Menu. The Pogues sono un popolare gruppo folk punk anglo-irlandese attivo negli anni ottanta e anni novanta. Director described MacGowan’s voice as requiring ‘an acquired listening skill’ Il disco contiene inoltre i brani tradizionali Dirty Old Town di Ewan McColl e la ormai tradizionale ballata antimilitarista australiana And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda di Eric Bogle. The restrictions were part of the Thatcher government's desire to prevent Sinn Féin from employing the media for political advantage. The Pogues lead singer Shane MacGowan has revealed what he thinks of the BBC’s plan to bleep out a homophobic slur from “Fairytale of New York”. This month also marks another anniversary in our career â a less welcome one, even though our involvement was peripheral, and won't be celebrated by reissues. Il 15 maggio del 2013 sul sito ufficiale della band viene annunciato che Philip Chevron ha contratto nuovamente il cancro in una forma, questa volta, inoperabile. MacGowan left the band in 1991 due to drinking problems but the band continued first with Joe Strummer and then with Spider Stacy on vocals before breaking up in 1996. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. Nell'ottobre del 1984 pubblicano il loro primo album Red roses for me in cui dimostrano già di saper manipolare la materia folk, dandole nuova vita grazie a una prorompente carica punk. Nel 1988 la band pubblica If I Should Fall from Grace with God, disco, prodotto da Steve Lillywhite (produttore anche degli U2), in cui compare il pezzo Fairytale of New York, nel quale Shane MacGowan duetta con Kirsty MacColl (moglie di Lillywhite e figlia del cantautore Ewan McColl), che mescola una musica natalizia con un testo decisamente disilluso). Nel cofanetto sono presenti 5 cd con brani inediti. The case of the Birmingham Six was more prolonged and it wasn't until March 1991 that the men's convictions were stated to be "unsafe and unsatisfactory" and they were set free. Shane MacGowan of the Pogues has lived a life that offered Julien Temple fertile ground on which to build a poignant documentary with "Crock of Gold." When Jensen started to call us "the Pogues", we withdrew into righteous indignation and bandied about such words as "censorship" and "ban", but eventually emerged from our meeting place at the Pindar of Wakefield pub in King's Cross with the realisation that, notwithstanding the leg up that Mike Read's interdiction against Relax had given to Frankie Goes to Hollywood, Jensen's modification of our band name, when it came to censorship, didn't really give us a leg to stand on. Our first thought was that Thames Television had been cowed by the political climate engendered by the Thatcher government, even though it was a full six months before the execution of the broadcast ban. After a couple of listens, though, the memory came back to me of recording Shane's vocal with alternative lyrics, from which had been removed the least controversy. Photograph: Chris George/Corbis. Storia del gruppo Le origini. here are two anniversaries in the life of the Pogues this year. L'8 ottobre, a pochi giorni dall'annuncio di un tour nel Regno Unito interamente dedicato all'album Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash, il gruppo subisce un grave lutto con la morte di Philip Chevron. Nel 2012 i Pogues festeggiano i 30 anni di carriera con un doppio concerto filmato all'Olympia di Parigi nei giorni 11 e 12 settembre. Nel 2005 si seguono una serie di date live: al Guilfest festival in Guildford, un mini tour in Giappone, dove nel 1991 i Pogues avevano suonato dal vivo per l'ultima volta insieme con MacGowan, in Spagna. The Reunited Pogues Gig List A list of all live shows the Pogues have played since getting back together in 2001, with links to forum discussions, media reviews, travelogues, photos and setlists. I Pogues, con MacGowan alla voce, si riuniscono nel dicembre 2001 per un breve tour natalizio e nel 2004 per 9 date nel Regno Unito. It was announced last month that BBC Radio 1 would play a censored version of the festive favourite amid concerns the original version’s lyrics might offend listeners. The Pogues are a popular Irish folk rock band of the 1980s and 90s. Il 4 ottobre del 2007 la band compie 25 anni, festeggiando l'evento con un tour natalizio nel Regno Unito e in Irlanda. The Pogues’ Shane MacGowan to be subtitled in new documentary about his life. Shop for Vinyl, CDs and more from The Pogues at the Discogs Marketplace. I Pogues vengono fondati a King's Cross, un distretto a Nord di Londra nel 1982 come Pogue Mahone, anglicizzazione dell'irriverente espressione gaelica irlandese póg mo thóin ("baciami il sedere") - creano subito un genere proprio, suonano musica folk irlandese con un approccio decisamente punk rock. Here Comes Everybody â the Story of the Pogues. Find the perfect the pogues stock photo. The quality of the remix of Transmetropolitan astonished me. One of the songs Shane had written dealt with the arrest, imprisonment and continuing incarceration, since 1975, of the Birmingham Six and the Guildford Four. — Zuzana & MacRua Il loro jig e reel suonati con il piglio strafottente dei Sex Pistols e le loro storie di violenza urbana impressero la prima significativa svolta al folk britannico dai tempi di Donovan. The Pogues and Kirsty MacColl song, to be played in a censored version on some BBC radio stations, will be ‘stripped of its value’, says Cave Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 3 ott 2020 alle 18:37. L'idea nasce quando MacGowan, ispirato da una versione di Wild Rover dei Jeep che ha visto dal vivo in un pub a West Drayton, canta una versione accelerata di un tradizionale irlandese davanti a Stacy, che ne rimane impressionato. "And so it arrived at interested decks across the London…" writes late Pogues guitarist Philip Chevron in the liner notes to the band's career-spanning 30 Years box set. Gerry Conlon â who spent 15 years in prison as one of the Guildford Four â hung out with us on tour for a few months. Nel maggio 2008 esce un box set dal titolo Just Look Them in the Eye and Say...POGUE MAHONE!!. Nel dicembre del 2013, per festeggiare i 25 anni di Fairytale of New York, viene distribuita una speciale edizione limitata in vinile del brano[3]. In her speech, she stressed that the British government did not believe "in constraining the media, still less in censorship", but yet proposed the idea that society should "ask the media to agree among themselves a voluntary code of conduct ⦠under which they would not ⦠show anything which could assist the terrorists' morale or their cause". MacGowan affina le sue abilità di autore dei testi, dando voce a un insieme di ultimi e sbandati. All brand names were expunged. You know Christmas is coming whenever controversy flares in the UK over The Pogues' song A Fairytale in New York.It's almost as traditional as turkey. The Pogues is a Celtic punk band from London, formed in 1982 and fronted by Shane MacGowan.The band reached international prominence in the 1980s and early 1990s.MacGowan left the band in 1991 due to drinking problems but the band continued first with Joe Strummer and then with Spider Stacy on vocals before breaking up in 1996. Movies. When the time came, we took our places on stage, against a backdrop of large, pink, fibreglass hands, our feet invisible under streams of dry ice. Il gruppo raggiunge l'apice del successo, con ben due dischi nella top five in U.K. al terzo e al quinto posto, ma le divergenze tra il gruppo e MacGowan, sempre meno affidabile anche per i suoi problemi con l'alcol, diventano sempre maggiori, finché questi lascia il gruppo nel 1991. Peace and Love viene seguito da "Hell's Ditch" che sarà l'ultimo album in cui Shane Mc Gowan presterà la propria voce e il proprio genio alla band. Si aggiungono poi James Fearnley (fisarmonica), Andrew Ranken (percussioni), Cait O'Riordan (basso). Nell'anno successivo però, i Pogues non sanno approfittare del momento propizio generato dal successo dell'album e rifiutano di pubblicare l'album successivo (pubblicano invece un EP di 4 tracce Poguetry in Motion), Cait O'Riordan sposa Costello e lascia il gruppo e viene sostituita dal bassista Darryl Hunt, inoltre si aggiunge il polistrumentista Terry Woods, proveniente dagli Steeleye Span.Oltre a questo, sulla band pesa il carattere eccentrico e scorbutico di MacGowan, principale autore dei testi, che va via via peggiorando. So too was Paddy Hill's, one of the Birmingham Six, when he was interviewed on a Channel 4 chart programme of contraband songs and videos, called Top Ten: X-Rated â which began with a lurid montage of flames, Mary Whitehouse, a pole-dancer's buttocks and vomited blood. Nel luglio 2007 uno dei componenti storici della band, Philip Chevron, abbandona temporaneamente la band dopo per un cancro alla gola tornando però attivamente nel 2008. THE FIRST openly gay member of the Northern Ireland Assembly has criticised the BBC’s decision to play different versions of The Pogues’ Fairytale of New York across its stations. Shane MacGowan, il cantante e frontman, descrive lo stile dei Pogues come "musica irlandese per un giovane pubblico rock". Well before the song was finished, the producers made the decision to cut to a commercial break. The Pogues sono un popolare gruppo folk punk anglo-irlandese attivo