War Base: I know the storage compartments looks quite weird but they are really effective bulkheads against attacking troops with their high hitpoints. Town Hall 11 WAR Base Design. You have a very effective trap setup inside the core area that works well against the current Hog/Miner meta we see happening a lot and the huge dead zone also works great against the PEKKA Smash attacks that are also very popular. Trophy Base: This is a real Legend League base (of course also working in lower trophy ranges), and it does anything needed to protect your tropies, with a core that is incredibly hard to crack. try { The outside is loaded with trap surprises and defenses that will mess with funneling and the Inferno Towers are in really inconvenient places to reach. The Tesla Farm at the upper right side also mess up with approaches, especially in the first attack against this base. Trophy Base: this base uses the ring structure and pairs it with the diamond structure to give the Eagle Artillery an alternative compartment that is also well-protected. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The heroes are pretty much inside the base so harder to deal with them as the attacker will need to do that while dealing with all the defenses. You will see a lot of attacks with E-Drags in regular multiplayer attacks these days and many attackers don’t really know how to use them properly and this is the point where this base will have your back and make them fail a lot with the perimeter structure and the way the defenses are set up in this base (traps as well). if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { Saved me a ton of trophies. Trophy Base: this trophy base for TH11 forces the attacker to go all through the Eagle Artillery on the left side (or at least do a strong suicide squad there). It’s not specifically a 1-hit base but it won’t give away the 2-Star easily and I really like how it performs against most meta attacking strategies, so no bad idea to use it if you’re looking for a new base right now. I really hate those sites or videos showing you dozens of bases they copied somewhere without making any deeper explanation why they work so for this reason you will only find bases here that I have tested myself. Farming Base: this base here focus primarily on protecting your Dark Elixir and also other storages in the core with the Town Hall being offset. Castle Clash Best Hero Builds For Every Hero (Talents, Insignias & Enchantments), Hero Wars Best Heroes Tier List (Mobile & Facebook), Castle Clash Best Heroes Tier List (Updated) – February 2021, Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies, The Best TH11 War/Trophy/Farming Base Layouts (February 2021), Best Commanders Tier List in Rise of Kingdoms (with Talents), Best Commander Pairings 2021 in Rise of Kingdoms (Defense, Rally, Open Field, Canyon, Barbarians), The Best TH13 War/Trophy/Farming Base Layouts (February 2021), Empires & Puzzles Best Heroes Tier List (February 2021), The Best BH7 Base Layouts (February 2021), The Best TH10 War/Trophy/Farming Base Layouts (February 2021), Archero Hero Tier List (2.64) – What’s The Best Hero (Overall & F2P), Idle Heroes Best Heroes Tier List (PvE & PvP), Best Defending Clan Castle Troops (Clan War & Village Defense), The Best TH12 War/Trophy/Farming Base Layouts (February 2021), Hero Wars Counters – Best Counter Hero To Each Hero, The Best BH9 Base Layouts (February 2021), Archero Equipment Tier List (2.30) – Best Armor, Ring/Combination, Locket, Bracelet & Spell Book, The Best TH8 War/Trophy/Farming Base Layouts (February 2021), The Best TH9 War/Trophy/Farming Base Layouts (February 2021), The Best BH5 Base Layouts (February 2021), All Secret Codes in Castle Clash (Frequently Updated), The Best BH8 Base Layouts (February 2021). It’s an anti 2 star, anti 3 stars, anti bowler, anti lava loon, anti-everything, anti-Valkyrie, Anti Queen Walk, anti hog in coc CWL Base Link. I can anticipate where hogs or loons will go so I can pre-plan spells. Bases here are updated every week so check back here to get the latest base layouts, Without wasting any more time, here are the bases…, This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Farming Base: a compact core paired with smart storage locations make sure that you don’t lose more resources than neccessary. Newsletter sign up. No ring base? _g1.setAttribute('src', _g1.getAttribute('data-src') ); All the main builders are in middle like eagle artillery, clan castle, inferno tower, and xbow which gives more damages. Looking for the best anti electro dragon war base for th11? By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. I also like the trap setup a lot and how they are set up in this base so you will get a lot of value and give the attacker a hard time. This base is defended against 7 attack strategies like lava loon, electro dragon, Pekka bobat, etc. Dark Elixir Base: I know that you need Dark Elixir at Town Hall 11 and farming can be quite time-consuming – so you might want to use this farming hybrid base here to protect your resources at some point, especially the Dark Elixir. I’ve worked on the TH11 War base for you. Some top th11 attack strategy like Electro dragon, mass with witch golem, mass miner, etc. The levels 11 Town Halls were added in clash of clans. I found this really useful while protecting loot so give this base a try. Super effective one. But as SC continues to make rushing and non-skill attacks more viable it won’t matter. _g1.setAttribute('srcset', _g1.getAttribute('data-srcset')); Taking resources here requires going for the core and with all the compartments and the perimeter around it, that won#t be easy. But for making it a farming base I re-located the storages to the core and gave the Eagle Artillery some more protection. and even if the attacker is coming in with the strongest attack strategy in Clash of Clans to not possible to get 3 stars. You have the tesla wall and the extra layer around the Town Hall and the compartment with the Eagle Artillery on the opposite side that forces attackers to not attack straight into the Town Hall section. All the bases are anti electro dragon, anti 2 stars, anti 3 stars, anti edrag, anti miner, Pekka bobat, anti 1 star in short anti-everything base. Farming Base: Here we have a nice hybrid base that you can also use for trophy pushing if you want to protect your Dark Elixir and resources at least a little bit. