Because of a few highly memorable adventures and people I met during that excursion I created a couple of web pages devoted to it.
If caught they could easily find themselves face down in the dirt someplace out of town with a broken leg or worse.
In the book The Animal in Hollywood by John L. Smith, (1998), about mob enforcer Anthony "The Animal" Fiato, Smith writes that Dean Martin, who was maintaining a close relationship with Phyllis Davis around the same time I was requested in so many words to leave town, had also maintained longtime friendships with mobsters such as Fiato and Johnny Roselli. $2M BOUNTY FOR WEI HSUEH-KANG
After graduating in 1958 from Nederland High … Just as I was getting out of the boat and being helped up onto the bank with the father's assist he put something of a fairly good size in my back pocket.
In the book the author relates that Martin even went to Roselli for help.
About that time the Banshees began phasing out P-40s for P-47s and P-38s. She had to go to Asia --- to Burma, Thailand, Chiang Mai, maybe even the Himalayas themselves.
"Upon returning to India that winter, she found her way to a remote and inhospitable valley in the western Himalayas." For a nearly life size image of Mona Lisa click HERE then click a second time.
He then began to work as treasurer for the notorious Khun Sa, who led the Mong Tai Army and in his heyday from the 1970s to the mid-1990s was known as the "Opium King," Khun Sa, at one point, heading the FBI's most wanted list. Using that expertise, when he returned to China, with nobody watching, he simply took a P-40 with him.
Six months prior to his departure from India, sometime after midnight December 11, 1962, Ginsberg boarded the Doon Express at the Howran Station in Calcutta headed toward Benares.
Actually, my ancient and decrepit over-the-hill and now deceased grandmother's dilapidated and falling down clapboard single car backyard garage, and drove it down to one of my favorite for breakfast South Bay restaurants. In turn his grandfather taught his father everything he knew about flying and P-40s and his father taught him, at least he said, about flying.
He says she had been with him 'up till a month ago', meaning roughly July 1956.
She was most notably a co-star with the cast of the dramatic series Vega$, in which she portrayed Beatrice Travis, secretary and girl Friday of the show's main character, private detective Dan Tanna, played by Robert Urich It was from that bit of information and without too many summers left, even though she was outside the loop and I actually forgot I mentioned I was going to Rangoon, that she was able to catch up with me. So saying, she set her up in the fully equipped, albeit basically unused old servants quarters attached to the garage.
We parted company that morning and I never saw her again." Phyllis Davis - Biography. During that same period, the late 1970s and even beyond the end of the series, leading somewhere into the early to mid-1980s, Phyllis Davis formed a strong one-on-one relationship with actor-singer and big time Las Vegas headliner Dean Martin, actually living with him for a year, the relationship eventually ending for reasons unknown. It was my star parallax story that got to her the most and it is my belief her curiosity got the best of her. I combined what I read in Leiningen with Greenlaw's description of the downed A.V.G.
Then he said if I would rather have a boy that could be arranged too. If suddenly jarred to consciousness body metabolism is slower to regain it's normal temperature, and in turn, that is recorded by the quicker to return cognitive senses as "being cold. Another report jumps to 1975-76 with her being seen in Iran, Pakistan, Nepal, again with 'two toddler daughters.'"
I informed him I was where I was because of a job I was doing for a certain man, a certain man I was to meet the next morning in Panghsang.
"Roselli was handsome, slim, with a strong hawk nose and a mirthful, infectious smile, but it was his eyes that people remembered best, cool and blue-gray, 'dancing and delightful,' as one friend recalled, or flashing and steely in anger.
or otherwise --- either about themselves or divulging information about Hope, her whereabouts or demise. While he did, although it was dark, he clearly looked straight into my eyes and said something in a Chinese or Asian dialect I didn't understand. Hope Savage, from Camden, South Carolina, by all respects, heralded as magnetically-charismatic and fabulously beautiful, was a non-poetess poetess and deep inner-circle member of the Beat Generation's core through her association with high ranking founders of the movement, said by Allen Ginsberg to be the onetime girlfriend and love of his life of Gregory Corso, a major member of the Ginsberg coterie. During the early part of the year 1963 I had moved from Basic Training at Fort Ord, California to being fully ensconced in training and the goings on of the Southeast Signal Corps School in Fort Gordon, Georgia.
His confidence and presumption of power proved irresistible to many women.
Phyllis Ann Davis (July 17, 1940 – September 27, 2013) was an American actress who appeared primarily on television. It was my star parallax story that got to her the most and it is my belief her curiosity got the best of her.
