I hope they fix it (if it's a glitch), Still having this problem, I never noticed it before, is it for sure normal in the game? it doesn't have a place with young adults or adults who are early or halfway through the life stage. I moved a young adult out to a new house, hoping that he would play right, but he's still not aging. I have the same issue. Just buy the youth potion and have the husband drink it as soon as the wife is pregnant and his life stage will start over and he will still be in the same life stage when she has the baby. The Fort Tarsis Lounge - Creators' Corner. That family played fine for a good while, then all of a sudden, They stopped aging. If the aging works on the new household you created then there must be a corrupted file with your other saved game. Yes, it's normal. even if they are only mid-life stage. To disable aging for an entire age group, use the Anti-Aging controller. Money codes, free real estate and more are all decent requests in a game you can play as long, and in as many different ways, as this. For individual Sims, use Monique’s Individual Aging mod to turn off aging via the Sim menu. You can force the aging, while in the game, press the keys CTRL SHIFT C at the same time, type testingcheatsenabled true and hit enter. The image above is from my Sims 3 Pleasantview World, where I play using this method in my personal game. We have an incredible amount of power over the aging process with The Sims 3's options menu, and gameplay offers us a few options to age Sims up, down, and even freeze them. Is anyone else having this problem? The Sims 3 features an aging system not unlike that of reality. Baby Ariel is a pre-made townie who came with The Sims 4: Get Famous.She is a four star celebrity with a great reputation, and she is based on a real life celebrity of the same name. I am able to age them by buying them a birthday cake but doing this for all of the households in the neighborhood is tedious. I don't think what you suggested is a fix, but more of a "temporary patch up". I had triplets only the boy would age up but not the girls. Toddlers require more care than babies in the Sims 3. It seems to be the whole neighborhood not being able to age. There are third-party programs which can grow a child … Always try to keep a crib nearby in The Sims 2 or The Sims 3. User Info: MacMerritt95. Cause it's really annoying. How can I stop my sims growing older in sims 3. The Sims(TM) 3. Check them out, You are browsing an archived read-only section of the forums. What I did was uninstalling generations, start the game in the game you have problems with. More than one sims day has passed and the age bar is still sparkling but she won't age … The first time it happened, I played with that fam for a while, using the cheats for progression, then later switched to a totally different family. Let's recognise and celebrate our amazing community! i feel like ceasing aging only makes sense in the case of an adult sim who is approaching becoming an elder when she becomes pregnant. The baby should normally be ready to age up into a toddler by the end of this period, though this may not be the case in The Sims 3 depending on which aging settings the player is using. The sims litteraly do not age while they are pregnant. I have the same issue with my sims. Install generations again and it should work. I did the 100 baby challenge. Definitely make use of this button.*XP button - Say Kudos and help players 'Level Up' by giving them XP for helpful posts. 2. my guy is on the verge of aging up in the sims 3 and he wants babys so will the baby age up while my guy stays the same or will the baby not age up at all? I've been interacting with the baby constantly, the good upbringing trait is at the 3 star mark now, but still I'm not getting the option to age up my baby! Use phone to throw a birthday party (optional?) It's also very expensive but also pretty sure there is a cheat to let you have unlimited happiness points. Click on the cake, select blow out candles, select the sim from the drop down list that you want to age up. If you type in "testingcheatsenabled true" (without " "), then shift-click on the Sim you want to age up, when you want her/him to age up, and choose "Trigger Age Transition". But that's just me. Young Adult Sims in The Sims 2 don't age by default, since the Young Adult stage is limited to university students. I would assume aging sims up would work the same whether the aging option is on or off. This is a bug I have been struggling with for a long time. Now I no longer have to delete my game and start over. For the baby there are many things you can do: 1. Here's some things you can do if you want to keep playing with that saved game. I just started up my game, and when I go to game options, all the aging and enable/disable aging is all grayed-out so I can't adjust them. Sims 3 Expansion Packs; Our site has loads of information on Expansion Packs for Sims 3. Having at least one per floor is easier than carrying babies up and down the stairs all the time. Your solution worked wonderfully. Play a day int he game, or at least till you're past midnight in the game, and them save and close it. So I've been playing The Sims Mobile since it released worldwide, and my Sims had a baby 6 days ago. In sims 3 they would age up once the baby was born if they were set to age up to adult or elder during the pregnancy, but they would still continue to age during the pregnancy itself. MacMerritt95 - 11 years ago 0 0. Sometimes, getting a … She won't age while pregnant yet her hubby continues to. There may be other methods out there, but this is what works best for me. 6 days later, the baby is still a baby. Oh well, I'll deal with it lol! Oh, well I hope they make a mod soon lol, thanks. That will resync them. I've seen a million discussions made about it. … After your pregnant sim has already given birth then you can just set your settings back to default so that both of your sims (husband & wife) are still of the same age :). Yes, I posted about it here a while back but I don't think anyone else chimed in. when she gave birth i was so relieved once she started aging again. Help! MY SIMS ARE NOT AGING! For The Sims 3 on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "baby aging". There is also an in-game "No aging" setting - these are found in Options -> Game Options. Favorite Answer. Go on to the Sims 3 game play. It seems as if this sim won't age up automatically either. Has this been fixed? If they are still too far apart have them both drink the potion and start them both off the same stage again once she delivers. http://modthesims.info/d/591751 mod so your sim will age while preagnet, http://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/817478/hello-come-and-introduce-yourself, https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/948861/rosemow-s-rooms-showcase, https://deaderpoolmc.tumblr.com/doc/mcpregnancy. You see, there is a bit more time pressure to make sure they have a good life, especially on a rather short life span setting. *Accept as Solution button- If a post answers your question please let us and other players know by hitting this button.