Okemos High School Welcomes Back Principal Sermak Posted on October 25, 2010 by kloftus By Kathleen Loftus Meridian Times staff writer After 31 years, Dr. Lanzetta retired and Okemos High School brought in a former English teacher, Christine Sermak. Okemos High School "We appreciate you bringing back our amazing OHS alumni! “Even though I didn’t get to go to OHS, for the last 11 years I’ve gotten to go to OHS so my dream did come true.”. Before that, she taught in the English department for ten years. I’m always blown away because all of a sudden you see a student that you see in the hallway in a completely different role and they’re thriving,” Sermak said. Write A Review Katie Siedl. I know I have a lot of energy left, a lot of positivity that I want to share with others, so I definitely will do something with people. Okemos; Okemos High School; Christine Sermak; Christine Sermak. 2005-2006 Glenn Davis, Byron Center HS. Latest Posts. Okemos High School is raising money for those students who may need extra help financially, or even with keeping up with their studies, and they're doing it with a 'Touch of Class.' School attendance zone. Christine Sermak and our high school faculty is very cognizant too of the loss of control the . Visit this school's website. Sermak, and Okemos resident, taught English at Okemos High School from 1994-2004 before becoming the principal at Williamston. Looking forward, Sermak has hopeful prospects for the future of OHS. Superintendent Cheryl Kreger feels that Sermak was the perfect candidate to replace Dr. Lanzetta. Every single day people show up and do their very best. This includes:  SAT/ACT Testing Snacks, Lanzetta Scholarship, Caught Reading Program, Teacher Luncheons, Wish Lists from OHS Staff, OEF Banquet, Okemos Cares, Post Prom and Senior Farewell. She is a true instructional leader, said Kreger. Find Okemos High School test scores, student-teacher ratio, parent reviews and teacher stats. Drawing on original reports, letters, diaries, and memoirs, Michael H. Kater traces the history of the Hitler Youth, examining the means, degree, and impact of conversion, and the subsequent fate of young recruits. Okemos High School Schedule - March 22, 2021. “I live right across from the high school, so I’ve been getting a lot of people joking saying, ‘So are you gonna ride your bike?’” Sitting in a beautiful garden, high atop a flower, the impressionable Buzzy reads in the book, Learn to Fly, the very true fact that, "Bumblebees weren't made to fly. Counselors, Russ [Verrell], Asja [Wilcox], they are all my closest network as far as facilitating and moving forward,” she said. Parent Group is a great way for parents to get involved in the school, meet other parents and help the teachers and students in various activities. The Michigan High School Athletic Association, Inc., is a private, voluntary asso­ci­­a­tion for public, private and parochial secondary schools which choose to join and participate in the organization. The principals of Okemos High School, Christine Sermak, Hiawatha Elementary, Julie Bellinger, and Cornell Elementary, Tara Fry, are all retiring. I want that sense of empowerment to be able to go to adults and say ‘This isn’t working, here is a solution,’” Sermak said. . If you do not have “great” teachers early on, then you’re handicapped for life. Okemos High School Schedule - Week of March 29 - April 1. Christine Sermak, currently the Williamston Middle School principal, was announced as the school's new leader last week at the school's board meeting. Aerial. By Rose Albrecht Christine Sermak coaches the OHS girls varsity basketball team. Okemos High School "We appreciate you bringing back our amazing OHS alumni! Gaji Laskar Kelas 1 Maritim, Roughleaf Dogwood Size, Panasonic Exhaust Fan 10 Inch, Credit Helpline Number, Buhari Online Order, New Listings Rome, Ga, Okemos High School Christine Sermak, Social Share She taught with Rachel Freeman (English) and Diane Dockus (English) and grew up competing against Danielle Tandoc (Science) in sports. by OHS Press June 8, 2021 Number of comments 0. OK2SAY is the student safety program which allows students to confidentially report tips on potential harm or criminal activities directed at school students, school employees, and schools. Be the first to leave a review! (7%) are the normal age for attending high school (15-19). Okemos High School Alumni Class List. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. ( Log Out /  Principal. Flag Teacher. By Kathleen Loftus Meridian Times staff writer What: Harris Center Halloween Adventures Where: Harris Nature Center 3998 Van Atta Road in Meridian Township 517-349-3866 When: Sunday, Oct. 30, 10:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. Who: Open to families. “I’ve played school or thought about being a teacher and educator since I was twelve, and we used to have chalkboards, so I would have a chalkboard in my basement where I could play school; some people played house or ball but I played school,” Sermak said. "He has truly transformed our athletic department. CRILE, MADELINE - Speech/Language Pathologist, HARROD, LINDSAY - Family & Consumer Sciences, SKOUTELAS, CHRISTINE - Resource Consultant, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). For people to feel as if their connected to their community. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. ( Log Out /  ( Log Out /  . “It’s literally taken my six years in Williamston to finally get my pronouns right as far as us, we they. The primary function of the Asso­ciation is to conduct postseason tournaments and to help member schools have rules and guidelines to follow and enforce locally to promote equitable . When asked about her future plans, Sermak was unsure of what she will be doing but wants to continue to spread positivity in some way. A detailed look from above. The principals of Okemos High School, Christine Sermak, Hiawatha Elementary, Julie Bellinger, and Cornell Elementary, Tara Fry, are all retiring. I hope this sense of togetherness and family-type atmosphere continues because that is what makes Okemos great,” Sermak said. Okemos High School Reviews. The Michigan High School Athletic Association, Inc., is a private, voluntary asso­ci­­a­tion for public, private and parochial secondary schools which choose to join and participate in the organization. “She has that Okemos connection,” said Kreger. OKEMOS, Mich. (WLNS) — Okemos High School principal Christine Sermak said on Facebook that one student has tested positive for COVID-19. He has taken us to the next level . “It was hard for over a year to not have interactions [with students]. 1900 Kinawa Drive, Okemos e-mail: steve.stierley@okemosk12.net Okemos High, 706-4900 Ms. Christine Sermak, 706-4901 Ms. Marcy Mosher, Secretary,706-4902 2800 Jolly Road, Okemos e-mail: christine.sermak@okemosk12.net Special Education K-12 Ms. Heather Pricco, Director, 706-4828 Ms. Karen Carlson, Secretary, 706-4829 Principal Christine Sermak retires after 21 years at OHS. 2008-2009 Rich Moffit . While at Edgewood Elementary I had several. Director of Guidance Services: Hedlun Walton, MA, LPC 517-706-4921 (office) hedlun . Lanzetta hired Sermak as a teacher out of college 16 years ago. If you see your name among the Okemos High School graduates, someone is looking for you! Christine Sermak. Christine Sermak is graduating from her time as Okemos High School’s Principal with the class of 2021. "It's literally taken my six years in Williamston… Really for the last year my interactions with students, and that’s what really filled my bucket in the hallways, I didn’t have so I think a combination of just the level of stress and not being able to be with kids and refill the bucket was that tipping point and I just decided, you know, this is the year,” Sermak said. By Rose Albrecht Christine Sermak is graduating from her time as Okemos High School's Principal with the class of 2021.Continue Reading. It was a hard choice to make for Sermak, but ultimately the wear of the pandemic was what made her decide to make this her last year as an administrator. “I have so many memories I wouldn’t know where to begin but some of my favorite memories are again us coming together as a community whether it’s rallying around a sports team or it’s going and sitting in the auditorium and seeing the musicals. “When John Lanzetta and I talked about Christine, I think his quote is ‘Christine will walk into the room, and she will most often be the sharpest person there.’” But he has been what principal Christine Sermak described as 'transformational' in his time as the athletic director at the high school. Lastly, here are her parting words for the students and staff of Okemos High School. “The things that you all did, the dialogues, the conversations. Okemos is well known for a tradition of educational excellence with strong parent and community support. Online ordering for Okemos High School Spirit Wear 2015 ends on September 15th, 2015 (11:59pm) Sermak is a graduate of Lansing Catholic Central, and her kids are both enrolled in Okemos schools. She’s articulate. Population stats are from the United . THAT is where the money should be spent. In fact, I don’t think I encountered a “great” teacher outside of elementary school while in Okemos. However, I do know that she was not a particularly great teacher while I was there. CONNECT Crew is designed to reinforce these shared values by allowing our own students the opportunity to lead and grow together, building positive relationships and expanding on our already . Nov. 13, 2017 . Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Olsen, Mrs. White, Mrs. Wardell, Mrs. I want to do something meaningful and make a difference but I don’t want to be in charge,” Sermak said. His leadership in the classroom, on the football field and basketball court in our hallways has positively contributed to our school He is well respected by faculty and peers alike. The real question should not revolve around how good the next High School principal will be, but how good does Okemos’ early education system perform? 2006-2007 Rick Zoulek, Shelby HS. Premium Partners ($2,500 - up) . Please click on the image to submit a tip to OK2SAY. I won’t miss being on call seven days a week and working all hours of the night and day but on the other hand, maybe I will. Nov. 13, 2017 . • Orders will be available for pick up on Wednesday, September 30th from 7:00 - 8:00 PM at the Okemos High School Store. 2003-2004 Dorene Ingalls, St Ignace LaSalle HS. Sermak has been the Principal of OHS for 11 years now, from fall 2010 to spring 2021. Arrest—and resisting arrest—seems to be his favorite pastime. Flowers for Rodney tells the poignantly realistic story of a teenage boy struggling to find himself in a world made bleak by the loss of his father. "Okemos has always been home," Sermak said. The student-approved new survey is much more useful. 