In 1991, he won the prestigious Maxwell Sackheim award for his creative career contributions to direct marketing. He was a leader in mail order and direct marketing in the 1970s and 1980s. The company's line of business includes the wholesale distribution of durable goods.Founded: 1988 Blublocker … Found inside—JOSEPH SUGARMAN, AUTHOR AND CHAIRMAN OF BLUBLOCKER CORPORATION AND JS&A GROUP, INC. To see further you must stand on the shoulders of giants. ---- Joseph Sugarman, President, BluBlocker Sunglasses, Inc. Found inside – Page 155By Joseph Sugarman I am about to tell you a true story. ... DEPRESSING COLOR The Perception sunglasses (called BluBlockers) filter out the ultraviolet and ... Praise for Inspired Marketing "These days the competition is so fierce you have to do something new to get noticed and make sales. This is the most refreshing and engaging book I've seen to accomplish just that. Found inside – Page 23By Joseph Sugarman I am about to tell you a true story. ... The sunglasses (called BluBlockers) filter out the ultraviolet and blue spectrum light waves ... by Max Sackheim, This Copy Costs $1000/Week Ad by Claude Hopkins. Joe Vitale, author of The Attractor Factor and Zero Limits "I know O'Bryan as a friend and colleague. The Adweek Copywriting Handbook-Joseph Sugarman 2012-06-19 Great copy is the heart and soul of the advertising business. Delstar Pub, 1998-06-01. Found inside – Page i—JosepH sugarMan, entrepreneur, author, and BluBlocker Corporation Founder, “The Bank On Yourself Revolution provides a pathway to ... Heck, he even tried so sell a mansion … Found insideJoseph Sugarman Chairman, BluBlocker Corporation, and Best-Selling Author of Triggers “Stanley Tang breaks-open the code on how the moguls really got their ... Integrity: Integrity as a psychological trigger is a whole view of your product/service. Found inside – Page 49By Joseph Sugarman We were upset. Our advertisement for BluBlocker high resolution sunglasses was selected to be exposed by the new commercial TV production ... (Employees and Sales figures are modelled). 1-800-PAJAMAS Ernest Hemple 801-854-2670 Joseph Sugarman BluBlocker Corporation 3350 Palms Center Drive Las Vegas, NV 89103. Found inside – Page iJoseph Sugarman, Chairman and founder, BluBlocker Sunglass Corporation and author of The Adweek Copywriting Handbook “Jam-packed with clever ways to ... More Ways to Contact Us », Begin writing for money and enjoying the writer's life with AWAI! Verified contact information for Joseph Sugarman - Owner & Chairman, BluBlocker Corporation including email address, phone number and personality insights that will make your sales and marketing efforts much more effective. Jul 26, 2018 - Explore UNINCORPORATED's board "Ad Creative: Joseph Sugarman" on Pinterest. Learn more, American Writers & Artists Institute
Find out how Joseph Sugarman turned an idea like Blublocker Sunglasses into a household name and sold over 20 million pairs. Sugarman finishes the ad with a strong guarantee stating that "if you don't see a dramatic difference in your vision - one so noticeable that you can tell immediately, then send them back anytime within 30 days." Barnum! The origins of BluBlocker® Sunglasses started with the NASA space program. ---- Joseph Sugarman, President, BluBlocker Sunglasses, Inc. Praise For Zero Limits. Hardcover. Blublocker Corporation has 9 total employees across all of its locations and generates $783,078 in sales (USD). “Never Sell a Product or Service, Sell a Concept.” All great copy has a big idea that captivates our attention … Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Television Secrets for Marketing Success : How to Sell Your Product on Infomercials, Home Shopping Channels and Spot TV Commercials from the Entrepreneur Who Gave You BluBlocker(R) Sunglasses by Joseph Sugarman (1998, Trade Paperback) at the best online prices at eBay! It's an exceptionally well-written, well thought out, high-level work that gives the reader unique insights into how to capture a prospect's attention. Found inside—JOSEPH SUGARMAN, chairman of BluBlocker Sunglasses Corporation and bestselling author of eight books, including Triggers “Either by design or incompetence, ... That's a huge asset for your marketing & builds immense value around your product. Sugarman is the winner of … — Joseph Sugarman, Chairman, BluBlocker Corporation . 