*Me Too button - 'Me Too' helps us track how many players are also experiencing that issue. There's nothing wrong with a few The Sims 3 cheats. But I never used to notice this happening. Anyone have any ideas? If the aging works on the new household you created then there must be a corrupted file with your other saved game. 4. In Sims 3, Sims who are away from their home world (e.g., Sims who are traveling or at university) will not age until they return home. It's not a problem. I have experienced in a game that none of my sims in the neighborhood aged. They. After I restarted the game it … Me too edit- I forgot to add that using the testing cheats on, trigger age transition did not work either before I went into options. I have tried moving households as well and nothing as helped. Move your household into the bin. 5. Several of my sims friends have been dying off from old age and love intrests age faster than my pursuing sims. My Sims (in the sims 3) are not aging I have enabled aging and reset the game multiple times turning the enabled aging on and off. This might be because you have the 'aging off' cheat enabled while you are playing. Ariel has no last name in-game; "Baby Ariel" is her first name. Sim blows out candles and ages up in a puff of smoke. If you create a new household do they age? Try doing to following. You can force the aging, while in the game, press the keys CTRL SHIFT C at the same time, type testingcheatsenabled true and hit enter. ~Haley i noticed this and i was worried that my sim would never age. This should make the baby age up to a toddler, then you can do it again to get her/him to age up to a child. My sims don't age while pregnant, which is actually a bit annoying because if they have say a totoal of 4 or 5 pregnancies that's between 12 and 15 days not aged and they end up quite a bit younger than their husbands -_-. Children do not grow up into adults, although the Makin' Magic expansion allows magical children to grow up by using the Age of Instant charm. Go to the options menu which is on the bottom left of the toolbar the ... click that, then go to game play options, then you will be able to disable aging. Sims go through various states from baby, on to todder, childhood, through the teenage years, and finally young adulthood. Thanks so much for figuring this out. On normal life span, it will take a toddler seven days to grow up to a child. I am currently playing with a family now that is doing that (they also stopped going to work after a while). , February 19 - Is everyone ready for the Friday Highlights? It annoyed me at first that the wives ended up so much younger than their husbands if there were multiple pregnancies, but I decided if it bothered me that much, I could have the wife's birthday whenever I wanted -- concurrent with husband, day after husband, whatever. Aging is enabled in the options menu but my sims still aren't aging :s one of my sims had a baby and two days have passed but the age bar still says "aging up in 3 days". I am recently having an issue with my sims not aging. Airton D. 1 decade ago. They will age up into full adults, and finally into their Elder years. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. HELP ME? It's a bug in the expansion generations. After you do this, see if the aging problem continues. Is it happening with only one saved game or with all of them? You Make The Sims! The life cycle comes to a close there, as that Sim will die of old age. « previous next ... Once I restarted the game she took the baby from the crib, the aging happened and then she could go to bed to sleep. Updating this post with new info. It's not a bug: it's built into the game that Sims don't age up while pregnant. Thats not whats happening here. If you're worried about your male sim (husband) getting a lot older than his sim wife, you can just temporarily stop your household's aging. Answer Save. Thanks! Their mother was the sim I moved out while pregnant and that is where the whole bug started. Sims not aging. Here's some things you can do if you want to keep playing with that saved game. They threw the party and bought a cake, but the only option on the cake was for the parents to grow up, no "help baby with birthday" option like on the Sims 2. I play on epic lifespan. - question and answer in the The Sims 3 club Then have another one. I notice my sim is glitching whilst pregnant. They Don't age cause It can corrupt the Pregnancy/ kill the baby if they age up while prego. It's more of an OCD thing that's bugging me with it haha. 3. Pretty sure there is a lifetime happiness reward to let you age down your sim? In TS3, you have the ability to control your sims' aging - or, more specifically, to set the length of their life to either Short, Medium, Normal, Long, or Epic. The Sims 4 Help Center can now be found. After clicking play she was now at the end of the next age, not the beginning as I think she should have been, so I moved her back to her initial age. I am not sure if it is happening with all of my saved games I only have one other, but the aging works on the new household I just made. This bug is only specific to female sims. Select the sim that you want to age, click on them with your mouse while pressing SHIFT on your keyboard and select ''age transition''. Babies grow into children after 72 hours. You'll lose all relationships outside your household and jobs your sims currently have. What can I do to fix the problem without uninstalling all the games and reinstalling all of the games? 16 people had this problem. Relevance. By the time that she finally died her oldest kids would be elders. Her preset fame quirks are "Fan Mail" and "Public Number". Here’s a step-by-step guide for using each of these methods in your game. Your sims will age slower but all other sims in town age at the standard rate. In The Sims, there are only three stages: baby, child, and adult. It is happening in my game too. 4 Answers. You know, I'm pretty sure at least part of the reason a Sim doesn't age while pregnant is to eliminate the risk of her aging into an ELDER during pregnancy. I play the Sims 3 rotationally (Sims 2-style) by using a variety of mods and settings. Move them back, to the same town and house if you want to or into another town. You can change this setting at any point, and it will take immediate effect. Just age her up with a birthday cake when you feel she should be aging up. Do the testingcheatsenabled true cheat, shift click on the baby, and delete item. Crin does not have that bug listed where toddlers wont age up. EA needs to provide a real fix for this. Okay, so as least I know it's not just me. I realized quickly that the mother didn't age while pregnant. Hope this helped! I have a family that wanted to have a birthday party for the new baby (infant, not toddler). My baby boy is not becoming a toddler while everyday I check each day left on the menu of a sim and it stays all the time at 6 days til toddy!! (Not sure if it's a base game one or an expansion pack one, though!). The options available to … To age Sims manually, use the No Aging Patch.
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