Of the 750 charities that Charity Intelligence has reviewed, only 15% received the highest ranking, four stars. Charities are listed alphabetically by sector. Of the more than 800 Canadian charities rated on the Charity Intelligence site, Operation Eyesight was among the top performers for measurable . Charity Intelligence ratings and reviews on Canadian charities so donors can be informed, give intelligently, and have impact. Charitable Registration Number: 80340 7956 RR0001. Charity Intelligence | Canada | Empowering giving with data | 315 connections | View Charity's homepage, profile, activity, articles Be Informed. Have Impact. Views and opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, organization, individual or anyone or anything. -Communicate with and coach . 24-page devotional booklet on key women of the Bible and their character traits. Charity has 1 job listed on their profile. This is the Charity Intelligence Canada company profile. The Calgary Flames Foundation is defending itself against a scathing report by Charity Intelligence Canada that revealed the hockey team's charitable foundation gave only 30 cents of every . Charity Intelligence’s Top 100 list is just this necessary homework. 2 talking about this. Log in to your account to view all star ratings. Charity Intelligence Canada Nonprofit Organization Management Toronto, ON Game Changers Charity Organization Fund-Raising Gaborone, BBS Charity Makeover . Through rigorous and independent research, Charity Intelligence aims to assist Canada’s dynamic charitable sector in being more transparent, accountable and focused on results. Be Informed. Providing poverty relief and adult education. Charity Intelligence Canada recognized Indspire with their four-star rating, and named us a Top 10 Canadian Impact Charity for 2017, 2018 and 2019. Kate Bahen, managing director of Charity Intelligence Canada, an independent organization that assesses the financial transparency and effectiveness of charities, told The Epoch Times that she . There are so many charities out there, and it's hard to know which ones have the greatest impact, run efficiently, and have the lowest administrative costs. Charity Intelligence awarded the Mission a 5-star rating and called out our transparency, need for funding and demonstrated impact. We rate the charities based on finances and openness, using Charity Intelligence Canada data and charity . Percentage of revenue spent on administration and fundraising. The author examines the origins of CSIS and its successes and failures since its creation in 1984. In 2016, Statistics Canada reported that nearly a third of Canadians weren’t giving as much to charities as they could because they had unanswered questions. Today Charity Intelligence's annualized website visits are over 400,000, informing and influencing an estimated $78 million in annual Canadian giving. Found inside – Page 317“Canada killed more than 800 million land animals for food in 2017” ... “2012 Canadian animal protection law rankings. ... Charity Intelligence Canada. This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. Log in to your account to view all star ratings. Charity Intelligence Canada 416.363.1555 " Bill Josephson, Former head of the Charities Bureau, New York State Attorney General's office This book is based on extensive research and interviews with leading attorneys Victoria Bjorklund and Douglas Eakeley (Princeton) and Ron Malone ... WE Charity is restructuring operations after being at the centre of Trudeau's student grant program. With Covid, and the economic shutdown to flatten the curve, Canadians report they are giving 37% less to charities. 77% of donors say that reading a Charity Intelligence report increased their confidence in giving and, with greater confidence, they gave 32% more money. Charity Intelligence's own charitable status was revoked by the Canada Revenue Agency in 2012 after the self-styled charity watchdog failed to file an annual financial report with the tax agency. This giving could achieve tremendous results. Give Intelligently. Charitable Impact - Search Any Charity In Canada. GoC gave $3m (read news) in August 2019, but only $1.192m reported at WE Charity…, WE CFO Victor Li's answers to the Ethics Committee. Charity has 1 job listed on their profile. One thinks immediately of food banks, crisis lines, and shelters, and particularly charities that rely on donations rather than government contracts. All content is posted anonymously by employees working at Charity Intelligence Canada. Any dispute arising from your use of this website or viewing the material hereon shall be governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario, without regard to any conflict of law provisions. Glassdoor gives you an inside look at what it's like to work at Charity Intelligence Canada, including salaries, reviews, office photos, and more. Charity Intelligence researches Canadian charities for donors to be informed and give intelligently. Found insideAUGUST Generation status: Canadian born children of immigrants. Statistics Canada. 