Choose between rust custom maps, prefabs by Keirox. Server: [Apocalypse] Oxide/Kits/Arena/Wiped 3/19. k/d counter to show ur skills . About. Sign in and create your own profile CrazyRust / Earth Apocalypse / 1000x / NoBP / Kits / Crazy Loot NEW. You can either gain entry through the airlock or fly through one of the missing pains of glass. we are running earth apocalypse map. All Servers Staging Servers Rust Servers … all puzzles work . 1 year ago. Slayers Rust specializes in Perfectly Modded Custom Map servers for a more unique and interesting gameplay experience. -RustTanic cargo ship hijacked by Somali pirates and on a collision course with an iceberg. For a better experience now, use another browser. Official Links: Discord ● Twitter ● Facebook ● Steam ●. ● Being overly toxic, racist or spamming in chat will result in a mute or a ban. You can find us by searching for “Earth Apocalypse” under the modded tab, then click on our server name in the list. New Zealand's Top Raid Server. We have a friendly community and know you will have a enjoyable time playing on our servers. Are you sick and tired of the same old boring rust map . the server is a 2x server 5k stacks kits and some qol mods. Come climb New York City skyscrapers and explore NukeTown, Call of Duty Rust Arena and many more Custom Monuments. Team Speak IP: Map size: 5800 Creator: Keirox Amount of monuments: 26 Amount of custom monuments: 11 Map trailer: Click! Below you can find information about Earth Apocalypse and its great community. 2016-2021 Rust-Servers.Info. In game map for "The earth Apocalypse" custom Map [Video source in comments] Image. Cestov. building decay is cut 50%.and we hold weekly events. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Advertisements, Discussion, and Administration Adventure Games Servers Earth Apocalypse Custom Map, Join Adventure Game Servers On Steam Better Loot, Plane Crash, Heli Refuel, Treasure Box. Wang 2 Posted September 20, 2019. -Guarded Crates are guarded by some very intense and heavily armed Scientists. Raven Rock | Воронья Скала . List of Rust servers sorted by map - The_Earth_Apocalypse_Plus_nb_V2 Sandefjord. RUST: The Earth Apocalypse Map? Threads 127 Messages 976. ● Groups can be friendly toward other groups/players, cannot raid or roam together. Rust servers on The Earth - Apocalypse rev564 TOP list of the best Rust servers on map The Earth - Apocalypse rev564 Search and find the best Rust server by using our TOP multiplayer servers list. all puzzles work . Adventure Game Servers The Earth Apocalypse. Our server has an Earth Apocalypse Custom Map that replicates the real World Map. Wipe 1 hour ago Rating 0% Modded Yes Player 1/100 Map Custom Map Connect To Server Bookmark Server Write Feedback Request Ownership … Are you sick and tired of the same old boring rust map . the server is a 2x server 5k stacks kits and some qol mods. and its great community. Slayers Rust specializes in Perfectly Modded Custom Map servers for a more unique and interesting gameplay experience. Search . Find the best Rust server by using our multiplayer servers list. Servers. Build inside of Dome, Gas Station, Waterfall Caves and more. Server Events. The map is HUGE and most of it is water. Recommended Posts. SOLO/DUO only. rusty babylon is now open we are a new rust community that host custom rust maps. List of our RUST Maps. Earth Apocalypse is a Rust gaming community. Share Followers 1. Over 6 months of hardwork, this map features a post-apocalyptic city, including some New York skyscrappers, The Golden Gate bridge, Hoover Dam, AC-130 Plane Monuments, crazy electricity puzzles, and much more. All Servers Staging Servers Rust Servers on World Map Top25 Servers Low Entities Servers. The islands have been inspired by Tropico, you will find plantations, deep mines, the presidential palace, El Presidente Ship some standard monuments along with enhanced loot and vending machines. So, today we are wiping early and doing a 2 week “The Earth Apocalypse Map” wipe unit forced wipe on feb. 6th. Dragon