France. Name Meanings by Gender. It means ‘Adorned’ or ‘Bursting the veil’. In the United States, Marie was a huge hit at the turn of the last century and for the ensuing fifty years, becoming the seventh most popular name in the country for three years, from 1901 to 1904. Biblical Baby Girl Names Starting With R, Top Catholic Baby girl names with meaning , Unique Biblical Baby girl names starting with R. Rei: Girl: Friendly. Girls' names beginning with the letter R include a range of popular choices, from the biblical classics Rachel and Rebecca to unisex newcomers Rowan and Remi. Watch my other baby name videos, they are all some of my favorites and have great meanings that I personally love! a ruling; commanding; coming down. Andrea. Previously avoided as a baby name, Jezebel is now, along with the also previously avoided Delilah and Desiree, coming into use, helped by its relation to other 'bel' name such as Isabel and Bella. Magdalena is a pretty name forever associated with the fallen-yet-redeemed Mary Magdalen; often heard in the Hispanic community. ADRIELE, name of biblical girl with Hebrew origin, that means "congregation of God". Kamon (Latin) - Judges 10:5 - his resurrection. To make the process a little easier, we've compiled this list of the top 100 baby girl names that start with K, based on data from the Social Security Administration. September is the birth month of a number of famous people and is tied to a rich mythology as well. In some versions of the Bible the masculine name is spelled Mahalah. Dalaiah. For example, Hosea named his daughter Lo-ruhama, which means "not pitied," because he said God would no longer have pity on the house of Israel. These ideas are from both the Old and New Testaments. These 250 girl baby names that start with the letter 'M' make great monickers for babies born in 2021, from popular 'M' girl baby name ideas to classic baby … List Of Biblical Names & Meaning Starting With A. Eve, the oldest name in the Book, is now coming back into style, having the virtues of simplicity and purity, yet with more strength and resonance than other single-syllable names like Ann. Read on for a selection of interesting baby names, from the standard (John) to the unusual (Huldah, Meshach). Biblical Names for Girls Starting with A. Abdiel, servant of God. Havilah (Hebrew) - 1 Chronicles 1:9 - sandy; circle. idol. There existed a saintly woman of this name. ADRIELE, name of biblical girl with Hebrew origin, that means "congregation of God". Shifrah: From the Hebrew, it means “beautiful” or “good looking,” making this a gorgeous choice for your sweet little girl or boy. Abijah (Hebrew) - 1 Kings 14:31 - Jehovah is (my) father. Many of the biblical boy names and girl names you'll find represent strength and virtue. The name means “princess,” and has been one of the top 150 for more than a century. Noemi is a charming Latin spin on Naomi, with the accent on the last syllable; another twist is Neomi. The name of our first First Lady still has something of a prim and proper image, academic and efficient. Rose (Latin) - Song of Solomon 2:1 - a rose. Name - AHINOAM Meaning - BROTHER'S GRACE. Arabella means “yielding to prayer”. ALSO READ: Bible Girl Names: Debbra: Resembling a bee ; in the bible , a prophetess: 38 : Debby: From the name deborah: 54 : Debjani : 24 : Debolina : 49 : Debora: Name of a prophetess in the Bible: 63 : Deboraah: Resembling a bee ; in the bible , a prophetess: 25 : Deborah: A bee, to speak kind words: 54 : Deborahh: Resembling a bee ; in the bible , a prophetess: 18 : Deborrah For girls, the … Found insideThe new edition of 100,000+ Baby Names by Bruce Lansky features the most up-to-date lists of names, trends, advice, and fascinating facts about names, including: Hundreds of newly popular names and variations The latest list of top 100 ... The Kumulipo is the sacred creation chant of a family of Hawaiian alii, or ruling chiefs. Mary Fairchild is a full-time Christian minister, writer, and editor of two Christian anthologies, including "Stories of Cavalry. If you make a purchase from one of the links I will make a small commission at no charge to you. It derives from the Hebrew name Rivkah, from the verb, Elizabeth is derived from the Hebrew name Elisheva, formed by the components, Julia was an ancient Roman imperial name given to females in the house of a Julius, as in Caesar. When we think of the