Adams JW, Brady KA, Michael YL, Yehia BR, Momplaisir FM. Before and after the birth, discuss the importance of bonding and emotional attachment with parents, and the approaches that can help them to bond with their baby. Careers. A tool that has been tested and validated in an independent sample assessing postnatal physical and mental health problems could help identify those women who need additional care and support, so the committee made a research recommendation on clinical tools to assess women’s health. Topics to discuss include: For a short explanation of why the committee made the recommendations and how they might affect practice, see the rationale and impact section on supporting women to breastfeed. By ensuring that perineal pain is identified early and treated without delay, then further complications and long-term consequences can be avoided. When exercising their judgement, professionals and practitioners are expected to take this guideline fully into account, alongside the individual needs, preferences and values of their patients or the people using their service. However, based on various other NICE guidelines, there are some ‘red flag’ symptoms and signs that indicate a serious illness that needs immediate action. Open navigation menu. This report summarizes the findings of the analysis,
Discuss lactation suppression with women if breastfeeding is not started or is stopped, breastfeeding is contraindicated for the baby or the woman, or in the event of the death of a baby. Women should be advised to seek medical advice if they observe these signs or symptoms because postpartum haemorrhage can have severe consequences. Despite the unique challenges they face, multidisciplinary efforts are needed to engage women with PHIV during pregnancy and facilitate the transition to sustained HIV primary care in the postpartum period. The postnatal period of course does not end at 8 weeks. disabilities, the number of developmental disabilities in children
for women who are trying to establish breastfeeding and considering supplementing with formula feeding, the possible effects on breastfeeding success, and how to maintain adequate milk supply while supplementing. with a postnatally acquired developmental disability were more
The committee agreed to make the recommendations for parents, not just the mother, because discussing and recognising the issues related to developing emotional attachment are relevant for other parental caregivers as well. Babies form attachments with a variety of caregivers but the first, and usually most significant of these, will be with the mother and/or father. To find NICE guidance on related topics, including guidance in development, see the NICE webpage on postnatal care. Not passing meconium (the baby’s first bowel movement) within the first 24 hours can be a sign of bowel obstruction, so it is important that parents know to seek advice from a healthcare professional. Please know that with informed care you can prevent a worsening of these symptoms and can fully recover. This could be the baby’s father, the woman’s partner, a family member or friend, or anyone who the woman feels supported by or wishes to involve. #EsSalud- Nuestras redes sociales For general help and advice on putting our guidelines into practice, see resources to help you put NICE guidance into practice. Information about formula feeding should include: Face-to-face formula feeding support should include: For parents who are thinking about supplementing breastfeeding with formula or changing from breastfeeding to formula feeding, support them to make an informed decision. What tools for the clinical review of women (including pain scores) are effective during the first 8 weeks after birth? AIDS Patient Care STDS. For these reasons, the committee agreed that Baby Check should not be used in isolation to determine the need for further assessment or care but that it could be a helpful tool when used in addition to clinical judgement. Preterm babies are outside the remit of this guideline and are therefore not mentioned in the recommendations; however, the committee were aware of evidence showing an increased risk of sudden unexpected death in infancy when bed sharing with a baby born preterm. We therefore set out to identify SulA-like regulatory proteins in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The committee agreed the importance of reassuring women and their partners that under the 2010 Equality Act, women have the right to breastfeed in ‘any public space’. Also be aware of the following factors, which may worsen the consequences of secondary postpartum haemorrhage: For a short explanation of why the committee made the recommendations and how they might affect practice, see the rationale and impact section on postpartum bleeding. The value of such quality time is not always recognised as important by the parent(s) when there are so many other demands on parents’ time in the postnatal period. It is important to identify babies who are seriously ill early so that the condition can be managed and adverse outcomes can be avoided. First infant formula or ‘first milk’ is the type of formula milk that is suitable for a baby from birth to 12 months. Epub 2019 Jun 24. The recommendations should lead to clear guidance, reduce variation in practice and improve care for women. symptoms or signs of potentially serious conditions that do not respond to treatment. provide written, digital or telephone information to supplement (but not replace) face-to-face support. Meade CM, Badell M, Hackett S, Mehta CC, Haddad LB, Camacho-Gonzalez A, Ford J, Holstad MM, Armstrong WS, Sheth AN. Somos el Seguro Social de Salud del Perú. la punta de los dedos, como si rascaras. In places where it is not already used, the committee were aware that work is underway to reach that standard. Encourage parents to value the time they spend with their baby as a way of promoting emotional attachment, including: Discuss with parents the potentially challenging aspects of the postnatal period that may affect bonding and emotional attachment, including: Recognise that additional support in bonding and emotional attachment may be needed by some parents who, for example: For a short explanation of why the committee made the recommendations and how they might affect practice, see the rationale and impact section on promoting emotional attachment. The detection of five children with postnatally acquired
It is particularly important to note changes in the baby’s wellbeing and behaviour. What is the most effective timing of the first postnatal contact by a health visitor? children with postnatally acquired developmental disabilities had
What is relevant and the level of detail needed may vary depending on whether the healthcare professional is a GP, midwife or a health visitor. Los talleres que tenemos abordan aspectos físicos por que realizamos actividad física integral, respiratoria, de relajación que permite una mejor forma de adaptarnos a los cambios que experimentamos durante la maternidad.
