The Alpha Shapeshifter returns in "Caged Heat" where he has been captured by the demon Crowley who tortures him for information on the location of Purgatory. The sheriff is killed when he refuses to rejoin them and the nest is wiped out by Dean and Donna. They begin a relationship and share a house for some months in Kermit before she discovers that her husband is still alive. Like the other hunters, Walt has seen no sign of them but promises to keep looking. In the fight that follows, a completely feral Claire attacks Dean, but he subdues her. After Crowley announces his intention to kill Lucifer while he is weakened, the demon begins openly laughing while Jervis mocks his words. The wraith's death ends her effect on the Winchesters who quickly make their escape. Many deities act on their own accord, gathering power or human sacrifices for themselves. Lucifer (Azazel, Dagon; Asmodeus, Ramiel, formerly)Hell (formerly) Eldon gets a new arm from a boy that had been bullying his little brother Cyrus and takes him and his cousin Roscoe to rob the bunker. The episode was nominated for a GLAAD award for its portrayal of Ghostfacers intern Alan Corbett. Shaking the bed, Anthony taunts the two priests over their own vices while they mistake him for Satan and call for Satan to leave the girl. In "Hunted", he kills Scott Carey- another of the 'special children'- and then tracks Sam down and tries to kill him, convinced that Sam and those like him are 'traitors' to humanity. In "Advanced Thanatology," Billie appears as the new Death. Disguised as a maid, Eileen comes to the mistaken impression that the Winchesters are Banshees and attacks Sam before they are able to sort it all out. With Lucifer locked up again and Lilith and Azazel dead, Ramiel is next in line to be the King of Hell. Arthur once again encounters the Winchesters who have Castiel knock him unconscious and lock him in the Impala's trunk, intending to kill him and scatter his ashes to make his death permanent. The Winchesters and Sheriff Donna Hanscum interrupt, causing Nick to break the devil's trap and free Abraxas. Rowena aids the Winchesters in dealing with the situation by sending Gavin back to his own time to die against Crowley's wishes to set the timeline right. The Bearded Demon, portrayed by Mackenzie Murdock, is an unnamed demon who has a recurring role in the tenth, eleventh and twelfth seasons. Fearing for her power, Rowena bows out of the deal soon after and joins the Winchesters, Lucifer, Crowley and God in combating the Darkness. This is rectified when Metatron is defeated and Heaven is reopened as seen in season 10's "Angel Heart" where the recently deceased Amelia Novak is reunited in Heaven with her husband. When told that they need to locate and burn the costumes, Donna offers to deal with that with Doug. According to Crowley, they will now be regular monsters, albeit ones that are much harder to kill. The nest had drank the man before turning him, resulting in him killing his family in his bloodlust. She has been living as a professor of medieval studies at San Francisco University. At the nest, Arthur initially arms himself with a gun, but decides to use a machete instead like Dean. Before Sierra can attack Dean with a knife, Sam stabs Sierra through the back with an angel blade, killing him. After Toni has a face-off with Mary Winchester, Mick arrives with Castiel at her location. They discover Amanda Willer, an employee of Dick Roman, surveying the site for construction. After two Angels return Kevin to his mother's house, Edgar easily kills the two. Fed up, particularly after the other demon begins laughing, Crowley draws an angel blade and quickly kills both Jervis and the other demon with it. Mary eventually returns to the original world with the refugees from 'Apocalypse World', forming a tentative relationship with the alternate Bobby as they attempt to fight the threat of the alternate Michael as he attempts to take Dean as his Vessel. After releasing the mark and unwittingly freeing The Darkness, Rowena escapes by turning Castiel against her son. Sam and Dean then cut her up and bury her in cement to forever entomb her. Samhain is a powerful whitish-eyed demon and the Origin of Halloween in season 4. Mick initially tries to kill Eileen per the British Men of Letters code, but Sam convinces Mick to follow his own code instead and he orders them to go. Wyatt interprets the work as an allegory and an in-depth character study about family dynamics, encouraging Sam to pursue the academic life he wants to attain without being shackled to family dictates. After Benny saves Castiel from Leviathans, he earns Dean's full trust and Dean carries him out of Purgatory in his arm. Through the connection that still exists between them, Dark Kaia has learned of her world's peril and is frustrated when the Winchesters refuse to use Jack's powers to open the rift as it risks drawing God's attention. Asmodeus states that Arthur is more wicked than any demon he knows "and I know 'em all", but recognizes that Arthur seeks redemption for his past actions which he doesn't think that Arthur can get. Charlie dies to protect Dean from the Witch, but he has Gadreel bring her back to life and tells her that