13 reviews Learn advertising, copywriting, marketing and creativity from the man who made millions of dollars from the power of his pen. This is one of the BluBlocker ads that helped Joe Sugarman sell 20 million pairs! Fashion Advertorial Guarantee Print Ad Storytelling Joe Sugarman . Sensing the opportunity to not only extend life spans but to be responsible for helping millions of people live a better more youthful life, Sugarman agreed to head a company to market a series of products utilizing this new technology. His infomercials created in the '80s were among the first on TV and his success record was impressive. Free shipping for many products! It's an investment in yourself and a book that will make a major difference in your life. -Joseph Sugarman, chairman, BluBlocker Corporation "Forget all the hype and B.S. It was a bright, sunny day in Los Angeles. Found inside – Page 53Success Is Failure Turned Inside Out JOSEPH SUGARMAN CHAIRMAN , JS & A GROUP , INC . , BLUBLOCKER CORP . , AND DELSTAR PUBLISHING , INC . He then spent over three years in Germany where he served with the Army Intelligence Service and later with the CIA. Found inside – Page 524It was created by Joseph Sugarman and produced at the request of JS & A Group , Inc. , and Joseph Sugarman for the sole purpose of selling BluBlockers . Pasadena's finest new and used bookstore. Joe Vitale reveals the REAL P.T. Each week, you'll receive new "Swipe Studies" analyzing successful promotions. It's an exceptionally well-written, well thought out, high-level work that gives the reader unique insights into how to capture a prospect's attention. joseph sugarman (js & a group, inc./writer), (zip code: 96753) $6000 to hawaii republican party on 02/02/2010 CINDY CLARK (DA CLARK MANAGEMENT/ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT), (Zip code: 96753) $1500 to HAWAII REPUBLICAN PARTY on 02/02/2010 ---- Joseph Sugarman, President, BluBlocker Sunglasses, Inc. At Zero-Joe Vitale 2013-11-11 New stories and new processes that outline the fourth stage of awakening of ho′oponopono Author Joe Vitale′s previous book, Zero Limits, presented a unique self–help breakthrough focused Nor will you." The Key-Joe Vitale 2011-01-25 The paperback edition of Joe Vitale's inspiring guide to attracting wealth, health, happiness, and more Now available in paperback, inspirational author Joe Vitale's The Key finally reveals the secret to attracting Astronauts needed strong protection for their eyes in outer space where ultraviolet rays were much stronger than on earth. Sugarman introduced the cordless phone and the digital watch to the public with his marketing techniques. It reveals the simple power of four phrases to transform your life. Date Received: 01/25/1990: Decision Date: 02/13/1990: Decision: substantially equivalent (SESE) Regulation Medical Specialty: Ophthalmic Joseph Sugarman marketed and owned JS&A, a mail-order company that sold space age technologies. Praise For Zero Limits "This riveting book can awaken humanity. When you sell a quality product & a lot of care goes into your process, you want to get that across in your advertising in a very detailed & clear way. Dynamic, charismatic, fearless." swiped by Mike Schauer ran 1987 1 "Vision Break-through" This is one of the BluBlocker ads that helped Joe Sugarman sell 20 million pairs! Fashion. Television Secrets for Marketing Success: How to Sell Your Product on Infomercials, Home Shopping Channels & Spot TV Commercials from the Entrepreneur Who Gave You Blublocker(R) Sunglasses by Joseph Sugarman (1998-06-01): Joseph Sugarman: Books - Mon – Fri 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM ET —Lou D'Alo, PowerUp! Size: 67609 Kb. The MBA curriculum for this generation is The Irresistible Offer and The Great Formula." When you have a customer doing the talking, people are more likely to trust & believe what's being said. Get The Latest Swipes In Your Inbox. Used, may have highlighting but is still in solid reading condition. Saturday, May 30, 1987 ok says , . Are you frequently over … His company, JS&A Group, Inc., soon grew to become America's largest single source of space-age products, and he eventually introduced dozens of new innovations and concepts in electronics during the '70s including the pocket calculator, the digital watch, cordless telephones, computers and a variety of other items. Classic. As you read through the ad, notice how Sugarman begins the story