When he loses the key to his power, the precious Sun Moon Jade, he’s forced to wander the realm of mortals in a desperate attempt to find it. P.S. On the surface, Hei Chi is Zong Hao’s subordinate. All this time, our heroes have felt that God was never on their side. Lin Shao Hai took Lin Mo home from an orphanage but lied to his mother that she is his own daughter to protect his wife who is barren. She also can be adventurous and trusting. Hua Yan is indebted to Jing Xiu for past assistance but she is also Ling Xi’s maid and friend. Found inside – Page 316She slowly become the little flicker of happiness in my day. ... last message from my side: “Dear Love, Most people think that there is always a sad ending. Your moment of happiness can be more colorful if you add some wise or funny happy captions with them. Found inside – Page 291She had never been young, never danced or made love. There was only the day. The morning sun and then theday, ending with the darkness when she lay in bed. 5 Dog Rescue Stories With A Happy End That Will Make You Sob. During the fight, Hei Chi is killed. Fashion King. There Is Such A Thing As "Happy Ever After". So, it is not so bad as a whole. Romance novels are a good bet - a happy ending being the defining attribute of the genre - and so, in a way, are murder mysteries, where we know the killer will be caught and justice . So in the true spirit of Valentine's Day, here are 10 Tragic Love Stories that Will Break Your Heart. She is adopted but he treats her as his own and dotes on her despite her disabilities. If you want a happy ending, you may like to try out The Story of Ming Lan (2018) which is a family period drama. It's just the place where you stop the story.". Most of the plot works to achieve the desired goal. is a series that takes place in a limbo-like world in which all of the characters are already dead.So, like The Good Place, which is a comedy about the afterlife, there is automatically a melancholy about the proceedings.. RELATED: 10 Of The Most Popular Pink Haired Anime Characters You Forgot Existed The fact that the characters can't pass on until they deal with an unresolved . "Happily ever after, or even just together ever after, is not cheesy," Wren said. Found inside – Page 434... with its all-consuming cult of love, virtuosic ensembles of intrigue, ... a choice of endings, one happy, one sad (both remain in the repertoire), ... If not Him, then … Continue reading "Angel's Last Mission: Love: Episodes 31-32 (Final)" It is a joy to watch how they interact as Ling Xi breaks down Jiu Chen’s defenses. DramaSlot.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites Nevertheless, I would still say give it a go for this Love And Destiny review despite the loose ending. Love comes in all forms, and these quotes will let you show your appreciation to everyone in your life. Sad. But do a sad ending badly, and no one believes your tragedy. It seems like a ballad but has a hopeful and bright tone, which in the end, sums up Jae Yeol . Due to a past love in the mortal world, Qing Yao has been unable to move forward. Happy Status in English If that wasn't sad enough, the movie ends with Shaw's and Trip's bodies being buried side by side in a mass grave. to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. I am gonna watch it rn. For me, this is enough to live for and to have meaning in life. Jiu Chen normally keeps a stern demeanor except with Ling Xi. Ten Miles Of Peach Blossoms vs The Pillow Book. 1. These are some dramas that have been highly recommended on this subreddit that I'm so tempted to watch, but I have yet to start because of the potential sad ending. Chocolat (2000) Error: please try again. Towards the last few episodes of Love And Destiny, preparations for the wedding of Jiu Chen and Ling Xi are underway. Ling Xi is only indebted to Jing Xiu for giving her his Pearl Of Life to save her in the mortal world and there is little more to it than a feeling of respect and gratitude. Will Chi Yu be able to right millennia of wrongs? The Demon Lord has also been awaken and is looking for a way to break free from his seal. Poetry is to educate people, to lead them away from hate to love, from violence to mercy and pity. She is arrogant and jealous as well as prone to temper tantrums. Unfortunately however this never happened! But that's not the way real relationships work. This . I would just like to bring this to people's attention. His disciples are Qing Yao and Cheng Yan. To Take Something Hard. Qing Yao is a capable and kind physician in 9th Heaven. . Jiu Chen suspects this has something to do with Ling Xi. I Love You (2007) This content is imported from YouTube. Diksha Sundriyal. The drama was filled with a lot of tear-jerking moments and having the male lead die at the end was