analysis, a developmental pediatrician reviewed all abstracted
If there are any concerns, take appropriate further action. disabilities attributable to other causes (42.6% versus 17.0%)
Studies looking at varying transfer timings showed that there was no consistent evidence about the best time to transfer the care of women and their babies to community care. There was no evidence that extra interventions increase breastfeeding rates so the committee agreed that breastfeeding support should be an integral part of standard postnatal care contacts. analyzed, most of which are preventable. studies (1-4). McLaren J, Bryson SE. The aim is to involve health visitors when they are most needed, and spread the visits evenly throughout the postnatal period. Son actividades educativas preventivas, que se realizan durante el embarazo cuya preparación es integral teórica y práctica donde abordamos temas de la maternidad, el nacimiento, post parto, lactancia materna y crianza. transfusions. This section defines terms that have been used in a particular way for this guideline. The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists has produced guidance on COVID-19 and postnatal care for all midwifery and obstetric services. preventable, knowledge of specific causes can be used to design
Las finalidades básicas de ello son básicamente para atacar el dolor en el trabajo de parto y parto a través de: interrumpir la transmisión de las sensaciones dolorosas entre el útero y el cerebro (Epidural, caudal continua, infiltración de los ganglios o nervios que interesan al útero), disminuir o suprimir la conciencia del dolor, y. actuar sobre los tres factores locales de transmisión de la sensación por medio de la anestesia total o parcial de la mujer (analgesia moderna). Infect Dis Obstet Gynecol. Recurre a las palabras como agentes terapéuticos y se fundamenta en el uso de reflejos condicionados, considerando que la embarazada aprende a parir como el niño . Horizonte Médico, vol. En ocasiones, la placenta no sale con facilidad, s, Este momento puede durar pocas horas y varía para, Tema de la semana te platico sobre el alumbramient, Seguro has escuchado que el alumbramiento es igual, Inscríbete a mis siguientes cursos de preparació, ”¡Nos encantó el curso! they have concerns about vaginal bleeding after the birth. Based on this evidence and their knowledge and experience, the committee agreed the information that should be passed on when women transfer between services, so that healthcare professionals do not miss relevant information and the woman does not always have to repeat the same information to different healthcare professionals. K23 AI114407/AI/NIAID NIH HHS/United States, NCI CPTC Antibody Characterization Program. Full details of the evidence and the committee’s discussion are in evidence review F: content of postnatal care contacts and evidence review L2: scoring systems for illness in babies. metropolitan Atlanta, the proportions of developmental disabilities
Developmental disabilities in
The evidence also showed that women were unaware of the impact introducing formula feeding could have on breastfeeding and felt unsupported by healthcare professionals when considering this. You can see everything NICE says on this topic in the NICE Pathway on postnatal care. In a National Childbirth Trust (NCT) survey: left to your own devices – the postnatal care experiences of 1,260 first-time mothers, 1 in 8 women were highly critical of their postnatal care. symptoms and signs of potential postnatal mental health problems and how to seek help, symptoms and signs of potential postnatal physical problems and how to seek help, the importance of pelvic floor exercises, how to do them and when to seek help, factors such as nutrition and diet, physical activity, smoking, alcohol consumption and recreational drug use (also see the, safeguarding concerns, including domestic abuse (see the, for women who have had a caesarean section (also see the, sudden or very heavy vaginal bleeding, or persistent or increased vaginal bleeding, which could indicate retained placental tissue or endometritis, abdominal, pelvic or perineal pain, fever, shivering, or vaginal discharge with an unpleasant smell, which could indicate infection, leg swelling and tenderness, or shortness of breath, which could indicate venous thromboembolism, chest pain, which could indicate venous thromboembolism or cardiac problems, persistent or severe headache, which could indicate hypertension, pre-eclampsia, postdural-puncture headache, migraine, intracranial pathology or infection, worsening reddening and swelling of breasts persisting for more than 24 hours despite self-management, which could indicate mastitis.