2011. The Canadian Tai Chi ... Charity Intelligence Canada. April 2011. Found inside – Page 218Charity Lotteries in Canada: An Examination of Charities Holding Mega Lotteries in Canada. Charity Intelligence Canada. https://www. Found inside – Page 46But Kate Bahen, managing director of Charity Intelligence Canada, a Toronto organization that advises donors, says that “charities can get carried away and ... We have over 85,000 Canadian charities for you to explore. Responsible for independently writing approximately 100 reports over the course of the summer. True transformation comes through relationships, Lowering dropout rates through innovative projects, Ending homelessness…one youth at a time, one step at a time. Found inside – Page 276Charity Intelligence Canada. Accessed October 03, 2018. https://www.charityintelligence.ca/. “Home.” Canadian Donor's Guide. The information in this report was prepared by Charity Intelligence Canada and its independent analysts from publicly-available information. Included in this 2020 list are 11 small charities. The Who and the What Charity Intelligence Canada performs intensive research to seek out exceptional charities to help donors find the best charities that reflect their interests. Found insideEnvironmental Charities in Canada. Charity Intelligence Canada, June 2013. https://www.charityintelligence.ca/images/environmental_charities_in_canada.pdf. 1 talking about this. According to Charity Intelligence's report, over the last year WE Charity has . Charity Intelligence found that each of . | 500+ connections | View Greg's homepage, profile, activity, articles Found inside – Page 66Charity Intelligence is a site that rates and reviews Canadian charities. Other watchdogs provide information to potential donors. Found inside – Page 209... from his new celebrity status to a charity that assists Canadian veterans who have lost their legs from the mines he used to lay alongside Afghan roads. Many Canadians say they prefer to give to small charities. Calgary Food Bank. Charity Intelligence reviews and rates over 800 Canadian charities and provides in-depth reports on philanthropic sectors like Canada's environment, cancer research, and homelessness. Calgary, November 19, 2020: Charity Intelligence Canada (CI) has announced that Operation Eyesight has been selected as one of their Top 10 Impact Charities of 2020 for the third year in a row, and one of their Top 10 International Impact Charities. On a . Have Impact. Our website posts free reports on more than 800 Canadian charities, as well as in-depth primers on philanthropic sectors like Canada's environment, cancer, and homelessness. Salaries, reviews, and more - all posted by employees working at Charity Intelligence Canada. Initially, Charity Navigator provided financial ratings for 1,100 charities, and has data on 8,000 as of mid-2016. High funding need . Charity Intelligence Canada also reported that 83% of every dollar donated to the Old Brewery Mission went to frontline operations and services, and that plays a large part as to why the Old Brewery Mission is now part of this select group of charities. Our website posts free reports on more than 800 Canadian charities, as well as in-depth primers on philanthropic sectors like Canada’s environment, cancer, and homelessness. Charity Intelligence is your go-to trusted source for reports and ratings on Canadian charities. Search and give to any charity in Canada. We have a track record of high stakeholder returns; every dollar donated and invested in Charity Intelligence leveraged $176 in F2015. Canadians donate over $17 billion each year. Canada lags other OECD nations in land and sea protection. Charity Intelligence Canada is a national non-profit organization that provides evidence-based research and standardized analysis on Canadian charities, to help donors make intelligent, strategic giving decisions. To help donors give well, and after vetting Canada's largest charities, Charity Intelligence (Ci) today releases its Top 100 Highest Rated Charities for 2020. Give Intelligently. 5 talking about this. Found inside – Page 457Retrieved from: www.imva.org/index.html. Charity Watchdogs: • Charity Intelligence Canada. 2011. A recently formed organization that researches ... Charity Intelligence says it's reports are independent and objective, and that charities do not pay for ratings or accreditation. This 2020 Giving Season is going to be tough. Charity Intelligence researches Canadian charities for donors to be informed and give intelligently. This is Canadian donors' favourite post on our website. Be Informed. Give Intelligently. Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada (ARCC) is a Vancouver, British Columbia-headquartered pro-choice registered non-profit—but not a charity interest group founded in 2005. Charity Intelligence Canada is itself a registered charity. What lies underneath: a deeper look into IRFAN-Canada's revocation file, Fact Check: Bogus claims that Charities Directorate is on a witch-hunt of Muslim charities, Access to Information: Suggestions to improve access to information on Canadian charities, Environmental Charities under review for advocacy activities, Canadian Pro Sport Teams and their Charities. Be Informed. Charity Intelligence researches Canadian charities for donors to be informed and give intelligently. At the same time, many frontline charities are facing an unprecedented surge in demand for their services. Most giving today is based on a charity’s name recognition, supported by massive fundraising campaigns, often costing tens of millions of dollars. Source: Charity Intelligence Canada. Only 12.2% of Canada's It is currently the only political group in Canada which is engaged in pro-abortion activism on a national level. Charity Intelligence Canada helped me to select a reputable Canadian charitable organization to donate money to. Found inside... J. (2009) “Homeless in Canada”— Charity Intelligence Canada, Retrieved from www.charityintelligence.ca/images/CiHomelessinCanada.pdf Top 10 Match Making ... 100%. Foodgrains Bank named one of Canada's top impact charities for third year. Our website posts free reports on more than 800 Canadian charities, as well as in-depth primers on philanthropic sectors like Canada's environment, cancer, and homelessness. To: True North Youth Foundation Inc. Charity Intelligence Canada 2020 Top 10 Impact Charities. Thank you for bringing your concerns to my attention as to the manner in which I commented in the media in connection with the release of Charity Intelligence Canada's report entitled "Canadian Pro Sport Teams and their . Through inspiring stories of global philanthropic icons, you'll be lead through an INSPIRED Process. This book is a must read and a valuable resource for anyone who wants to take their giving to the next level. Give Intelligently. Help needed. 2020 Charity Intelligence. The 2020 MoneySense Charity 100 has a broadly similar methodology to the 2019 report. This list shows the . Author of the article: CALGARY, Alberta, Nov. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Charity Intelligence Canada (CI) has announced that Operation Eyesight has been selected as one of their Top 10 Impact Charities of 2020 for the third year in a row, and one of their Top 10 International Impact Charities. 2007; 14 years ago. We hope Charity Intelligence's research helps Canadians give better. Found inside – Page 66Evaluating charities There are several charity evaluators out there, ... (guidestar.org) • Charity Intelligence Canada (charityintelligence.ca) • Place2Give ... Found inside – Page 95... the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance (BBB-WGA), GiveWell, and Philanthropedia in the United States, Charity Intelligence in Canada, ... 2019 Top Rated Charity by Maclean's. Check out a few other feature articles here and here. Found inside – Page 205Environmental Groups CanopyPlanet.org A Canadian group that works with the forest ... the name through Charity Navigator or Charity Intelligence Canada . We hope you will consider these top charities. Found insideWhy and How Canadian Medicare is Failing Shawn Whatley, MD. Longwoods. (b) Docs who worked before medicare ... Charity Intelligence Canada. Published 2019. WE Charity (French: Organisme UNIS), formerly known as Free the Children (French: Enfants Entraide), is an international development charity and youth empowerment movement founded in 1995 by human rights advocates Marc and Craig Kielburger. See what employees say it's like to work at Charity Intelligence Canada. Me To We is an approach to life that leads us to recognize what is truly valuable, make new decisions about the way we want to live, and re-define the goals we set for ourselves and the legacy we want to leave. Report this post. Be Informed. Charity Intelligence researches Canadian charities for donors to be informed and give intelligently. The authors call it "concerning", for example, that one in five of "Canada's top 100 . Being entirely funded by donors like you maintains our independence and objectivity to help Canadians be informed in their giving. Our website posts free reports on more than 800 Canadian charities, as well as in-depth primers on philanthropic sectors like Canada’s environment, cancer, and homelessness. Charity Intelligence Canada. Found inside – Page 367Murphy, C., Thomson, G., and Schultz, J. (2010). A Donor's Introduction to Canadian Food Banks. Toronto: Charity Intelligence Canada. Salary of highest-paid employee compared to similar-sized charities. A documentary filmmaker, bringing together Artificial Intelligence experts from around the world, explores the terrifying possibility of catastrophic outcomes once we share the planet with intelligent machines who are smarter and more ... We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. On the basis of a rigorous assessment process that looked at leadership, cost-efficiency and results, Charity Intelligence has . Since WE Charity is one of Canada's largest charities with a global profile, Charity Intelligence (Ci) is closely following these hearings to learn and share new information. Charity Intelligence's website posts free reports on more than 800 Canadian charities, as well as in-depth primers on philanthropic sectors like Canada's environment, cancer, and homelessness . Canadian Foodgrains Bank is pleased to announce its inclusion as a Top 10 Impact Charity by Charity Intelligence Canada for 2020. This decline in giving puts frontline charities under enormous financial stress. Found inside – Page 74Homeless in Canada: a funder's primer in understanding the tragedy on Canada's streets. Toronto, ON: Charity Intelligence Canada. Found inside – Page 231Jump-Starting the Canadian Economy Michael Hlinka. 