Valley. Threads 275 Messages 1,113. Just Wiped find the latest wiped Rust Servers ☰ Home Wipes Maps Hosting. You can also click the star icon if you wish to add us to your favorites tab. Just Wiped find the latest wiped Rust Servers ☰ Home Wipes Maps Hosting. Map size: 4000 Creator: Nieznany Amount … Build a shelter. Versions. wipe is monthly on force … We use Player Challenges to give you Ranks that come with specific abilities. Cookies help us deliver our Services. By: Search Advanced search… New posts. Build a fire. To do this you will need to overcome struggles such as hunger, thirst and cold. ● Groups may substitute/swap one player from their group once per wipe, notify staff first. To do this you will need to overcome struggles such as hunger, thirst and cold. there is off line raid protection that coast scrap. Are you fed up with servers that wipe weekly . This thread is archived . About RSI. rusty filled prophecy this is a new rust community that host custom rust maps and events there is off line raid protection that coast scrap. Click here, to get map in full resolution! Double Oilrig. Show off your maps, even provide links if you are willing to share! Internet Explorer won’t be supported for long. Servers. Wang. If you are come check us out at the rust in your eye server we feature unique custom maps like Earth apocalypse. Rust Servers. Map size: 4000 Creator: ThePitereq Amount of monuments: 41 Amount of custom monuments: 7 Map trailer: Click! Keirox Assets Package Updated 18/02/2019. Around 71% of our planet's surface is water, it's an Earth's map so what exactly do you expected? β-Version 0.25. We wipe on the 7th of every month. IP: Procedural Map 7 Days Wipe Max Group Size 3 Hosted on NFO Intel Xeon E3-1270v5 (Skylake 3.6ghz) -Zombie Hordes. ! Dashboard; Add Server; Updates. building decay is cut 50%.and we hold weekly events. Trying to find some open ground that doesn't already have a base on it? Threads 275 Messages 1,113. ● Breaking group limits will result in that group being banned for 14 days. Rust Servers running on map TheEarthApocalypse . Barren_4000-0005 Размер карты: 4000 Количество префабов на карте: 22429 Количество кастомных префабов RustEdit: 63 Карта содержит кастомные пазлы Карта содержит кастомные пути для Bradley Карта содержит кастомные профили лута we are running earth apocalypse map. Connect. Press F1 in Rust Main Menu and type in. building decay is cut 50%.and we hold weekly events. Visit Rustfield Mall for all of your shopping needs, it comes with markets for Quests, Countdown, Westpac Bank, Black Market, Butcher, Skills Shop, Pharmacy, Mitre 10 Fedex Couriers, a Tattoo Shop and a Bounty Hunter shop. Just wanting time to focus on getting a base started without toxic players? Client Updates Server Updates. If you are come check us out at the RUST IN MY EYE server we feature unique custom maps like Earth apocalypse. Below you can find information about Earth Apocalypse and its great community. ● Map Wipes Monthly on the first Thursday when Rust wipes us. Rust Custom Maps : AC-130 Remake, Plane Monument Trailer. ... Slayers Rust specializes in Perfectly Modded Custom Map servers for a more unique and interesting gameplay experience. Made with by rust … the server is a 2x server 5k stacks kits and some qol mods. we also have a top 10 play kd bonus for top players. Server responded to query 9 minutes ago. Are you fed up with servers that wipe weekly . report. Online: 77 maps, 620 servers & 11'211 players Maps in database: 1'220 Search Search forums. Top25 Servers. Wipe 20 minutes ago Rating 0% Modded No Player 0/40 Map Procedural Map Connect To Server Bookmark Server Write Feedback Request Ownership No server description available. Close. k/d counter to show ur skills and . Well, our planet is mostly water. -Paratroopers and a Bradley deploy from a cargo plane to protect a crate of weapons. API. Or Press F1 to bring up the console, copy the connect info below and past it into the console. Rust Custom Map : Dragon Valley Official Trailer. Rust maps: download