such a punch to the heart but executed beautifully. After coming to a favorable review and I gave it a go. For five years we had been told that Arthur Pendragon is destined to unite the warring kingdoms of Albion and bring magic back to the realm. Love and Destiny has a happy ending too. Creativity itself doesn't care at all about results - the only thing it craves is the process. Desperate to keep her with him always, Chi Yu attempts to rewrite her fate and in so doing, dooms her to die at the age of thirty in each of her subsequent lives. What? Sigh. If you go to mydramalist in the comments they usually will say if the drama has happy ending or not! There's a strong relationship between love and happiness and these quotes are bound to help you find this link. Fashion King. - Open ending, still waiting for a season 2 once Zhao Liying (the lead actress) is finally comfortable with motherhood and ready to work again. But Jiu Chen almost died himself. 300 years later, she transforms back into human form but has no recollection of the past. She does so voluntarily after being asked by Jiu Chen. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Your destiny is never tied to anybody who left. Can a fate so detrimentally entwined really end in true love? Your Brain Prefers Happy Endings. When you're sad and broken because of love, all you can do is ignore the negativity and move forward. I've only watched these 3 series from the list: Story of Yanxi Palace - Sad ending: Many of the supporting characters died. It's by the same production team and set in the same universe as TMOPB. Once free, he vows to fix the problems he caused and so returns to Earth. Found inside – Page 110rather dark destiny. They will have moments of great sadness for many years, especially when they realize that they took the initiative to pull away from ... There’s no such thing as a clean happy ending. Into this cosmic void the tree pours that love; selfless, tragic, perhaps futile, but beautiful. He is the ruler of the 9th Heaven that also oversees the 6 realms. I suppose it leaves viewers with some room for imagination but the ending is a letdown after a good story for most of the drama. I quite enjoy those moments in CDramas. It's going to be so sad. She is a descendant of the Phoenix tribe but adopted by Le Buo. True love doesn't always mean you'll end up spending your time with the person you love. Fanart and memes are always welcome, so come join us to figure out what drama you should be picking up next! The Story of Yanxi Palace had a sad ending, in my eyes. Whether you're on the receiving end of a split or the one doing the splitting, you're bound to experience intense feelings of sadness in the days following a separation.But there are a few time-tested ways to ease the pain that comes with a breakup. Things like planetary materials, tokens, and Powerful Rewards are all discussed, with some good, some bad news throughout. He does not hesitate to kill to achieve his aim. Sometimes these lines become popular and used by people to share with someone special thru written love letters. Welcome to the Chinese drama subreddit! It's a song that professes love towards the counterpart, comparing her to the greatest luck of all. The Best Happy Ending Movies. TYSM. If it's not a happy ending then it's not the ending at all. Jing Xiu moves in quickly to stop her from spilling the beans and she dies as a result. I think what makes this drama a success is the chemistry between Chang Chen and Ni Ni as Jiu Chen and Ling Xi respectively. This is also what makes Si Ming uncomfortable about their relationship. 4. So, Hei Chi betrays Zhong Hao and stabs him in the back as Jing Xiu finishes him off when they have managed to open up the abyss. Happy Endings Quotes. I saw some discussions from Chinese portals and the reactions are alright. Her brother is Yuan Zheng who used to serve under Jiu Chen but died in the war with the demons. It's probably that people love to see characters struggle, as long as it ends in triumph. By the age of three, most kids have clear concepts of goodies and baddies. But as Jiu Chen persists, Lin Mo also finds him irresistible. She is a merfolk which means she can transform into another being at certain ages. She loves Jing Xiu but the love is one-sided. There is also a compelling storyline to the other parts to tie everything up nicely. Jiu Chen is serious and stern while Ling Xi is playful and gentle. tags: endings , happy-endings , writing. Chang Chen and Ni Ni did very well with their characters. Found insideThe image of the earth that has lost love, frozen by the winter wind, almost seems to symbolically want to allude the sad ending that destiny had in store ... I love the way it's going. Jiu Chen holds the position of God Of War in the 9th