by describing how shockingly amazing the view through the lens felt (comparing them to his more expensive glasses). This will easily go down as the greatest campaign for eyewear, ever. You are familiar with BluBlocker™ Sunglasses?? Nor will you." Joseph Sugarman is a legendary copywriter and bestselling author. Sugarman named the sunglasses BluBlocker and the product was sold in magazines throughout the US. It's all based in love by an author spreading love. His company, JS&A Group, Inc., introduced dozens of new innovations and concepts in electronics during the '70s including the pocket calculator, the digital watch, cordless telephones, computers and a variety of other items. Blublocker Corporation is located in Las Vegas, NV, United States and is part of the Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers Industry. 5 Comments. Each product introduction was made in large, full-page advertisements, which became the recognized signature of his creative work. Joseph Sugarman is Chairman of JS&A Group, Inc. and BluBlocker Corporation, among others. "—Joseph Sugarman, Entrepreneur, Author, and BluBlocker Corporation Founder, "The Bank on Yourself Revolution provides a pathway to building your wealth and puts the traditional bank, stock and real estate markets firmly in the back seat. “My purpose in life to leave a legacy of helping people live long and healthier lives and I sincerely believe we have the technology and the products to do that now,” says Sugarman. As a kid, I always enjoyed wearing my dad's Blublockers & now, as a marketer,...View More Found inside—Joseph Sugarman, Chairman, BluBlocker Corporation; author of Advertising Secrets of the Written Word “Michael Tasner's new book will rock your world! Found inside—Joseph Sugarman, chairman, BluBlocker Corporation “SNAP is Straightforward, No-nonsense, Attuned, and Practical. Jill accurately reflects the realities of ... Item #mon0000157334 ISBN: 1891686097 He is the author of many books including "Success Forces" and "Triggers". Zero Limits is Vitales adventure into the most mind-altering reading experience of your life. is a platform for academics to share research papers. The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia granted summary judgment of non-infringement of U.S. Patent No. Vision Break-through BluBlocker Ad by Joe Sugarman. Found inside – Page 27The Missing Secret for Attracting Anything You Want Joe Vitale ... One of the people I wrote to was Joseph Sugarman, president of BluBlocker Corporation and ... You should get ten copies of itone for you and nine to give away. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Television Secrets for Marketing Success : How to Sell Your Product on Infomercials, Home Shopping Channels and Spot TV Commercials from the Entrepreneur Who Gave You BluBlocker(R) Sunglasses by Joseph Sugarman (1998, Trade Paperback) at the best online prices at eBay! In section 2 of the book he outlines 24 different “psychological triggers” that get people to buy things. Jul 26, 2018 - The vintage ads Joseph Sugarman wrote were placed in magazines and catalogs across the United States in a time before the worldwide web, which in some ways makes the ads read more like today's websites and landing pages. Joseph Sugarman Chairman BluBlocker Corporation January 10, 2016 Biography Highlights of Joe Sugarman Called the “Mail Order Maverick” by The New York Times. He focused first on the emotions you'll feel when you put them on & then focused on how harmful not wearing them could be to your health. Because what's in this book lets you stop making the victim's compromise on a daily basis-and start doing the victory dance, whenever you want!" —David Garfinkel, author of Advertising Headlines That Make You Rich "O'Bryan lives the ... Soon half hour TV commercials were allowed by the Federal Communications Commission and Sugarman was one of the first to offer his product on what were soon called, "Infomercials." Sugarman took BluBlocker Sunglasses public with, once again, an irrepressible advertising campaign that convinced millions of people to purchase the protective eyewear. Joseph Sugarman, President of JS&A Group Inc., a consumer electronics marketing company, was driving in a car with a salesman. Begin writing for money and enjoying the writer's life with AWAI. I have a whole new appreciation for the product & this campaign. I have the physical versions of these books, but they’re all available digitally on Amazon too, which I’ve been enjoying. This book elegantly sketches what I've learned and learned about in twenty-one years of personal study, and then it takes it to the next level. If you're looking for true peace along with 'the good stuff,' then this book is for you. Then, in the next column, he immediately transitions to the health problems associated with conventional sunglasses. Joseph Sugarman is a beloved advertiser. Delray Beach, FL 33444
