Edit this text to make it your own. teaching portfolio Teaching Philosophy Home Curriculum Vitae teaching portfolio Teaching Philosophy Andrew Carter. Includes portfolio work for EDU292: Professional Internship, and portfolio work to demonstrate my growth to full teaching registration. 2.2 Content selection and organisation 2.3: Curriculum, assessment and reporting 2.5: Literacy and Numeracy Strategies 2.6: Information and Communication Technology _____ 2.1: Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area. A teacher to their students should be setting an example for their students to follow in order for the students to succeed. Teaching Portfolio. I explore my personal and ever-evolving teaching philosophy, and reflect upon my growing professional practice and knowledge as a student teacher. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Welcome to my professional teaching portfolio. Prior to my student teaching semester, I acquired over 160 hours of observation in an 8th grade ELA classroom in the Atlantic City School District, as well as a 1st grade classroom in the Somers Point School District. Teaching portfolio. The purpose of the electronic teaching portfolio is to demonstrate your professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions to another professional educator (e.g., school of education faculty, your cooperating teacher, or a potential employer). It is designed to demonstrate that as a graduating preservice teacher, I am equipped with the requisite knowledge, skills, understandings and capabilities required to meet the Graduate standards. I am a current graduate student at Centenary College, in the Reading Specialist program.In May 2013, I graduated from Albright College, a small, liberal arts college with my Pennsylvania certificate in elementary education and early childhood education, and my Bachelor of Arts in psychology. My name is Jessica Kneebone and I have recently completed a double degree, bachelor of Education Primary R-7 and bachelor of Arts at Flinders University, South Australia. Teaching Portfolio. To edit, simply click directly on the text to start adding your own words. This site will walk through the important points to consider when creating a teaching portfolio, and how you can organize it on a website. In these pages I will be reflecting and demonstrating how I am working towards reaching the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Under 'Home' you can access 'Educational Quotes' which is a collection of quotes that are relevant to teaching in accordance to my teaching … The portfolio is designed to be navigated through the side menu by clicking on the tabs. The purpose of this website is intended to exhibit efforts, progress, and achievements made during my experience within my Master's Program at Grand Canyon University. ART 212. In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn. Thank-you for visiting my Professional Teaching Portfolio. Click the link below to get started or navigate to sections of interest using the menu above! Stephanie Bostock - Teaching Portfolio. Course selection. I am certified by the state of New Jersey to teach art K-12. Get Started. Above you can find links to my resume (letters of recommendation included), personal teaching philosophy, and classroom management techniques. What is an online teaching portfolio? Student Teaching. The purpose of this website is intended to exhibit efforts, progress, and achievements made during my experience within my Master's Program at Grand Canyon University. Teaching Portfolio "Teach students to believe in themselves by first believing in them." Professional Teaching Portfolio: Hello and Welcome! I have taken numerous college level painting, ceramics, and drawing courses. Fall … teaching.portfolio. Seek opportunities to show you care. A Little About Myself. I am highly qualified in accordance with the State of New Jersey to teach middle school science. LEARN MORE. My name is Olivia Crowl and I am a student at Southern Utah University, studying English Education and Special Education. Welcome! My student teaching semester consisted of 15 weeks in a 1st grade classroom containing six ELL students in the Somers Point School District. celia Williamson. Teaching is a respected occupation that demands commitment and I strongly believe in being accountable for ensuring my students cover the required curriculum and providing them with the support and resources to help them achieve their potential whilst meeting specific needs, interests and desires. ... (www.expeditioneducation.weebly.com). Home My Work About Learning and Growing Teaching Portfolio. I have also included a link with background information regarding my internship placement. I am currently in my fourth year of my Bachelor of Primary Education at Monash University, Peninsula campus. Welcome to my online teaching portfolio. I am currently the art teacher at Carl T. Mitnick School in Cape May, NJ, where I teach over 400 first and second grade students. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Fall 2015. Teaching Portfolio. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. My Name is Kelly Gulsrud and I graduated from Viterbo University with a BA in Psychology with a Counseling Emphasis. Every project on this site aligns with ISTE Standards. Welcome to my Teaching E-Portfolio I sincerely thank you for taking the time to read, review and evaluate my Teaching Portfolio. As you explore my portfolio, you will come across information regarding my current position as an art teacher, as well as my professional experience prior to receiving this job. During the summers, I instruct art camp for kids ages 7-11 at Glazed Over Studios in Ocean City, New Jersey. Teaching Portfolio. Fall 2016. Welcome to my online teaching portfolio where you will find my teaching philosophy and detailed examples of how I achieve the 7 APST standards for graduate teachers. Further, I have met this standard by ensuring that all students’ needs are met and, in the unfortunate case that they are not, I have shown that I am willing to stand up for that particular individual. You will find my personal teaching philosophy, descriptions and links to the National standards and then a selection of pages discussing university assignments, units of work from professional experience and reference to my extra curricula activities. My positions have provided me with great challenges and rewarding outcomes. Successful classroom management is at the heart of the learning environment that builds a supportive community. Welcome! Click, Dean of Education Letter of Recommendation, Cooperating Teacher Letter of Recommendation. This video is for graduate students in special education student teaching at the University of Arizona During teaching rounds, I have witnessed some bullying and immediately intervened and put a stop to it, enforcing my zero tolerance approach. ART 309. One person will be deaf in his or her way, and another person will be deaf in his or her way.And that's fine, and so I work to encourage people to understand that Summer 2017. This portfolio showcases several projects that I have created to implement technology and research in the classroom. Resume Philosophy of Education Classroom Management Theory Teaching Beliefs Videos and Performances. I completed the Special Education edTPA during my first student teaching placement. It has been an enlightening journey simply putting the past 5 years of teaching, curricular development and the inevitable successes and challenges inherent to an academic, into this web-based format. Welcome to my online teaching portfolio. Teaching Portfolio Writings and Publications Arabic Learning Resources Blog Contact Me ESL links Link Page Arabic hybrid material Course Development and Design My initial exposure to teaching Arabic at MSU was a space of learning for me as I taught all levels of Arabic from beginner to Advanced. Example Lesson Plan My training in active learning strategies informs my approach to curriculum and lesson plan design. ART 307. In 2009, I graduated from Talawanda High School. Objective – (3.0) After going over the power point about “Relationships” , having a class discussion, and doing a group activity, students will know the proper relationships to have with students, colleagues & staff, administrators, parents or guardians, and the community. I have taken numerous college level science courses including Biology, Oceanography, Physical Science, and Marine Biology. Hello and welcome to my website. My Teaching Philosophy. From September 2016-December 2016 I was a short-term substitute for 6th grade science at Ocean City Intermediate School, where I gained experience in creating lessons and materials aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. My name is Bethany Oakes and I am 24 years old. The edTPA is a portfolio assessment. ART 211. Spring 2016. This body of work demonstrates my competency in meeting Illinois Visual Arts Content Standards for Teachers. Get Started. My name is Casey Dillard, and I am a Kindergarten teacher at Merriam Avenue School in Newton, NJ. In order to pursue my lifelong dream of becoming a teacher, I decided to attend … In this portfolio, I have included: a personal statement on my philosophy of teaching and language acquisition, evidence for my performance based on the Virginia Standards for the Professional Practice of Teachers, sample lesson and unit plans for Spanish and ESL courses, samples of student work, my resume and references. 2.1: Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area. About Me Literacy Numeracy Science Integrated Studies Assessment Community Involvement References My numeracy classroom will be focussed on providing students with authentic learning experiences.
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