CHAPTERS COMING OUT NEXT Momo Principal Nezu Aizawa. Principal, is a character in the anime/manga series My Hero Academia. He saw invisible threads connecting surfaces, lines of trajectory and gravity where one thing would collide to another. • Muses may be added in the future. i'd also rule out the normal teachers. Izuku: Hey guys, what's with the scary faces? They actually brought up the traitor issue recently, before the big fight the manga is at Nezu was like "I don't think it's a student. Midnight suggested. It’s only an assumption that Present Mic brought up. For those who care to think back, they will remember that Principal Nezu was the first person to open the floor to a traitor. 13 said. Principal Nezu sipped his tea calmly as he manipulated the levers with perfect precision, the full span of the exam zone clear before his eyes. Why I believe Principle Nezu is the traitor. • Penned by Phy ♡ • Semi-Selective. Snipe only nodded to agree. The problem with Nezu being the traitor is he's one of the few trusted people who know about One For All. They secretly take over the world and watch as everything locks into place with a creepy smile. spoiler. There wasn't much, but he stood it. spoiler. He’s gone behind them countless times. Kirishima knows he’s the traitor. • (N)SFW– Triggering content may be present. ", I asked not wanting to believe what I just heard. Since the very beginning. ... Also maybe it's different wording originally but in a recent chapter Principal Nezu goes "we haven't seen any students act suspicious" and, y'know, you can't see Invisible Girl. Also it can't be Nezu since he monologued to himself, ALONE in his thoughts that there's a traitor. principal Nezu and Present Mic were backing up Aizawa. 6 Nezu Is The Traitor. 10 Nezu. Claiming that the academy's principal is the mysterious nefarious villain behind every evil in MHA might seem a bit over-the-top. However, the theory is … There is simply too much evidence to show that there is a traitor within the school. Archived. "But, sir…" Nezu took a slow sip of tea, and pinched the bridge of his fuzzy snout between two small pawpads – as if all the stress of running an absurdly high-profile school for hormonal super-teens were seated there, and all he had to do was work it free. A traitor wouldn't say in there mind 'there's a traitor' if no one was listening. Yet- something feels wrong about today. They probably think I am a traitor or something like that. Posted by 6 months ago. Tysm for 3,400 hits! They are something else. To me, principal Nezu is one of the most mysterious figures in MHA along with AFO. So far so good on that front in terms of information leaks. He is the principal of the heroics academy U.A. Edgeshot working on the heroes and villains and Nezu working on the politics and new hero generation (we do not speak of what might happened once Midoriya got in on this plan). That explains why the U.A students were attacked by the LoV during school activities, as if they already were expecting them. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Also Nezu: I mean, he’s literally letting little kids swarm him. He knows that he’ll be revealed: Shigaraki talked about it. Gran Torino than says- Well, thank to your classmate especially Bakugo and Momo who played a major role in proving your innocence they found out about your hero analysis notebook and they handed it to us, Principal Nezu decided to review the footage and found one of the member of the league of villain disguise herself into you. Menu and widgets Principal, Nezu has also admitted to himself the fact that there is a traitor, We know this, he does as well. Aizawa then walked up to Izuku. I do trust these 4, they seem promising. They wanted to talk about how I knew that villains were going to attack. "This won't do." • Inde. Izuku's POVFor the weekend my mother babied me. ... Must mention that the traitor is not any of the students for that has been revealed by the manga by Nezu himself. Chapter Text. 10 Hero Joins Bad Guys: Nezu. Izuku Midoriya was currently walking back to the dorms after a long day of training at Dagobah Beach. It must be admitted that you have to feel bad for our beloved principal for having to suspect literally everyone to be this possible traitor. Principal Nedzu said that there was a traitor in the UA staff. We should reward them after." Nezu is one of the ... Nezu's quirk gives him high intelligence, which makes him ideal for his role as principal of U.A. Anime Spoilers. • Friendly Mun, Friendly Muses. Close. High School. Evidence a Traitor Exists Principal Nezu, one of the smartest heroes at UA thanks to his super-intelligence Quirk, has been suspicious of his students and fellow faculty since the first attack, yet the traitor has deftly managed to evade his detection. Iida: Do not speak to us so casually, villain! He is voiced by Yasuhiro Takato in the Japanese version of the anime, and by Jerry Jewell in the English version of the anime. His quirk is called High Spec, which means that he is extremely intelligent and was used in many occasions. "With all respect principal Nezu, what clues make you believe he is working with villains? ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈« "Well first off, he is in the class that was attacked in the USJ, so he could've told the villains about 1A going there and about All Might being supposed to go there as well. Nezu, also called Principal Nezu or Mr. Upware Residents Association. Upon entering, he was met with cold glares from his classmates and saw the U.A staff, and Principal Nezu himself. In Chapter 98, principal Nezu suggests that the student dorms were created not only to help keep the students safe, but also to keep a close eye on them. I knocked on his door and All Might in his deflated form opened it.“Young Midoriya please come in,” he told me as I walked in. The principal because we have seen his thoughts plenty of times. Now, there are only two incidents that we know for sure the traitor was involved in, which is the first attack on the students at USJ, and the second attack at the summer camp that resulted in Bakugo's … Ochako: Shut up, faker! Explore 870 Principle Quotes by authors including Thomas Jefferson, Richard P. Feynman, and Stephen Covey at BrainyQuote. he stated. Now Ik this may sound insane and it may not make sense at a first glance but let me explain why I think Principle Nezu is the traitor. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works ... Fandom: Nezu is the traitor! "Wow. It'd be the worst writing in the series to date if it was the principal. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself!! "Oh I love barge talk." "Well, let's go on with the meeting shall we?" ... to remember that he is one of the most intelligent characters as he was one of the first to suggest that there was a traitor … Multi-Muse || Izuku Midoriya, Present Mic, Principal Nezu, Shouta Aizawa, Nana Shimura, and Toshinori Yagi. Wow! At this point the traitor subplot should probably be turned into a red herring. If this plan goes off without a hitch we can drop the matter". Many fans believe that Nezu could possibly be the U.A traitor. If this guy were a villain he’d push them away or at least walk away from them, not letting the kids near. For starters, he's not human and seemingly has some serious grudges against the ones who treated him like a lab rat and conducted nefarious experiments on him. If there still is a traitor around then that pretty much leaves the staff members or someone the staff members talk to on the outside. Principal Nezu sent class 1-A into a trap over and over again, under Koda's command. He’s evil!!!! High School and is an extremely rare case of an animal who developed a Quirk. Principal Nezu and Edgeshot together. "This is some startling new information Izuku, we may need to reevaluate your UA enrollment." Because maybe there is no traitor. 1. 1 Appearance 2 … A blog dedicated to the best principal, Nezu. Why I believe Principle Nezu is the traitor. Let's hope this investigation and the mission is a success." "You know Mr. Aizawa, that sounds a lot like barge talk."

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