stream Future Continuous Tense• Future Continuous has two different forms: "will be doing. Alex ___ late. on a beach tomorrow. endobj Try this exercise to test your grammar. soon. Many students will be participating in sports. Past Perfect Continuous Tense For example it cannot be used with adverbs like yesterday or last week. In the article below we have accomplished future continuous tense exercises with answers for students/ teachers of ESL. <>/Group <> Past Perfect Tense 9 0 obj future tenses mind map. endobj Tenses are all used to indicate action that has taken place in. 8. Present Perfect Simple And Continuous Present Perfect English Grammar English Grammar Worksheets. _____ future perfect progressive (continuous) tense is formed by using will have been followed by the –ing form of the verb. We have three worksheets (JPG) as well as in PDF. 27 0 obj ( will, shall)      +      Sub     + be   +            ing form                        +    object     +    ? Future Continuous Tense Examples. Introduce the Future Continuous. �ʁt�1H��@aL*9�K?$��H�%_!�+�� C� �ʁt�1H��@aL*9�K?$���T�%_!�+�� W� I             +         shall be        +        playing           +           cricket. endobj ; Michael will be enjoying a picnic this Saturday. The four basic future tenses (present simple, present continuous, be going to and will) are all shown on one page. the page is colour e... A set of speaking cards to practice/revise the different future forms (will, to be going to, Present Continuous). Students work in groups... soon. Jeff will be traveling around the world in March. (Future Continuous) By Really Learn English Visit the Future Progressive (Continuous) Section for More Resources Who are they? He fishes whenever he can. a) will be driving b) will have drive c) will be drive. There are 10 questions in this quiz. Form a sentence using the future tense. 6. endobj Future continuous tense (exercises + PDF) › See more all of the best law on Law Details: Future simple and continuous exercises.PDF worksheets with answer keys: Future continuous exercises PDF 1 Affirmative.Exercise 1: Write what the Scott family will be doing this time on Monday.Exercise 2: Complete sentences with verbs in the box.Future continuous exercises PDF … Sam will be studying at two o’clock. Will you be working tonight? 14 0 obj �ʁt�1H��@aL*9�K?$��B�%_!�+�� �� Future Continuous Tense. Past, Present, and Future Tense. Found insideThe book also features a unique answer key that gives you more than just a listing of correct answers; it clues you in on the "why" behind them. 15 0 obj <> endobj It is utilized to indicate an action that will be going on at some time in the future. Some sentences of english related to future perfect continuous tense.Daily use sentences in urdu and english and these sentences will greatly improve your english and enhance your english grammar and vocabulary.Try to revise these sentences on daily basis and try to understand the recognization of future tense so you can easily find the tense you are learning.Download this … 10 0 obj In present simple future tense exercises pdf, present simple present continuous past simple future tense exercises pdf, simple present past and future tense worksheet pdf Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Only theory (use, examples, pictures). endobj 25 0 obj It tests what you learned on the Future Continuous page. 4. endstream <> endobj x�3R��2�35W(�2�300P@&�ҹ ; I will be getting ready for office at 7 am. Similar: 13 0 obj In the case of interrogative sentences, the helping verb (will, shall) is placed at the start of the sentence before the subject and be is placed after the subject. Where will Brad be fishing this weekend? Future Perfect Continuous Tense REMEMBER No Future in Time Clauses Like all future forms, the future perfect continuous cannot be used in clauses beginning with time expressions such as : when, while, before, after, by the time, as soon as, if, unless, etc. Get an email with a link and download the PDF … <> Look at the following sentences: 1. stream �ʁt�1H��@aL*9�K?$��R�%_!�+�� � Future Perfect Tense, Future indefinite Tense | Download complete PDF, Future Perfect Tense | Download complete PDF, 300+ Opposite of Intense, Antonyms of intense PDF, Opposite of Satisfaction, Antonyms of satisfaction with Meaning & Examples, Opposite of Death, Antonyms of death with Meaning & Examples, 10 examples of common nouns in English with PDF, 25+ Geometric shapes names and pictures PDF. Will many of students be participating in sports? The poet will be writing a romantic poem for the program. And a question mark is added at the end. <> However, future continuous tense is less common in use. By beagmeur. �ʁt�1H��@aL*9�K?$��\�%_!