files, screenshots . Adventure Games Servers Earth … We wipe on the 7th of every month. Search and find the best Rust server by … „Very useful plugin! We’re a friendly bunch of Rust players with an active admin/dev. – Map Size : 5800 (Ocean) Terrain equal to 3500km Sign in and create your own profile KeiroxCustomMaps_Developpement_Server Inactive. Trading Guidelines Are you sick and tired of the high pop servers where you can't get more than 10 metres without getting killed? Paid Services. Welcome to the CyberPrison Rust Community and what's going on. ● Suspect a hacker or group larger than three, use the in-game /F7 window. - RBGNZ Rust Game Server Information Merch News FAQs At the beginning it was just a fun project around the theme of world map, but then it gone crazy when i decided to make all those huge structures from real life. Earth Apocalypse is a huge map, with a lot of awesome places to build safely. Home. We think everyone will enjoy it, regardless of your experience with Rust. Client Updates Server Updates. Rust servers on The Earth - Apocalypse rev564 TOP list of the best Rust servers on map The Earth - Apocalypse rev564. Max Players: 75, Map: The_Earth_Apocalypse_Plus_Speci, Version: 2279, Mode: modded - Visit us for more info about ManicRust PVE Earth Apocalypse Raidable Bases,Events,Zombies. we are running earth apocalypse map. we also have a top 10 play kd bonus for top players. The map is HUGE and most of it is water. This pack include : AC-130 Plane AC-130 Hangar AC-130 Hangar (Snow) AC-130 Crash Site We have a friendly community and know you will have a enjoyable time playing on our servers. Staging Servers. The definite live map extension for any Rust server, powered by the map generator everyone loves. Join our Discord channel and stay in touch. Support the project via Patreon! Telegram Bot. We wipe on the 7th of every month. Client Updates. we also have a top 10 play kd bonus for top players. the server is a 2x server 5k stacks kits and some qol mods. -Deepwater Rig is a kick ass oil rig water event with helicopters, explosions and kick ass loot. NO PAY TO WIN KITS !!!! Rust servers on The_Earth_Apocalypse_Plus_nb_V2. Sign in and create your own profile Earth 5x|Uber|RaidableBases|2Week|MagicLoot|Shop NEW. we are running earth apocalypse map. We are running a custom map called The Earth Apocalypse Remastered which is layed out to look like the earth. New posts Search forums Support the project via PayPal! Click here to connect directly to the server. Kill animals for meat. Servers List. Gun Game One In The Chamber Read the Rules /info. In game map for "The earth Apocalypse" custom Map [Video source in comments] Image. The Los Rustos Map Pack is 4 maps, one 2k and one 1k in size both with and without fauna. This pack contain the AC-130 plane monuments in different versions, present on The Earth – Apocalypse map. Developement Blog. 124 comments. net.connect About RSI. 7 Days: 57%, 30 Days: 90% Downtime History. Group Rules \\ Check out for more info // Show More Show Less. Wipe 21 days ago Rating 69% Modded Yes Player 0/50 Map Custom Map Cycle ~ 13.6 Days Connect To Server … Average FPS 178.53 Last Wipe 02/04/2021-16 days ago PVE False Website 1 Server Description. Threads 127 Messages 976. 14.12.19 We have some custom monuments added on a procedural map. Join us on … 100% Upvoted. we are running earth apocalypse map. ● Trading/Gifting loot must be done via vending machine, the Trade function or shopfronts, inside the Outpost/Bandit Camp. Server responded to query 19 minutes … Server IP: Server Features: - Unique Apocalyptic Earth Custom Map - 1000X Gathering - Buildable Custom … Contacts About. Around 71% of our planet's surface is water, it's an Earth's map so what exactly do you expected? Support the project via PayPal! 