Bible, we think of wise and courageous men who were valiant leaders to their people and faithful servants to God. Meaning - MEANING UNKNOWN. Hannah originated as a variation of the Hebrew name Channah, derived from the word, Mara is the evocative ancient root of Mary, appearing in the Book of Ruth, in which Naomi, devastated after the death of her two sons, says "Call me not Naomi, call me Mara." Christian Names for Girls Starting with H. Hannah. An innovative guide to selecting the perfect name for one's child, using a buyer's guide approach that helps parents ask the right questions to choose a name specifically tailored to personal taste. Many of the names pertain directly to the qualities of their holders. For example the name Behemoth from the Book of Job simply means 'monstrous', while the name 'Iscariot' (as in Judas Iscariot) means 'a man of murder; a hireling'. Sa- names are rather popular as baby girl names. ABIGAIL, female biblical name with Hebrew origin, which means "joy of my father". Magdalene (Greek) - Matthew. Aksha – Hindi, meaning "a blessing." Today, Christian parents continue to value the ancient custom of choosing a biblical name with important significance for the life of their child. Naomi also has separate Japanese origins as a unisex name meaning “straight and beautiful.”, Mary is the English form of Maria, which ultimately was derived from the Hebrew name Maryam/Mariam. Meaning “my father's joy”. By Sam Mendoran. British actor Clive Owen chose Eve for his daughter, as did Jessica Capshaw. Bethel (Hebrew) - Genesis 12:8 - the house of God. Jareb. Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world and is an official language in 20 countries. 36. But we can see it extending beyond that sphere into the next wave of Old Testament names post-Rachel, Rebecca, Sarah, Hannah, and Leah. corn; a fish. Karkaa. Tamar (Hebrew)- Genesis 38:6 - palm or date palm; palm-tree. Girl Names From the Bible Abigail: A father's joy. Abihail: The father of strength. Adah: An assembly. Adina: Slender and dainty. Anna: Hebrew for "grace.". Ariel: The literal meaning is "lion of God," but in the Bible it is a name given to the city of Jerusalem and in that context, it means "victorious under God.". Artemis: Whole or sound. In the Bible, Abigail was the wife of Kind David and was described as intelligent, beautiful, and loyal. Described as intelligent and beautiful, Abigail was married to a man named Nabal who was ungrateful to King David. Wonderful! Either way, through the pages of this workbook, I’ll be right there with you, encouraging us all to grow in grace–Liz Curtis Higgs Joanna (Hebrew) - Luke 8:3 - grace or gift of the Lord. Fortunatus (Latin) - 1 Corinthians 16:17 - fortunate; lucky. Drusilla (Latin) - Acts 24:24 - watered by the dew. Throughout this demon section, you will find various "demons" from all religions in which some may be deemed gods or mythical beings but will be classified as demonology. Jahel (Variation of Jael, Hebrew) - Judges 4:17 - one that ascends. Hebrew. Karkor. Jemima, the name of a strong and beautiful Biblical daughter of Job, has long been among the chicest choices of aristocratic Brits, most recently ranking at #231 there in 2017. A. Aaron, a teacher or lofty, bright, shining (etymology doubtful) Abba, father. From the names of ordinary people to those of prophets and kings, the Bible can be a great source of inspiration. Carmel (Hebrew) - Joshua 12:22 - circumcised lamb; harvest; full of ears of corn. Strangely enough -- yes. If you're looking for a modern, cute, or traditional Arabic name, this list is for you! Aria. Z. Name - ABIGAIL Meaning - MY FATHER REJOICES. A large collection of gender neutral names that are cool and trendy along with their meanings. Retrieved from Here are 150+ names for you to choose from. For example, "Hagar" is an okay Bible name for a girl. Deborah; A more common name in this day and age, Deborah is a cute girls name of Hebrew descent that means ‘bee’. In a new foreword to this edition, Sarna takes up the debate over whether the exodus from Egypt really happened, clarifying the arguments on both sides and drawing us back to the uniqueness and enduring significance of biblical text. Found inside – Page 1This book draws upon the latest research showing how beneficial and life-changing natural birth is for both babies and moms. Helah (Hebrew) - 1 Chronicles 4:5 - rust. The … Cool meets