/Subtype /Link He has almost 40 years' experience in observational astronomy research in the optical, radio, and near infrared on stars, gaseous nebulae and galaxies, and has taught astronomy to undergraduates at Brooklyn College, City University of New York and Vassar College. ?Qa.bZ4H4A8VNH?B!pS?l"a,1' j5H:n#n4BuT?^4S5Q,DD.rXXsi,asb%Aq$mtOT0Ju,?pW%Rsni/P7> [tCUs5U`FG2'NXkSNSMn1cL;B6i\6/N&]cBT3dfqN_pfhDf7$ /BaseFont /HJCEFI+AdvT156 << >> 114 0 obj pNAn;TU(4[*p:E`k5F0[7"9YCcH9:PNj=C/"tBj,p>9rthi4<3eIQ"Jpa-ma!`'V1 /IF/41ZTj;_r7">f*9R1@UUZoOEM? /Border [ 0 0 0 ] f]CiFq,T$T71@VI@_h4:dBJr6/hq>:! << ,G:FAG."Xa:YWqC^g. /A 130 0 R !h=F))&k8O+Sjh=7OTXfR=T+*7ZR)_k>K5QYEu)C[@-,s#^Y^J+D8`OCEf;i! mE5f)J4^=N3NS9lQoDdrM#.$[m&Xt_>&-%G1CtYH:k-qD]K*P5clYHZ\=?qX'KkbR hW&">W/>&-6tP36'^nUC;0]hD[u=L"hlPb8WgLT@*l.^AfXK5I"A4d3_,V#Dq(*00 << /Type /Annot The long-awaited second edition of this well-received textbook gives a thorough introduction to observational astronomy. 105 0 obj [>g5H'GI;UWo*_2]_R&dBcYCb$t+38s/tK+hb5bAoObIB';8"G`iG)fO6UV.3.5!I =a.3a5.m2cFn8;$3V[?338Le/H,b94NOpX-4s!dPd3^Ja8D03do9nU]_et#S>%Vep:gFO2!u+IYrOopndZOEhVuO1(IqG@j/7&c%ge#bb=j5J^@bDd%C+5Qfe$, /Font << FX`9M5-m]3;R0i<=@Y0/*^XtW. >> << /URI (http://www.cambridge.org) U&IrmF9CbaP;:UR4F_9IiYo]8i&laf[^H\7*RgQ;Kc]uX8B:oD^[kJA:YKo&S/1R: <00a900200069006e00200074006800690073002000770065006200200073006500720076006900630065002000430061006d00620072006900640067006500200055006e00690076006500720073006900740079002000500072006500730073> Tj /A << endobj /ExtGState << /R10 227 0 R /R12 48 0 R /R17 49 0 R >> /Properties << /R2 50 0 R >> /Rect [ 14.28538 693.10099 88.18486 707.11167 ] H9*_A;J\5>OEjfbIB@6=FNH>oE^@4+%0DH$W6j[G/J$P%U=Sp(AjW)!VMe;@.78Ad rr'+W"V]3lWVXfbj"hm?eSgom:KieYM8V=f9kdeejS,nDdZ>%BqE_-EkXpP\?TX<8#.E\;.g^>iuL%oR`JsN Get … '\OuVO;L!Mfp)9%3b_[)Wh_.XSZ9^ngd;mF!6R]'A%B)q1')sM84XjZ+IB](+BD]m endobj &(q[\l@>fsKdu7.YUj6'?[L[A6(uh7#m26j3bi(`>&BQ-jgm>\fI6315UT#`P:? 106 0 obj 77 0 obj "`DEaKd2&d@&']8\[XU0$h6uY( /ExtGState << /R10 227 0 R /R4 22 0 R /R16 23 0 R >> /Properties << /R8 24 0 R >> /Type /ExtGState ] "U4h-ek5eeZ`)o!E&6n>EIp&qh3QG4 /S /URI Phil Photo by Kathryn Neugent. k.A!gFsd<25>&oo&p3#TK'>f=8=+5tRYm*3!U6PCXFYG(HMb'5q\hT*!.JXq7"X^M endobj Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations, Select the department you want to search in. 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