After that episode, she and Timmy remain friends, and Trixie dates Remy on a few occasions. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. When Timmy decides to end their relationship, an angry Trixie chases him through the outskirts of a mini mall in her attempt to kill him using sporting and gardening equipment, including a helicopter to slice him in half with the propeller blades, since the missiles were sold separately. He might be this way because the popular kids usually have a bouncer guarding them. A Fairly Odd Parents song-fic. Tad Chad Mark Chang Gary Veronica Dr. Vulcan Timantha Enemies: Denzel Crocker Timmy Turner (sometimes) Tootie (one-sided on Tootie's side) Love Interests: Timmy Chester McBadbat A.J. Like the other unrequited pairings on the show, romantic developments between Trixie and other characters are completely ignored and are "reset" in the continuity by the very next episode. Being the most popular and prettiest girl at her school, Trixie is sought after by a number of students, including Timmy Turner. "King Plakers Rock", a rock-n'-roll song by Dr. Plakers in his moment of triumph. Tootie is one of the central characters of the live action "Fairly Odd Movie", where she is portrayed in live action by Daniella Monet. She continued playing the role on the series itself, Rugrats, film Rugrats Go Wild (2003) and the spinoff All Grown Up!. Veronica is Trixie's best friend, although they both seem to actually hate each other behind their backs. Trixie did not believe in the existence of fairies until she actually laid eyes upon them, and she became upset when she learned Timmy did not use his fairies to help others. Timmy Turner has a crush on her and is frequently attempting to obtain her affection mostly to no avail as she usually rejects his advances, which is usually if Timmy does not have something that she desires. She has long hair complete with a purple hairband. This episode shows the possibility of Trixie suffering from Histrionic Personality Disorder, as she hates being alone, to the point of near mental breakdown, and cries for attention. Trixie also really likes playing video games and watching anime. Trixie: But the effects were decent, and Crocker's actor really nailed the part. Trixie was framed by Vicky, who was disguised as her, for the armed robbery of the Dimmsdale National Bank and put in juvie. ), the Bouncing Boil (Elmer), the Sonic Youth (Sanjay), and the Crimson Chin in their attempt to battle the evils of the Bull-E (Francis), the Baby Shredder (Vicky), Dr. Crocktopus (Denzel Q. Crocker), and the Nega-Chin. Most of the characters frequently praise Trixie for her looks. Step by Step Drawing tutorial on How to Draw Trixie Tang from The Fairly OddParents Trixie Tang is female character which is the main girl in The Fairly OddParents. The Fairly OddParents (c) Nickelodeon, Viacom and Butch Hartman. are the last ones to enter, until...) Bus Driver: (on the microphone) Announcing the arrival of Trixie Tang., At times, she's a geeky tomboy and likes to disguise herself as a boy and read comic books for boys. In "Emotion Commotion! Feel free to give feedback as I progress though. Interestingly enough though, they have very rarely appeared together throughout the entire series. Timmy had lost his emotions, and did not display any emotion toward Trixie when he was made her official boyfriend, causing her to immediately dump him and start dating Chester instead. She maintains an unrequited love for Timmy Turner. ", Trixie has been attending Dimmsdale Elementary School since kindergarten with Timmy, and he has been trying to get a kiss from her since he met her. Trixie tends to call Veronica a "spaz", less pretty and less popular than her, and quickly discarded Veronica as her best friend when she befriended Timantha. (Timothy Batarseh style) A 50s doo-wop song by Tony and Zack. Trixie and Timantha meet for the first time. Trixie stayed at Francis' side until she was won over by Timmy who used the same beach bully strategy on her and Francis. (both of African-American descent) Mr. Grumpfish as Denzel Crocker Deema as Veronica Star/Vicky Avi as Francis Night Wizard as Jorgen Oona as Chloe Carmichael Bubble Puppy as … She may have feelings for Timmy; however, because she is one of the popular kids, she can't show it if it exists because the other popular kids hate Timmy. They created a high budget movie involving Arnold Schwartzengerman as Hamlet. Most of the characters frequently praise Trixie for her looks. The definitive site for … In a later episode, "Movie Magic", this seems to be opposite of the case, as Trixie is easily swayed by Tad and Chad's likes and dislikes, and in "Class Clown", she is won over by their humor. Weirdly enough, I noticed my first Fairly Oddparents story 'A Lonely Girl' was the number 3 most viewed story in my stash... and I will admit, it was a pretty good look and take on what would happen if the episode 'Just The Two of Us' ended differently. Trixie's presence in "School's Out! She is part of the popular kids social group at her school, and in some episodes is their leader. Trixie Tang wears a bright purple short-sleeved turtleneck, a white skirt and white boots. Not much is known about Trixie or her family and how they became as wealthy as they are during the series. "Nothing Can Ruin This Day", a song in the beginning about Timmy and his friends in for a great day. In almost all cases of this though, something using magic related resets any progress Timmy might have made with her, or it is simply disregarded in Trixie's next appearance. A Fairly Odd Movie: Grow Up, Timmy Turner! Timmy Turner constantly pines for the affection of Trixie Tang, but most of the time, she will not even give him the time of day. Fan Feed More Fairly Odd Fanon Wiki. Tootie: Yeah, it's just a shame they chose a woman with an awful voice to play you, Trixie. She has also tried to impress Timmy at least twice, once when he had no emotions and the other time when he rejected her for Tootie on Valentine's Day which apparently made 'her' obsessive for 'him'. Trixie loves timantha with all her heart she was sad when she left but now she back and love is in the air for these two can Trixie get the … Deep inside, she's a nice girl, and treats her friends with dignity, whenever they act nice to her. Timmy hopes that if the movie is as bad … Gil as Timmy Turner Little Fish as Cosmo and Wanda Avi's Mother as Mrs. Turner Mr. Grouper as Mr. Turner Molly as Trixie/Tootie Nonny as Chester McBadbat/Remy Buxaplenty Goby as A.J. Eventually, the real culprit of the bank robbery was arrested thanks to Timmy and Ivan, and Trixie was released from juvie. Trixie sitting at her lunch table with the other popular kids. Since Timmy has a crush on her, he expects to be married to her someday. After taking photographs of Sanjay and Timmy with books, they accused Timmy of "geekiness" and impeached him from his office as president of the student body. You can help Fairly Odd Fanon Wiki by expanding it. Trixie and everyone else went to go see the premiere of Tad and Chad 's new movie, a corruption of Hamlet starring Arnold Schwartzengerman (a parody of Arnold Schwarzenegger). In the cartoon, she was originally voiced by Amber Wood in the pilot season, and was replaced by Grey Delisle in … When she comes back to town, Timmy is surprised to see that Tootie has become totally crush-worthy! Trixie's mother has never been seen during the series, only mentioned in Trixie's debut appearance episode. Dionne Quan, Actress: The Fairly OddParents. In the episode "Spreading The Love", she begins dating Remy Buxaplenty after Ivan trained him. ", Trixie also had a brief dating stint with Chester McBadbat, aimed at getting revenge on Timmy by dating his best friend. Tad and Chad are also seen bringing expensive/impossible gifts like a pony or an eternal beauty potion for Valentine's Day. Since the introduction of the new character, Chloe, Trixie has fallen out of the important characters and made a cameo appearance (along with Chester, AJ, Crocker and Vicky) as one of the guests at Timmy and Chloe's birthday parties.
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