she had only been knocked out, though she learns the truth anyway from Dorothy; Charlie later agrees to keep her death and subsequent resurrection a secret from Sam so long as Dean agrees to one day explain what had really happened. While everyone believed that Cain had killed Abel because he was talking to God, Cain actually killed him because he was talking to Lucifer. Claire and her mother are finally reunited and Claire tearfully embraces her rather than berating her like she'd planned. Pureblood werewolves, which are from generations closer to the Alpha Werewolf, the first werewolf, are able to control the change which can happen at any time. She is the adoptive daughter of Jody Mills and the adoptive sister of Claire Novak. After Arthur points out that only an archangel can wield it, Asmodeus introduces Arthur to the archangel Gabriel who has been believed dead for nearly eight years. Sam is shown to believe Doctor Hess' claims as he recognizes Lucifer's vessel from the surveillance pictures Doctor Hess shared with him. However, Azazel remained fanatically devoted to Lucifer and became the Ruler of Hell, setting out to find a way to release Lucifer and begin the Apocalypse. The Winchesters again seek her assistance in finding out why Anna Milton is able to hear angels speak. The episode "Remember the Titans" had Sam and Dean encountering Zeus (portrayed by John Novak) and Artemis (portrayed by Anna Van Hooft) who were hunting Prometheus. As seen on a few occasions, unlike most monsters, shapeshifters are not created through a person being turned but are in fact made through sexual reproduction with one shapeshifter parent and one regular human parent. When Lucifer arrived at the Elysium Motel upon being summoned by Mercury, he killed Mercury and the pagan gods until only Kali remained. While Kelly now believes the child to be good, Dagon believes that the child simply acted out of self-preservation. The First Blade's effects appear to burn out Josie's eyes similar to an angel smiting and Dean, under the influence of the Mark of Cain, further mutilates her corpse before being stopped by Sam. In addition, vampires cannot be killed through a stake to the heart. Though the Shadow can't collect on their deal yet, it enjoys torturing Castiel while he is still within its power. A case he worked during his year spent hunting with Sam is seen in the episode, "Unforgiven", during which Samuel was shown to be disturbed at soulless-Sam's actions, using one of their current allies as bait to trap a monster. Nick is subsequently tempted to murder a prostitute, but stops himself. Lucifer created them himself before the sinking of Atlantis. After finding Dean's old amulet glowing in Sam's pocket, the brothers follow it to the middle of the street where God, in the form of Chuck, is helping those affected by Amara. An attempt by her sons to rescue her leads to Lucifer's son Jack being trapped with Mary as well. Fifteen years later, Rufus responds to Bobby's request for information on Bela Talbot and helps Dean locate her in "Time Is On My Side." She is then confronted at gunpoint by Sam, Jody Mills and another hunter named Walt. Asa wrote postcards throughout his life to Mary detailing his discoveries and hunts, but never sent them as he never learned her whereabouts. However, it turns out to be a trap and both are captured. At the Kendricks Academy, Mick was best friends with a boy named Timothy. However, Dean and Claire are left behind as they don't want Claire getting hurt and the Mark of Cain's influence on Dean is getting worse. As a result, a pureblood werewolf named Justin, driven insane by loneliness after his peaceful pack was wiped out, turns a girl named Hayden Foster to be his mate, murdering her brother at the same time. In 1985, when Eileen was a baby, a Banshee attacked her house and murdered her parents. Completely fed up, Crowley draws an angel blade and kills Jervis and then the Bearded Demon. She is successfully protected when Michael possesses John to kill Anna, then erases Mary's memories so history remains the same. [4] While the "tyrant" Azazel commanded the demons in the first two seasons,[5] demons as a whole became the villains of the third season. In "Swan Song," Adam is Michael's vessel when he meets with Lucifer in Stull Cemetery for the final battle of the Apocalypse. Death agrees to do so if Dean performs Death's duties for an uninterrupted 24 hours. Ramiel was exploded into dust and Dagon and Asmodeus burned to ashes, but Azazel left behind, Although not revealed until the 12th season, Princes of Hell were the first demons to appear on the show, with. Dean suggests to Castiel that they keep an eye out for Benny, figuring that Benny probably took over Purgatory by now. The experience traumatizes Doug who breaks up with Donna over it. Shortly afterwards, the werewolf attacks Claire in broad daylight and bites her. The brothel, known as Raul's Girls, worked by kidnapping young women, forcing them into prostitution and then selling them to men in exchange for the men selling their souls as payment. Owing to their hallucinations, Sam assaults a doctor he believes to be the wraith with a silver-plated letter opener and nearly kills the man before