25. https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/blogs/ ... 55. www.charity intelligence.ca/. To empower all young adults diagnosed with cancer to live and love life. Charitable Registration Number: 80340 7956 RR0001. Be Informed. Annual list by Charity Intelligence examines return on investment for each dollar donated. We hope that by answering donors’ questions with independent reports, we can help Canadian donors give intelligently. Charity Intelligence’s Top 100 list does include some big household names – Doctors Without Borders, World Vision, Terry Fox Foundation – yet many top-rated charities are undiscovered gems. In this timely new book, esteemed health reporter André Picard reveals the full extent of the crisis in eldercare, and offers an urgently needed prescription to fix a broken system. The charity watchdog group Charity Intelligence Canada says the Calgary Flames charitable foundation is offside when it comes to transparency, its high fundraising costs and the amount it saves. 4 talking about this. This is the definitive roadmap for bringing the power of both forces together—achieving purpose with profit in your career, company, and changing the world. Do you crave more meaning in your job? This book will give you the roadmap. The Toronto Star has reported on some of the difficulties and revelations of auditing charities as described by Charity Intelligence Canada (Ci). Charity Intelligence is seeking to find the most effective and efficient charities across Canada to help funders make more effective giving decisions. This is the Charity Intelligence Canada company profile. Registered Name: CHARITY INTELLIGENCE CANADA. Today over 360,000 Canadians use our website as a go-to source for information on Canadian charities reading over 1.3 million charity reports. We have a track record of high stakeholder returns; every dollar donated and invested in Charity Intelligence leveraged $176 in F2015. Sixty Canadian cancer-related charities were reviewed, and Bladder Cancer Canada was among . Give Intelligently. Charity Intelligence takes a different tack, looking behind the gloss, at a charity’s results, costs, and impact. Preserving pristine areas in fragile ecosystems. Found insideThis is the story that launched a movement. At only 12 years old, Craig Kielburger was shocked to discover the realities of child labour faced by kids his own age throughout the developing world. Their research methodology consists of various forms of evaluation. Today over 360,000 Canadians use our website as a go-to source for information on Canadian charities reading over 1.3 million charity reports. These organizations seek to benefit a range of causes, from local education to international aid. A charity set up by the Catholic Church to compensate residential school survivors spent $6.46-million, more than one quarter of its funds, on expenses, returned almost $600,000 We source our financial data and ratings from Charity Intelligence Canada, a third-party watchdog that analyzes Canadian charities. CASH ON HAND. Glassdoor gives you an inside look at what it's like to work at Charity Intelligence Canada, including salaries, reviews, office photos, and more. Found inside – Page 55For example, the Canadian Revenue Agency lists revenues close to CA$1 billion in ... 8 J. Grady, “Environmental Charities in Canada,” Charity Intelligence ... The organization implements development programs in Asia, Africa and Latin America, focusing on education, water, health, food and economic opportunity. Through its Building Brighter Futures program, Indspire has disbursed over $151.9 million through more than 48,742 scholarships and bursaries to Indigenous students since 2004. Charity Intelligence Canada has been cited multiple times during finance committee hearings about the WE affair, but had yet to testify in the committee's probe of the Canada Student Service Grant . Their high-quality, evidence-based research is unique in the non . Charity Intelligence’s website has reports on over 800 Canadian charities. Our website posts free reports on more than 800 Canadian charities, as well as in-depth primers on philanthropic sectors like Canada's environment, cancer, and homelessness. Through rigorous and independent research, Charity Intelligence aims to assist Canada’s dynamic charitable sector in being more transparent, accountable and focused on results. How does one skip questions? Charity Intelligence’s reports give donors the facts and figures to answer their questions about how charities spend money and the results they achieve. May 2021 - Present2 months. These are charities we have analysed and vetted so you can give with greater confidence. All from one place. Charity Intelligence researches Canadian charities for donors to be informed and give intelligently. 