negli anni ottanta e anni novanta. The Pogues, Soundtrack: Grosse Pointe Blank. The Pogues: 'We expected censure from the beginning' This month is the 25th anniversary of the broadcast ban intended to starve Northern Ireland's Troubles of 'the oxygen of publicity'. Appaiono in alcune trasmissioni televisive sulla BBC, e suonano nel Regno Unito con i Dropkick Murphys a fare da gruppo spalla. The Pogues is a Celtic punk band from London, formed in 1982 and fronted by Shane MacGowan. Wikipedia, which we all know has its faults in terms of editing, has claimed that the band are an English Celtic punk band 'three Irish members'. Just Look Them in the Eye and Say...POGUE MAHONE!! Then Jensen's producer received a phone call from BBC Radio Scotland informing him that each time Jensen pronounced the name of our band â at the time, in full, Pogue Mahone â he was inadvertently telling Gaelic listeners to "kiss my arse". The Pogues' accordion player tells the story of how the band were caught up in a political row, By the grace of God ⦠The Pogues in 1987 (James Fearnley is holding the accordion). The band reached international prominence in the 1980s and early 1990s, recording several hit albums and singles. Accanto a strumenti usuali quindi del primo genere, come flauto, banjo, mandolino, fiddle e fisarmonica appaiono quindi percussioni e strumenti a corda più innovativi, che sfociano in canzoni da ritmi molto veloci, tradizionali e brani originali. And then the Pogues came along and told us to get over ourselves. I Pogues si sciolgono nel 1996 per poi riunirsi solamente nel 2001. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. The latest breaking news, comment and features from The Independent. In what is essentially a Christmas tradition at this point, the beloved 1987 song has, since its release, ignited a debate over its tinderbox lyrics which include various slurs such as the word “faggot”. In quest'album due pezzi che riassumono il forte legame di amore e odio tra gli irlandesi e l'Inghilterra, Misty Morning, Albert Bridge e London You are a Lady, e una canzone dedicata a un eroe della ribellione irlandese contro i conquistatori britannici, Young Ned of the Hill, e la ballata Lorelei, nella quale Philip Chevron duetta con Kirsty MacColl. Il primo gruppo di Shane MacGowan è fondato in piena epoca punk e prende il nome di Nipple Erectors con MacGowan "auto ribattezzatosi" Shane O'Hooligan; presto il nome viene abbreviato in Nips. LAURENCE FOX has been told to 'f**k off' by The Pogues after the actor criticised the BBC's decision to censor some of the band's Christmas track, Fairytale of New York, this year. First, Warner Music Group is marking our 30th anniversary â although we actually formed in 1982 â with a box set of our original albums. Nonostante le voci insistenti di un nuovo album, per il momento, ancora non ci sono novità, ma non è escluso che in futuro i Pogues tornino con un nuovo disco. Release Calendar DVD & Blu-ray Releases Top Rated Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Showtimes & Tickets In Theaters Coming Soon Coming Soon Movie News India Movie Spotlight. There are two anniversaries in the life of the Pogues this year. On 19 October 1988, the then home secretary, Douglas Hurd, announced what was called the "broadcast ban": a notice issued under a clause of the BBC Licence and Agreement and a section of the 1981 Broadcasting Act that prohibited the broadcast of direct statements by representatives or supporters of 11 Irish political and paramilitary organisations. First, Warner Music Group is marking our 30th anniversary â although we actually formed in 1982 â with a box set of our original albums. BBC pop music channel Radio 1 won't play the original version of the popular Christmas song "Fairytale of New York" this year because it includes derogatory lyrics. Nel 2002 la rivista Q nomina i Pogues come una delle 50 bands da vedere prima di morire. Seguono due album Waiting for Herb nel 1993, che contiene Tuesday Morning, il singolo più venduto dei Pogues, e Pogue Mahone nel 1995. A popular website has claimed that The Pogues are English instead of Irish and the assertion is sure to upset people. The Pogues in Paris: 30th Anniversary concert at the Olympia, The Ultimate Collection including Live at the Brixton Academy 2001. Nel 2006 seguono un tour negli Stati Uniti e un altro in UK. Find out when The Pogues last played live near you. In spring 1984, the DJs Richard Skinner, David Jensen and John Peel had been playing our debut single, The Dark Streets of London on their Radio 1 shows. The band reached international prominence in the 1980s and early 1990s. In copertina i volti dei