�+�� �� Future continuous tense relates to the actions that have been planned or are likely to be planned. Future Perfect Continuous (FPC) is a verb tense that is used to denote an action will be in progress in the future. 8. Future Perfect Continuous Tense: The Future Perfect Continuous Tense is used to express an action that will have been going on at or before some point of time in the Future. It includes jumbled sentence exercises on making positive, negative sentences and questions by using future continuous or AKA future progressive tense. dinner at home. �ʁt�1H��@aL*9�K?$���@�%_!�+�� �� The Grammar of the English Tense System forms the first volume of a four-volume set, The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase. The other volumes, to appear over the next few years, will deal with mood and modality, aspect and voice. You (wait) for her when her plane arrives tonight. <> 4 0 obj Complete the sentence. Will be is used with you, he, she, it, they and all nouns.Shall be is used with I and we only.. 1. x�3R��2�35W(�2�300P@&�ҹ Free Printable Worksheets on Future Perfect Tense. Future Continuous Tense (I will) I’ll (He will) He’ll (She will) She’ll (It will) It’ll be working. For question sentences, we exchange the subject and will. endobj h��Z�n�6�~��3�� ݴ E�`��A�H�H�Y��ߡ(��cZ��0ʃMڢx�93��`�)ˀk�C�Ls&�2+�1� �����֚*��5�PYj���v�7d�_�L(i��$��F[&��K��H� 0��1�)-��Q4���Xδ�/�� ��OGiꇦb���f�S��U�nw�9��vg��r`�:ެ�ڂd(�Wn9�UR' �F�$��x(�"��C�j4��@Ew�9���:�=�\2������9�F? Found inside – Page 84A PDF-style e-book Sapna Gandhi-Rao, Maria McCormack, Elizabeth Trelenberg ... Progressive Tenses The progressive or continuous tenses, ... . future simple future continuous i/you/he/she/it/we/they will ('ll) + infinitive will not (won't) + infinitive i / we shall ('ll) + infinitive* will be + ing-form future perfect future perfect continuous will have + past participle will have been + ing-form * shall ('ll) is used with i/we when making an offer or suggestion. Formation: stream Pair work or small groups. endobj A new approach to linguistic meaning and grammatical constructions based on simple geometric principles. 3 Some grammar books refer to the present continuous as the present progressive. <> x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@���@QC= P A�J��� �1Tp�W� = in progress = progress completed and fact true • Use the following structure to form the future perfect (progressive) tense: 40 0 obj Similar: stream Future simple - future continuous - future perfect: elementary and intermediate level . x�3R��2�35W(�2�300P@&�ҹ endobj English: Future Continuous Tense. 1. x�3R��2�35W(�2�300P@&�ҹ . The future continuous tense is used for an action at a particular moment in the future, The action will start before that moment but it Will not have finished at that moment. stream He is buying the car tomorrow. stream <> <> Verb Tenses are different forms of verbs describing something happened in the past, happening at present or will happen in the future. the car. B: Yes, I will. B: … Future continuous Tense. x�3R��2�35W(�2�300P@&�ҹ <> Form a sentence using the future perfect progressive tense. They won’t be driving tomorrow. Will be and shall be are the helping verbs that are used in the future continuous tense.It is also names as Future progressive tense. What will be happening? ID: 1114491 Language: English School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) Grade/level: Grade-9 Age: 8-17 Main content: Future continuous tense Other contents: Add to my workbooks (18) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google Classroom We use the Future Continuous Tense We use to describe an action that will or won't be going on at a certain time in the future. Future Continuous Level Intermediate ANSWER KEY 1. This fully updated edition of Grammar Essentials is designed for students and adults who need to improve their writing ability quickly to move ahead. endobj �ʁt�1H��@aL*9�K?$��T�%_!�+�� �� Some sentences of english related to future perfect continuous tense.Daily use sentences in urdu and english and these sentences will greatly improve your english and enhance your english grammar and vocabulary.Try to revise these sentences on daily basis and try to understand the recognization of future tense so you can easily find the tense you are learning.Download this lesson in pdf … English tenses PDF exercises. <> <> stream The Future Continuous Exercise will be dancing A Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets using the future continuous tense. “ will be “ is used with you, he, she, it, they, and all nouns. The four basic future tenses (present simple, present continuous, be going to and will) are all shown on one page. 43 0 obj 14 million users since 2009. We use the Future Continuous Tense We use to describe an action that will or won't be going on at a certain time in the future. Verbs – Perfect and Past Tense with Since / For / Ago. stream Download PDF The future continuous tense is used to say that something will be in progress at a particular point of time in the future. FUTURE CONTINUOUS/PROGRESSIVE TENSE This post includes detailed expressions about Future Continuous Tense and its structures in english. D. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense Past future perfect continuous tense adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kalimat yang akan telah sedang terjadi di masa lalu. 3 0 obj WORKSHEET 20 : Tense Review . “shall be” is used with I and us only. �ʁt�1H��@aL*9�K?$���R�%_!�+�� �� The verb in the future continuous tense is made of two parts: The future tense form of verb ‘to be’ – will be ‘ing’ affixed to the base verb. Future Perfect Continuous Exercise Make the future perfect continuous. Tenses denote the time of action. (will be, shall be) are used as helping verbs. Part 1: Fill in the Blanks. WORKSHEET 16 : Future Continuous . stream ; I will be getting ready for office at 7 am. 1. esl Next, we complicate these sentences with time and place words. Here's a worksheet to consolidate the forms of future continuous tense. Madhubun’s Grammar for Learners is a series of eight books for students of Classes 1 to 8. “ will be “ is used with you, he, she, it, they, and all nouns. endobj 8 0 obj 7 Picture-Based Present Continuous Worksheets PDF 8 Preposition Exercises for Location Time and Movement PDF 5 Future Tense Vocabulary and Speaking Exercises. ... Use the Future Progressive tense. In the tradition of Octavia Butler, here is radical self-help, society-help, and planet-help to shape the futures we want. endobj Aug 13 2019 Past Continuous Tense Exercises It Is A Practice Exercise For You You Need To Choose Exercicios De Ingles Ensino De Ingles Licoes De Gramatica. Future Continuous Tense Worksheet with Answers. (3)Future Tense. Terry/study French/ study German. <> Click Here. 16,540 Downloads. Total Grammar is an English grammar reference and practice book that adopts a learner-centred and level-appropriate approach which enables intermediate learners to learn effectively, in pairs and groups. Future Tense. Here's the first exercise about the future continuous (also called 'future progressive'). <> The FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE (“I will be working”) is used often by native speakers, yet many English learners have never learned it. Example: I shall be sleeping at around 6.00 AM tomorrow. Future perfect tense vs future continuous exercises pdf Home » Grammar » Intermediate to upper intermediate Look at these examples to see how the future continuous and future perfect are used. Found insideFirst published in 1991, this book looks at tense in English, one of the most controversial areas of grammar. endstream <> The simple future tense. Present simple vs present continuous Exercises PDF worksheets and grammar rules. Future continuous positive. 22 0 obj <> 19 0 obj This new edition has been updated and revised to accompany the Fifth edition of English Grammar in Use, the first choice for intermediate (B1-B2) learners. P/S: For more English lesson packages, check out 0ur Resources Page here. By expanding these three forms, you will learn 16 tenses in all. <> 4 For a review of the spelling of the form of the verb, see Appendix A.–ing 5 See Lesson 1, page 5 for exceptions. <> Future Tense. For these future continuous examples, we have tried to keep things as organized as possible. Brad likes to fish. endobj A power point presentation to be used in order to explain Simple Future & Future continuous. <> Sometimes the future continuous tense is also used to predict the present. This paper. All activities are keyed to the three levels of the Azar Grammar Series, by Better Schrampfer Azar Red for Beginning, Black for Intermediate, Blue for Advanced and have time allocations so teachers can choose those that fit their class ... endstream Grammar Exercises Summary Tenses Verbs Irregular Verbs Gerunds and Infinitives Modals (could, should, would) Adjectives and adverbs Pronouns Prepositions Nouns Articles (a, an, the) Questions Passive Voice Other Grammar points TENSES … He’s stuck in traffic. I will be attending a program of my varsity on Friday. The future continuous tense is used when an action is promised/thought to be going on at a specific time/context in the future. <> I will be singing different kinds of songs, especially modern. This pack consists of the Basic English Grammar B Student Book and the Workbook B. Blending communicative and interactive approaches with tried-and-true grammar teaching, Basic English Grammar, Third Edition, by Betty Schrampfer Azar and ... For just $4.99, you will get instant access to our Basic English bGrammar ebook (pdf, 93 pages). endstream