Martin stops him after noticing the man's lack of reaction to being cut by the letter opener. However, Ishim grew dangerously obsessed with Lily. Amara, however, realizes that Chuck has never changed as a person, and leaves him trapped on earth. The pagan gods were persuaded to release the remaining humans. In season seven, Sam and Dean encounter Osiris (portrayed by Faran Tahir) in "Defending Your Life." Of the four deceased Princes of Hell, two have been killed by one of the Winchester brothers. Cutty captures the Winchesters and attempts to pit them against the massive vampire Maul, but they are rescued by Garth. At the same time, Sam, who was only put into a near-death state, regains consciousness in time to kill the remaining two werewolves and use their truck to return to the Impala. Since Bobby's death and Sam and Dean's subsequent year-long absence, he has taken on Bobby's role as hunter coordinator, although he remains mobile where Bobby maintained a 'home base', carrying various cell phones around with him; he has even started wearing Bobby's hat and attempting to imitate Bobby's old phrases, although this has met with variable success. She helps the Winchesters find the book after it has been taken by two sibling witches who hope to bring their dead mother back to life. In season 13's "The Bad Place," Kaia is sought out for help by the Nephilim Jack on the suggestion of Derek Swan as Jack needs a dreamwalker to open a rift to the Apocalypse World alternate reality and rescue Mary Winchester. In "Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire," while talking with the Darkness, Dean mentions having learned about her from Death. John uses The Colt to kill the vampire leader Luther, proving the legendary gun's power while two vampires manage to escape. In season 10's "Dark Dynasty," Crowley ties the demon to a pillar and uses him as a makeshift dartboard. Other hunters, including Bobby Singer, were aware of this and believed there to be no cure. Dean talks to Ben on the phone in "The Third Man". Originating from Scotland, she claims to be one of the few natural-born users of magic. When her family comes home, Chuck causes them to vanish with just a snap of his fingers, though Chuck claims that he has simply sent them "away." Once the Winchesters and Alice get onto Luther's property, Dean performs a summoning spell to bring Grab to them. He attended MIT, but was kicked out for "fighting". Despite John's attempts at parenting, Adam never saw John as his father and viewed his mother as his only family, but still wished to have a closer relationship with his father. He was able to figure out how to use Sam's cell phone, which he left behind (and which Colt sent back to him), and learned the date and Bobby's address from it. Samhain is the only so far known Whitish Eyed Demon and presumably the only one ever. One day in 1987, Mick and Timothy were pulled into the office of Doctor Hess, the Headmistress and one of the British Men of Letters Elders. Amelia was married to a man named Don Richardson, who was thought to have been killed while serving in Afghanistan. However Benny, who never intended to return to Earth, stays behind to hold off a group of vampires and allow Sam to escape. When the Alpha Shapeshifter will not talk, Crowley kills him through decapitation. Many commit chaos at their own accord, doing so because they find it fun. After hearing from his cousin Eli that he has found Charlie Bradbury, Eldon goes after her personally in hopes she has the Book. The Colt used in Supernatural has some special "features": . Rowena later tells Crowley that her actions were done to spite him for forcing her to kill Oskar in "Brother's Keeper". However, when Dean calls her and threatens Toni if she doesn't turn over Sam, she sends Ms. Watt to kill him. Moments later, Claire's transformation reverses itself and she wakes up completely human. The group determines that Wendy has been kidnapped by a serial abductor called the Butterfly and work together with FBI agent Terrance Clegg to try to solve the case. Lastly, Mick is shown talking to Mary Winchester, offering her the same things he offered Wally, but Mary shows interest instead. Unaware of how to hide his kills and having just come of age, he drew too much attention with his actions. After Dean leaves, Kevin demon-proofs Garth's houseboat even more, but Crowley shows up and reveals he killed Kevin's mother and got his location from her smartphone. Claire confronts Ronnie Cartwright, the last person to see her mother and is knocked unconscious. Barthamus threatens Alice's life to force the Winchesters to hand over the trunk, but Alice uses Dean's lighter to burn the bones instead. Rather than kill the demon, however, Dick makes a deal with Crowley: in exchange for Crowley giving the Winchesters the wrong blood as part of a trap, the demons will get a free rein with humans in the world, excluding America, which is the place where the leviathans are currently targeting for its abundant food source. Benny is last seen fighting the vampires. Several characters note the state of Nick's body over the course of the season with Castiel stating in "Two Minutes to Midnight" that Lucifer has to drink gallons