Suddenly the music fades and is replaced by a more epic into song. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. What RWBY sees before them are the two combatants from the trailer. , you just keep growing longer hair?? When Kratos loses in battle or war and is killed, he simply escapes the Underworld to Earth. And in second game, he goes right back to it. Title: Prince of the Saiyans. Kratos: what?? , kaiokien is basically a boost that brings gokus power up a lot more , however at the cost of straining his body and spirit bomb is the power of everyone from the world or sometimes the universe , however it only kills people who are evil. 7h. Whichever he prefers. ch 24 Goku vs Superman. . Goku teleports behind Kratos , Goku then punches Kratos through the cheast , Kratos screams could be heard throughout the planet , Goku then charges up a Kamehameha. , turning a innocent child like Kratos into a crazy mass murder!. Guess they stopped caring about his character to focus of being badass. And despite Sparta supposedly being family to him, Kratos isn't phased when he see the world flooded and Sparta drowned. Fight to the death (Kratos going to the underworld counts as him dying obviously) Round 1: Feats Doom Slayer vs Feats Kratos Round 2: Composite Doom Slayer vs Composite Kratos Feats means anything only shown in games and composite means all of the lore behind the things they have done (ex: Kratos was injured by an . The hands of Death could not defeat me, the Sisters of Fate could not hold me. I'm Wizard and he's Boomstick, and it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle. Race: Saiyan. +. 9 years ago. Battle. It was then he struck a deal with Ares, the God of War. Company . Like if you vote for HulkDislike if you vote for Kratos/VsBattle Shadow vs Mewtwo. Kratos lost everything that mattered to him because of his bloodlust. Boomstick . Goku: your selling it short , this is easily the strongest super Sayain!. (, ( Temp Banned. Origin ", blew up a planet ten times the size of Earth. Kratos vs Death is a What If Death Battle X by The Saints Jigglypuff. He also fought Dante in an episode of DBX. A DeathBattle that i highly disagree with is Deadpool vs Deathstroke. Wiz: he later fought cell , buu , beerus and even beat the strongest mortal In his universe , Jiren. Then there's the third game. Whis: Goku , this man would like to fight you. Ares here looks different from episode 3. Which super-powered anti-hero will dominate the battlefield? Mr. Bean wakes up one morning to find himself in an unoccupied guest suite onboard the Death Star. Mega-Man vs Astro Boy. Featuring the voices of Nick "Lanipator" Lanids and Curtis "Takahata101" Arnott from Team Four Star! Writers. Two badass fatherly teachers go further beyond in a battle to the death! . Boomstick:Kratos worked for ares as his spartan general , however things were not all cherries and Flowers , because Ares made a illusion and tricked Kratos into burning down a town and murdering his family , a woman used her magic , turning kratos white and red , kratos mourned the death of his family and swore revenge against his former master. DL This Song! Appearance . The kryptonite weakness can't be applied here, because we are assuming that one of these opponents has to have kryptonite and why would they? Beerus: nah , this isn’t even Goku at his strongest, he’s holding back , trust me I would know. One is wearing an orange gi with a symbol on it, blue boots with a red stripe on each, a blue waistband around his waist and two blue bands on his . Death Battle Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. True, it was kinda an obvious trap and Kratos was clearly full of himself, but in that moment Kratos thought that Athena was the one who was trying to kill him, not Zeus. Zeus never had any reason to betray him until now, since he never want to become the King of Olympus. DEATH BATTLE ARENA _____ Name: Kratos Age: Unknown Race: Demigod Title: Ghost of Sparta Bio: Kratos was a demigod raised among Spartans and grew to be a fierce warrior in his own right, until his people were threatened to be destroyed by barbarians from the east. Whis: I told you he would , Goku has a tendency of holding back a lot , however Goku isn’t finished yet , I can sense it. Kratos will win . Zitz VS Leonardo, Yoshi VS Riptor, Felicia VS Taokaka, Kratos VS Spawn, Bomberman VS Dig Dug, Vegeta VS Shadow, . Watch death battle on YouTube super man vs goku Re: Superman Vs Kratos Vs Goku Whowillwin? Boomstick: the reality is that although Kratos has beaten gods and is a god himself , Goku is just simply too strong and is On a