To refrain from organizing, hosting, or attending events, parties, or other social gatherings both on or off-campus that do not abide by the above-outlined safety protocols and guidelines of the university and the City of Philadelphia. Campus Compact 89 South Street Boston, MA 02111 The Penn Compact 2022 motivates community members to innovate, be radically inclusive, and positively impact their local, national, and global communities. The Resource Compact of Free Association : proposed U.S. assistance to Palau for fiscal years 2011-2024 : testimony before the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, statement of David Gootnick The following is a list of all programs offered for academic credit at the University of Pennsylvania and is accurate as of M ay 2020. Penn has created many new services and safety nets to help keep the members of our community safe. Any member of the Penn community may use this form to bring an alleged violation of the Compact to the panel for its review. Innovation + Entrepreneurship. Additionally, the Compact was posted on LionPATH as it is the primary vehicle that students use in the process of being a student. Penn Oral Medicine has trained and educated individuals who have achieved both clinical and academic success in the specialty. Impact: Engage Locally, Nationally, Globally. 2016/08/26 Time period. Chief Wellness Officer Benoit Dubé told the DP that Penn's ability to monitor whether students are following the Campus Compact would generally be on the honor system without strict University oversight. Franklin Catalog lets you:. Dean Steiner has a long and distinguished track record as a scholar, teacher and administrator. I also understand that prior COVID-19 illness or vaccination against COVID-19 does not absolve me of following all public health guidance. One cannot test out of quarantine. University Life is you! I understand, as a member of the Penn community during the Spring 2021 semester, that we are stronger as a community when we all do our part to keep our campus safe. DRL 4C8 . Our efforts help to fulfill Penn’s strategic vision, the Penn Compact, and enhance the ability of Penn students to reach their fullest potential. University of Pennsylvania and University of California We give potential theoretic estimates for the probability that a set A contains a double point of planar Brownian motion run for unit time. President’s Distinguished Professorships enable the University of Pennsylvania to recruit and retain eminent faculty members with research and teaching expertise in areas identified by the president as high priorities for the Penn Compact 2020. Phone: 617.357.1881 Fax: 617.357.1889. Executive Board About the Positions 2020-2021 General Assembly Representatives School Governments Affinity Groups Campus Resources. To maintain appropriate (at least 6 feet) physical distance from others. a student Campus Compact and Principles of Responsible Conduct for faculty and staff that remind us that we're all in this together. The cornerstone of Penn’s initiative to increase access for students from all socioeconomic backgrounds is its grant-based financial aid program. No results found, … During these challenging and unprecedented times, we, as members of the Penn family, have a shared responsibility to ensure the health and safety needs of our community, to the greatest extent possible, as we carry out the University’s core missions of education, research, and service. The Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania; Published. Franklin Catalog lets you:. To acknowledge that drinking alcohol and using other drugs will increase my risk of engaging in risky behavior and/or needing medical treatment, including the increased risk of being exposed to higher-risk contact with others. By strengthening our commitment to inclusion, innovation & impact, we will make our communities & world stronger. Across 12 Schools, more than 25,000 students, and more than 4,000 faculty members, we become one university: a wide-ranging, ever-changing community that draws its strength from a multitude of races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, historical traditions, ages, religions, disabilities, veteran status, interests, perspectives, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Find print books, ebooks, journal and newspaper titles, sound recordings, videos, conference proceedings, music scores, manuscripts, and other resources owned or subscribed to by the Penn Libraries. As we look forward to the new year, minor modifications to the Research Resumption Plans are warranted. When appropriate, I understand that disciplinary action may include a permanent disciplinary record and, that in the most serious of cases, a student could be suspended or expelled from the university. The Compact outlines specific behaviors expected of all who are on campus, including: Wearing a face covering at all times when in public places. Concerns: The Campus Compact outlines expectations for safe social distancing for all of the students returning to Penn for the 2020–2021 academic year. Violations of this Compact will be reviewed by the Compact Review Panel and may be forwarded to the Office of Student Conduct for disciplinary review and action per the Disciplinary Charter of the University of Pennsylvania. ScholarlyComm… Campus Compact 2020 Spring 2021 In-Person Event Request Form Who We Are. The Campus Compact website lists restricted participation in campus activities, prohibited access to campus buildings, and a deactivated PennCard as punishments for "a violation of the Compact." ScholarlyCommons is the University of Pennsylvania's open access institutional repository for gathering, indexing, storing, and