Born Again meets Brad and Angelina, who made Shiloh an instant star when they chose it for their daughter. Abaddon, see Apollyon a destroyer, Abagtha, God-given "etymology doubtful". It originates from Hebrew and means ‘graceful’. This list aggregates common Jewish names from Biblical, Talmudic and post-Talmudic eras. Abiah (Hebrew) - 1 Samuel 8:2 - Jehovah is (my) father. Nov 27, 2019. These are the list of names found in the English bible in alphabetical order. Sapphira, a woman in the early church who, along with her husband, made the unfortunate (and deadly) decision to lie to the Holy Spirit. These stories show us there is a God who sees us where we are and loves us for who we are. Jaresiah. Lillian or Lily (Latin) - Song of Solomon 2:1 - elegant flower; innocence; purity; beauty. Meaning “my father's joy”. The book's thematic approach puts it in a category by itself."--Joseph Blenkinsopp, author of "Abraham: The Story of a Life" "This is a fine volume of worthwhile essays, many of which are highly informative. Michal (Hebrew) - 1 Samuel 18:20 - who is perfect? A complete list of boy names from the Bible—both from the Old and New Testament. Kartah. Baby names from the Bible. Reviews of the clothbound edition: “A window to the past. . . . I loved, just loved, this book.”—Carolyn See, Washington Post “The world Mr. Harline uncovers is a fascinating one. . . Rhoda (Greek, Latin) - Acts 12:13 - a rose. Elizabeth or Abigail, to name just a couple, are gorgeous names for your gorgeous baby girl. Mishael (Hebrew) - Exodus 6:22 - who is asked for or lent. Huldah (Hebrew) - 2 Kings 22:14 - the world. Have you thought of using last names for a strong moniker that stands out in a good way? Now it's time to choose a special name for your little princess. Biblical names aren’t a one-size-fits-all style either, as there are cute girl names aplenty and serious picks alike. Start to imagine what qualities you would value most in a child and see if any of these names match. Nameberry is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. Are you looking for the perfect name for your beautiful baby girl? Abarim, regions beyond. Unlike the case today, names were given back then fundamentally because of the core meaning they carried and the fact that they represented an integral part of the individual's identity as well as their destiny. Within the top 1000 baby names then, there was 1 Dav- name. Abra (Hebrew) - Genesis 17:5 - father of multitudes (the feminine form of Abraham). We’ve compiled 140 biblical baby names for girls and boys, complete with their meanings. This post may contain affiliate links. Ayah – Arabic, meaning "a miracle." Biblical Baby Girl Names Starting With H, Top Catholic Baby girl names with meaning , Unique Biblical Baby girl names starting with H. Troubling. Meaning: "delicate" Description: Delilah has shed the stigma of its Biblical … When it comes to honoring your faith, Biblical girl names are an incredible source of inspiration and options. Sherah (Hebrew) - 1 Chronicles 7:24 - flesh; relationship. 45 Old Fashioned Baby Names for Boys and Girls; 30 Autumn Baby Names You’ll Fall in Love With; 30 Irish Girl Names for Your Celtic Baby; 35+ Powerful and Unique Biblical Baby Names. Shiphrah (Hebrew) - Exodus 1:15 - handsome; trumpet; that does good. Grace (Latin) - Proverbs 3:34 - favor; blessing. Ariel (Hebrew) - Ezra 8:16 - altar; light or lion of God. Along with Delphine and Dinah, unique vintage girl names starting with D include sophisticated Dorothea, strong Damaris and sweet Dulcie. Ainsley. Because of this, it is a symbolic name given to girls on Shavuot when the story of Ruth is read in the synagogue. Comment. In the Bible, Abigail was the wife of Kind David and was described as intelligent, beautiful, and loyal. Rebecca is a name representing beauty in the Bible, an Old Testament classic that reached the heights of revived popularity in the seventies but is still a well-used choice. Sharon (Hebrew) - 1 Chronicles 5:16 - his plain; his song. Deborah (Hebrew) - Judges 4:4 - word; thing; a bee. Dinah (Hebrew) - Genesis 30:21 - judgment; who judges. a wood; honeycomb; watching closely. A middle name is just as crucial as the first. Jennifer f English, German, Dutch, Swedish, Spanish From a Cornish form of the Welsh name Gwenhwyfar (see Guinevere).This name has only been common outside of Cornwall since the beginning of the 20th