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Hybrid Base: This is a trophy pushing base but can also be a hybrid base if you’re focusing on farming Dark Elixir right now. Best war armies are Witch Slap, Electro Dragon, MInner, and GoBowler strategies. It defends well against a lot of different Attack Strategies at TH10 Including Giant Healer, Miners, Witch slap, queen walk, lava loon, GiWi (Giants & Wizards) as well. CoC Bases Links, Clash of Clans Maps Layouts Links | Clasher.us - A web/app for Fan of CoC - Clash of Clans is a freemium mobile strategy video game developed and published by Supercell. War Base: Here we have a really sweet Anti-3-Star War Base for TH11 that will give you nice results by countering the current meta attacks with several defensive features. This is the ninth base that we’re looking at here guys. Here is the Unbeaten unbeatable town hall 11. I think the Eagle Artillery position just scares them off and the compartments around the core funnel them away easily. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-mobile-inverted-img'); Also the traps and surprise Teslas on the outside will prevent any cheap attempt to get Air Defenses or the X-Bows in the dead zones. This is impossible to 3 stars even if you are town hall 12 but sometime it might get, . This is the ninth base that we’re looking at here guys. The problem with symmetrical bases against decent attackers is I can AQ walk and not care which way she goes making funneling easy. This base looks pretty tough to me. Also, if you look at the outside perimeter you can see that it will be really annoying to build a proper funnel and set the entry point into the base right. I can promise you that you will have a lot fun with this TH11 hybrid base layout and look forward to watch the replays of attackers failing, Your email address will not be published. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-mobile-inverted-source'); If you look for a fresh and well-working base layout for your Town Hall 11 Home Village base you’re in the perfect place. Trophy Base: with this trophy base I really wanted to make a strong core setup and with that core you can’t get any stronger. 神奈川新聞社が戦後、神奈川県内で撮影してきた写真の一部をご紹介します。 他にも多くの写真がありますので、各種メディアにご使用の際は、お問合せください。 If you use a base you find on the internet you should always try to change it a little bit. War Base: yes, you’re looking at a symmetrical base and it’s a grown-up anti-3-star base you can run in war successfully. For more information about Supercell, please visit their website at www.supercell.net All intellectual property shown here belongs to their respective owner.Contact usPrivacy PolicyTerms of Service, These bases are Patreon exclusive for the first 7 days. Usually th9 takes 10-12 months to max out the base without skipping a day. The arrangement of the defenses is really nasty to deal with, the Townhall section not easy to get a sui in, the tesla farm messes with funneling and can break cleanup troops and the X-Bow/Air Sweeper section is also hard to deal with. _g1.classList.remove('lazyload'); _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-inverted-source'); Trophy Base: this kind of layouts at Town Hall 11 have a basic but really effective concept of having the Town Hall on the opposite side of the Eagle Artillery. Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) “Look for the helpers” – Celebrities helping out amid Texas storm; New Movie Releases This Weekend: February 19th – … Without an insane wide funnel there’s not even the slightest chance to get anything close to 2-Star against this base, even for attackers higher than TH11. 3. I had several requests to also design a farming base that is not primarily for protecting Dark Elixir so here we go. The Inferno Towers are placed wisely to prevent any attacker exploiting Bat Slap with Bat Spells to get an easy strike on this base. Trophy Base: with this base you will protect your trophies really well and the Town Hall in the compartment core is really safe. Just keep in mind that it will be good if you do some changes to the base after copying the layout. if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { Alternatively getting the Eagle Artillery but risk missing the Town Hall and the 2-Star with it. Town Hall 11 WAR Base Design in Clash of Clans, then you have come to the right place. well then also it might not get 3 stars. War Base #2: This TH11 War Base here works really well in Clan War and CWL but can also work for pushing trophies with a really nice general compartment setup that will make funneling really annoying for the attacker and you have good chances to catch some of them off guard and mess their attack up. COC Anti 1 Star / Anti 2 Star TH11 War Bases. This is a Best Town Hall 11 War Base Copy Links.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'finitegamerbase_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_3',122,'0','0'])); This is a Town Hall 11 (Th11) war [defense] Base 2021 Design/Layout/Defence. I’ve worked on the TH11 War base for you. I think the multiple layers of walls her come in to play a lot – which is actually good for you from the perspective of being the defender. Your email address will not be published. Clash of Clans takes a look at this town hall 12 bases. Give it a try. You’ve to upgrade all of your new troops and some of your favourite attack strategies. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-inverted-img'); Let’s do the base analysis. Quality of Life & Game Balance Changes Summer Update! Hey bro you want a ultimate undefeatable army I will tell you one . Make sure to load an Inferno Dragon in the cc! Works really well against the currrent meta strategies and I haven’t seen any TH11 getting 3 stars out of this base so far in tests and also 2 regular wars. Here you will find the best bases for town hall 5 which are up-to-date. War Base: This war base forces the attacker to go in from the top to get the Eagle Artillery as early as possible. Required fields are marked *. Looking for the best and latest th5 war base? It defends well against a lot of different Attack Strategies at TH11 Including Giant Healer, Miners, Witch slap, queen walk, lava loon, GiWi (Giants & Wizards) as well. Here are the brand new bases for level 10 town hall war base 2020. Trophy Base: this is a special ring base that also uses split wall segments inside the ring with some traps and teslas that has been getting more and more popular on higher Town Hall levels lately. BoWitch attacks have it easier against this base (well, it’s by far not an easy 3-Star but 1-Star is something this strategy always gets but as a hybrid base this is normal) but I had some great time overall with the Electro Dragons to make this base worth using. The air defenses are in four different compartments the town halls in the outside anti-3-star and even if the attacker is coming in with the strongest attack strategy in Clash of Clans to not possible to get 3 stars. It will take almost 1 year for hardcore farming & if you skip playing in middle then it might take you up to 2 years.

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