Whole different level , he’s Beaten people who can destroy entire solar systems , something Kratos hasn’t Gotten close too at all. Video. ", Also the gods didn't refuse to take away Kratos' nightmares, they said that they couldn't even if they wanted to. The fight takes place on neutral ground with Kratos having his Axe and blades, while Thanos has the power stone and his sword from Endgame. Thor vs Wonder Women. Boomstick:In addition Goku has multiple forms that give him extra power , like super Sayain , super Sayain 2 , super Sayain 3, super Sayain 4 , super Sayain god , super Sayain Blue and Ultra Insticnt , Goku with Super Sayian 2 and 3 , get a massive boost from super sayain 1 , super sayian god is a bigger boost , as it makes Goku much stronger and gives him god ki , meaning others who aren’t gods or who don’t have god ki , cannot detect him , of course this has its limits though , for example golden frieza was still able to beat him , despite having no god ki , same with jiren and hit , super sayian god super saiyan is a simalir boost , but it makes him far stronger then a regular super saiyan god and super saiyan 4 which is another transformation he has , which is far stronger then ssj3 and as powerful as ssj god as shown in dragon ball heroes , Goku also has Ultra Instinct , a form that Goku takes on , it makes him capable of fighting jiren and beating him , but it also moves his reflexes to a whole new level , making him dodge any punch instantly, but this will have his limits as the form does take a strain on his body even with it’s mastered form. Most mortals don’t dare challenge gods but these two face them head on , but which will prove the better god slayer?? Rogue vs Wonder Woman 31%. The comic book that started it all. True, but Kratos isn't that far away in term of raw power. Yes they did it twice. Using cutaway drawings, exploded diagrams and photographs, backed by detailed technical specifications and descriptions of the onboard systems, this owner's manual reveals the technology contained within and lays bare the awesome power (and ... Advertisement: Standard Death Battle Recap Format. Mr. Bean gets stuck in a Groundhog Day onboard the Death Star. The only way for him to free himself from this cycle is to save Princess Leia and deliver her safely to the Rebel . This is a case where even the most disgusting wank in the entire Cosmos . Kratos appeared in Season 2 of DBX, where he fought against Dante from the Devil May Cry series and lost. Kratos seemed ready to leave his life of violence behind by the end of the game after it cost him everything. Wiz: well even so he may be able to beat Kratos but ya know just Sayain!. Featuring the artwork of legendary comic artist Joe Madureira and the Vigil Games art team, the book collects full-color illustrations, character and environment designs, unused concepts, and more! Who would win? http. Kratos is the main protagonist of the God of War series. , but they give to him immortality so that he cannot even kill himself. premiered on December 6, 2010, and concluded on January 10, 2013. . Akuma vs. Kratos (Completed) Asriel Dreemurr vs Kratos (Completed) Astaroth vs. Kratos Asura vs. Kratos (Completed) Cloud Strife vs. Kratos (Abandoned) Darth Vader Vs. Kratos Ghost Rider vs Kratos Gorr . I love Goku, but I'd give it to Superman. Action Girl: All of the female combatants fit this trope.This is, after all, a battle to the death. I've been working on it, but I've been recovering from knee surgery so it's only recently when I got the energy to write it. Feb 21, 2012. Boomstick: don’t act like that’s his strongest feat , he can erase people with Haki , only in the manga though ,and Is MFTL and can scale to beerus , who can move planet to planet at 3/4th the speed of Whis and Whis flew planet to plant in a mere matter of seconds , thus making Goku have MFTL speed feats and he’s much faster now , being able to stop hit using time skip to stop time with super saiyan blue kaiokien and being able to keep up with the likes of jiren , toppo , Kefla and Dyspo should put his speed at MFTL+. Laufey is instead killed by Loki, a villain, but one whose feud was with Thor. Born and raised in the ranks of the violent Spartans, Kratos became a respected general in his ranks but had to beg the God of War, Ares, during a battle with the Barbarians to avoid the Spartans' defeat. Preferably, references to the hosts should not be here, or the subject made more ambiguous. ch 24 Goku vs Superman. This is especially common if you have some dark edgy violent story where the protagonist seeking vengeance is someone who typically isn’t meant to be admired, but they still get to kill their target. Classic work on the impact of comic books on children. Pit: DIE!!! Much like any attempt to humanize after the first game, this was extremely hollow. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite and share. When the Skrulls come to town, it's all-out war in Wakanda! The alien invaders have warships, advanced technology, super-powered soldiers, and an army that outnumbers the Wakandans ten-to-one. Cake walk, right? Think again! Mega-Man vs Astro Boy. ", Even if Kratos didn't start the conflict in II, how is him winning even supposed to be a good thing in that game? Goku: what’s the matter , is that all you’ve got!. And just incase you. Name: Vegeta. Despite all the hate I've shown towards Kratos, this won't be a spite match. Read The main Six Watch Death Battle part 49 Goku Vs Superman. Dragon Ball Z VS Sonic the Hedgehog's rival! Support our work and help us get better! Got into a debate with a friend who believes Thanos (MCU) stomps Kratos but tbh I'm not good at debating battles like these. ", No man, no god could ever forget the terrible deeds you have done. Given that Kratos' magic abilities that revolve around straight up murder don't effect beings much weaker than Goku, I don't see how they could even slow Goku down unless he was in full idiot mode. , Why thanks for your compliment but you are going to die for the simple fact that I am the strongest mortal in the universe not you!. Mr. Bean wakes up one morning to find himself in an unoccupied guest suite onboard the Death Star. Rainbow Dash vs Starscream. Found inside – Page 1For three years, Saitama has defeated countless monsters, but no one knows about him. Death Battles Category, How to Create Your Own What-If Death Battles, General Death Battle TN and Template Blog, Elite Four (Kill la Kill) vs Elite Four (Pokemon), God of War vs Dragon Ball Themed Death Battles, 'Hero vs. Anti-Hero' themed Death Battles, Magic vs Martial Arts themed Death Battles, 'Sony vs Shonen Jump' themed Death Battles, Death Battles with a Returning OMM Combatant, Death Battles with a returning DBX combatant, 'Returning Character' themed Death Battles,,,,, But looking at the movies there is an interesting rule the movies seem to follow that a hero who is out for vengeance against a villain isn't the one to kill the villain. DEATH BATTLE Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Ares listened to Kratos and bounded a pair of curved, chained blades to his forearms to physically represent Kratos' servitude to the god of war. The New York Times bestselling Culture novel. After the events of the God of War 3, Kratos traveled to Midgard in the Norse Mythology and settled with a woman named Laufey. We've all had our share of . Vegeta vs Shadow 5%. The two clash again , Goku keeps kicking and punching Kratos , Kratos then creates a force field and tries to get Goku off guard , Goku keeps teleporting in front of and behind of Kratos before he has time to react , Kratos then gets Goku off guard and hits him with the Pommel , the attack hits Goku and Goku loses stamina and falls to the floor. A short scream followed by a gurgle of blood heralded Kratos's death, his limbs and head going slack and the Sword of Olympus clattering to the ground. The both kratoses have slain all the gods of the Greek and Norse mythology and Goku is only a demigod so it would be a fair fight. Goku VS Superman: January 10th, 2013 61% Credits. Wiz: I guess Kratos got Owned but ya know just Sayain!. 0 Go. @jashro44 @god_spawn @jedixman 5 years ago The story of the bravest battle ever fought. 3:34. How long does it take him to save the princess, escape the station, and break the loop? Death Battle: Guts VS Nightmare Thread starter GodzillaFan1992; Start date Apr 8, 2015; 1; 2; Next. Vegeta VS Shadow - Death Battle! He appeared in the 10th episode of DEATH BATTLE!, Kratos VS Spawn, where he fought against Spawn from the Spawn series. Click the link to become a member! The connection to Sparta came in II. Kratos decides he'll let the world be destroyed just so he can get his revenge on Zeus", acknowledge that Kratos wasn't a force of good. Still a better character than post GoWI Kratos though. Boomstick: no but Kratos rushes into battle without much strategy . Boomstick: Although Kratos had a better Arsenal , his weapons were not powerful enough to beat Goku with , Anything in his Pocket would only distract Goku or prolong the inevitable fact that Goku would eventually win. Superman won both times. In this e-book short story by Rick Riordan, Carter Kane is investigating rumored sightings of a monster on Long Island when he runs into something else: a mysterious boy named Percy Jackson. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. Wiz:From birth kratos was a child , who wanted nothing more but to be in the spartan army and protect his family and he was successful , by a adult he was fully trained and was a spartan general , however one day , kratos was nearly going to die from another army’s attacks , kratos fell on his knees and begged for the god of war , ares to save his life and those who he cared about , ares listened to his cries and came down to aid kratos , killing all of the enimies who were trying to do him harm , in return kratos agreed to forever serve ares as his solider . Death Battle did a Goku VS Superman. Vegeta vs Shadow. February 26th 2015. Goku:Come on beerus I’ll beat you eventually. Made even funnier if you read Worlds Collide, in which the two machine's designs are merged to make the Egg-Wily Machine X. Scratch and Grounder arguing between themselves in the battle when they stumble upon Sheep Man, before he blasts them both with lightning and swaps their heads. They come in many shapes and sizes whether they look the part or not they all have one thing in common. R1 kratos from the first game vs ss2 goku R2 kratos from the second/third games vs super sayan god goku R3 kratos full power blood lusted and with … Press J to jump to the feed. . Boomstick: Kratos went on a killing spree , killing almost anything he came across . The most powerful mortal on Earth, the unstoppable, indestructible, incredible Hulk battles the X-Men Just what is the startling secret that connects Professor Charles Xavier with Doctor Bruce Banner? However, Ares betrayed Kratos and tricked him into killing his family. . Kratos then shoots fire at Goku , a huge explosion happens until.... , white aura starts surrounding Goku , And Goku comes out of the smoke with white hair , it’s ultra instinct!. But, Kratos has killed pretty much every single Greek GOD . by Fulaman198 ( m ): 6:37pm On Jun 08 , 2016 Goku easily, in Dragonball Super episode 12, he only had to punch 2.5 times to have universe busting capabilities as a Super Saiyan God. Experiment with DeviantArt’s own digital drawing tools. The only way Naruto could beat either Kratos or Goku is with Equal stats. A very powerful word but it fuels these two , Kratos the God of war and Goku the Strongest mortal of universe 11 , he’s Wiz and I’m Boomstick and it’s our job to anylaze their armors , weapons and skills to find out who would win a death battle!. I love Goku, but I'd give it to Superman. Found insideFirst published in 1924, this suspenseful tale “has inspired serial killers, films and stirred controversy in schools. Wiki. Born with the name of Kratos and having risen through the ranks of the violent Spartans, this bloodthirsty warrior became a respected general in his army but had to beg the God of War, Ares, during a battle with the Barbarians to avoid the Spartans' defeat. ", Ghost of Sparta frankly doesn't matter. In gow 2 kratos have amulet of fate to slow time stop time even travel in past . Battle. Yes, but this doesn't mean that he never cared about Sparta, just like it doesn't mean that he never cared about his wife and daughter, even when he was hunger for glory and power. Born from a low-class warrior named Bardock on Planet Vegeta with the birth name Kakarot, Goku was a member . It was essentially Kratos with his iconic blades and the Hermes boots which allowed him to run really quick. This, however, ended as Ares tricked Kratos into slaughtering his own wife and daughter. :! With only a few matches left to be fought in the preliminaries to the third portion of the Journeyman Ninja Selection Exams, the highly anticipated bout between mysterious Sand ninja Gaara and intense, earnest Konoha ninja Rock Lee begins. Record When Darkseid gains mental control over a race of three billion powerful beings in the 30th century, the future Legion of Super-Heroes enlists the aid of every former Legionnaire to stand against him. This book brings together four tales of gamma-powered adventure! Witness the destruction as the Green Goliath goes toe-to-toe with the Champions, Thundra, and the lion of Olympus himself, the incredible Hercules. And challenges along the way, and l. TL ; DR: Woman... Aceofspaces3709 God of War X-Men and more against the omnipotent Eternal, Thanos short between. Way for him back now or Japan will be overrun Underworld to Earth Kakarot, was. That are jokingly labeled as a stomp custom creations to people who your... 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