It has the as if you read through my thoughts! Tie under your hair … Fast forward to last night, I got the sleepies again while putting my son down so I decided to try the pineapple method one more time, but I’m going to switch it up a bit. I usually twist or braid my hair while its wet after washing. Found inside – Page 647It's really easy work ; very easy . ... [ he ] comes and check on your work . ... [ At CPC ] their hair is covered but not every bit of it . Pineappling has got to be the easiest heatless method for stretching hair. So, of course, I couldn’t do with the nappy fro every morning and I had to do something to give my hair some life. To get to a point where you really appreciate your natural hair — especially if, like me, you have the texture that hardly anyone ever appreciated — you absolutely have to have an open mind. Any thoughts, or products that y’all use to not weigh it down but define and lighten? Go a little heavier on the ends of your hair, which tend to be the driest, to help lock in moisture. you are going waayyy back…old school, lol my grandma calls my hair peasy and my momma calls it nappy! It is affected by the flexible outer hair layer called the cuticle, which determines how easily moisture and oils pass in and out of your hair. Bromelain is a mixture of enzymes extracted from pineapples. It works though and stretches out my curls! 2. Most Afro-American women are naturally blessed with beautiful long hair. Found insideBut about our latest pineapple-field finds: There was enough hair on each of the ... and the other buried alone, who had brown hair and lots of dental work, ... And that pic is ugly (and unneccesary). I’m not really understanding your argument about the word nappy hitting “close to home”. As far as the people offended by nappy…time for a self-check. Pineapple bun is a super easy and fast hairstyle, especially if you have an old wash … I think after so much growth it turns into a volcano method…*just a thought LOL* I like bunning a lot as well. 4. Found inside – Page 30... ( a nailbrush will do ) , scrub the skin , separating the hair as you work . ... wrinkled it may be , but still usable , and the pineapple of the market . Stop by our Q&A section to get helpful advice from curlies like yourself! I don’t think not liking the word “nappy” is super weird (which is not exactly what you said) but it certainly does depend on context and the author’s writing style. Found inside – Page 314“It is for pressing oil,” the guide answered them as he set to work putting ... into a bag made of pineapple fiber, he proceeded to hang it on the board. Type 3– Curly hair. I take two squirts of this and work it through the hair, followed by two squirts of this and ditto. lol. Wrap your hair in a silk scarf while you sleep. Found insideOr, in my case, until you're rescued by the hottest pineapple farmer on any Hawaiian ... Besides the few grey hairs it was fairly easy, at least as far as ... THat was my only point to my comment and there was no intent to insult or belittle you in anyway. I always wake up with a huge dent in my hair ...What are some other ways of wearing your hair overnight to protect the natural curl pattern (natural being the key word, I don't want a new pattern from twist outs or bantu knots)?". Take care. Having curly hair is not exactly a walk in the park. $6.98 ($6.98/Count) Not intended to offend, so if it has…MY APOLOGIES! There are good days when your hair is shiny and cute, and there are not so good days when your hair doesn't want to cooperate. $7.99 ($7.99/Count) In Stock. The material doesn't air dry well. Found inside“If it doesn't work I want to get a little girl from China. ... Sarah suggests we head to Chinatown and hit our favourite spot, The Pineapple Thai Village. I think… Read more ». Purchase here: The more water you leave on your hair, the easier it will be to work your curl definer through. Found inside – Page 13“The flush didn't work,” she said. ... all I saw was turd-brown hair. ... Kay brought a salad, and Sue Bob baked an upside-down pineapple cake), ... Step 1. Why can’t the majority of hairdressers cut naturally curly hair? Wash and go. ... Every Curly Girl Needs To Know About Pineappling Hair It S A Proven While You Sleep Curl Saver That Preserves Your Curls Overnight Doesn T Matter I Hairst Curly Hair Overnight Curly Hair White . I have the same problem with the nape being too loose and tail. What do you mean? Since our hair is our glory and a LIVING extension of our very being, we should refer/describe & treat our hair with respect; thus this natural hair movement (MOVING AWAY from old beliefs). After reviewing Wild Sunshine Bliss’ tutorial for the pineapple method a few months back, I tried it and of course IT DIDN’T WORK FOR ME! Found insideOr, in my case, until you're rescued by the hottest pineapple farmer on any Hawaiian ... Besides the few grey hairs it was fairly easy, at least as far as ... BGLH now sells raw and whipped shea butter, cocoa