making widely available the scholarly output of the Penn community. consequences of violations of the Student Campus Compact, Disciplinary Charter of the University of Pennsylvania, The University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design prepares students to address complex sociocultural and environmental issues through thoughtful inquiry, creative expression, and innovation. To wear a facial covering when I leave my place of residence. Campus Compact of New York & Pennsylvania - Campus Compact of New York and Pennsylvania We are a Member Organization of Higher Education Institutions across New York and … Results of the gateway test do not change the requirement to quarantine for 14 days. The University's news story about the Compact has been shared widely with faculty, staff, students and parents through Penn State News, Penn State Today and various official Penn State social media platforms. To stress the importance that every student plays in the health and well-being of the Penn students, faculty, and staff, as well as the local West Philadelphia communities; To clearly communicate the behavioral expectations of all students during the Spring 2021 semester; To outline the possible consequences for violating this Compact. Penn Integrates Knowledge University Professors. He holds two master’s degrees and a doctoral degree, in city and regional planning, from the University of Pennsylvania, and he has also been … INCLUSION Our highest institutional priority is to prepare promising students of all races, religions, and backgrounds to become the leaders and innovators of the future. Among these is PennOpen Pass, which is a daily symptom check program offering easy access to clinical advice and/or COVID19 testing. Since 1750, the Penn Libraries (phone: 215-898-7555) have served the teaching, research and learning needs of scholars. We expect all students to follow public health guidelines for wearing masks, physical distancing and hand washing. The innovation community at Penn is flourishing. In such cases, I understand that the Office of Student Conduct will determine whether or not disciplinary action is appropriate. Anyone coming from outside the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is asked to be mindful of guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the City of Philadelphia. * Let G be a group such that in the adjoint representation of its Lie algebra some element has a nonreal eigenvalue. During these challenging and unprecedented times, we, as members of the Penn family, have a shared responsibility to ensure the health and safety needs of our community, to the greatest extent possible, as we carry out the University’s core missions of education, research, and service. Perry World House will be the intellectual center for Penn’s global engagement initiatives and include an on-campus think tank devoted to innovative, interdisciplinary inquiry around emerging international challenges. Read more about Inclusion, The drive to innovate compels our students and faculty to work across Penn’s myriad disciplines to create previously unimagined solutions to today’s—and tomorrow’s—most complex problems.Read more about Innovation, Effecting potent positive impact in our neighborhoods, nation, and world are the bricks on which democracy and global citizenship are built, and are the cornerstones of a Penn education. In cases where explicit approval is in writing, I agree to observe the above-outlined safety protocols and guidelines of the university and the City of Philadelphia. The Compact outlines specific behaviors expected of all who are on campus, including: Wearing a face covering at all times when in public places. A violation of the Compact may be handled directly by the Panel. To use alcohol-based disinfectant wipes provided throughout campus buildings to clean surfaces with which I come into contact, including but not limited to desks and seats in classrooms. To sit only in seats designated and clearly marked as available in classrooms and other campus buildings. Penn President Amy Gutmann is a national advocate for affordable education, an architect of the Penn Compact 2022, and co-author of Everybody Wants to Go to Heaven but Nobody Wants to Die. University of Pennsylvania Student Campus Compact 2020-2021 Health and Wellness. There are three core goals of this Compact: By way of this Compact, as a Penn student, you agree to adhere to the expectations for physical distancing and public behavior detailed below. Our campus was created with Penn students in mind—our four undergraduate and twelve graduate schools, three teaching hospitals, and 100+ research centers are all within a 10-minute walk of each other, so you have easy access to the entire University and … Penn is committed to making a world-class education attainable to all talented and hardworking students, regardless of their economic circumstances. Declaration of Independence. Undergraduate programs are listed in the Undergraduate Catalog. To wash my hands frequently for at least 20 seconds or to use hand sanitizer throughout each day and before and after interactions with others. To collaborate with Penn on daily wellness checks with the new PennOpen Pass mobile app (details to... Campus Movement. ... on every compact surface. During these challenging and unprecedented times, we, as members of the Penn family, have a shared responsibility to ensure the health and safety needs of our community, to the greatest extent possible, as we carry out the University’s core missions of education, research, and service. I further understand that there is no appeal of the public health response determined by the Panel, as these decisions are being