of demon blood just to keep it intact at all. Asa was saved by hunter Mary Winchester who had come out of retirement briefly to tie up some loose ends, including killing the werewolf and stopping its killing spree. Unlike Azazel, Ramiel has long-since lost interest in Lucifer's plans and separated himself from Hell, joined by Dagon and Asmodeus. The angels call in an alternate reality Castiel to tear the information from Charlie's mind, but Sam, Dean, Mary, Jack and Castiel arrive to rescue them, killing all of the angels, including the alternate Castiel. Demons are corrupted human souls that have endured many years of torture in Hell. Dean breaks free and kills two of the three vampires, but Starr goes after Jody. In 1972, Azazel was able to contact Lucifer in his cage from St. Mary's Convent and was given instructions to release Lilith from Hell to find a very special child to act as Lucifer's vessel. Doug forgives her, telling Donna he has baggage too and the two are able to joke around with each other comfortably. Together, Dean and Arthur raid a POW camp, killing several angels and liberating Charlie and several other human prisoners. Mick berates Arthur who tells him he was trying to recruit Dean and would've succeeded if Mick's operation hadn't screwed things up. By the time the Winchesters track Dixon down, Gordon has killed his "new daughters" and escaped and a depressed Dixon asks to be killed. [12] The writers considered changing the eye color of regular demons to white, but eventually decided against it. She resurrects Sam in exchange for collecting Dean's soul in one year. Gerald, portrayed by Jackson Berlin and Viv Leacock, is a minor demon appearing season 10. The Alpha makes a deal with the Leviathans to share humanity among both species with the Leviathan substance that makes humans more docile making it easier for vampires to feed. It is later revealed that Samuel was resurrected by Crowley, and working with him in an attempt to find the location of Purgatory—the afterlife for monsters—in exchange for his daughter's resurrection. When Castiel is resurrected, Jimmy's body is restored to act as his vessel once again. As the brothers leave the damaged house, Gordon regains consciousness and chases them, firing two pistols in their direction. Dagon is later attacked by a team of angels led by Castiel who attempt to kill her with the Colt. The highest-ranking angels currently command the lesser-ranking, their former leader God having disappeared and left the angels to protect humanity in His place. However, when Randy's loan shark offers to take Claire to compensate for the debt, Randy agrees, forcing the Winchesters and Castiel to step in and save her. Sam and Dean rush over after driving all night only to find out that Becky has invited them to a Supernatural Convention for Chuck's books. Lucifer, also known as Satan and the Devil, is the main antagonist of the Supernatural franchise. Nick realizes that Abraxas was a demon who possessed Frank to murder Nick's family. Benjamin "Benny" Lafitte (Ty Olsson) is a vampire who was a vampire pirate during his first lifetime until he met Andrea Kormos and fell in love with her, leaving his nest and stopping feeding on humans. The truth is eventually revealed and is a source of conflict between the brothers for a time. He is also haunted by visions of a young woman he found hanging in the djinn's lair. Rogue vampire Desmond tries to get Benny to join him, but Benny refuses and Desmond leaves a trail of bodies to try to get Benny to agree, drawing the attention of insane hunter Martin Creaser and Sam and Dean. When Sam re-enters Dean's life in "Exile on Main Street", he reveals that he has been back for a year and hunting with the Campbells, including Gwen. Later, Asmodeus sends Sierra and Harrington to kill the Winchesters and Prophet Donatello Redfield while he uses the Nephilim Jack to release the Shedim from Hell. Found inside â Page 92He ceas'd , and Dagon rose , a Prince serene , Aspect mild , and of a winning Mein . ... Furthermore , when Blackmore deals with supernatural characters his ... In the process, Patience learns that her father lied to her for most of her life about her grandmother. The shapeshifter ends up killing and impersonating several people while the situation escalates with Ronald being killed by a SWAT sniper and the FBI getting involved. She has been trapped in Purgatory, where the souls of the supernatural go. As they leave, warning him not to keep Edgar's head too close to his body, the Alpha taunts them that they truly want to kill him instead of leaving it for another time and promises to "see you next season.". Dean is impressed by Ben's cool headed behavior during the rescue, having put Ben in charge of helping the other children out a window. Jael took advantage of the funeral to target the other hunters one by one, finally possessing Jody. Though annoyed, the Shadow reluctantly allows Castiel to converse with Ruby to find out the location of the Occultum. "Mother's Little Helper" reveals that Abaddon's history with the Men of Letters goes back further than previously thought, as Abaddon had been confronted by Henry and Josie when stealing people's souls at a convent sometime