Heaven. , Happy ending: The main leads end together happily. But Si Ming has always avoided her and feels uncomfortable about a romantic relationship. Instead of focusing on a happy ending, the makers of these shows create small but meaningful moments of happiness sprinkled throughout as a storytelling device. Jiu Chen is a serious, responsible, and capable senior immortal who is usually unruffled by emotions. Ending should be happy for the main pair. In the end, It was NOT a happy ending nor the one that keep us wondering whether it was a happy or sad ending. I have not watched Eternal Love yet, so I cannot compare these 2 dramas as I write up this Love And Destiny review. Found insideIt's now possible, through DVD technology, to select the destiny of the characters. Do you want them happy or sad? Will the ending be conclusive or ... Hua Yan meets Ling Xi but has no memory of the past. Jing Xiu’s general, He Bi, is killed when they are fighting their way out of Tianxi Palace after their secret has been exposed. 19. She knows duty would call upon Jiu Chen to come down to the abyss. The happiness in Cdrama endings is doled out VERY sparingly & ALWAYS with a sizable amount of tragedy. Found insideIn just one night her destiny changed, it's a happy simple love story, without a happy ending ever after at the end of it, it is the sweetest story anyone ... Found insideSad? Genuinely happy? Indifferent?” “He didn't have any particular look. ... “Don't you think it's destiny Jake ending up here, of all places? However, Qin Yuan is not entirely evil as he has his limits. Goodbye My Princess smashed my heart but its epilogue cured it, I think I have never seen a better one. So we really have to see PBJ happy and Doom falling in love with her , because I think she dies. To Break One's Heart. Found inside – Page 165... leaving the inhabitants of Crete free to follow their own destiny. ... clearly such a happy ending was not to interfere with its sad course. Expressing one's feelings is one of the hardest things to do. A detective's regrets Go with that one. Yun Feng has been relentless in his pursuit of Qing Yao. A big-time film producer, Wen Xi, is nothing like the woman he remembers, but Chi Yu refuses to let her go until he’s made amends. Found inside – Page 23More emotions were created leading to ecstasy and love was born. The sound of a voice can be ... But the happy ending is death. And how sad death is for the ... They love the happy endings in picture books, and get cross when Uncle Robert changes the ending so that the big bad bear . However, Qing Yao carries a yearning for her mortal husband who has since died. Required fields are marked *. The only other Xianxia I watched aside from Ashes of Love and TMOPB is the Eternal Love series (1 & 2). Found inside – Page 92see the efforts Aarush made in every moment to make me feel happy. Really I am really blessed to have a friend and a man like him in my life, my destiny was ... She passes the trial and returns stronger as Ling Xi with her demonic mark extinguished. You have to pay much attention so you can understand. Quotes tagged as "happy-endings" Showing 1-30 of 157. She has been reincarnated as a mortal after her death and while in the mortal world, she is a disciple of Bao Shuo Zhu whose grand master is Jiu Chen. So, it is a happy ending whereby they have a reunion after being separated for 300 years following the battle with Jing Xiu at the bottom of the Spirit Chaining Abyss. Found inside – Page 10I am happy because so and so loves me, or I am sad because so and so doesn't love ... that I am no longer a victim, that I can control my life and destiny. Romeo and Juliet is one of the most famous love stories in English literature. I was heartbroken after watching that! It is never explained how Ling Xi escaped from the Spirit Chaining Abyss. The story doesn’t tell us what exactly happened to them but Jiu Chen is seen returning to Ling Xi at Polar Abyss 300 years later. Her master is Le Buo which makes Ling Xi her disciple younger sister. Chang Chen’s strong features are suitable for this role and he successfully displays a dominant man with his screen presence. Found inside“You can't tell if the ending is happy until you reach it,” he reminded me. ... Your mom made us cookies and ice cream, both if I was sad. I just finished watching Your lie in April, I cried like a baby, I now would like to cry like a baby in happiness, so does anyone have any suggestions in Anime's that are romance based, with happy end As time passes by, Ling Xi and Jiu Chen fall in love. If you're a maid of honor or the bridesmaid setting up and planning a wedding shower, consider . Jing Xiu is a royal counselor in the Mountain Spirit realm. Destiny will do what it wants with you, regardless. I have so much love for Matthew Quick's The Silver Linings Playbook (2008), and not just because it's set in my area. The drama ending was very heartbreaking, fans cried a lot because of how it ended but the sequences of the last episodes made fans very happy. People tend to focus on whether an experience ends on an up note or a sour one, even if it leads us to make bad decisions. Love the work. in love. The only dissatisfaction that I have is the loose tie-up in the last episode. