These usually have somewhat self-evident names such as “config.ini.” Open the file in Notepad, locate the line indicating the display resolution and change it. Jan 7, 2018 5:18 PM View answer in context. Trying to set up dual monitors (to DUPLICATE the desktop display, not extend) with a 19" LCD monitor (native resolution is 1440 x 900) and a 26" LCD TV (native resolution is 1377 x 768, but it does 720p and 1080p) and the TV display is stretched just enough to notice. Let’s take a look at why the items on your screen appear stretched or squashed and what you can do to fix the problem. In most cases, the configuration file should be relatively short and this information shouldn’t be too difficult to find. Although not a showstopper, all of this is quite annoying. Add another monitor, and you’ll spend less time switching between spaces, tabs, and windows. Want to be more productive on your Mac? In other words, you can mirror the PC display to an iMac even if it’s the latest 5K. So I wonder if there's some hardware spec that allows … If you're using a Mac Pro (Late 2013) make sure your displays are connected to the right ports. When it comes to display resolutions, games are a completely different animal from the standard Windows desktop. Regardless of the Windows version installed on your computer, you can change the display resolution in just a few clicks. You get 1.3. Once you know that your Mac works with a 2560 x 1080 resolution monitor, it’s time to make sure that your monitor will work. Most games have Options menus that you can use to select a different display resolution. This works very well for me. Save the file, launch the game and the stretched or squashed graphics should be a thing of the past. Prev. To fix the external monitor resolution by showing more sensible resolution options for this monitor (including the correct 2560x1600-pixel resolution), hold the Option key while clicking on the Scaled radio button. If the graphics and words on your screen look stretched or squashed, it means that Windows is set to use a display resolution with an aspect ratio that differs from the native resolution of your monitor. The problem is caused by the Mac choosing to talk to the Dell monitor using YPbPr, an input color format previously used by S-Video and composite video for analog TVs. “Duet has been around for years, and it’s the best way to turn your iPad into an extra monitor for your Mac or PC” “iPad into a second monitor for Mac...with zero lag” “promising – and delivering, as far as I can tell – 'lag-free' performance” “it’s fast, easy to use, and works great” “If you travel with a laptop and iPad, you need this app. When connecting an external monitor/display, there are chances the aspect ratio is wrong because it's a widescreen monitor. Cookies help us deliver our Services. This way, I can find problems on web pages by being able to view both the web page and the code at the same time. If the graphics and words on your screen look stretched or squashed, it means that Windows is set to use a display resolution with an aspect ratio that differs from the native resolution of your monitor. Video editors like Adobe Premiere Pro are often used in combination with ultrawide monitors too. If you use a 4:3 display resolution on a widescreen monitor or vice versa, you get a stretched or squashed display. In some cases, you may find that the display resolution slider or drop-down menu does not contain the native resolution of your computer’s monitor. Resolution detected incorrectly. This can be particularly useful if a display Mis either showing at an incorrect screen resolution, or if you’d … Apple has more instructions on running Windows on Mac via Boot Camp here. Apple is in the display business for every product they sell except for AppleTV, Mac mini and Mac Pro. I haven’t tested this with anything older than a Late 2012 Mac Mini, but as long as you have one of those or something newer, this should work. Question : In my office, I am using an external monitor as my main screen for my MacBook Pro. They could easily build a large monitor using the iMac display even if … I use the second monitor on the right to place my text editor where I can see the code behind the web page. The Dell monitor supports two input color formats, RGB (digital computer standard) and YPbPr (analog TV standard). Most of the time, though, you’re stuck with whatever default resolution the game offers. Graphics card is an ATI Radeon HD 6450. How can I fix this problem?”. Further, I don't use the monitor for anything other than work (RDP connection, Word, Mail). You either have to live with the dock at the bottom of the screen, change your display arrangement, or look at your external … My coworker hasn't had the same problem. Docks don't increase the number of displays you can connect as an extended desktop. Please try the steps … I noticed immediately that clarity was sub-par on a number of os elements, especially red. Your monitor maxes out 1280 x 960 which is at an aspect ratio of 1.33, so it stretches the image to fill this screen. Solution. If you can see an image on your screen, check for software updates using the Mac App Store: Connect your external … What I mean is that you’ll be stuck using only part of … asked before, but they all said it was to do with the resolution being too high. Resizing the graphic by cropping top and bottom to change its actual size to 640 x 400 will allow the graphic to be proportionally stretched on a wide screen … My monitor (and adaptor) can display 1920x1080 so that would appear to not be the case here.
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