Here are just a few of them: He wrote the bestseller, The Attractor Factor: 5 Easy Steps for Creating Wealth (or … mind-altering reading experience of your life." Joe Sugarman is a pioneer of direct marketing. Ever wondered how many films you've seen may have featured BluBlocker sunglasses? Joseph Sugarman had a major impact on direct marketing & received the highest honors in this field. Returning home, he formed a company to market Austrian ski lifts in the United States and then later formed his own advertising agency to service ski resort accounts. Entrepreneur, copywriter and founder of BluBlocker Sunglasses, author, speaker and all around nice guy. Joseph Sugarman sold high-technology gadgets with full-page advertisements, principally in The Wall Street Journal and airline magazines. Joseph Sugarman is Chairman of JS&A Group, Inc. and BluBlocker Corporation, among others. Find contact's direct phone number, email address, work history, and more. Launch Your Well-Paid Writing Career by October 1st! Overview -. It reveals the simple power of four phrases to transform your life. —Joseph Sugarman, Chairman, BluBlocker Corporation "Finally someone does it!!! In his elder years now, Joseph Sugarman is far from retired. The BluBlocker experience all starts when you first put on a pair. Sugarman took BluBlocker Sunglasses public with, once again, an irrepressible advertising campaign that convinced millions of people to purchase the protective eyewear. Joseph Sugarman -- BluBlocker Corporation "Helped me create a windfall profit in just ONE week!" Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Television Secrets for Marketing Success : How to Sell Your Product on Infomercials, Home Shopping Channels and Spot TV Commercials from the Entrepreneur Who Gave You BluBlocker(R) Sunglasses by Joseph Sugarman (1998, Hardcover) at the best online prices at eBay! When selling your product, hit multiple selling angles like Sugarman. (561) 278-5557 or (866) 879-2924, Copyright © 2021 American Writers & Artists Institute, This ALL-NEW Writer’s Niche Will Launch Thousands of Successful Writing Careers…. Today, Joseph Sugarman is noted for selling BluBlocker sunglasses on QVC. Barnum! Written as a guide for those that need know before they go on their next trip, this book is an easy roadmap to explore. In 1979, Sugarman was selected as the Direct Marketing Man of the Year in New York. Author Bios. Joseph Sugarman is a Las Vegas-based entrepreneur from Chicago. Joseph Sugarman is a Las Vegas-based entrepreneur from Chicago. Learn about new products and BluBlocker happenings directly from us. He was born and raised in the Chicago area and attended the electrical engineering college of the University of Miami for three and a half years before being drafted into the U.S. Army in 1962. Then, in the next column, he immediately transitions to the health problems associated with conventional sunglasses. Found inside—Joseph Sugarman, Chairman, BluBlocker Corporation; author of Advertising Secrets of the Written Word “Michael Tasner's new book will rock your world! ... Sugarman also created BluBlocker Sunglasses. In 2005 a group of scientists presented Sugarman with a series of bio-tech compounds that utilized the latest peptide and stem cell technology in helping to expand the life span of the human race. – Joseph Sugarman Founder & Chairman BluBlocker Sunglasses Marketing, Branding, Copywriting legend “As a serial entrepreneur, I have been up and down the success ladder more than once. My family mantra is, “The harder I fall, the higher I bounce.” You have to be “Relentless” to bounce in business. Jul 26, 2018 - The vintage ads Joseph Sugarman wrote were placed in magazines and catalogs across the United States in a time before the worldwide web, which in some ways makes the ads read more like today's websites and landing pages. Dynamic, charismatic, fearless." Cutting-edge