before her slaughter of the Men of Letters. Castiel then takes Kelly to a safe place to give birth, having been shown by the nephilim a vision of a future paradise. Lenore later returns in season 6's "Mommy Dearest" where she reveals that the influence of the Mother of All Monsters Eve caused her nest to return to feeding on humans. After tracking the omens to the area, the Winchesters realize they've found the right spot when they learn Castiel used the name James Novak since that is his vessel. Castiel notes that he thinks he is now technically married to the djinn queen. She is implied to have failed Lucifer in some way at some point. Status In the Bisaan lair, Jesse discovers his brother's remains along with the corpses of all of the Bisaan's other victims. If Azazel wasn't dead by then, he was killed when God destroyed his world. Kevin reveals that he has learned that it is possible to seal the gates of Hell forever and banish all demons from the Earth from the tablet and Sam and Dean decide to do so with his help. Moments after Jack's resurrection, Lily suffers a fatal heart attack and quietly dies. After giving the hunters Eve's location, Lenore is killed by Castiel at her own request. With Candy's help, Sam and Dean track down Linda in a storage unit in Wichita, Kansas where she and Sam end up trapped together due to the demon Del who has been holding Linda captive and torturing her. As Claire bonds with Kaia, she grows worried enough to lead the other girls after Jody and Donna. He is also known to have worked as a torturer in Hell. Lucifer tells Sam that Sam abandoning Dean for a normal life with Amelia is the worst thing that Sam has ever done and that Sam is still plagued by guilt over it. While originally happy, Dean is distressed by his distance from his family and the discovery that the people the Winchesters saved died in the alternate reality without Sam and Dean there to save him. Ramiel was eventually killed by Sam Winchester with the Lance of Michael and Castiel was saved, but Ramiel warned that his sister, Dagon, had taken an interest in Lucifer's son. While investigating the case, Dean recognizes the rig Neil is using to drain the home owner's blood as the same he was hooked up to by a djinn in "What Is and What Should Never Be" and confronts Neil who reveals that he was left as a trap for hunters by Michael while he was possessing Dean, resulting in Neil mistaking Dean for Michael when he arrived. Sam and Dean believe her and Dean goes off to find Castiel while Lily stays with Sam and convinces him of the threat Ishim poses to Dean. After introducing himself, Abraxas had possessed Frank to brutally beat Sarah and Nick's son Teddy to death with a hammer. Rather than trying the sales pitch of the other British Men of Letters, Arthur is frank with Dean about his motives, telling Dean that he is a killer and the British Men of Letters offer him the best chance to express his talents. A fight ensues in a warehouse where Gordon holds a girl he has kidnapped—and turned—to use as bait, ending with Sam decapitating him with a garotte improvised out of razor wire. When the Winchesters track Pestilence, he is revealed to be vengeful for the defeat of War and Famine. "Two Minutes to Midnight" also introduces Death's taste for the typical, renowned, and often unhealthy local restaurant foods of the places he visits, which becomes something of a running gag. Kevin explains that God lied about sending him to Heaven and instead cast Kevin's soul into Hell where he was released when God opened all the doors of Hell. After meeting the demon Belphegor, Arthur reveals that he was hired to assassinate Belphegor by the demon Ardat who claims that Belphegor is "a monstrous threat to humanity." In the season 10 episode "There's No Place Like Home", Sam and Dean find out that Charlie is back from Oz and is attacking people who helped cover up her parents deaths. Believing someone to have gotten to Arty, Nick attacks him and demands to know the truth. When she and Jody are captured by vengeful vampires one of them being Alex's boyfriend, Claire breaks free and protects them as the Winchesters arrive to save them. Primarily portrayed by an actress Alaina Huffman, Abaddon is described as the last remaining Knight of Hell, a class of mighty demons who were among the first of their kind. At some point during his career as a hunter, Gordon met John Winchester and Ellen Harvelle. **Character acts as an antagonist at first, but helps the Winchesters at some point, and can be considered a neutral character. In season 12's "Ladies Drink Free," Claire has become a full-time hunter, but lies to Jody that she is checking out colleges as she feels Jody is holding her back too much when they hunt together as Jody is somewhat overprotective. Lily and Sam arrive as Ishim prepares to kill Dean and Lily engages Ishim in battle. She confirms his suspicions, but denies that she killed H.P. "There's No Place Like Home" reveals that Charlie's given name is in fact Celeste Middleton. The two demons are eventually confronted by Crowley and though nervous, the demon joins Jervis in mocking Crowley. They became estranged after this. 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