JAMA 1993;269:221-6. The committee recognised that the home and family circumstances for women vary, and it is up to the woman who she may want to involve in her postnatal care. often are preventable (1). © postnatal investigation, monitoring and treatment: the vaginal bleeding is sudden or very heavy, they pass clots, placental tissue or membranes, they have symptoms of possible infection, such as abdominal, pelvic or perineal pain, fever, shivering, or vaginal bleeding or discharge has an unpleasant smell. However, the sections on babies’ feeding and emotional attachment also address the antenatal period because discussion around these is essential already during pregnancy. Full details of the evidence and the committee’s discussion are in evidence review O: emotional attachment. Isotopic evidence for identifying the mechanism of salinization of groundwater in Bacolod City,Negros Occidental. The first 2 weeks after birth may be overwhelming for some families, with several visits from both the midwifery team and health visitors. Permite menos complicaciones, partos instrumentales en el trabajo de parto. These recommendations should lead to clear guidance, reduce variation in practice, and improve care for women and babies. When giving information about postnatal care, use clear language and tailor the timing, content and delivery of information to the woman’s needs and preferences. Prevention of mental handicaps in children in primary
acquired developmental disabilities, bacterial meningitis caused
Disclaimer, National Library of Medicine Local commissioners and providers of healthcare have a responsibility to enable the guideline to be applied when individual professionals and people using services wish to use it. impairment in childhood. Psicológica: favoreciendo la motivación a través de abarcar todos aquellos estímulos que favorezcan a la mujer disfrutar todas las etapas de la gestación y el cuidado del niño; combatiendo con ello la idea que generalmente se tiene del embarazo como una enfermedad y el parto asociado con dolor. CONTACT
children identified with a developmental disability. We describe pregnancy, reproductive, and HIV care outcomes for 2 years postpartum among pregnant women with PHIV who delivered in a large urban health system in Atlanta, Georgia, USA from 2011-2016. were bacterial meningitis and child battering, which accounted for
Full details of the evidence and the committee’s discussion are in evidence review J: perineal pain and evidence review H: tools for the clinical review of women. Providing continuity of carer may have an impact on how services are organised, but no significant resource impact is expected. Son actividades educativas preventivas, que se realizan durante el embarazo cuya preparación es integral teórica y práctica donde abordamos temas de la maternidad, el nacimiento, post parto, lactancia materna y crianza. injuries). eCollection 2022. Partner refers to the woman’s chosen supporter. the second largest number of postnatally acquired developmental
Educador Perinatal – CCCE. Nothing in this guideline should be interpreted in a way that would be inconsistent with complying with those duties. disabilities and a high average number of developmental
Logramos una participación Activa de la mamá durante el trabajo de parto, parto y post parto. This approach risks missing an opportunity to have a profoundly beneficial effect on the lives of the babies and their families, now and in the future. Epub 2019 Dec 20. This will help them to recognise what is or is not normal, and when to seek help. Permite el reconocimiento del cuerpo de la madre en el proceso del parto vaginal. of mental retardation: prevalence, associated disorders, and
The committee also agreed that in order to reassure women that they and their babies are being taken care of, they should be given information about what happens next, what support is available and who to contact in case of concerns. prevalence, 1985 to 1987. A practitioner with skills and competencies in breastfeeding support should assess breastfeeding to identify and address any concerns. However, the committee noted that healthcare professionals also need to be able to carry out clinical observations of women easily, so recommended that these needs be balanced against each other. A woman may be supported by her partner in the postnatal period. Lancet HIV. Do you feel more irritable or angry with those around you? EL HOMBRE EN BUSCA DEL SENTIDO ULTIMO VIKTOR FRANKL PDF. The recommendation aims to reduce variation in practice and improve care for women and their babies. There was evidence that after birth, women value having privacy in hospital, and a lack of privacy can be a barrier to breastfeeding and expressing breast milk. Groups are available to women with Medicaid, Amerigroup, Wellcare, CareSource, Cenpatico/Peachstate. Psicoprofilaxis Obstétrica, sistema educativo preventivo del estrés obstétrico que prepara a la pareja gestante para responder a las necesidades del embarazo, trabajo de parto y nacimiento, abordados desde el área cognitiva y psicomotriz de la mujer. how to encourage and support women with common breastfeeding problems. To help parents, healthcare professionals should also discuss and provide information about how to care for their baby. with the number in those with such conditions attributable to other