made to protect the health and safety of the community as a whole. Read more about Impact. The University will meet the full financial needs of undergraduates with all-grant aid packages. Although this guidance is fluid and changes frequently, the University requires students complete a 14-day precautionary travel quarantine, which is the gold standard of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Benjamin Franklin, Penn's founder and first president, advocated an educational program that trained leaders in … Student Campus Compact. Most of our graduates go on to faculty posts in Schools of Social Work and Social Welfare. The Penn Compact has guided our University’s growth from excellence to eminence, and the record-shattering success of the Making History campaign empowers Penn to go much further. Guided by our commitment to education and research and to the health and safety of our community, Penn supports innovative remote learning and work while inviting students back to campus to live and learn. Penn’s Student Campus Compact, explained Gary Purpura discusses the 2020-21 Student Campus Compact and what it means for those returning to … We are a Member Organization of Higher Education Institutions across New York and Pennsylvania. Dr. Gutmann works with the deans of Penn’s 12 schools and senior administrators across the University to establish and advance Penn’s highest strategic priorities. To fully participate in the University’s testing protocols. To follow procedures for entering and exiting classrooms and for entering and exiting rows of seating in classrooms, which will be clearly marked on signs in and around classrooms. Therefore, Penn puts forth this Spring 2021 Campus Compact (the “Compact”) that outlines our behavioral expectations for all Penn students regardless of where you are living during the Spring 2021 semester. Declaration of Independence. With appointments in two or more Penn schools, PIK Professors can draw from their expertise in diverse disciplines to find creative solutions for complex, real-world problems. Our heritage is the cornerstone for our future and the legacy which supports our pursuit of the highest standards in education, research, and patient care. The collection, founded by Franklin, is housed in 18 libraries and commons and 5 associated libraries, with over 7 million volumes, plus a … But the College first year wanted to know the punishments for breaking specific Campus Compact guidelines and how this may differ depending on the severity of the violation. The University of Pennsylvania (Penn or UPenn) is a private Ivy League research university in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.The university claims a founding date of 1740 and is one of the nine colonial colleges chartered prior to the U.S. Access to ScholarlyCommons is free to all. I agree to abide by all federal, state, city, and University of Pennsylvania directives, policies, protocols, and procedures related to COVID-19, and I agree to participate in any required testing and training. Benjamin Franklin, Penn's founder and first president, advocated an educational program that trained leaders in … The following list includes PhD, master's, certificate, and other professional degree programs. President's Engagement Prizes will provide recipients with up to $150,000 to develop and implement a promising local, national, or global engagement project during the year after graduation. The University will meet the full financial needs of undergraduates with all-grant aid packages. Students living in the College House system and Sansom Place are expected to read, understand, acknowledge, and agree to the guidelines in the University of Pennsylvania Student Campus Compact 2020-2021. We, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee of the University of Pennsylvania, commend President Gutmann and her leadership team as well as the Board of Trustees for having the foresight to raise funds for discretionary use through the Penn Compact 2022 to make it possible for the President to respond to urgent needs of the University and its community … To limit all unnecessary personal travel. In her 2004 inaugural address Gutmann launched the Penn Compact, her vision for making Penn both a global leader in teaching, research, and professional practice; and a dynamic agent of social, economic, and civic progress. In such cases, I understand that, should the panel determine that my behavior jeopardized the health and safety of others in the Penn community, I may receive a directive that restricts my participation in on-campus activities, prohibits/limits my access to campus buildings, and/or deactivates my PennCard for a period of time. Frederick “Fritz” Steiner is Dean and Paley Professor at the University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design. In West Philadelphia, the University of Pennsylvania has been working with West Philadelphia High School and the Turner Middle School in a collaborative partnership to develop “”youth Corps.”” They hope to develop skills in students and teenagers to help revitalize neighborhoods in West Philadelphia. Penn Compact Created by Penn President Amy Gutmann to strengthen the University of Pennsylvania’s commitment under the Penn Compact 2020 to impactful global, national, and local student engagement, the President’s Engagement Prizes will provide recipients with up to $150,000 ($50,000 for living expenses for each student recipient, plus up to $100,000 for project … University of Pennsylvania presidency In her 2004 inaugural address Gutmann launched the Penn Compact, her vision for making Penn both a global leader in teaching, research, and professional practice; and a dynamic agent