stuff that is a must for every serious marketer to absorb and implement." Joseph Sugarman's house. I agree, PTB would have loved this movie—and been very envious of the technology and talent today’s entertainment industry has access to. - Joseph Sugarman, legendary Entrepreneur and Chairman of BluBlocker Sunglass Corporation "The Conservative movement desperately needs someone like Wayne Allyn Root. Mike Schaueris the founder of and the main analyst in the swipes section. You are familiar with BluBlocker™ Sunglasses?? Like this ad, don't shy away from making a comparison & making the luxury brands look silly. These were text-heavy ads, imbued with dreamy optimism of an improved life through gadgetry. Dynamic, charismatic, fearless." During the 1960’s and 70’s his business was directly responsible for helping popularize electronic products like the digital watch and cordless phone. 866-879-2924 (Toll Free) Although this book is ten years old, his key insights are still relevant today. There's a Customer Born Every Minute | Praise for THERE'S A CUSTOMER BORN EVERY MINUTE Joe Vitale has created an entertaining, educational, and motivational manual-with the help of P.T. Sugarman took BluBlocker Sunglasses public with, once again, an irrepressible advertising campaign that convinced millions of people to purchase the protective eyewear. Sugarman is the Director and Treasurer of Delstar Publishing, an electronic publishing company based in Las Vegas, Nevada. *FREE* shipping on eligible orders. You may remember his ads for microelectronics and “BluBlocker” sunglasses. Joe Vitale is President of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc., a marketing consulting firm. He sold over 20 million pairs of BluBlocker sunglasses establishing a brandname and eventually selling the product throughout the world and at retail. He sold over 20 million pairs of BluBlocker sunglasses establishing a brandname and eventually selling the product throughout the world and at retail. In his elder years now, Joseph Sugarman is far from retired. Sugarman is the winner of … Includes capsules of experiences marketing products in addition to "writing the script, producing, directing, editing, buying media, testing, back-end sales, dealing with knockoffs, and many other techniques ... used in the production of ... Found inside – Page 101By Joseph Sugarman I am about to tell you a true story. ... The sunglasses (called BluBlockers) filter out the ultraviolet and blue spectrum light waves ... Found inside – Page 55Joseph Sugarman , Chairman of BluBlocker Corporation stated , “ What makes this book so inspiring is the simple yet profound message that is so easy to ... ---- Joseph Sugarman, President, BluBlocker Sunglasses, Inc. After intently studying & building conversion-focused websites for 6+ years, he started Swiped to help others master marketing & copywriting through the analysis of great examples! Foreword by Joseph Sugarman, Blublocker Corporation Published by Transformation Media Books. With his famous BluBlocker sunglasses infomercial, his company was the first to accept credit card payments over the phone using a toll free 800 number. That's the first subhead you read & it instantly pulls you in thinking "what could he not believe?!" Found insideSUGARMAN. Joseph Sugarman is an American business icon. ... The founder and chairman of BluBlocker Sunglasses, Sugarman has sold over 20 million pairs of ... The book is written autobiographically, sharing the lessons he learned by doing. Joe Vitale reveals the REAL P.T. Free shipping on orders over $100 (in the US). Found inside – Page i—JOSEPH SUGARMAN, Entrepreneur, Author, and BluBlocker Corporation Founder, “The Bank On Yourself Revolution provides a pathway to ... Doctor Travel's Cure for the Common Trip. Cir. Television Secrets for Marketing Success: How to Sell Your Product on Infomercials, Home Shopping Channels & Spot TV Commercials from the Entrepreneur Who Gave You Blublocker(R) Sunglasses : Sugarman, Joseph, Hafer, Dick: Books Sold high-technology gadgets with full-page advertisements, principally in the 1970s and 1980s joseph sugarman blublocker... More ideas about ad creative, ads, imbued with dreamy optimism of an improved life through.. Marketing consulting firm U.S. Patent No copy Costs $ 1000/Week ad by Claude Hopkins immense value around your,. 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