butter and mango butter. But when attempting to write… Read more », Fo-real tho! This is my hair today, after sleeping with the claw-clip. [img][/img], Not newly natural. I do mix it up a bit…bc I end up with a whole heap of hair on top of my head and it’s in my face and it’s more like a “VOLCANO”. Found insideOn the other hand , only fresh pineapple will work as a meat tenderizer . ... clean their wounds , remove body hair , and cure upset stomach . The best tool to use for this is a silk or satin scrunchie. Make sure that you tie the knot at a convenient spot, so that it doesn’t bother you while sleeping. Even though I love my wash-n-go curls, I can’t keep waiting upwards of an hour for my hair to air dry every morning. Pineappling is a method designed for drying your hair overnight. That’s why, when I’m wearing it loose, I put it into two low puffs, one on either side of my head, before putting on the satin scarf. LOL!!! Found inside – Page 284He holds up a pineapple. ... “And as you just learned, your target doesn't need to actually be in the hammock in order for it to work. . , NEVER!! Learn about the benefits and risks of bromelain here. I wash every 4 - 6 days but am planning to … The best way to keep 'em in tact is by " pineappling " your hair on top of your head and twisting it into an old, soft cotton T-shirt. I’m not entirely sure though, but i’m suspicious. peasy?! It is a practice that's used to help maintain the health of Black hair. I do the same thing and I look like a damn unicorn with all this hair lol. That’s the one I have been using as well. Found insideIn came a middle-aged woman with a lot of pineapple blond hair teased and ... The man had on a white open-necked polo shirt, revealing the puffy onset of ... Also I got cut off, A travel nurse who says our butters are more effec, We've brought clear containers back, so you can se, Wild Sunshine Bliss’ tutorial for the pineapple method, 2013 Wrap Up: Taking The GOOD With The Bad, 2013 Wrap Up: Taking The GOOD With The BadGoodLooknOut. If what you meant was: matted, knotty, or you felt like you looked unkempt, then say that… Folks are likely to get offended when you say “nappy” in a way that matches any of the adjectives I just used. My hair isn't very thick, so pineappling doesn't tend to work for me which is why I prefer a buff. This is an important tip for pineappling your hair but don’t worry if you don’t have anything satin on hand. When pineappling kinky hair types, like 4a, 4b, and 4c, sometimes an indentation may be left in your hair from the use of an elastic band or scrunchie, in which case a satin bonnet or scarf can be used. For ladies that have recently big chopped or if you have shorter hair, using satin bonnet or scarf can be a very useful alternative to pineappling. Found inside – Page 88She put a hand to my brow , absently , forever , pushing back the wet hair to display the classic brow that was her pride and joy . “ You feel cold to me . all love coming from me sweetie. Whipped Butters 2.5 OZ Sample Pack - Pick 3, Whipped Butters 0.9 OZ Sample Pack -- PICK 3, The choices. Twirling: Twirl then scrunch your hair when wet to give your naturally wavy style some much-needed definition. 4. Then, since the sides of my hair cant reach the pineapple-esque ponytail at… Read more », Girl you gotta do what you gotta do…LOL. * Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links. Sarah: Yummy. Are you trying to say that people who don’t like the word nappy must have nappy hair? What an epic fail. 5. I learned that for my hair pineappling isn't as good as just putting a scarf on top of my head. Depending on how well I style it, it can last for about a week as long as I put a bonnet or scarf on at night. Great job posting. I learned that for my hair pineappling isn't as … Type 1– Straight hair. Never use an elastic tie; they rip at your hair with, you guessed it!, friction. They are super soft and don't crinkle hair. Manny WM Hair & Beauty Curl Type 2A, Curly Girl Method, hair, hair journey, haircare, wavy hair 11 Comments Hello wavies! Whether it is a busy day at work or a meeting, this natural hairstyle will make you the center of attraction. Do this while your hair is still wet; you can mist it if it starts to feel dry as you add your leave-in. What you do in the video is the pineapple method and the other three methods are modifications of them. If your hair is too short to use a multi-pineapple, then it might be best to use a satin pillowcase, bonnet, or scarf to … It’s okay if it doesn’t work for you. You've held me down night in and night out, protecting me and keeping me covered. She uses OGX Curling Butter. This means that at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you go through and make a purchase. Found insideThey protect your hair and make-up and everything. ... which was made, it seemed, of old nylon stockings tacked into the shape of a pineapple. Tight coils and soft wavy tresses, African American curls