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. I can't bear to commit 30+ hours on dramas only to have my heart broken (I mean, the reason why I watch these dramas is for the happy feels, even if the happy ending comes at the last half of the last episode--I'm looking at you Ashes of Love and Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms). As soon as forever . It is most often used in the connection with ending a romantic relationship with someone. And when you do feel happy, you really want to capture that moment and share it with your friends on Facebook or Instagram. His father is a former army general under Jiu Chen but was banished from 9th Heaven. In this page, we share some of the best sad love quotes, hope you can find your feeling here and feel better! Nirvana in Fire is bittersweet. I THINK scarlet heart was sad (I only watched kdrama version). Found insideno happy or sad endings; it only continues from one point to another, teaching what the end brings as a conclusion to all that has unfolded as a drama. She is an ambitious and jealous individual. In the final scene of the last episode, Jiu Chen is seen returning to Ling Xi and their little daughter at Polar Abyss. With Jui Chen guarding the demon gate at the bottom of the abyss and Ling Xi joining him, Jing Xiu goes there to look for them. It's hard to watch the bloodbath ending of Hamlet and find any scrap of comfort. It's by the same production team and set in the same universe as TMOPB. Your email address will not be published. He didn’t accept her advances throughout the drama although they are friends. So do check out the Love And Destiny episode summary for a recap of the whole story. Both of them share the same master. Votes: 183,353 | Gross: $71.51M. At the ending of Life Is Beautiful, it's revealed that the narrator of the story is the grown-up Joshua, the character we've seen as a little boy throughout the film.He tells of the great . A new study . The emperor sealed the fall into the astral enchantment, and the two had a deadly contest in it. Found inside – Page 24So Chesterton was happy , we are told , because he was dropped into fame , and a circle of ... perhaps happiness even has the power to influence destiny . Lin Mo died after removing the Pearl Of Life within her that is keeping her alive. Found inside – Page 27Writers may be tempted to tack on a happy ending to a sad story ( or even vice - versa ) ... Yuki chooses a path that has been her destiny all along . Hei Chi is killed by Jiu Chen’s general as he escorts Bao Xing’s servant to be banished to a barren land. I loved it, it's such a beautiful show. Can anyone recommend some historical dramas (xianxia or wuxia) that have HAPPY ending? Your email address will not be published. By then, the demonic aura has more or less makes her lose her mind. 21 Literary Quotes On Beginnings, Middles, And Endings. Meaning: to cause one to be sad. But, let me remind you, Spoiler Alert for those who dislike spoilers. Jing Xiu orders her killed to prevent her from telling Ling Xi. After Yun Feng is turned into a statue for 1,000 years to take a punishment on her behalf, Qing Yao begins to appreciate him and misses him terribly. Our lead couple kisses, their trusty animal/magical sidekick makes a joke, end scene. Wandering Earth, he finds himself drawn to a strong female general who eventually captures his heart. How would Jiu Chen protect her? This is a love across time and space to unwind time and dispel the deepest darkness — an epic love yearning to bring us home to our country, where endless days of running and playing await. Found inside – Page 150Thus uplifted , Carlos , life appears so all who love me , had failed , as it seemed ... in spite of its sad ending , is a lover broken - hearted away ? A chance encounter with Ling Xi wakes him up after 50,000 years. The Yuan family has an illustrious history as they have served the realm well over thousands of years. But before you get a happy fairytale ending, there's a chance you'll collect a sad love story or two along the way. The latest blog update at Bungie takes aim at changes to Destiny 2 's economy coming in Beyond Light. A series of mistakes caused her to be demoted and stripped of her years of cultivation. Sad quotes about love can help you go through the tough times in your love life. So I will keep on watching. . She also goes to the mortal world to treat people. She has just gained her immortality. Dropped (sort of) Name: Destiny's Love Writer/director: Date: April 2019 Number of episodes: 36 Genre: Romance, Comedy, Deity Based on book/manga? V makes the argument that this is the "least bloody" option . 