I will not be attending the program because of my busy schedule. stream <> stream Future Continuous. Future progressive - statements. ; Michael will be enjoying a picnic this Saturday. USE 1 Interrupted Action in the future use the Future Continuous to indicate that a future action has been interrupted. WORKSHEET 14 : Past Perfect Tense / Past Perfect Continuous . The future progressive (or continuous) tense is formed with will + be + verb + ing ( he will be walking, they will be talking ). <> See also: 58 Tenses Exampes, Tenses Exercises, Tenses Worksheet PRESENT TENSE Present tense shows the current action … 30 0 obj He’s been studying German. endstream “ (will have been, shall have been)” is the helping verb of this tense. A common feature of these tenses is the use of a present participle known as the -ing form of a verb. Or we can say that the fourth form of a verb is used. Tenses ini mirip dengan future perfect continuous tense, persamaannya terdapat sama-sama memiliki lebih dari satu keterangan waktu pada satu kalimat. Choose the positive, negative or question form: 1. again. endstream FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE. Which verb always follows 'will' or 'won't' in the future continuous? again. x�3R��2�35W(�2�300P@&�ҹ everything. We will be shopping in that market this Monday. They will be playing football in that field. Mixed Tense Practice English Grammar Exercises Tenses English Grammar. / I am going to be watching the news at 9pm. the page is colour e... 14,936 Downloads. You are smoking a lot these days. endstream Grammar for IELTS is a self-study course for learners of English who plan to take the Academic IELTS test to demonstrate that they have the required ability to communicate effectively in English at university. /Length 581 >> I ________ during rush hour. Future Continuous Tense is used: 1. Lesson 12. Note that it does not suggest the idea of personal intention. Students then read a set of situations and write down what they would say in the present continuous. Worksheet #1 Worksheet #2 Worksheet #3. Simple Future Story. Get an … This time tomorrow, we will be eating dinner with friends. I will be looking for work after the holidays. Shall         +        I         + be   +             playing       +         cricket                +          ? 1. endstream Many students will not be participating in sports. �ʁt�1H��@aL*9�K?$���L�%_!�+�� u� x�3R��2�35W(�2�300P@&�ҹ How it works: Pay by debit/credit card or PayPal. endobj "• Unlike Simple Future forms, Future Continuous forms are usually interchangeable. They will be playing at this time tomorrow. stream endobj <> 5. Future Continuous Tense Examples, Exercises Worksheets with Answers PDF. 34 0 obj Please follow the list about Structure of Future Continuous Tense; The tenses simply show the time of an action. Subject + shall/will + be + 1st form of verb + ing + object. �ʁt�1H��@aL*9�K?$���B�%_!�+�� �� Download. Tom will be celebrating birthday this Tuesday. endobj 38 0 obj They show when the work is done. ; She will be leaving for Barcelona tonight. Present Perfect Progressive (Continuous) / Affirmative and Negative Write sentences first in the negative and then in the affirmative using the words provided and the present perfect progressive tense. the future A time in the past 2) The future perfect (progressive) tense is used to describe a fact that is not yet true but which is expected to be true in the future if progress continues. (3)Future Tense. ENGLISH EXERCISES PDF WITH ANSWERS This page regroup all the exercises of (Grammar + Level tests + Vocabulary exercises). “will be” and “shall be” are the helping verbs. 16 0 obj endstream However, future continuous tense is less common in use. will be drive. ; I will be staying with him in the hotel. The future continuous tense is used to talk about actions in progress at a certain time in the future. Future continuous Tense The Simple Future Tense – 2. Review how to make the future continuous here. 9. We can use the future continuous (will/won't be + -ing form) to talk about future actions that: will be in progress at a specific time in the future: When you come out of school tomorrow, I'll be boarding a plane. stream Past Indefinite Tense I _____ (work) all weekend so I won’t be energetic on Sunday night. Time expressions: tomorrow (morning, afternoon, night) next (week, month, year) later. Future continuous tense shows that the action will be continuous in the future. <> The future perfect continuous tense, also known as the future perfect progressive tense, is used to indicate a certain duration of time up to a point in the future.. Grammar Magic is a series of eight books for students of Classes 1 to 8. The 13 Tense Structures Present Simple Present simple form I go to the cinema every week Past Past simple form I went to the cinema last week Future Will + bare infinitive I will go to the cinema with you Present Continuous Am/are/is + present participle I'm watching a film Past Was/were + present participle I was watching a film earlier Future Will be + present participle I will be … Sub +          (will not, shall not)      + be    +    ing form               +             object. I will have been working all night. �ʁt�1H��@aL*9�K?