2001-2002 Christine Sermak, Okemos HS. Principal. Two coaches are in the group, Brian Guggemos and Christine Sermak. Created the Okemos High School Hall of Fame. “Most of all it’s probably the negativity. Principle: Christine Sermak Okemos High School (517) 706-4902 christine.sermak@okemosk12.net. I was at Williamson Middle School for six years as an assistant principal and athletic director in between that,” Sermak said. Robert E. Baker (1965 Phy…) Majorie Barnes (1951 Science) Mrs. Barnhart (1991 Counselor) Jim Barry (1976, 1991 Band) Jane Ophelia Bass (1976 Business) Edith Fanny (Hudson) Bearup. My hobbies were attending band concerts, musicals and sporting events. Christine Sermak- Principal As those surveys are completed, they will replace the results shown here. Principal Christine Sermak, the Parent Group board and parents of high school students attend these meetings. 2004-2005 Ken George, Grand Rapids Forest Hills Central HS. The Michigan High School Athletic Association, Inc., is a private, voluntary asso­ci­­a­tion for public, private and parochial secondary schools which choose to join and participate in the organization. Photo courtesy Christine Sermak. “Okemos has always been home,” Sermak said. Over four thousand five hundred students attend K-4 elementary schools, a public Montessori school (Pre-primary - th4 th grade), a 5-6 grade building, a 7-8th grade building which both feature Montessori programs, and one high school. Okemos High School isn't just one of the best science and technology schools in Michigan - it's one of the very best in the nation. 2 8 0 0 J O L LY ROA D. VOL. Chance and Mr. Coryell were all excellent teachers that gave me the basics to succeed in the realms of middle school and high school. Dawn Reed. Labels. Okemos High School principal Christine Sermak said on Facebook that one student has tested positive for COVID-19. Road. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Be the first to leave a review! In support of this mission, Okemos High School offers Advanced Placement courses, honors courses, a Science Research class, Career and Technical Education class I love to read so I will read, I will work out, and then I’m not really sure. Okemos High School ACTION (community service student organization) Mary Rhodes . Sermak understands the challenges she faces taking the reigns at a time when the schools faces so many major decisions and changes. Write A Review . Principal Christine Sermak, the Parent Group board and parents of high school students attend these meetings. "I'm 65 and a half years old, which is older than the average age in this position, but that's because I've been having so much fun," said Lanzetta.… Okemos High School has announced its 2018 athletics hall of fame class which will be inducted Thursday, September 27th. The man she is replacing, Dr. John Lanzetta, is very confident in Sermak’s ability to lead the school. Staying fit over the summer. Sermak, and Okemos resident, taught English at Okemos High School from 1994-2004 before becoming the principal at Williamston. Principal Christine Sermak and . We’re in the business of customer service for parents and students, and there’s a lot of weight on keeping people happy.”. THE OHS PRESS Principal Christine Sermak retiring after 21 years at OHS Rose Albrecht Editor in . Nearby homes. Okemos High School Cami Shadakar. Search Term : Yearbook : Number of Archive records : 690 : Related Records. It is so beneficial for our students and faculty." Thanks Rod, Christine . Flag Teacher. As an English teacher, I never thought I would miss grading essays, but my first year [in the administration] I would have loved to read a Huck Finn essay,” Sermak said. Facebook page. Guggemos and . “Probably the hours. OKEMOS HIGH SCHOOL . Okemos has always exceeded expectations. That they’re invested and understand the dynamics.” ( Log Out /  The majority of posts come directly from the weekly OHS News and Notes. by OHS Press June 8, 2021 Number of comments 0. “She is truly a talent. Now I’m going to have to change them all over again.” Principal Christine Sermak retires after 21 years at OHS, School board decides on return to in-person date of March 8. At Okemos High School, about 95.6% of seniors have joined Smith in graduating so far, according to Principal Christine Sermak; 96.7% graduated last year. ( Log Out /  2007-2008 Andrea Gorski, Livonia Ladywood HS. “And I think that’s huge in this community. Posted on October 25, 2010 by kloftus. The OEF is grateful to the following donors who contributed in support of Okemos students between July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. “I’m still very entrenched in the community. She’s great with the kids,” said Lanzetta. The departing principals are Okemos High School Principal Christine Sermak, Hiawatha Elementary School Principal Julie Bellinger, Okemos Public Montessori at Central Principal Shannon Nedds . o Other Information § Police Chief (Meridian Township): David Hall The principal and board members will give a brief report at each meeting as well as discuss items needing attention relating to Okemos High School. Okemos High School located in OKEMOS, Michigan - MI. Dr. Lanz was a decent principle who happened to benefit from the products of the excellent early educational system in Okemos. Read school ratings and reviews for OKEMOS HIGH SCHOOL. Okemos Public Schools will resume instruction Monday, April 20 with a distance learning plan. Christine Sermak coaches the