4595 likes. The middle part could be a little draggy and could have been shortened. Found inside – Page 89I don't know that I would wish to survive without love . ... own small ecstasy each time one of her fictitious ladies found her hero and her happy ending . Your destiny is never tied to anybody who left. This is because the servant knows Jing Xiu’s secret and Jiu Chen orders his general to save her. If anyone can tell me if they have happy endings or not, I would be so grateful: If there are other historical dramas that you'd recommend and has happy ending, lmk! She convinces Jing Xiu to be the new Demon Lord and helps him to open the demon gate at the bottom of the Spirit Chaining Abyss. He is a cruel man intent on helping the Demon Lord to break free from the seal affixed by Jiu Chen. I've also featured this book on my post about bipolar heroes in romance stories, but it definitely belongs on this list of books with happy endings.Our hero, Pat, believes in silver linings to every negative situation, a cheery creed he clings to after his bipolar . It sucks you in like The Untamed and the deep love of 2 men for a woman is akin to Princess Silver. Ling Yue is the ruler of Mountain Spirit. Yun Feng is capable but can be laidback in his work. Hi everyone! It's a song that professes love towards the counterpart, comparing her to the greatest luck of all. In that sense, the romance is only one part of the story. Le Buo is the owner of Peach Blossom Fields. let them walk. Their future is shining with hope…but Fate casts a long, long shadow. Wandering Earth, he finds himself drawn to a strong female general who eventually captures his heart. I cant help but read abit spoilers about the ending. This is a space for all fans of cdramas, TV shows, web series, as well as actors and actresses. How sad that 13 forgets about Si Ming. Found inside – Page 237Maybe your brain likes sad endings, or maybe your world has thrown crap all over ... I'm the guy who saw his love so many times in his dreams that she never ... Found inside – Page 53Her not have to have a sad ending . ” Or , as the ten - year vigil is rewarded in the happy ending : film's director , Vincent Donehue , explained to the ... From the acting to the costume, Love And Destiny has pretty high marks in my books. Every time the drama pulls away to other characters there's nothing new to see. Love and Destiny has a happy ending too. in the end, just can't . So, they did marry but the oath is taken at the bottom of the abyss rather than at a grand wedding that everyone is anticipating. So in the true spirit of Valentine's Day, here are 10 Tragic Love Stories that Will Break Your Heart. ― Frank Herbert. Found inside – Page 269“ But I think what began as a sad story had a happy ending after all , ” she smiled again . ... Meanwhile all is fair in love and war . Okay ? Ling Xi is an innocent earthly fairy from Peach Blossom Fields. Still, even during the worst of times, our tragic trio are holding out hope that He will save them in the end. I believe this is because of the eastern philosophy that the journey itself & living well in the present moment, are more important than arriving at a perfectly happy destination at the end. Zhong Hao is a rebel in Mountain Spirit who is hunted by Jing Xiu. This ending is largely considered the worst in Cyberpunk 2077 among those unfortunate enough to have chosen it. Why Merlin's Ending Might Make More Sense. Love Park Bo young, fantastic actress. Found inside – Page 29Live,Love,Laugh. Happy beginnings don't always remain Sad endings sometimes stay the same Even in the midst of turning things around Life gets confusing and ... With his suffering, he wants others to suffer with him. While one might hope for a happy ending in this one, there's none, except for a really sad and heartbreaking goodbye. This is a love across time and space to unwind time and dispel the deepest darkness — an epic love yearning to bring us home to our country, where endless days of running and playing await. "Dangerously In Love" by Destiny's ChildListen to Destiny's Child: https://DestinysChild.lnk.to/listenYDSubscribe to the official Destiny's Child YouTube cha. It simply sizzles. - Sad. He trusts Jiu Chen a lot and is supportive of all of Jui Chen’s decisions. Our story has three parts: a beginning, a middle, and an end. Chinese, Korean & Hong Kong Drama Reviews, November 3, 2019 by Drama Addict 2 Comments. His has a deep love for Lin Mo which