Atlanta Developmental Disabilities Surveillance Program (MADDSP)
Por lo general se da durante el periodo de puer- J Pediatr 1995;126:896-9. disease (6). This guideline updates and replaces NICE guideline CG37 (published July 2006). Are you having problems with eating or sleeping? Advise parents to seek advice from a healthcare professional if they think their baby is unwell, and to contact emergency services (call 999) if they think their baby is seriously ill. For a short explanation of why the committee made the recommendations and how they might affect practice, see the rationale and impact section on assessment and care of the baby. Consider using a validated pain scale to monitor perineal pain. CONCEPTO. RSS
Some additional resources may be needed to organise an additional early postnatal visit by a health visitor in the exceptional circumstance when a mandated antenatal health visitor visit has not taken place; however, the resource impact of this is not considered to be large, and is likely outweighed by the potential benefits. Baby Check is a scoring system intended to help in the assessment of babies up to 6 months of age, taking into account the presence or absence of various symptoms and signs of illness. In order to assess changes in the severity of perineal pain over time, a validated pain score might help to give a clearer view.
The evidence showed that women value face-to-face feeding support but also feel that additional information to support feeding can be helpful. The prevalence of two or more developmental disabilities
Bull World Health Organ 1991;69:779-89. Es un método que incluye técnicas y conocimiento que favorece el goce de un parto natural para los padres y también para él bebe. The committee agreed that, as for women who breastfeed, women who formula feed should be supported regardless of their feeding choices. Atención y orientación al asegurado. in patients with sickle cell disease treated with erythrocyte
included in this analysis. Al completar esta educación la mujer puede aplicarlo en cualquier momento. any concerns the parents have about their baby’s feeding, the condition of the woman’s breasts and nipples, adjusting positioning and attachment to the breast, referring to additional support such as a lactation consultation or peer support. There is wide variation in practice in how long women stay in hospital after giving birth. Established guidance exists on safer sleeping practices, and resources for these are available from, for example, UNICEF, Baby Sleep Information Source (Basis), and the Lullaby Trust. There was evidence of varying quality from multiple studies about the different risk factors associated with sudden unexpected death in infancy when bed sharing (up to 1 year of age). There was evidence that prolonged perineal pain and severity of pain is associated with depressive symptoms. Before transfer from the maternity unit to community care, or before the midwife leaves after a home birth, give women information about: For a short explanation of why the committee made the recommendations and how they might affect practice, see the rationale and impact section on transfer to community care. Conforme avan... 2. This will often be the mother and the father, but many other family arrangements exist, including single parents. The recommendation about weight and head circumference measurement is based on guidance from the UK-WHO (World Health Organization) growth charts. El nacimiento es un evento único y significativo en la vida de la madre, padre y familia; dejando una huella imborrable a través de los años, razón por lo cual es fundamental vivir plena, saludable, responsable y satisfactoriamente el proceso no solo del nacimiento sino de toda la gestación. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Among children in
with such conditions attributable to a postnatal cause was compared
At each postnatal contact, ask the woman about her general health and whether she has any concerns, and assess her general wellbeing. Furthermore, women continue to report receiving insufficient or inconsistent information on baby’s feeding, particularly after giving birth to their first baby. The committee discussed when discussions about lactation suppression should happen and what should be discussed, and used their knowledge and experience to agree the recommendation. Psicoprofilaxis de los dolores del parto; método preventivo para evitar los dolores del parto. Future research could help understand these disparities and what interventions could improve the outcomes. Can rain cause volcanic eruptions? Although the evidence base for the Baby Check was predominantly in relation to babies attending secondary care, there was evidence that in the community setting, it can identify babies who are likely to be well. Two types of assessments were made: The study also included the measurement of the alluvium thicknesses by geoelectric soundings; studies of petrography and weathered. The committee based the recommendations on these and their knowledge and experience.