$���\�%_!�+�� �� They will be playing hockey in that field on Thursday. future continuous tense simple sentences pdf lesson There are some simple sentences of future continuous tense which are given in this lesson.Sentences of negative and interrogative are aslo given.This lesson will enhance your englisg grammar and vocabulary.All sentences are in easy wording and from daily life routine.There is no complicated part inthese sentences.Try to revise … In these worksheets, students complete sentences in the future and future continuous tenses. 17 0 obj endstream FUTURE PERFECT TENSE There are three main types of verb tenses past, present and future. 161 English tenses exercises to help test and improve grammar. Future Continuous Tense Exercises With Answers <> 2) He will complete his task. The future progressive (or continuous) tense is formed with will + be + verb + ing ( he will be walking, they will be talking ). This tense indicates an action that will be ongoing in the future.. In these worksheets, students complete sentences in the future and future continuous tenses. . endobj endobj endobj 41 0 obj Sub + helping verb ( will be, shall be) + 1st form of verb + ing + object. 1����� �|L���E�#� wKB&��7θ��bM� ���Pr���+``���%v�LT�:�Z]��7NȨ@���ʸ��463�(*ڔ�cS;����۔�[OԇvR��.�YR�8��f"�R[�� G�pPGG�\��ٶ89��rQ�NB��H7[H0�C�x q�u�Gb�ի�h�V��+a����Nc��8���sӑY.�Y��X�+H�C���q ��� f�$@�mzH(n�=�F(.��X\�2�Z���J�G���ԓh��ʕX\1�0Ms��e5�TK���“�L���9���h)�w�ݜ� i�! Will you be going to the concert of realistic songs? endstream endobj “shall be” is used with I and us only. x�3R��2�35W(�2�300P@&�ҹ Found inside – Page 8Future Tense The future tense describes time in the future. The subtypes • Simple Future Future Perfect Future Continuous Future Perfect 1: Simple Future ... Future Continuous. 3. ; He will be feeling better after recovery from illness. 7 0 obj With the verb be we use am are and is. Worksheet No.1 Read the sentences and fill in the blanks by using Future Perfect Tense Formula. Hopefully, I will have found a job before the spring. ( 1 st form + ing)“. It includes 40 basic English grammar lessons covering most of the English grammar tenses and most-used structures. This book is a study companion written in plain English, which explains the things that you need to know to be successful in learning Portuguese. I will be seeing you one of these days. How long _____ (you / wait) when you finally get your exam results? stream WORKSHEET 17 : Future Perfect / Future Perfect Contınuous. 6. I will be writing articles on different topics. We are getting married this summer. Approximately 20 minutes. �ʁt�1H��@aL*9�K?$���X�%_!�+�� � You (miss) the sunshine once you are back in England. We are added the Tenses Chart PDF in English and Hindi. Will Mr. Jones have finished planting before it rains? A book on Grammar. The ebook version does not contain CD. endobj We start with basic sample sentences that will show off the general sentence structure of the future continuous. 1. ; He will be planning for his business. ; I will be staying with him in the hotel. We will be watching a movie in this Cineplex on next Friday. Read Paper. Present continuous Tense The future continuous tense is also used to refer to future events which are expected to happen in the normal course of events. Subscribe Our Youtube Channel! 29 0 obj (action began in past, may continue into future) present perfect I have studied Chapter 1. Future continuous negative. endobj How it works: Pay by debit/credit card or PayPal. They are: (1)Present Tense. �ʁt�1H��@aL*9�K?$���D�%_!�+�� 9� stream in. �ʁt�1H��@aL*9�K?$���P�%_!�+�� �� 2 At 9 p.m next Saturday I´ll be cooking dinner. Future: worksheets, handouts, printable exercises pdf. The future continuous tense, sometimes also referred to as the future progressive tense, is a verb tense that indicates that something will occur in the future and continue for an expected length of time. Future perfect Future continuous Exercises PDF 1 Key with answers 1. 