Deborah Baker, in her book THE BLUE HAND: The Beats In India (2008) writes
For a nearly life size image of Mona Lisa click HERE then click a second time. Just as I was getting out of the boat and being helped up onto the bank with the father's assist he put something of a fairly good size in my back pocket. We were whisked into the museum ahead of the hours long crowds and as others were being ushered through after viewing the painting, our neck lanyard identification allowed to stay as long as we wanted. BEFORE LEAVING CALCUTTA----------------------------------------------------AFTER LEAVING CALCUTTA----
When we got to talking and he thought I was right up there with Halliburton in the scheme of things and I expressed an overwhelming desire to see the Mona Lisa, as soon as he could arrange it and his soon and his son and I could get time off he sent a car up to West Point to pick us. In the main text of the Osborne article I write that my initial stay of several days after going to Silicon Valley turned into several weeks, then several months, eventually extending into a period pushing nine months. I told her of my experiences and thoughts on the subject, but I could tell, even though she listened intently, she scoffed beneath the surface at the idea. When I was around eight to ten years old I was living in the West Adams district of Los Angeles under the auspices of my stepmother, who was at the time, quite wealthy. A lot of people who read the paragraph-quote above the graphic referencing Terry and the Pirates say I hold not much more than a standard stereotypical romanticized westerner's view of the Asian atmosphere and the milieu that I imply exists.
She said he was a longtime friend and was recuperating after having been in the army and wanted to pay her respect.
David Halliburton was basically born at Berkeley Square, the family having moved in just weeks if not days before his birth. So she did, the two of us spending several days or more together at the Twin Dolphin. In a chapter or section of that book, published in 1977, titled "South to El Arco," in his own hand, Hilton presents a slightly different version of any attempt at what could possibly be misconstrued as him having painted a full wall mural:
NOTE CNAC INSIGNIA ON BOTH(please click image)
George, who was married to the state’s 55th Governor John Y.
There he would throw open the doors and inside sitting there all by itself right in front of me would be a fully intact Curtiss-Wright P-40 Tomahawk in all of it's full flying glory. More than that, it just so happened the father of the cadet had long time philanthropic ties in support the museum and had at his beckon call special VIP passes to see the exhibit. As far as the war was concerned Calcutta was just a forgotten backwash.
"Upon returning to India that winter, she found her way to a remote and inhospitable valley in the western Himalayas." The barrel was punched full of holes and wrapped in chains. Sometimes my best friend Martin Petrosky, who lived three or four houses down the street from the compound, and I, disobeying strict orders from my uncle to come straight back after school, would circle around to see if my stepmother was home.
He said come back and see him when I was done and he would take care of me. At the bottom of page 308 the following was inserted: "Since this was written, it has been officially announced that W.D. The man, as found in Footnote [1] on this page, was Johnny Roselli a high ranking member of the mob and their main man in Vegas, who my stepmother had helped years before when he was released from prison, down on his luck and destitute. While in the Army, the mere fact that I knew David Halliburton, the lowly private slick sleeve that I was, put me into a position to see in person the most famous artistic Renaissance masterpiece ever created, The Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci. "On March 24, 1942, flying over Thailand, McGarry's Tomahawk was hit by Japanese machine-gun fire and he bailed out, parachuting into a clearing.
Ten years later, with no particular thanks to Uncle Sam and his friendly Selective Service System, found me in Rangoon, Saigon, and Chiang Mai, as well as other such places, and in those ten year later years, especially in and where I traveled, having gone from a high school teenager to an almost mid-twenties GI, my vision not only didn't wane, but was bolstered and grew. When I was around eight to ten years old I was living in the West Adams district of Los Angeles under the auspices of my stepmother, who was at the time, quite wealthy. The pilot, who was driving the truck, was for whatever reason not willing to cross over into Burma legally or ill-legally, especially not so with his truck and us.
The P-40 he absconded with most likely had Burma Banshee markings on it, making it for all practical purposes, to those who saw it and knew nothing about the Burma Banshees or World War II, a Ghost Ship.
When I was around eight to ten years old I was living in the West Adams district of Los Angeles under the auspices of my stepmother, who was at the time, quite wealthy.
Searchlight itself was a weird sort of a burg, a tiny little dump, sort of dead, but once you stepped into the El Rey it was another thing.
Because of my ability with Morse code, a near savant as my civilian instructors continued to tell my chain of command officers, before completion of Signal School I was sent on my second TDY military experience, the first being the Cuban Missile Crisis, done by me while I was still in basic.
"She told me the man she loved was on the waiting list for a heart transplant at Stanford University and that she had moved to a small studio apartment in Campbell, California to work in Silicon Valley and be within driving distance to see him.