About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . For more information, see the UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative (BFI) information sheet on responsive feeding. HIV Care Continuum among Postpartum Women Living with HIV in Atlanta. Also, by focusing attention on important symptoms and signs, it could help during a remote assessment as a communication aid between healthcare professionals and parents. The percentages of developmental disabilities accounted for by
See the section on traumatic birth, stillbirth and miscarriage in the NICE guideline on antenatal and postnatal mental health and the NICE guideline on post-traumatic stress disorder. Pregnancy Outcomes Among Perinatally HIV-Infected Women in Spain. Be aware of the following risk factors for persistent postnatal perineal pain: For a short explanation of why the committee made the recommendations and how they might affect practice, see the rationale and impact section on perineal health. Provide information, advice and reassurance about breastfeeding, so women (and their partners) know what to expect, and when and how to seek help. Conformado por 8 sesiones teóricas – prácticas – interactiva de duración de 2 horas por la plataforma ZOOM.COSTO POR SESIÓN: S/ 25.00 soles.PAQUETE PROMOCIONAL: S/ 160.00 soles. Pero esto no es nuevo. DOWNLOADS |
This will often be the mother and the father, but many other family arrangements exist, including single parents. According to the Department of Health and Social Care’s Healthy Child Programme, there should be 2 health visitor visits in the postnatal period. Provide regular opportunities for her to ask questions, and set aside enough time to discuss any concerns. sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal The guideline uses the terms ‘woman’ or ‘mother’ throughout. 2015 Dec 15;61(12):1880-7. doi: 10.1093/cid/civ678. close menu developmental disabilities. No causa toxicidad en la madre ni en el feto o recién nacido. If there are concerns, arrange for further assessment and follow up. La Historia Clínica Perinatal Base Ambulatoria, la Tarjeta de Control .. médico y de enfermería será capacitado en la técnica del parto psicoprofiláctico. How does the length of postpartum stay and the timing of the first midwife visit after transfer of care affect unplanned or emergency health contacts for women and babies? Based on the evidence in the secondary care setting, its sensitivity to identify those babies who are seriously ill varied. Be aware that if the baby has not passed meconium within 24 hours of birth, this may indicate a serious disorder and requires medical advice. Full details of the research recommendation are in evidence review D: timing of first postnatal contact by health visitor. Keywords: This conversion may have resulted in character translation or format errors in the HTML version.
Plot the results on the growth chart.
2022 Mar 1;11:2021-8-11. doi: 10.7573/dic.2021-8-11. It is not routine practice to discuss what blood loss to expect postnatally, so the recommendations will involve a minor change to current practice but will potentially improve outcomes by early identification of secondary postpartum haemorrhage. Parents are those with the main responsibility for the care of a baby. with developmental disabilities. In the committee’s experience, some healthcare professionals caring for women and babies during the postnatal period may not have adequate knowledge to support women with breastfeeding and might need more training. 2019 Dec;134(6):1205-1214. doi: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000003584. Georgia, USA; HIV care continuum; perinatal HIV infection; postpartum. There may be an increase in referrals to secondary care for women who are usually seen by their GP, but the recommendations should improve care and outcomes. child's health status than other developmental disabilities. Psicoprofilaxis postnatal: es la preparación integral, teó - rica, física y psicoafectiva que se brinda después del parto. The committee agreed that partners and family members should be given information about alternative ways to comfort and bond with the baby. Full details of the research recommendation are in evidence review S: breastfeeding information and support. battering cases is probably an underestimate because of the
Lo anterior puede lograrse al abarcar tres áreas importantes: Educativa: tiene por objeto la información de todo el proceso reproductivo y los aspectos que con él se relacionan como la Psicología, nutrición, higiene, puericultura, entre otras. Full details of the evidence and the committee’s discussion are in evidence review G: provision of information about the postnatal health of women. Parents and carers have the right to be involved in planning and making decisions about their baby’s health and care, and to be given information and support to enable them to do this, as set out in the NHS Constitution and summarised in NICE’s information on making decisions about your care. Curso de educación perinatal y psicoprofilaxis. Responsive breastfeeding also involves a mother responding to her own desire to feed for her comfort or convenience. Discussing with women what to expect after birth helps women to distinguish between a normal amount of lochia (vaginal discharge containing blood, mucus and uterine tissue) and signs and symptoms of postpartum haemorrhage. The word mother, in Delphic ideology, could mean Mother Earth. Esta educación se imparte a la pareja o su red de apoyo, pues es necesario que ambos conozcan como se desarrolla ese ser y que las dudas no causen temor. Curso: 2015/2016 Aída Gómez García Ana Belén Franco López It's natural to experience a range of emotions during pregnancy and after giving birth (and lots of hormones). En épocas pasadas, y actualmente tal vez en algunos sectores de la población, se considera que el dolor es un componente biológico vinculado con el parto, al formar parte de la contracción uterina.,, Coping with COVID-19 – Creating a Sense of Calmness. Do you feel like you never should have become a mother? There may be an increase in the use of the Baby Check scoring system as a supplemental tool for healthcare professionals, particularly during remote appointments. Detailed information about the underlying cause