5x modded. Search titles only. - The best PvE server in RUST! -NPC Raidable Bases fully automated raid bases with mucho gusto aggro NPC. save. New. Servers. Dashboard; Add Server; Updates. Wipe 20 minutes ago Rating 0% Modded No … We think everyone will enjoy it, regardless of your experience with Rust… If you are come check us out at the RUST IN MY EYE server we feature unique custom maps like Earth apocalypse. Projects List. Contacts About. Click here, to get map in full resolution! Are you fed up with servers that wipe weekly . we are a new rust community that host custom rust maps.solo-quads. Official subreddit: /r/playrust, Press J to jump to the feed. Press Enter. List of our RUST Maps. Archived. By Wang, September 20, 2019 in Suggestions. all puzzles work . Client Updates Server Updates. Generate any map or get Rust:IO now, it's free! You can also click the star icon if you wish to add us to your favorites tab. List of Rust servers sorted by map - The_Earth_Apocalypse_Plus_Speci. Rust Server | Wipe: 2021-02-09 07:22 UTC | Player: 0/40 | FR | Size: 3000. Welcome to Slayers Rust Modded Servers! Sandefjord. ● Use hacks, scripts or exploits to gain an unfair advantage over other players, banned. Contacts. Dashboard; Add Server; Updates. building decay is cut 50%.and we hold weekly events. Rust Server | Wipe: 2021-02-11 07:26 UTC | Player: 1/100 | NO | Size: 5800. Show off your maps, even provide links if you are willing to share! RBGNZ Earth Apocalypse - Based on Keirox's "The Earth Apocalypse" custom map... it's amazing! Rust Server | Wipe: 2021-02-09 07:22 UTC | Player: 0/40 | FR | Size: 3000 . Welcome to Slayers Rust Modded Servers! Paid Services; Telegram Bot; API; Other Games; Search. building decay is cut 50%.and we hold weekly events. Build a fire. A must have for any server owner!” -XsV=Tool So, today we are wiping early and doing a 2 week “The Earth Apocalypse Map” wipe unit forced wipe on feb. 6th. Are you fed up with servers that wipe weekly . we also have a top 10 play kd bonus for … The Earth : Apocalypse Show Map Image The Earth : Apocalypse is a 6km world based map. Sort by. Servers. ● Blueprints are never wiped Thursday at 7:43 AM; TumanOT; Prefab Showcase. You will find skyscrappers from New York and even the Golden Gate Bridge. Well, our planet is mostly water. New. k/d counter to show ur skills . Map size: 3500 Creator: Keirox Amount of monuments: 21 Amount of custom monuments: 2 Map trailer: Click! The definite live map extension for any Rust server, powered by the map generator everyone loves. Press enter and you should load into Earth Apocalypse. Create Project. Buy your own or use one that is already spawned. Log in Register. Zombie Apocalypse BioSphere is the 2nd Largest BioSphere complex from my BioSphere Map Primarily an arena for none stop Zombie Killing or battles between clans you will find some loot scattered around the place, some high up in the towers. Server Name : Isolation Discord: Trying to start a RP server looking for players that want to help and have a say in how the server is ran (like rules and mods that is done to the map.) Entity Count 102,717 Official Server False Map The_Earth_Apocalypse_Remastered Map Size 5800 Map Seed 1337 there is off line raid protection that coast scrap. Rust servers on The_Earth_Apocalypse_Remastered. We’re a friendly bunch of Rust players with an active admin/dev. Are you fed up with servers that wipe weekly . Menu. implemented RUST: The Earth Apocalypse Map? We have solos to quad teams 2x Gathering rates and 3x Gathering rates weekends. rust south africa map + wipe time choice 24th december 2020 RUST SOUTH AFRICA MAP CHOICE + WIPE TIME + ZERG SERVER LAUNCH 17th DECEMBER 2020 MAP CHOICE + WIPE TIME 10th DEC 2020 Paid Services; Telegram Bot; API; Other Games; Search. Barren_4000-0005 Размер карты: 4000 Количество префабов на карте: 22429 Количество кастомных префабов RustEdit: 63 Карта содержит кастомные пазлы Карта содержит кастомные пути для Bradley Карта содержит кастомные профили лута Any questions please join the discord here, Wipe Cycle Information All Servers Staging Servers Rust Servers on World Map Top25 Servers Low Entities Servers. How to Connect: Slayers 1000X|CUSTOM MAP|ZOMBIES|PVP|NOBP|Perfectly Modded| FRESHLY WIPED Server IP: … Generate any map