You can find this tool in the bin folder in root directory. Decrease the value to improve performance. TextureStreamingHeadsDistanceLimit= [Default 10] Find your GPU 1) Remove 'fpslimit="30'. The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\config\performance.xml Edit file with notepad or similar one. If you experience poor performance with the standard game settings then allow me to explain the impacts these advanced settings have on your game before you twea… In addition to standard foliage, you can also adjust Grass settings by tinkering with the following command lines: [Rendering/SpeedTree] In case of The Witcher 3, decals largely dictate the blood splatters and also the blood that spills out of slain monsters/enemies. A new mod improving shadows in The Witcher 3 has been released online. Antialiasing Head to C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\The Witcher 3 and backup … If the in-game settings haven’t really cut it for you, there’s the extra option of being able to tweak the game to improve performance (and even improve visuals) by accessing the settings file. You can reach more informations about new options in sticky post in comment section. Like the other settings, increasing the ultra value above 1 (maximum 6) will greatly impact the performance, but will make the grass visible from long distances and with immense detail. Added 10 value for cascade shadow distance scale0, 1, 2. Update: that big ‘600 fixes’ patch was actually the launch day update, RED have clarified.Also, patch 1.03 just came out with performance improvements and graphics settings tweaks. Ultra value is 54. Ultra value is 1.5. I'm very familiar with Bethesda games and have spent a lot of time tweaking Oblivion and Skyrim's .ini files. Added 1.7, 2.1, 2.9, 3.3, 3.7 value for grass distant scale. Increase the value to improve the visibility and quality of further shadows. Texture Rendering DecalsSpawnDistanceCutoff= [Default value: 10] The Witcher 3 Ini Graphics Tweaks We put up a full guide to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt PC Ini config visual tweaks, which you can check out here . It Is recommended to avoid this unless you have some kind of monster PC. Once you’re ready, right click the file and go to Properties. Increase the value to improve the quality of close ranged shadows. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Decrease to improve performance. - Added 400 value for grass density (better compatibility with the Ultra Grass mod). Copyright © 2021 Robin Scott. FoliageShadowDistanceScale= GrassGenerationEfficiency= [Default value: 0.075]. 2. You can check out the complete GeForce Witcher 3 tweak guide here.AMD has yet to release their driver update. Foliage These options should hold utmost priority. And if you do settle on some obscure tweaks that you like, keep a lookout for the next patch for your particular graphics card as it will likely change everything. The difference in frame-rates between Ultra and Off settings can be as big as 25 fps. i tried it but it havent changed anything.. maybe im not doing the right Tweaks? The Witcher 3 tweak thread. Go to Vertical Sync and select Adaptive (You need to have the in-game V-Sync turned off). [Rendering] The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. Decrease to improve performance. We return to Witcher 3, testing some mods to get a FPS Boost on a really cheap gaming PC. Thankfully for PC Gamers , SweetFX and some ini tweaks allow gamers to increase(and even decrease) the graphics more than the in game options available . You can change the .ini settings even higher to get even better graphics but i wonder can you lower them aswell even more to get some more fps? If you don’t want any fuss then click the auto-detect option to load the standard recommended settings. Added 8 value for cascade shadow distance scale3. This is where you want to be doing lots of adjusting, especially if you’re looking to improve performance or improve the shadow quality. Foliage kills a lot of frame-rates, which is why it’s a good idea to have them at low settings in the game if you’re facing problems. Increase the value to improve the shadow details. - Added 6000/8000 values for grass density (better compatibility with the Beautiful Grass Mod). This includes a number of graphical changes to alter the visual settings both above Ultra, for those with beefy rigs, and below Low, if you're having trouble running The Witcher 3. For anyone wanting a different framerate, the fps cap works in settings.txt, e.g. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’s powerful REDengine 3 demands a lot from the average PC, but due to the extra tinkering and adjustment availability for this platform, you have the option of tweaking your game to suit your system’s settings in the best manner. Witcher 3 .ini tweaks. The final option is the highest... Antialiasing. Here you can also adjust the Hairworks AA level for better performance. Added 2560 and 3584 value for shadow resolution. save. In order to improve the grass quality on PC, you need to perform some ini tweaks and customization for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on PC. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt > General Discussions > Topic Details. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt's official system requirements are posted below, suggesting the sort of system needed for Low and High settings, but not the far more demanding Ultra options. Once you’ve done that, open this file through Notepad. However, if you want an in-between setting, you can customize the foliage settings through the user.settings file by tweaking the following commands: [Foliage] In the "Select a program to customize" box, select The Witcher 3 (witcher3.exe). Decrease value to improve performance. Ultra value is 1. Here is a Witcher 3 graphics tweak guide, explaining all the graphic settings to increase your performance. GrassDistanceScale= [Ultra value: 1] Ultra value is 1. Decrease value to improve performance. Increase to improve performance. DecalsChance= [Default value: 1]. MaxVisibilityDepth= [Ultra value: 24], [Rendering/SpeedTree] This is a collection of frequently used gameplay tweaks specifically created to be compatible with Unification Patch. Shadows Note: Only the in-game settings that are detrimental to performance have been listed below. Customize graphics options directly in game menus. share. Haider is a freelance contributor, who loves video games, playing guitar, and aviation. Ok some simple NVidia tweaks fixed most performance issues for me... - Launch Witcher 3 and enter in game settings > Disable "VSync" > Turn "Limit FPS" to "Unlimited" > Close application - Open NVidia Control Panel > Configure Surround, PhysX > Change "PhysX Settings" to CPU - Go to Manage 3D settings > Program settings > Witcher 3 ===== ===== \The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\config\base\resources.ini FileQueueSizeGame = 250 FileQueueSizeLoading = 700 These settings can be adjusted by accessing the following parts of the user.settings file: [LevelOfDetail] What are my best options for The Witcher 3? Go to Witcher 3/bin/x64 and rename, move or delete 'APEX_ClothingGPU_x64.dll'. When i'm changing the user.settings files on my C drive in My Documents/Witcher 3, does the game automatically point to the file in the Witcher 3 directory? CascadeShadowDistanceScale0= When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Ultra value is 1. It has come to this. The Witcher 3’s in-game options don’t allow you to adjust the amount of antialiasing applied in the game, which is why it is best to disable it completely and use a third party application (such as Nvidia Control Panel or AMD Control Center) to achieve the antialiasing effect. This should get you 5 to 10 frame-rates more. Nvidia and AMD - If, like me, you have a Nvidia graphics card, then you would've received the prompt to update your driver.GeForce already tweaked the drivers for optimal Witcher 3 performance. The Witcher 3 I started playing the PC version recently on my new GTX 1070 GSync laptop and was “ok” with the performance. If you have a snarling panther of a PC, a rig which belches black smoke, a box with so much airflow it hovers two inches above your floor, good news: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt [official site] will add options to make it even prettier. If you are experiencing game-breaking bugs, check our The Witcher 3 Crash Fixes. Ambient Occlusion The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt PC Ini Config Visual Tweaks Guide Earlier on you might have read about a CDProjekt RED designer espousing the virtues of modifying The Witcher 3 's config files in order to look better than it does on Ultra. Create a backup copy of this file in-case anything goes wrong. Try lowering this to Medium first, because foliage plays a large role in the general look and feel of the game. Added localisation for Rambo Headband dlc. - And a bunch of others things ! Some assets in this file belong to other authors. If you have a snarling panther of a PC, a rig which belches black smoke, a box with so much airflow it hovers two inches above your floor, good news: The Witcher 3… TextureStreamingCharacterDistanceLimit= [Default 50] CascadeShadowmapSize= CascadeShadowDistanceScale1= Log in to view your list of favourite games. The in-game texture settings do not exactly dictate the texture draw distances and have a limited amount of texture memory budget, which can be increased/decreased from within the file. - Added 0 value for MaxTextureAnizotropy. The above three settings dictate how far the textures are drawn. The Witcher 3 defaults to Borderless Windowed, which can make it easier to Tab in and out of a game. For users looking to improve quality, increasing these numbers won’t necessarily bring a noticeable improvement in the visuals. Set 'EnableTemporalAA=' to false. TextureStreamingDistanceLimit= [Default 40000]. Lod is a city in northern regions of Kaedwen.1 Cregennan. Foliage [Engine] LimitFPS=45 I've gone with a cap of 45, which has worked well paired with frametimes of 21ms and an official charging handheld overclock of 1.2ghz / 614mhz which gets the fan going but not distractingly so as happens with higher gpu speeds. Ultra value is 3072. If you have a 4GB card, you can use a value of around 1024 and still have sufficient available memory for remaining operations. This disables in-game AA as it causes flickering, don't freak out keep reading ;-). The final option is the highest quality, but one can improve the frame-rates by reducing it to SSAO or even off. TextureMemoryBudget= [Ultra Value: 800]. What Does Ubisoft’s New Star Wars Game Mean for Fallen Order 2? Increasing DecalsChance to 2 or 3 will greatly increase the probability of blood to spill when enemies are hit/killed. 2) Edit preset="X" and change X to "3" this will allow for higher quality textures, draw distance etc. Warning: Use the file tweaks at your own risk. All versions of the game can run without GOG Galaxy and do not require any type of authentication, activation, or digital distribution software. Decrease to greatly improve performance. ALSO. Usually Foliage isn’t a frame-rate dropping setting even for slightly outdated GPUs, but in The Witcher 3 it is the second-most impacting setting after HairWorks. This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions, This author has not credited anyone else in this file, This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points. Switching to fullscreen, though, may fix a number of issues. Minimum Specifications. In-Game Settings Nvidia HairWorks. FoliageDistanceScale= [Ultra value: 1]. No menu configuration, no additional install steps - only Script Merger to check and … 1. MaxTerrainShadowAtlasCount= Tweaking Witcher 3 - PC version. For Texture Memory Budget (amount of textures stored in memory): [Rendering] CascadeShadowDistanceScale2= DynamicDecalsHideDistance= [Default value: 20] Ultra value is 4. Ultra value is 1. - Compatible with The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project, no need to use his config files, just set Texture Quality to Supreme (or Ultimate). We’ll have a look at both types of graphics tweaking in this guide, starting off with the in-game settings. 