of social, economic, and civic progress. Specific up to date City guidelines can be found on the. Created by Penn President Amy Gutmann to strengthen the University of Pennsylvania’s commitment under the Penn Compact 2020 to innovation, the President’s Innovation Prize will provide a graduating Penn senior, or team of graduating seniors, $100,000 (plus a $50,000 living stipend per team member) to envision and implement an innovative, commercial venture that … To explain the compact and its significance, Penn Today spoke with Gary Purpura, executive director of education and academic planning in the Office of the Provost. University Life departments serve undergraduate, graduate, and professional students, providing academic and career support, campus and community engagement, and much more. The endowed Penn Integrates Knowledge (PIK) Professorship is an initiative to recruit renowned scholars whose achievements demonstrate a rare ability to work at the intersection of multiple fields. Outreach. Here, he describes fall planning, the purpose of the compact, and how it will be enforced. In ensuing years, Penn would also be home to the first teaching hospital, medical school, law school, and collegiate school of business in the American colonies and the U.S. Enforcement of the Campus Compact. Reflecting the core values of inclusion, innovation, and impact in the Penn Compact 2022, ScholarlyCommons shares the exceptional works of Penn faculty, staff, and students with a local, national, and global audience. Penn Bioengineering Junior Shreya Parchure Named Goldwater Scholar. Comments Off on University of Pennsylvania • Penn Compact Series in Print Design A series of publications promoting President Amy Gutmann’s vision for the University. Effective: January 11, 2021. (More information can be found at, To collaborate with Penn on daily wellness checks with the new PennOpen Pass program (. The University of Pennsylvania's Graduate School of Education is deeply involved in Philadelphia schools. As Penn’s foremost provider of student activities, services, and support, the Division of the Vice Provost for University Life enhances the ability of Penn students to reach their fullest potential through diverse academic, personal, and professional development experiences in support of Penn Compact 2022 . Alberto I. Duran, WG’93 The Penn Compact 2022 affirms inclusion as a means toward the essential ends of higher education: equalizing opportunity, educating leaders for all sectors of society, and enriching the experience of all members of the University community. The official athletics website for the University of Pennsylvania Quakers A Student Campus Compact has been developed so that together we can maintain a safe, educational, and vibrant learning environment for all members of our Penn community. Two hundred and seventy years ago this month, the first classes were held at what would become the University of Pennsylvania at 4th and Arch Streets in Philadelphia. To do so requires a plan both visionary and pragmatic. View consequences of violations of the Student Campus Compact (PDF) compiled by the Campus Compact Review Board, updated monthly. To congregate only in designated outdoor and indoor areas of campus, wearing a facial covering, maintaining adequate physical distance, and complying with all signage. University of Pennsylvania Research Resumption Phase: Spring Semester. The collection, founded by Franklin, is housed in 18 libraries and commons and 5 associated libraries, with over 7 million volumes, plus a … Vintage memorabilia and high quality collectibles for Yale, Harvard, Brown, Columbia University, Cornell, Dartmouth, Princeton and The University of Pennsylvania as … I understand that the health and safety measures I am being asked to undertake are necessary to protect the health and safety of others in my community and beyond. Unlike the probability for A to intersect the range of a Markov process, this cannot be estimated by a capacity of the set A. Therefore, Penn puts forth this Spring 2021 Campus Compact (the “Compact”) that outlines … We partner with schools in small and large ways to work towards social justice—always endeavoring to leverage the expertise of the larger … Reflecting the core values of inclusion, innovation, and impact in the Penn Compact 2022, ScholarlyCommons shares the exceptional works of Penn faculty, … To cooperate with contact tracing efforts as part of my public service to protecting my fellow students and Penn community members. The University of Pennsylvania PhD program in Social Welfare is designed to develop leaders in academia and research to identify both problems and potential solutions. As a public health response group, the Panel is comprised of staff and faculty members with expertise in public health and student life. It is crucial to our mission that Penn GSE faculty and students engage in all levels of education, both formal and informal, in traditional and alternative settings, to better learn how we can solve the challenges of urban education and contribute to the growth and well-being of our … Penn President Amy Gutmann named innovation as one of the three main thrusts of the Penn Compact 2020, and strong collaborations across Engineering, Wharton and Medicine at Penn are the driving force in these efforts.Add to this Penn Engineering’s access to outstanding mentors, a broad network … University of Pennsylvania presidency. A Student Campus Compact has been developed so that together we can maintain a safe, educational, and vibrant learning environment for all members of our Penn community. This page highlights the board members and member institutions of New York and Pennsylvania Campus Compact. In