or get Rust:IO now, it's free! Rules Shop Administration Server Addresses Server Maps Voting Discord. - Zombies roaming around looking for your bases to eat your brains. the server is a 2x server 5k stacks kits and some qol mods. Server Updates. Come fight the zombies or deal with other players that want your loot. all puzzles work . If you are come check us out at the RUST IN MY EYE server we feature unique custom maps like Earth apocalypse. Support the project via Patreon! The Earth Apocalypse Map on the RUST IN MY EYE server KITS 2X GR 5K STACK solo to quads WIPES MONTHLY, Are you sick and tired of the same old boring rust map . RBGNZ Earth Apocalypse - Based on Keirox's "The Earth Apocalypse" custom map... it's amazing! all puzzles work . Latest news. ● Map Wipes Monthly on the first Thursday when Rust wipes us This site is not affiliated with, nor endorsed by Facepunch Studios LTD.All trademarks belong to their respective owners and are used for information only. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. List of Rust servers sorted by map - The_Earth_Apocalypse_Remastered. This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from awesome Rust font was created by Ben Kohan.This page contains affiliate links! The last wipe was on 4 Feb 2021 The next wipe will be on 17 Feb 2021 (14 day wipe schedule) The map size is 5800 and the seed is 1337 (BP wiped 4 Feb 2021) Formerly known as RUST SOUTH AFRICA 10x EARTH APOC MAP. The Earth Apocalypse Map on the RUST IN MY EYE server KITS 2X GR 5K STACK solo to quads WIPES MONTHLY. Many that I’ve played did not account for their differences with other manageable game things... ie: not nearly enough heli spawns for all the tall … Come climb New York City skyscrapers and explore NukeTown, Halo’s Lockout, Call of Duty Rust Arena all including their own Bosses and Zombies. k/d counter to show ur skills and . Just Wiped find the latest wiped Rust Servers ☰ Home Wipes Maps Hosting. Click Ranks to view our VIP Kits! Show off your custom prefabs, even provide links if you are willing to share! We have a friendly community and know you will have a enjoyable time playing on our servers. Rank #10094 Player count 0/30 Address Status dead Distance 2789 km Country Uptime. New. all puzzles work . Rust Server | Wipe: 2021-02-09 07:22 UTC ... Earth 5x|Uber|RaidableBases|2Week|MagicLoot|Shop NEW. k/d counter to show ur skills and gun trucks . -Pilot Eject is a helicopter that malfunctions and the crew have to bail out before it crashes. building decay is cut 50%.and we hold weekly events. JOIN US ON DISCORD, More posts from the playrustservers community, Everything related to rust servers! Rust – The Earth : Apocalypse Custom Map Official Trailer. Cheating & Toxicity rust south africa 10x modded with custom map earth apocalypse RUST SOUTH AFRICA BATTLEFIELD 1000X Please go to our Discord: server-information-and-rules for full information of our servers, wipe schedules, and other related information. Hey guys, I was wondering if we could add to the zombie server. Dashboard; Add Server; Updates. Ranking and search for Rust servers. Welcome To Klepto's Rust 1000x Server on the Earth Custom Map Our server has an Earth Apocalypse Custom Map that replicates the Geographical World Map. The Earth – Apocalypse is the latest map from Keirox. Earth Apocalypse is a huge map, with a lot of awesome places to build safely. the server is a 2x server 5k stacks kits and some qol mods. Rust Server | Wipe: 2021-01-27 13:35 UTC | Player: 0/50 | FR | Cycle: ~ 13.6 Days | Size: 2000 | KeiroxCustomMaps. The Earth Apocalypse Map on the RUST IN MY EYE server KITS 2X GR 5K STACK solo to quads WIPES MONTHLY. The Earth - Apocalypse. we are now open this is a new rust community that host custom rust maps and events there is off line raid protection that coast scrap. Join us on Discord! ● Found in a group with a hacker, banned for the remainder of the wipe. Map Wipes are only when Rust Forces a wipe or performance requires one.
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