1. There are plenty of options you can change from the game’s configuration tool. Increasing the value will draw more foliage-casted shadows and improve shadow density. Go to Witcher 3/bin/config/base and open 'rendering.ini'. He is a competitive FPS player and also enjoys exotic RPG games like Diablo and Xenogears (his favorite game of all time) ... Scott Pilgrim vs The World: Complete Edition Review – A Victorious Return, Immortals Fenyx Rising Review – A Fun Open World That Fails to Stand Out, Godfall Review – Enjoyable Until You Start Noticing Its Flaws, Observer System Redux Review – Twisted To Its Core, Ride 4 Producer Discusses 60FPS/4K Standards, Next-Gen Power Differences, DualSense, More, Last Epoch Dev Talks About Multiplayer, Ray Tracing, Competing With Diablo 4 And PoE 2. In order to access these hidden settings, you will need to access the following: \Documents\The Witcher 3. One of the most awaited games of this year , Witcher 3 is out , and CD Projekt Red has been taking some serious flak over the downgrade of graphics in The Witcher 3. Each tweak does exactly one thing and is made as small and simple as possible to ensure compatibility with other tweaks and mods. 12 comments. Tweaking the FoliageDistanceScale to 6 (max) will kill even more frame-rates, while lowering it to a value below 1 will improve performance. Depending on your GPU, turning off this setting can improve the performance by as much as 20 frame-rates. CascadeShadowQuality= Decals are imprints and changes in the environment according to what you do. DimmerHideDistance= [Default value: 60] For more help on The Witcher 3, read our Endings Guide, Character Builds Guide and Gwent Cards Locations Guide. 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The above set of commands individually might get you a couple of extra fps, but the combined effect can improve/kill up to 15 frame-rates. You will need to seek permission from, You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file, You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator, You can convert this file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the creator of the file, You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You must get permission to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets, New options exposed for shadows (MaxCascadeCount, Max TerrainShadowAtlasCount, MaxCubeShadowSize), New values for the shadows of the Supreme and Ultimate presets (to avoid pixelated shadows problems and glitching on certain roofs), New alternate Tweaks version without switch, low, medium and high presets (to avoid scrolling), Increase the TextureMemoryBudget value for the Supreme preset (better compatibility with HDRP), TextureMipBias value is now -0.4 for the Supreme and Ultimate presets, CommunitySpawnLimit value is now 150 (ultra) for Supreme and Ultimate presets (to avoid NPC animation issues), Delete all values > 150 for CommunitySpawnLimit, Removal of controller options (does not work), Cutscenes fps option removed (does not work), Value of MeshLODDistanceScale and MeshRenderingDistanceScale options are now 1 for the Supreme and Ultimate presets (to avoid facial animation problems of the NPCs), Moved some HUD options in gameplay options, Light chanel option no longer enabled in supreme/ultimate presets. Decreasing value will greatly enhance performance. ... (Up to 2048x2048) though in the rendering.ini file at \The Witcher 3\bin\config\base\ you can change the max texture atlas resolution from 2048 to 4096 though since there are no 4096x4096 textures it does nothing, at least not until modders maybe start doing texture packs. Ambient Occlusion comes in three options: Off, SSAO, and HBAO+. Added 2, 2.4, 2.8 and 3.2 value for foliage distance scale. May 26, 2015 @ 12:45am Ini Tweaks - Lowering Shadow detail beyond preset low Hello, So I have done a few ini tweaks to lower some stuff beyond in-game low settings, such as grass density. Anyone know what settings to tweak for more frames? SwarmHideDistance= [Default value: 200], [Rendering] While you are still in the NVIDIA Control Panel, we can do some tweaks in order to gain some extra FPS. The following command lines are worth of your attention: CascadeShadowFadeTreshold= The Witcher 3 Gameplay Tweaks. Like any other game, shadows have a major impact on performance and quality. Increase the value to improve the quality of medium ranged shadows. Though extremely attractive looking, Nvidia HairWorks is probably the setting to have the biggest impact on frame-rates. Dictates value to potentially improve the quality of terrain shadows. All rights reserved. Decals There are two ways to go about doing this: the conventional in-game settings, and the more complex, command-based user settings file. Textures can also be adjusted from the user.settings file. OS:64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1) Processor: Intel Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz or AMD Phenom II X4 940; Memory: 6GB RAM [Rendering/SpeedTree] So, the ini-editing patch… soonish? Click “Read-only” and then apply. SpiqEddy. Posted by BossJ00: “Witcher 3 - INI Tweaks - HELP!” First, configure in-game settings to your liking, then exit the game. Decrease the value to improve the maximum view distance of shadows. 1.0 1.1 1.2 In the map for 2nd Edition of Wiedźmin: Gra Wyobraźni the city of Lod is located on the area named Vspaden in the map for previous edition, though the area is no longer called as such. DecalsHideDistance= [Ultra value: 80] Increase the value to slightly improve shadows details. In this folder, you should find the user.settings file. Nvidia HairWorks
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