naufraghi de Il naufragio del Medusa di Géricault sono sostituiti dai volti dei membri della band. TV … Esplora tutte le pubblicazioni di The Pogues su Discogs. The Pogues have shut down actor Laurence Fox, after he took issue with the BBC’s decision to censor their song Fairytale Of New York when it’s played on Radio 1 this year.. Hear Streets of Sorrow/Birmingham Six here. The band reached international prominence in the 1980s and early 1990s. "Tu, zotico, viscido/ perdente da quattro soldi" "Buon Natale, stronzo/prego Dio che sia l'ultimo insieme"». The music of The Pogues always had more of a quantity over quality aesthetic to it, so one would almost think that thematically, the cheap stuff would be the bottle to bear The Pogues name. The Pogues were an Anglo-Irish Celtic punk band fronted by Shane MacGowan and others, founded in Kings Cross, London in 1982, as "Pogue Mahone" – the anglicisation of the Irish Gaelic póg mo thóin, meaning "kiss my arse". I fondatori sono quindi Shane MacGowan (voce e chitarra folk), Jeremy "Jem" Finer (banjo), Spider Stacy (flauto), che suonano per un periodo nei pub di Londra, in giro per il Regno Unito, come buskers (suonatori di strada) e anche in Francia. .mw-parser-output .citazione-table{margin-bottom:.5em;font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .citazione-table td{padding:0 1.2em 0 2.4em}.mw-parser-output .citazione-lang{vertical-align:top}.mw-parser-output .citazione-lang td{width:50%}.mw-parser-output .citazione-lang td:first-child{padding:0 0 0 2.4em}.mw-parser-output .citazione-lang td:nth-child(2){padding:0 1.2em}, «"You scumbag, you maggot/You cheap, lousy faggot" "Happy Christmas, your arse/I pray God it's our last" [1] Dal 2009 i Pogues acquisiscono così la possibilità di entrare nella Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Censorship of a more dangerous kind â deletions, additions and the manipulation of police notes, accompanied by a regimen tantamount to torture â had been utilised to justify the convictions of both the Guildford Four and the Birmingham Six. I Pogues furono i capostipiti del "rogue-folk", il folk-rock dei punk, irriverente e fracassone. MacGowan left the band in 1991 due to drinking problems but the band continued first with Joe Strummer and then with Spider Stacy on vocals before breaking up in 1996. In the afternoon of the show we had played through the song more than once in technical rehearsal. The Irish Rover on The Pogues' Shane MacGowan's official website This page was last edited on 26 January 2021, at 16:15 (UTC). As early as the summer of 1985, in a speech to American Bar Association, Margaret Thatcher had employed the words "the oxygen of publicity" when referring to the media coverage of acts of terrorism. In May 1987 we started work on our third album, If I Should Fall From Grace With God. “Rum Sodomy & the Lash”, which emerged in the middle of the decade, represents the creative peak of the Pogues, which hinged on the talent of the band’s musicians and the genius of Shane MacGowan. Dopo questo disco, incidono Peace and Love, sulla cui copertina appare un pugile la cui mano destra ha sei dita. MacGowan left the band in 1991 owing to drinking problems, but the band continued – first with Joe Strummer and then with Spider Stacyon vocals – before breaking … In the course of the appeals which were eventually granted the prisoners, the disclosure of the authorities' misdoings resulted in the release of the Guildford Four â on the first anniversary of the broadcast ban; the group known as "the Maguire Seven", who were also convicted in relation to the Guildford bombings, had their convictions quashed in July 1990. I like to think that we helped not only to point out the noxiousness of the broadcast ban, but also contributed, by stirring public opinion, the eventual release of the Guildford Four and the Birmingham Six. Then, in November, the song was banned by the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA), which claimed that the lyrics could "incite terrorism". Shane MacGowan's lyrics pressed us to march across London as if armed with cobblestones and lengths of railing, shouting oaths. A vow to "start on the EEC" replaced the original lyrics' threat that we would "storm the BBC". This month also marks another anniversary in our career â a less welcome one, even though our involvement was peripheral, and won't be celebrated by reissues. Infine nel 1987 la Stiff Records va in fallimento dopo aver pubblicato il singolo The Irish Rover con The Dubliners. Reading on mobile? It's a generous, degenerate song. La scelta del nome e il primo album in studio, The Italian Rover - Il primo sito italiano