100.0%. Log in to your account to view all star ratings. Canada's best charities 2020: Overview. . Using data analytics, we find again and again top results at Canadian charities that are typically less well known. In this first Charity Intelligence sector report on the environment, our analysis found 3 issues that are the most pressing on the health of Canada's environment: 1. View Charity Intelligence's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. The following is an apology issued by Charity Intelligence Canada on May 1st, 2019. See what employees say it's like to work at Charity Intelligence Canada. Found insideIn No Such Thing as a Free Gift, author and academic Linsey McGoey puts this new golden age of philanthropy under the microscope—paying particular attention to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Have Impact. "The information shared by Canadaland in its questioning about budgeting, data and numbers is incorrect….Charity Intelligence Canada awarded WE Charity a perfect four-star rating." -Victor Li, CPA, CGA, CFO, WE (May 17,2019) When the pandemic began, WE Charity promptly laid off the majority of its workforce. This is trending to double by 2019. Found inside – Page 36833rd Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Canadian AI 2020, ... A fundamental question for charities is what action should they take next to ... Charity Intelligence and its analysts have made endeavours to ensure that the data in this report is accurate and complete but accepts no liability. View Charity Intelligence's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Bladder Cancer Canada was recently reviewed by Charity Intelligence, an independent organization that researches Canadian charities so that donors can be well informed and give intelligently. 4w. Charity Intelligence Canada 416.363.1555 Charity Intelligence Canada. Found insideCi [Charity Intelligence] believes charitable giving can make the largest impact within the education sector when it is directed toward addressing Canada's ... Canada. 100%. Have Impact. Out of all of Canada’s largest charities, these Top 100 highest-rated charities are the elite. And once again, Charity Intelligence Canada has given Indspire their four-star rating, naming us a Top 10 Canadian Impact Charity in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. Find Charities. Today Charity Intelligence's annualized website visits are over 400,000, informing and influencing an estimated $78 million in annual Canadian giving. Found inside – Page 397Homelessness in Canada: Afunder's primer in understanding the tragedy on Canada's streets. King City, ON: Charity Intelligence Canada. Kate Bahen, managing director of Charity Intelligence Canada, described to the House of Commons finance committee how she used easy-to-access financial information to report on her group's . On behalf of . All Rights Reserved. Found insideAn easier place to start, however, is with Charity Intelligence in Canada or Charity Navigator in the U.S.97 These third-party organizations are dedicated ... Maclean's is introducing a ranking of the best charities in the country: to help you make smarter, more effective decisions about charitable giving. Click on the charity's name to read Charity Intelligence's full report. From this short-list of Top 100 Rated Charities, Charity Intelligence is preparing its lists of Top 10 Impact Charities that we will release in November 2020. Have Impact. Have Impact. This makes Canada’s charity sector better for all. Today over 360,000 Canadians use our website as a go-to source for . Signed but no role in CSSG, in bu…. Charitable Registration Number: 80340 7956 RR0001. Found inside – Page 67Including such diverse items as the individual's reputation with respect to honesty , charity , intelligence , etc. , and the individual's assessment of ... Charity Intelligence Canada. Formation. The Charity Report is a source of independent ideas in the charity sector. To summarize a few: 1) Transparency Rating A charity must make their audited financial statements available to donors in… If you find Charity Intelligence’s research useful in your giving, please consider donating to support our work. All Rights Reserved. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Charity's connections and jobs at similar companies. Despite legal claims of poverty, on a combined basis, the Catholic Church is Canada's biggest charity - by a wide margin. Missing $1.8 million. -Analyze and consolidate audited financial statements, annual reports, and relevant news to report on Canada's leading charities' efficiency and efficacy. At this critical time with lower donations, our giving can’t be about us feeling good – our giving must do the most good possible to help those in need. Found insideMobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency Seth Klein ... 14 John Gandy, “Environmental Charities in Canada,” Charity Intelligence Canada, June 2013. 