and curly kids - this is what to do to look and feel your best. Read the full article here – Why sleeping on silk is good for curly hair. Step 3: Apply a hair oil You probably wouldn’t guess it by looking at my curly hair, but my roots are actually stick-straight and ultra-flat, giving me the very coveted pyramid head. 1 teaspoon olive oil. Don’t mess with dry curls. Found inside – Page 44How We Serve THE JAM GIRL Pineapple Snow Pudding ( CONTINUED FROM PAGE 43 ) ... with a mouth filled with evidences of dental work - when gold is required it ... I called her a Newly natural because that was what she called herself in the post. If not, how did you switch it up? People use bromelain as a health supplement. My hair is layered and barely shoulder-length, so the various methods for sleeping with it wet that involve pineappling and other "pile it up on top of your head" things are difficult, as it's not long enough for that. And trust me I wish the “hair fairy” would visit me every once in a while…. So much info out here and newly naturals get caught up in overload. Found insideShe has never seen me with my hair in a pineapple fro. ... She suggests that I work on being more of a team player, and not being so closed off. Found inside – Page 246Science doesn't work like that. ... Forehead brands will be big, and dental floss, and bobbed hair, particularly the marcel wave, will make a comeback. You’re not a natural and you’re defending the use of a term that does not celebrate natural hair. Le French Chignon Twist – Perfect Updo for Natural Straight Hair or Relaxed Hair, In A Style Rut? So it seems to just be a way to protect your hair from being tangled? Hi Stella, Thank you for your question. Although her hair is more than likely a wig, I still strive for her curls, like ALL THE TIME. The choices!! But, now that my hair has grown to armpit, bra strap length it works for me because my hair now has the weight to fall down. This is exactly how I put my hair up for the night. It took me years to realize that traditional protective styles don't work for my fine 4a hair after trying cornrows, kinky twists, Havana twists and crochet braids for years. Placing hair in a high, loose style that resembles a pineapple. Naturals have been actively changing old beliefs praising defined curls over ‘naps’ and valuing both equally, but this sentence reads like the author holds those old beliefs. If you do not know what pineappleling your hair means, it is just a method used by curly girls to preserve their hair at night so they can somehow get second, third and fourth day hair without re-styling. If you can't seem to sleep with curly hair without messing it up, I rounded up the 10 best methods to sleeping with waves, curls, and 4c natural hair, here. No new information here except that the author doesn’t think that nappy fros have life. I also like to take a satin scrunchy and tie a low or mid high ponytail/bun and tie a satin scarf on my edges and sleep on my satin pillow case. Its the perfect pineapple method for short natural hair. It’s inappropriate and offensive. I find some new naturals don’t always understand that NONE of these so-called “rules” people try to lay down are set in stone. ‑_-, That was the pineapple method. This means that at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you … A moisturiser is something that smoothens the hair strands and usually has emollients or ingredients that repel water. Doesn’t work for me either my hair ends up staying right in that position after i take it down it doesn’t fall down back into place. Found insideWe told them it was an emergency, and we would wait till she could work me in. ... and sometimes be connected to each other by strings of hair. Pineappling Found inside – Page 193... listening to my iTunes or going to work and suddenly something clicks, ... my husband stepping out of the shower with pineapple dewdrops in his hair, ... 9 Year Old Washes And Styles Her Natural Hair Herself, A Simple Guide On The Variety Of Rollers For Fabulous Sets. Use your scrunchie to secure your hair in a ponytail at the top of your head. Simona!! Once your hair is dry, don’t undo all that curl-defining work by running your fingers through your hair. I assume that is all depends on how you prepare your hair and sleep. I’ve never thought of this before and will try it tonight. What is pineappling hair? 1 Before you go to sleep, add a dollop of Garnier Fructis Triple Nutrition Curl Nourish Butter Cream... 2 Gently gather your hair into a high ponytail. 3 The next morning, remove the scrunchie, shake out your hair, and instantly refresh your curls by... Pineapple Bun. Step 3) Wrap each section around the sock. All that is required is putting your hair in one or two high ponytails, wrapping your hair, and calling it a night. This product (apart from conditioners)… Read more ». An outstanding read. Moisture can do a lot to revive flattened curls.
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