same lesson as World War II and, for that matter, most wars in recent history. That phenomenon is only going to become more pronounced. seen, occasional, articles, manage, programmers, there, two, one, what. Tags: These opportunities are not easy to find, though. But that disobedience is a byproduct of the qualities that make them good programmers.”, “We often like to think of World War II as a triumph of freedom over totalitarianism. I actually worry a lot that as I get "popular" I'll be able to get away with saying stupider stuff than I would have dared say before. Best Paul Graham Quotes at world, cruel, boring, worse. INSPIRATIONAL SUCCESS MOTIVATIONAL. Don’t let a ruling class of warriors and politicians squash the entrepreneurs. In our world, you sink or swim, and there are no excuses. The phrase “personal computer” is part of the language now, but when it was first used it had a deliberately audacious sound, like the phrase “personal satellite” would today. The world seemed cruel and boring, and I'm not sure which was worse. There are few sources of energy so powerful as a procrastinating college student. In a large enough pool, even the smallest minorities can achieve a critical mass if they clump together. Then all the time they spent on it will be wasted. The “decisive moment” is bullshit. While the nerds were being trained to get the right answers, the popular kids were being trained to please. given, time, there, ten, twenty, places, hackers, most, want. Paul Graham [Photographer, b. School is a strange, artificial thing, half sterile and half feral. More even than by the kinds of programs they write. The closer you can get to what they want, the more wealth you generate. "That language is an instrument of human reason, and not merely a medium for the expression of thought, is a truth generally admitted." Topics in Uncategorized. Nerds serve two masters. Let the nerds keep their lunch money, and you rule the world. What if they fail? I’ve read that this is why poor whites in the United States are the group most hostile to blacks.”, “Programmers tend to be divided into tribes by the languages they use. You might find contradictory taboos. The top 5% of programmers probably write 99% of the good software. Tags: first, type, judgement, judging, you, end, goal, fact, there. You're "getting things done." Consulting is where product companies go to die. We often like to think of World War II as a triumph of freedom over totalitarianism. Reading and experience train your model of the world. Tags: In one culture it might seem shocking to think x, while in another it was shocking not to. It’s only temporary, and if you look, you can see beyond it even while you’re still in it. — "Why Nerds are Unpopular", February 2003. When you can’t deliver ornament, you have to deliver substance. Another, reason, people, work, big, projects, ironically, fear, wasting. But I think usually the shock is on one side. They're like dealers; they sell the stuff, but they know better than to use it themselves. "Being strong-willed is not enough, however. The more you realize that most judgements are greatly influenced by random, extraneous factors that most people judging you are more like a fickle novel buyer than a wise and perceptive magistrate the more you realize you can do things to influence the outcome. Most makers make things for a human audience. The other thing that's different about the real world [compared to high school] is that it's much larger. This pattern is no coincidence: worry made the work good. If you’re in a job that feels safe, you are not going to get exceptional, because if there is no danger there is almost certainly no leverage. and more… – Tara Ploughman. I've read that this is why poor whites in the United States are the group most hostile to blacks. Paul Graham Quotes As a rule of thumb, the more qualifiers there are before the name of a country, the more corrupt the rulers. you, work, something, can, finish, day, two, expect, nice, Another reason people don't work on big projects is, ironically, fear of wasting time. A lot of the statements that got people in trouble seem harmless now. The stated purpose of schools is to educate the kids. The way to create something beautiful is often to make subtle tweaks to something that already exists, or to combine existing ideas in a slightly new way. And whichever side wins, their ideas will also be considered to have triumphed, as if God wanted to signal his agreement by selecting that side as the victor.”, “The stated purpose of schools is to educate the kids. Paul Graham Quotes Page 2 of 2. A country called The Socialist People's Democratic Republic of X is probably the last place in the world you'd want to live. When those far removed from the creation of wealth – undergraduates, reporters, politicians – hear that the richest 5% of the people have half the total wealth, they tend to think injustice! An experienced programmer would be more likely to think is that all? When, you, tread, water, lift, yourself, pushing, down, social. The problem with most schools is, they have no purpose. That is the essence of hacking. think, solve, problem, procrastination, delight, pull, you, making, todo. Tags: An experienced programmer would be more likely to think is that all? you, leave, bunch, own, devices, what, Lord, Flies. ... quotes 1 … - Sir Pelham Warner. Don’t let a ruling class of warriors and politicians squash the entrepreneurs. More even than by the kinds of programs they write.”, “Could civil liberties really be a cause, rather than just an effect? You also have to be hard on yourself. – Abelson & Sussman, SICP, preface to the first edition. But there is no external pressure to do this well.”, “I’m not saying there’s no such thing as genius. And so the kids make one out of nothing.”, “If you have to choose between two theories, prefer the one that doesn’t center on you.”, “Attacking an outsider makes them all insiders.”, “In a big company, you can do what all the other big companies are doing. It just leads eventually to a world in which bad ideas will win. Graham: "When you find something you can't say, what do you do with it? Google never did any advertising. Or at least, pick your battles. The easy, conversational tone of good writing comes only on the eighth rewrite. Share. I've seen occasional articles about how to manage programmers. Tags: Don't miss out on our next weekly batch. The statements that make people mad are the ones they worry might be believed. 7 Share Dressing up is inevitably a substitute for good ideas. -- ' Tags: If you're trying to decide whether to go out running or sit home and watch TV, go running. It's not so important what you [high school students] work on, so long as you're not wasting your time. Paul Graham - Paul Graham is an English programmer, venture capitalist, and essayist. world, changes, fast, rate, speeding, good, idea, fixed, plans. Paul Graham. They're just playing a different game, and a game much closer to the one played in the real world. 1. Startup Quotes. Free Daily Quotes. Tags: We're on a mission of turning inspiring quotes into beautiful wallpapers. Work on things that interest you and increase your options, and worry later about which you'll take. Likewise, in any social hierarchy, people unsure of their own position will try to emphasize it by maltreating those they think rank below. Argue with idiots, and you become an idiot. So any difference between what people want and what you deliver is multiplied. There are plenty of smart people who get nowhere. It should be a pencil, not a pen. When groups of adults form in the real world, it’s generally for some common purpose, and the leaders end up being those who are best at it.

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