264 Followers, 522 Following, 18 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Charity Intelligence Canada (@charityintel) 549 followers. All Rights Reserved. One-quarter of Canada's top 100 charities have enough cash on hand to cover three or more years of annual program costs. How rich is the Catholic Church in Canada? A dog describes being mistreated by a cruel master but then later being taken in by a kind family. Found inside – Page 248... Gambling in Canada, Internet, World Wide Web: http://www.ccsa.ca/gmbivhtm Homeless Homeless in Canada—Charity Intelligence Canada, (2009) World Wise ... Categories: Society Tags: Canada , charities , report This year, with Covid, what we can afford to give matters more than ever. This is trending to double by 2019. These charities are becoming more transparent and accountable. Give Intelligently. She created Charity Intelligence Canada (CI) in 2007, a Toronto-based charitable foundation that rates the financial management and transparency of dozens of Canadian charities. Found inside – Page 583Charity watchdogs: • Charity Intelligence Canada. 2011. A recently formed organization that researches and analyzes the effectiveness of Canadian charities. WE Charity shutting Canadian operations is 'a drastic measure': Charity Intelligence Canada managing director VIDEO SIGN OUT After Don Jennison died in April 2005, his wife of 50 years, Joyce, wanted to honor him in a special way: Instead of a tombstone, she put $4,000 toward building a school in Kenya to better honor her husband, a former . Give Intelligently. Today over 360,000 Canadians use our website as a go-to source for information on Canadian charities reading over 1.3 million charity reports. Kate Bahen, managing director at Charity Intelligence Canada, joined Power & Politics Monday to discuss the three hours of fresh testimony from the Kielburger brothers at the Commons ethics committee. This is at the upper end of Imagine Canada’s April forecast that giving could drop by $4.2 billion to $6.2 billion. These charities receive more than $9.7 billion in donations each year, representing an estimated 57% of total Canadian giving. 2020's list includes some household names - such as Doctors Without Borders, World Vision, and Terry Fox Foundation - along with some newly-discovered gems. charityintelligence.ca (hosted on sucuri.net) details, including IP, backlinks, redirect information, and reverse IP shared hosting data 2020 Charity Intelligence. Our website posts free reports on more than 800 Canadian charities, as well as in-depth primers on philanthropic sectors like Canada's environment, cancer, and homelessness. Charity Intelligence Canada (CI) researches and analyzes Canadian registered charities and posts its findings on its publicly-available website (www.charityintelligence.ca). This book challenges the current state of the self-help industry, which has strayed from its roots of balancing personal growth and community building. Salaries, reviews, and more - all posted by employees working at Charity Intelligence Canada. Found insideCanada Helps https://www.canadahelps.org/en/, fundraising portal. Charity Intelligence https://charityintelligence.ca/, research on charities. Be Informed. Found insideKatherine Ruff is a researcher at Charity Intelligence Canada where she is ... development of methodologies to assess the social results of charities. Charity Intelligence researches Canadian charities for donors to be informed and give intelligently. On top of the Covid pandemic, the WE Charity scandal rattled donors' confidence and was another blow to giving. The views and opinions expressed are to inform donors in matters of public interest. At the same time, some Canadian charities are striving to improve their star ratings. These workbooks follow the current student worksheets used by JUMP tutors and classroom teachers, including: an introduction for parents and caregivers that clearly explains the thinking behind the program and provides hours of activities, ... Charity Intelligence Canada is a registered charity that assesses over 750 Canadian charitable organizations in Canada, to allow donors to be informed when they donate to charities, and to promote transparency, accountability, and results focus in the charitable sector. "This repeated public affirmation of our work . One lesson Canadians took to heart from the WE Charity scandal was the need to do more homework on the charities they support: 60% said they will do more homework according to Angus Reid survey. And ratings on Canadian charities for donors to be informed and give intelligently, Schultz., it does for donors to be informed and give intelligently, and Schultz, J Bank is pleased announce! 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Charity Intelligence examines return on investment for each dollar donated and in!, many frontline charities under enormous financial stress a reputable Canadian charitable organization to donate to different.! ( CI ) researches and analyzes the effectiveness of Canadian charities found insideEnvironmental charities in Canada which is engaged pro-abortion... Thomson, G., and has been issued a charitable registration number high stakeholder returns every. Charities across Canada to help Canadians be informed and give intelligently to Charity Intelligence return! Charity Makeover billion in donations on Canadian charities Rated on the basis of a rigorous assessment that. ; s like to work at Charity Intelligence researches Canadian charities for donors to informed.
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