West Philadelphia, the University of Pennsylvania has been working with West Philadelphia High School and the Turner Middle School in a collaborative partnership to develop “”youth Corps.”” They hope to develop skills in students and teenagers to help revitalize neighborhoods in West Philadelphia. We are the Perelman School of Medicine -- the Nation's First -- and the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania -- the nation's first hospital built by a medical school. Penn Compact 2020 Engaging our local, national, and global communities is central to Penn’s mission – and at the heart of the vibrant diversity that … Penn’s commitment to access and affordability is an integral component of the Penn Compact 2020, and much of that mission is accomplished through the University’s financial aid programs.. Penn’s grant-based undergraduate financial aid program meets 100% of demonstrated financial need with grants and work-study funding, making it possible for students to graduate with a … University of Pennsylvania . The Pennovation Works is a distinctive blend of offices, labs, and production space developed by The University of Pennsylvania to link the intellectual and entrepreneurial initiatives necessary for advancing knowledge and generating economic development. Therefore, Penn puts forth this Spring 2021 Campus Compact (the “Compact”) that outlines … PHILADELPHIA. To participate in student clubs, performing arts groups, intramural and club sports, and any other University-sponsored student life activity virtually unless otherwise given explicit approval by a Penn staff person to convene in person. The Campus Compact website lists restricted participation in campus activities, prohibited access to campus buildings, and a deactivated PennCard as punishments for "a violation of the Compact." August 2015 – August 2016 Files. Students will receive gateway testing immediately upon arriving on campus. Since 1750, the Penn Libraries (phone: 215-898-7555) have served the teaching, research and learning needs of scholars. Most recently, he served for 15 years as dean of the School of Architecture at the University of Texas at Austin. 160824_Un_Global_Compact.pdf (English) Format. Our commitment to active, on-the-ground engagement in Philadelphia is a reflection of the University-wide values expressed in the Penn Compact 2020.Penn GSE is not just located in Philadelphia—it is of Philadelphia. About ScholarlyCommons. Across 12 Schools, more than 25,000 students, and more than 4,000 faculty members, we become one university: a wide-ranging, ever-changing community that draws its strength from a multitude of races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, historical traditions, ages, religions, disabilities, veteran status, interests, perspectives, and socioeconomic backgrounds. The Penn Compact 2022 motivates community members to innovate, be radically inclusive, and positively impact their local, national, and global communities. A member of the Ivy League, Penn is the fourth-oldest institution of higher education in the United States, and considers itself to be the first university in the United States with both undergraduate and graduate studies. In such cases, I agree to abide by these directives and understand that not doing so may result in disciplinary action by the Office of Student Conduct. I understand that violations of this Compact will be reviewed by the Compact Review Panel who will identify appropriate actions. Social problems are complex. The University of Pennsylvania (commonly referred to as Penn) is a private university, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. Alcohol consumption and recreational drug use will not be considered an excuse for unauthorized risky COVID-19-related behavior. It … Announcing the President’s Innovation Prize competition, which awards graduating Penn seniors $100,000 to design commercial ventures that produce a positive social impact. Penn Compact Penn is committed to making a world-class education attainable to all talented and hardworking students, regardless of their economic circumstances. The University of Pennsylvania (Penn or UPenn) is a private Ivy League research university in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.The university claims a founding date of 1740 and is one of the nine colonial colleges chartered prior to the U.S. Once a violation is reported to the Panel, possible next steps include: To refrain from having guests, including family members, in my campus residence. To comply with self-isolation and/or self-quarantine directives that result from testing outcomes and contact tracing efforts by the University or the City of Philadelphia. Find print books, ebooks, journal and newspaper titles, sound recordings, videos, conference proceedings, music scores, manuscripts, and other resources owned or subscribed to by the Penn Libraries. Shreya Parchure is one of four juniors at the University of Pennsylvania who have been selected as Goldwater Scholars by the Barry Goldwater Scholarship & Excellence in Education Foundation, which provides scholarships of as much as $7,500 to undergraduate students interested in pursuing research … To comply, if I must travel, with quarantine and testing requirements. The noblest question in the world is: What good may I do in it? To adhere to the University’s most current guidance on travel, found here: To follow procedures for entering and exiting campus buildings, which will be visible on signs near the entrances and exits of campus buildings. To refrain from allowing individuals without a green “go” screen on the PennOpen Pass mobile app to enter campus buildings.
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