dedicato ai Pogues. Nel 1985 si aggiunge alla band anche Philip Chevron (chitarra) e, sotto la produzione artistica del padre del punk e della new wave Elvis Costello, registrano il secondo album intitolato Rum, Sodomy & the Lash (rum, sodomia e frusta) da un commento attribuito (forse falsamente) a Winston Churchill riguardante le tradizioni più radicate della Marina Reale Britannica. Il 13 giugno 2009 i Pogues partecipano al Rock in Idro[2] a Milano, insieme a Social Distortion, Flogging Molly, Babyshambles e Gogol Bordello. During the course of our career, the Pogues have had some experience with what we thought was censorship. Appena due mesi dopo il gruppo commercializza in formato audio e video la registrazione del concerto con il titolo The Pogues in Paris: 30th Anniversary concert at the Olympia. All the singles and albums of The Pogues, peak chart positions, career stats, week-by-week chart runs and latest news. The revitalised clarity seemed even to extend as far as the words. New collection from The Pogues released just in time for St. Patrick's Day - March 11th!Pre-Order Now! Streams of Whiskey: Live in Leysin, Switzerland,, Gruppi musicali dall'attività discontinua, Voci con template Collegamenti esterni e qualificatori sconosciuti, Voci non biografiche con codici di controllo di autorità, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo, Dave Coulter - mandolino, violino, ukulele, percussioni. The Pogues 30:30! The Pogues are a Celtic punk band from London, formed in 1982 and fronted by Shane MacGowan. Explore releases from The Pogues at Discogs. We expected censure from the very beginning, and even went as far as lying down before we were hit. Per un breve periodo arriva come cantante Joe Strummer, ma poi Stacy diventa definitivamente il nuovo cantante, in alcuni brani sostituito da Terry Woods. ⢠Here Comes Everybody â the Story of the Pogues, by James Fearnley, is published by Faber & Faber, This month is the 25th anniversary of the broadcast ban intended to starve Northern Ireland's Troubles of 'the oxygen of publicity'. Se cerchi The Pogues, qui trovi l'elenco delle opere e delle recensioni che puoi trovi su DeBaser.Accedi per contribuire anche tu. Transmetropolitan, the first track of our debut album Red Roses For Me, is in many respects the Pogues' mission statement. Gerry Adams was asked by Pogues frontman Shane MacGowan to pass on a message to then Prime Minister Tony Blair - "Tiocfaidh ar la", a new film reveals. The Walker Roaders — the supergroup featuring ex-members of the Pogues, Flogging Molly, and Dropkick Murphys — have released a new cover … We accused Thames Television of suppression, but I was ashamed of my abiding ambivalence as to whether the song had been subject to censorship, preferring to assume that we had simply gone over time. La band inizia a incidere brani autoprodotti e presto si fa un nome concludendo con l'apertura dei concerti dei Clash nel tour del 1984. My stubborn predisposition to believe in the benevolence of the English government inclined me to believe that the shortening of our performance was merely due to the exigencies of television. Find The Pogues bio, music, credits, awards, & streaming links on AllMusic - Eclectic band who married the raw energy and… No need to register, buy now! If you want to refresh your memories of a particular show or wonder which places the reunited Pogues have visited look HERE. So convinced must we have been that we were going to run into trouble that Shane's original vocal only exists in the masters of the record, the less temperate version on the multi-track having been erased in favour of avoiding offence.   Things got serious as the ideas in Thatcher's American speech began to grow and form connective tissue. The words "piss", "whores", "queers", "poofs", "bastards", "bloody" and "shite" â and even "spew" â were exchanged for euphemisms in this alternate version. The producers had been informed of the song we intended to perform. For approval, each of the band was recently sent the remix of the album for the upcoming box set. Half an hour into the programme, Hill talked with bemusement at the IBA's banning of the Pogues' Birmingham Six and fondly of the group's efforts on his behalf and the five other accused. Compra vinili, CD e altro di The Pogues nel Marketplace di Discogs. POGUEMAHONE!! Again, we withdrew into righteous indignation. His gratitude for publicising the plight of the Guildford Four and that of the Birmingham Six â not merely by means of Shane's song, but through press interviews and collections at our gigs for the prisoners' families â was affecting.
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