Although I had followed Terry and the Pirates a good portion of my life, and knew how Milton Caniff, the artist-cartoonist of the strip presented Terry and the world he and his so-called Pirates lived in, Wood's spoof below, again, basically just at the beginning of my sophomore year in high school, showing his version of an underbelly far east like milieu, real or not, that exemplified the Asian atmosphere along with the rest of the story hit me like a hammer, with me, the teenager that I was, sucking up his version as my version and as my version, the real version. The man was Colonel Harvey Greenlaw, the onetime second in command of the infamous Flying Tigers of World War II fame. NOTE: The opening quote at the top of this footnote shows up as a footnote in Of Cobras, Scarabs, Maseratis, and Zen except I make reference to some of the conversation between Greenlaw and myself. Roughly in 1964 when I was in my mid-twenties or so, and long before either Phyllis Davis or I knew each other existed, I attended meditation sessions at the Mahasi Meditation Center in Rangoon, Burma.
So too, without anybody knowing about it, he learned to fly under the auspices of testing planes he worked on telling them that was how they did it in the Tigers.
or otherwise --- either about themselves or divulging information about Hope, her whereabouts or demise.
When I was in high school, the cypher I was, I don't think anyone even saw me, but I had another life.
To wit:
If I interacted with any of her family members or friends is not known, but she always liked the way I had gone down into the Port Arthur, Nederland area to lend help in such a devastated area. The man doing all the yelling was a skipper of a yacht come marlin boat moored in the Marina Del Rey harbor owned by David J. Halliburton, the grown son and an heir to the Halliburton Oil fortune.
One morning when I felt the weather permitted I took the woody out of it's hermetically sealed stone and gravel garage area shared with rock haulers and cement trucks --- well, not quite. This gave her a local touch, we thought." Seeing I had no luggage other than my shoulder bag, he requested my waist and shirt size saying we would talk later at dinner.
When I first met him I was around maybe eight or nine years old, he being at least twelve years older, making him at the time around 20 --- and no doubt the reason he didn't recognize me the day we met on his marlin boat --- him being a "man" and all and me just being a kid. Is Phyllis Davis still alive? I told the so-called pilot if I wasn't there and his people backtracked to find me and found you responsible for interfering you might not live to see the following day. When the Flying Tigers were at the top of their game and in their hey-day I was just boy. Davis found herself slowly morphing away from simply being the actress who did no more than just answer the phone for Dan Tanna, TV private investigator, or exposing all by slipping off her clothes in the movie Terminal Island (related to that slipping off her clothes time in her life, the opening photo at the top of the page from her role in the movie Terminal Island, shows her in the beginning process of pulling back her shirt. HAVING ICED TEAS(please click image)
I think most of them that came across me thought I was in the same boat so even though there was an on the surface "enemies" thing, there was a below the surface camaraderie thing.
During the trip, which is fully outlined at the link cited after the quote below, I sought out Colonel Greenlaw who was living in Baja Mexico at the time. "She seemed thoroughly interested in the fact that I had arrived in the general location by coming up through Thailand, Laos and Burma and indicated that might be a return prospect for her.
We were whisked into the museum ahead of the hours long crowds and as others were being ushered through after viewing the painting, our neck lanyard identification allowed to stay as long as we wanted.
The riding trains Roselli was talking about referred to my older brother and cousin having been caught by a railroad bull in the train yards in Sacramento as young kids and the bull was going to beat the shit out of them with a club. It is my belief however, that Khun Sa was instrumental in my successful escape, having taken a liking toward me for certain reasons, thus then allowing me to make it to the meditation center through him, that is Khun Sa, covertly providing vehicles, cover, and diversion.
David Halliburton was basically born at Berkeley Square, the family having moved in just weeks if not days before his birth.
The man doing all the yelling was a skipper of a yacht come marlin boat moored in the Marina Del Rey harbor owned by David J. Halliburton, the grown son and an heir to the Halliburton Oil fortune. IN STAR WARS LUKE WAS WARNED THAT HE'D NEVER FIND A MORE WRETCHED HIVE OF SCUM AND VILLAINY IN THE WHOLE GALAXY THAN MOS EISLEY.
The following, speaking of Black Mac, is found in The Lady and the Tigers, pages 308-309:
More than that, it just so happened the father of the cadet had long time philanthropic ties in support the museum and had at his beckon call special VIP passes to see the exhibit.
Just as I was getting up from the booth he made one last comment asking "Ride any trains lately?" CALCUTTA: CIRCA 1944
Years later, in my role in the scheme of things, a mere sander of wood, I never mentioned the connection to the skipper and only to Halliburton in later years. It wasn't long after the war when I read the book for the first time. I told the so-called pilot if I wasn't there and his people backtracked to find me and found you responsible for interfering you might not live to see the following day.
Wandering around Calcutta was like being in some huge Bazaar, with all or if not more of the implied underpinnings and intrigues found in the movie Casablanca.
Showing a huge sigh of relief that the car was not demolished beyond repair in some fashion I told him the person responsible for keeping the wood in such great shape was me. Prior to Greenlaw's book being published word came through as to McGarry's fate.
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