2. Future Continuous Quiz. x�3R��2�35W(�2�300P@&�ҹ Instead of future continuous, present continuous is used. Helping verb ( will, shall) + Subject  + be + 1st form of verb + ing + object + ? <> a) form. Future Simple Tense In English – PDF. A: Will she be studying? Sub      +        (will be, shall be)       +        ing form           +      object. List of Past Present Future Tense Words / Verbs: In this article, you will learn about the tenses of the verb. The Future Tense – Simple Future. The future progressive (or continuous) tense is formed with will + be + verb + ing ( he will be walking, they will be talking ). endstream B: No, she won’t. You can do this grammar quiz online or print it on paper. Open PDF. endobj Look at these example sentences with the Future Continuous tense: at 10am. Future Continuous Tense Exercises. Future Tenses INTERMEDIATE - (B&W and Key included) This worksheet contains a brief explanation on future tenses with some examples: simp... This guide shows the verbs used in conditional sentences. A colour code helps to distinguish the different parts. More verb tenses than... will be arriving. 2. You will … FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE Structure: Will be + present participle Am/is/are + going to be + present participle: Example: I will be watching the news at 9pm. What is Future Perfect Continuous tense? �ʁt�1H��@aL*9�K?$��L�%_!�+�� �� x�3R��2�35W(�2�300P@&�ҹ 35 0 obj <> From the introduction: Big Grammar Book is jam-packed from cover to cover with a great selection of photocopiable worksheets taken from the popular website. 330 0 obj <>stream Present continuous tense for the future We can also use the present continuous tense to talk about the future—if we add a future word!! We have already talked about future continuous/progressive tense usages and structures of sentences. 2. x�3R��2�35W(�2�300P@&�ҹ ; He will be feeling better after recovery from illness. Robert will be reading various kinds of books. Most times simple future and future continuous forms are used interchangably. future mix. <> Past continuous Tense I will be arranging all the necessary materials for the program. Found inside – Page 222Continuous improvement Continuous improvement Kaizen Principle ... pdf/2012 02 vc whitepaper cem.pdf Future tense ... this time tomorrow. Future Simple Tense In English – PDF. endobj <> The answers can be found in the PDF above or in the answers section below Part 5. 1. “will be” and “shall be” are the helping verbs. I (eat) with Jane this evening so I can tell her. Follow the example given below. This book with answers has clear explanations and practice exercises that have helped millions of people around the world improve their English. <> Instead of future perfect continuous, present perfect EA English Tenses in Urdu presents Online Tenses Test with Urdu Translation an Exercise of Worksheet to practice Free Tenses With PDF and Online Test of Present Past Future Indefinite Perfect Continuous Tenses with All Sorts of Examples simple and progressive Way. Ex. Found insideThe sentence 'The assignment will have been finished by tomorrow' is in: A) Future Indefinite Tense C) Future Perfect Tense B) Future Continuous Tense D) ... She is studying really hard nowadays. Future Continuous Exercise 1. This tense indicates an action that will be ongoing in the future.. ..... 2. Grammar explanation Future continuous. And 1st form of a verb is used in addition to (ing). Found inside – Page 80İngilizcede “Time, Tense”; Almancada “die Zeit”, Fransızcada “Temps” ve Osmanlıcada ... Simple future tense, Future continuous tense, Future perfect tense, ... Use the Future Perfect tense. Get Our Grammar Ebook. <> Future Continuous Tense Exercises With Answers. endobj endstream �ʁt�1H��@aL*9�K?$��X�%_!�+�� a� <> (eat) Structure: Subject + shall/will + be + verb+ing . will have drive. x�3R��2�35W(�2�300P@&�ҹ ; He will be planning for his business. endstream Future tenses – exercises. April will be having coffee in this coffee shop. The Present Continuous, The Future 43 Mr. Jones will have planted 10 acres of crops by the time he finishes planting this spring. Like all future tenses, the future continuous cannot be used in clauses beginning with time expressions such as: when, while, before, after, by the time, as soon as, if, unless, etc. They show when the work is done. FUTURE CONTINUOUS EXERCISESAnswers: 1 This time tomorrow I´ll be working. A picnic this Saturday be ” and “ shall be ” are the helping verb ( be! Conference next week happen in the future tense describes time in the future continuous exercises PDF next we. 6.00 am tomorrow worksheets ( JPG ) as well as in PDF month, year ).... Language you are into future ) present continuous, the future continuous tense form! Saturday I´ll be eating my twelve grapes + shall not ) + not + be + 1st of... Coffee in this coffee shop down for their ability to illustrate the point helped... I am studying right now for just $ 4.99, you can download Past present future tense and! A four-volume set, the future continuous tense: at 10am action began in Past, happening at or. 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