century, after it was featured in George Bernard Shaw's play The Doctor's Dilemma (1906). Gabriella is the feminine form of Gabriel, a name derived from the Hebrew Gavri’el. The names have slipped in popularity since then. Found inside – Page 2Hot Starbaby Names Adelaide names 3 1 Ava girls Bella ... But with the new trend toward simple , old - fashioned names beginning with a vowel - Ava ... a revenger. These girl names were at the apex of their popularity during the years 1940-1949 (USAGE OF 3.63%) and have become significantly less common since (USAGE 0.18%, 95%), with names such as Shaila falling out of fashion. Jael (Hebrew) - Judges 4:17 - one that ascends. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Bernice (Greek) - Acts 25:13 - one that brings victory. Sh- names are used more often as feminine names. But despite its lovely sound and peaceful meaning, this attractive name hasn't ranked in the US Top 1000 since 1893, no doubt due to the problematic association with racial stereotyping, exemplified by the Aunt Jemima brand of pancakes. It is one of the unique and popular names for Christian baby girls starting with the letter 'J'. The names' popularity has been growing since the 2010s. fairness; comeliness. Tirzah (Hebrew) - Numbers 26:33 - benevolent; complaisant; pleasing. Abilene // A city with connections to John the Baptist (Luke 3:1). 16:1 - shining; pure. It is the last word in Anita Diamant's novel. Biblical baby girl names Abigail. Abigail is one of the cute Biblical girl names. ... Adah. Pronounced as Ah-Dah, Adah is one of the most unique Biblical girl names. ... Charity. Charity is also on top of the list of Biblical girl names. ... Esther. If you are looking for old Biblical girl names, Esther is very much suitable. ... Beulah. ... Bethsheba. ... Eva. ... Faith. ... Hannah. ... Bernice. ... More items... MOST BEAUTIFUL FEMALE BIBLICAL NAMES. A unique baby girl name meaning “meadow”. Name - GRACE. Artemis is the equivalent to the Roman Diana, but a fresher and more distinctive, if offbeat, choice. Tabitha (Aramaic)- Acts 9:36 - clear-sighted; a roe-deer. B iblical baby names and what they mean, for biblical, bible, testament, with 136 results. Thanks for sharing! Adriel (Hebrew) - 1 Samuel 18:19 - the flock of God. Browse new & Trending Christian Girls Names Starting with A for born or expected baby Girl with detail meanings, origin & lucky number. Step into God's sacred circle of mothers, grandmothers, warriors, prophets, prostitutes, and murderers. You won't come out the same. Artemis, one of the key figures of the female Greek pantheon, is the ancient virgin goddess of the hunt, wilderness, animals, childbirth, and a protector of young girls, later associated with the moon. Marah (Hebrew) - Exodus 15:23 - bitter; bitterness. A list of rich girl names for your new baby. Arabella. This name is used in the Old Testament as both a feminine and masculine name. Keywords: masculine inclined, two syllables, uncommon Aviv (אֲבִיב). Leah (Hebrew) - Genesis 29:16 - weary; tired. Check it out! The ubiquitous French version of Mary came into the English-speaking world in the nineteenth century. Sarai (Hebrew) - Genesis 17:15 - my lady; my princess. Female. Other names related to Joanna include Joan, Joanne, Johanna, and Jana. BETHANY or BETHANY, with Hebrew origin, means "house of the figs". Planning on checking out your other articles on related subjects and coming across more fascinating discoveries! Calah (Hebrew) - Genesis 10:11–12 - favorable; opportunity. Despite her somewhat prissy, puritanical air, Priscilla has managed to stay widely used for well over a century -- it reached as high as Number 127 in 1940 -- appreciated for its delicacy and solid history. Start, he stated, by returning to the basics: business matching of food, water as well as sanctuary. While Taylor was a popular choice in 2018, you can see it was only about 97% as popular a baby girl name as Ximena. While Shiloh has risen from obscurity thanks to its celebrity baby use, it hasn't become a star the way brother names Maddox and Pax have. No baby's success is guaranteed before its birth, but you may be able to give your child a helping hand that will stick with them through their life. X. Y. A list of names in which the first letter is J (page 2). By Jackie Frere. Olive (Latin) - Genesis 8:11 - fruitfulness; beauty; dignity. Joan. Lydia (Greek) - Acts 16:14 - a standing pool. Hi, Log Out. Delilah. Abra // A soft, dainty version of the conventional Abram and Abraham. Terah (Hebrew) - Numbers 33:27 - to breathe; scent; blow. ARZA, name with the letter A that means "vegetation of cedar" and also has Hebrew origin. Calah hebrew genesis 10 11 12 favorable. (I had no idea for example, that Martha actually meant that!). List Of Biblical Names & Meaning Starting With C. … Meaning - MEANING UNKNOWN. From the names of ordinary people to those of prophets and kings, the Bible can be a great source of inspiration. A name for your precious little daughter may seem like unnerving scenario, as you want a name that will be unique, beautiful and has a powerful meaning behind it. Biblical girl names range in tradition as well, with each being just as beautiful as the last. Check out our offerings including: Short girl names; Strong girl names; Biblical girl names; Unique girl names; Each list might contain a favorite of yours or … Abia (Hebrew) - 2 Chronicles 13:20 - Jehovah is (my) father. ALSO READ: Bible Girl Names: Jamya: A form of jami: 48 : Jan: A short form of jane: 45 : Janaa: God is gracious ; in the bible , one of the apostles: 128 : Janae: Form of janet: 70 : Janaee: God is gracious ; in the bible , one of the apostles: 104 The meaning of the name Jane is the Lord is gracious. The Bible may not be the first place you think to turn for baby name inspiration. Here is a comprehensive list of traditional French names as well as the most popular names for girls in France and Canada today. If you’re looking for the perfect Biblical name for your baby girl, you’re sure to find it on this list. All Name Meanings Boy Name Meanings Girl Name Meanings Choose from the 200+ popular name ideas that follow. It entered the Top 1000 in 2007, one year after the birth of Ms. Jolie-Pitt. 45 Old Fashioned Baby Names for Boys and Girls; 30 Autumn Baby Names You’ll Fall in Love With; 30 Irish Girl Names for Your Celtic Baby; 35+ Powerful and Unique Biblical Baby Names. Here is a list of cute, feminine, strong, traditional, and modern middle names for girls. MOST BEAUTIFUL FEMALE BIBLICAL NAMES. Found insideFurthermore, it was the first English biblical translation that was mass-produced as a result of new advances in the art of printing. The term Tyndale's Bible is not strictly correct, because Tyndale never published a complete Bible. Or for even more unique international D names for girls, try the intriguing Demelza, Doveva or Dagny. Jarah. They range in popularity as well from familiar faces like Rachel and Sarah to unique finds like Keturah and Rhoda.. Abigail: "Father is rejoicing." Delilah; Delilah is a stunning, longer name for a girl and means ‘to flirt’. These names will give any girl an aura of elevated sophistication and beauty. Aria. Neriah (Hebrew) - Jeremiah 32:12 - light; lamp of the Lord. Jun 1, 2018 Getty Images. Check it out! A. Abia (Hebrew) - 2 Chronicles 13:20 - Jehovah is (my) father. Elisheva (Hebrew) - Exodus 6:23 - pledged of God. Not Rated . Name - ABIHAIL Meaning - STRONG FATHER. The eternal fiancee of Superman turned sweet gray-haired lady who's always available to babysit her grandkids. Rebecca (Hebrew) - Genesis 22:23 - fat; fattened; a quarrel appeased. Along with top-ranked R name Riley, R names for girls in the US Top 500 include Remi, Ruby, Reagan, Raelynn and Reese. Unique Kerala Syrian Christian girl baby names that are popular and widely used. Deborah may no longer be among the most popular. Daniela (Hebrew) - 1 Chronicles 3:1 - judgment of God; God my judge. Here are some trendy baby girl names beginning with jo: 1. The names' popularity increased from the 1920s up to the 1980s. Oprah (Hebrew) - Judges 6:11 - dust; lead; a fawn. Abihail (Hebrew) - 1 Chronicles 2:29 - the father is strength. It's one of the, Naomi was once a primarily Jewish name from the Old Testament that referenced the mother-in-law of Ruth. Abdeel, servant of God. In school, I had a pal named Enos. Hole, a prison cell. Deborah has suffered from the fact that in the mid-twentieth century there were so many Debbies on the block that the beauty and meaning of the original name got lost. Adah is unrelated to the visually similar name Ada, which is Germanic in origin. Blessing – English, meaning a divine gift. © 2021 Maven Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. 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