The general wellbeing, feeding and development of the baby should be assessed at every postnatal contact so that any concerns can be identified early. 2020 Mar;7(3):e184-e192. Atención y orientación al asegurado. What characteristics of perineal pain suggest the need for further evaluation? Listen carefully to parents’ concerns about their baby’s health and treat their concerns as an important indicator of possible serious illness in their baby. Patel K, Karalius B, Powis K, Kacanek D, Berman C, Moscicki AB, Paul M, Tassiopoulos K, Seage GR 3rd; HIV/AIDS Cohort Study (PHACS). The reports showed that: 4 times higher in black women (34 per 100,000), 3 times higher in mixed ethnicity women (25 per 100,000), 2 times higher in Asian women (15 per 100,000; does not include Chinese women). They discussed concerns about the wide range and varied quality of information available from healthcare professionals, the internet and social media. Estrategias de la Psicoprofilaxis en el acompa... 3. The committee highlighted that emotional attachment will usually happen naturally if the primary carer is able to spend quality time with their baby. S Afr Med J. disabilities per affected child was in those who had a
The site is secure. The MBRRACE-UK report: perinatal mortality surveillance report (2020) also highlights the higher neonatal mortality rates for babies of black and Asian ethnicity and babies born to mothers living in deprived areas. This report is based on. The evidence also showed that varying experiences with breastfeeding can have an impact on the woman’s emotional wellbeing, and women often need reassurance and encouragement to gain confidence. disabilities per affected child (1.9, 1.8, 1.8, and 1.7,
was more than twofold higher among children with postnatally
Observing at least 1 effective feed (regardless of the method of feeding) is important to establish feeding and lower the chance of feeding problems at home and the need for readmission. Contact GPO for current prices. Epub 2015 Aug 11. The recommendations are expected to have a positive effect on women’s experience of the healthcare service by increasing their confidence in the information provided. accounted for the greatest proportion of postnatal cases of each
There is significant variation in the provision of practical and professional breastfeeding support, so the recommendations will support best practice in some settings and improve practice in other settings. If a woman did not receive an antenatal health visitor visit, consider arranging an additional early postnatal health visitor visit. The evidence highlighted issues that should be communicated between healthcare professionals at transfer of care, including the woman’s history in relation to her pregnancy and birth experience, and any mental health problems or safeguarding issues. Primary prevention of developmental disabilities requires
The statements were based on a review, including critical appraisal, of existing guidelines and systematic reviews. Overall, they will improve consistency. El educador psicoprofiláctico es la profesión de la salud cuyos objetivos parecen ajustarse mejor a las necesidades particulares de la embarazada. Children with these conditions are identified
MADDSP can be adapted for monitoring trends in other
recent migrants, asylum seekers or refugees, or women who have difficulty reading or speaking English, the pregnancy, birth, postnatal period and any complications, the plan of ongoing care, including any condition that needs long-term management, problems related to previous pregnancies that may be relevant to current care, previous or current mental health concerns, female genital mutilation (mother or previous child), who has parental responsibility for the baby, if known, concerns about the woman’s health and care, raised by her, her, concerns about the baby’s health and care, raised by the, the transfer of care from midwife to health visitor is clearly communicated between healthcare professionals. For a short explanation of why the committee made the recommendations and how they might affect practice, see the rationale and impact section on first health visitor visit. Based on their knowledge and experience, the committee highlighted particular groups of parents who may be more vulnerable to difficulties in attachment and may need more support.
Tercio Estudiantil Unsa, Municipalidad De Trujillo Horario De Atención, Servicio De Oftalmología Gratuito, Tour Arqueológico Cusco, Como Eliminar Las Bacterias De Las Axilas,
Tercio Estudiantil Unsa, Municipalidad De Trujillo Horario De Atención, Servicio De Oftalmología Gratuito, Tour Arqueológico Cusco, Como Eliminar Las Bacterias De Las Axilas,