he couldn’t let go of. Whether it's because of the tragic ending, the passionate love or the excellent writing, the play has been and […] Shi San used to be a male before she transforms into a female due to her interest in Si Ming. Though you didn’t mention it, Ever Night fits your criteria for genre, and while it ends on a sad cliffhanger, the next season is currently being filmed. - Sad ending. The Emperor is wise and fair. Even done well, a sad ending can be rather—depressing. Work like a monk, or a mule, or some other representative metaphor for diligence. No it doesn't! She overhears Jing Xiu’s conversation with Bao Xing about the death of Ling Yue. Learn to love the process and let whatever happens next happen, without fussing too much about it. So, Jiu Chen and Jing Xiu are trapped inside the gate. Yuan Tong is an army general in the 9th Heaven. Fuyao has a poorly written and somewhat confusing ending, but it’s happy. Shi San is never shy about her feelings for Si Ming. The male lead dies after getting diagnosed with cancer, a heartbreaking resolution made worse by . Ni Ni shines in her role too. He never listened to their prayers, never granted their wishes, and He never showed mercy. And although this is the way all stories unfold, I still can't believe that ours didn't go on forever. Yuan Tong has feelings for Jiu Chen but it was never reciprocated. Others killed by Jing Xiu and his men are Ling Yue, Grandmother Shi, Hua Yan, and Bao Xing. . Found insidea womanfor whom love may be apart oflife, but can never be life itself They clash, ... a tragedy is always sad, a comedy will have a happy ending, ... mine_mine March 7, 2020. That's Not Always Smart. But the wedding ceremony didn’t take place as Jiu Chen has jumped into the Spirit Chaining Abyss to guard the demon’s gate. Found inside – Page 94Abby said, “Even good journeys can end with a happy or sad ending. ... security and closer to my destiny or my boyfriend's death (joking); either way there ... Get yourself prepared with whole bunch of tissue when you decided to watched them. Compiling a feel-good playlist of the best breakup songs. These moments drive character development & enrich the story in a way not often seen in western television. When I first started watching, I thought it was moving a bit too slowly, but I'm really glad I stuck with it because the drama ended up being fantastic (in my opinion, it is the best drama of the year). Titanic (1997) In the late 90s, Titanic was the be-all and end-all of sad romantic movies. Eventually, Shi San turned into a fish to stay alive after being severely injured by Jing Xiu. He left his master to help his adopted father with his revenge against Jing Xiu. Will Chi Yu be able to right millennia of wrongs? Against this backdrop the tree's love gains its heft. Su-bong says that reporters came to Dad's workshop in search of answers regarding the ending, but Dad never returned. To escape this dilemma, people like to express their feelings anonymously. If that wasn't sad enough, the movie ends with Shaw's and Trip's bodies being buried side by side in a mass grave. That is a inevitable part when two people in love with each other. Sorry to be a downer, friends, but it's true. Human beings love stories because they safely show us beginnings, middles and ends. Use In A Sentence: Wayne broke that girl's heart when he told her he just wanted to be friends. (Source: Viki.com), Awesome Cdrama Rom-Coms to Watch on Any Day. 75 Sad Romance Movies. Ending wasn't my favorite, but it was happy. She is fiercely loyal although she can also be a bit clueless and reckless. And I've read so many books where a so-so ending kept the book from becoming great. When he loses the key to his power, the precious Sun Moon Jade, he’s forced to wander the realm of mortals in a desperate attempt to find it. She is convincing as an innocent lovestruck fairy who is awed by her man. Owner of Peach Blossom Fields us Beginnings, Middles and ends, most kids clear. Rewards are all discussed, with some good, you really want to capture that moment share. Violence to mercy and pity, stage design, costumes and more importantly the plot! Also covers Ling Xi and their little daughter in the final scene the! Reddit on an old novel senior immortal who helps to keep peace she harmed. Indebted to Jing Xiu is trapped by his love for Lin Mo died, the aura! Versions affect main plot since it 's by the age of three, kids! Kisses, their trusty animal/magical sidekick makes a joke, end scene killed Ling.. I also have no complaints regarding the rest sold her soul to the of... 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Is awed by her man capable and kind physician in 9th Heaven she gradually falls in love makes Ming.
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