OHS girls varsity basketball team. Ms. Christine Sermak 517-706-4901 Fax: 517-351-9786 christine.sermak@okemosschools.net Dr Catherine Ash 4406 N. Okemos Road Okemos, Michigan 48864 517-706-5009 Fax: 517-349-6235 Catherine.ash@okemosschools.net Phone: 517-351-7900. Read school ratings and reviews for OKEMOS HIGH SCHOOL. Road. Irene Beaumont (1926-1928 Music) Fred Beckett (1966, 1976 Speci…) Leroy Bell (Superintendent …. Sermak, and Okemos resident, taught English at Okemos High School from 1994-2004 before becoming the principal at Williamston. Approximately 99% of Okemos High School graduates go on to colleges and universities; 85% of our students attend four-year institutions, approximately 14% attend two-year institutions, and 1% other (military, employment, or travel). Ford Ceasar Collection Series 13: Oversized M The store is located directly across from the main offices. By Kathleen Loftus Meridian Times staff writer After 31 years, Dr. Lanzetta retired and Okemos High School brought in a former English teacher, Christine Sermak. I don’t know what I will do, but you will not find me in a cubicle, you will not find me as a greeter. “It’s interesting people ask me that and unfortunately I’d like to say I have these great hobbies, but when you’re a high school principal there’s not really a lot of time for hobbies. Because that ultimately determines how Sermak will do. After 21 collective years of teaching and leading at OHS, Sermak is retiring from the administration. The Michigan High School Athletic Association, Inc., is a private, voluntary asso­ci­­a­tion for public, private and parochial secondary schools which choose to join and participate in the organization. Staying fit over the summer. “I would like OHS to continue thriving and being a safe place for learning and growth for everyone. Christine Sermak, currently the Williamston Middle School principal, was announced as the school's new leader last week at the school's board meeting. ( Log Out /  They come together, and it’s about trying to make yourself better and make the best experience for students as possible so hopefully, they, in turn, can give it back and pay it forward when they are in our roles as adults, and I think again that Okemos community is what has allowed this. Sermak is excited about continuing her career in Okemos and the area she and her family call home. Sermak said she would miss the students and community of OHS the most. Christine Sermak. “It’s bittersweet. Flag Teacher. Christine Sermak. This was not how Sermak had originally planned to end her career at OHS. The Okemos High School's principal on Monday greeted . It is so beneficial for our students and faculty." Thanks Rod, Christine . “I started my career teaching at Okemos High School in 1994 which was the very first year this building opened so I spent ten years as a teacher in the building, and then this is my eleventh year as the building principal. Principal email. Catherine Atkins Greenspan '85 and Elizabeth Atkins '86 talking to Creative Writing students Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. OKEMOS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Together.educating with excellence, inspiring each learner for life. The Michigan High School Athletic Association, Inc., is a private, voluntary asso­ci­­a­tion for public, private and parochial secondary schools which choose to join and participate in the organization. It was a hard choice to… "Okemos has always been home," Sermak said. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Okemos high school is just the right place for me,” she said. The principal and board members will give a brief report at each meeting as well as discuss items needing attention relating to Okemos High School. Okemos High School decided to implement the program soon after the bill had passed. "He's amazing,'' said Principal Christine Sermak. Okemos Public Montessori at Central Principal . Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. by OHS Press June 8, 2021 Number of comments 0. To honor her legacy, the OHS Press is reflecting past few decades with an in-depth interview about her time here. Found inside – Page 10Like the Br esl in Center , the Okemos High School gym has popped up in my life ... the principal, Christine Sermak, gave me a “We Are Okemos” T-shirt. LANSING — Students once again filled the Okemos High School halls with chatter and laughter, nearly bringing Christine Sermak to tears. . The primary function of the Asso­ciation is to conduct postseason tournaments and to help member schools have rules and guidelines to follow and enforce locally to promote equitable . The primary function of the Asso­ciation is to conduct postseason tournaments and to help member schools have rules and guidelines to follow and enforce locally to promote equitable . OKEMOS — A senior at Okemos High School has tested positive for COVID-19 after the school's graduation ceremony last weekend, according to the district. Hall 2001-2002 Christine Sermak to tears George, Grand Rapids Forest Hills Central HS and parents of High,! On return to in-person date of March 8 back our amazing OHS alumni Sermak ( 517 ) 706-4900 ( )... Law Firm, P.C this site from Okemos High School Store thriving being. School, a School located in 48864 Sermak Jane and Gordon Spink Thrun Firm! Ken George, Grand Rapids Forest Hills Central HS well known for a tradition of educational with! 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