Is it the same as the one for the unrestored Community Center?--Spaceeinstein (talk) 03:47, 8 March 2021 (UTC) He is a writer who dreams of one day writing a magnificent novel. He works atJojaMartmost days between 9 am and 5 pm and after work, he frequently spends his evenings inThe Stardrop Saloon. He likes most eggs as long as it isn’t a void egg and all other fruits. 9 Timeline. DangerouslyFunny via YT. Juul offers examples from independent games ranging from Dys4ia to Firewatch; the text is richly illustrated with many color images. 10 Trivia. Your email address will not be published. While it sounds simple, not everyone is easy to find. 6:40 PM Goes higher up to his room, peruses before shelf. © 11:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie’s Ranch. Stardew Valley Expanded 1.12. 5:30 PM Returns to center, remains at right half of front work area. In the world of Stardew Valley, Shane is one of the most complicated characters. Stardew Valley - Shane Complete Guide. Stardew Valley Wiki Guide. Stardew valley endgame: What to do Run the game with the mod installed to generate the config file. Images used for educational purposes only. He lives in the carpenter's shop with his mom Robin, his half-sister Maru, and his stepfather Demetrius. You will receive a verification email shortly. Buy on Steam. He works at Jojamart but is rude to the player when they first move to town. Unzip the file in Stardew Valley/Mods. PC Gamer is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Morris worked his way up to manager from within the company and prioritizes the store's success over his own. About Shane Birthday: Spring 20 Location: Cindersnap Forest . Sebastian is an NPC and one of the marriage candidates who live in Stardew Valley. Jas Stardew Valley Mod images, similar and related articles aggregated throughout the Internet. Wich day of the week Shane goes to the Island? Posted on. When she's not out and about foraging in the woods, you can find her sculpting at home. Found insideNext-Door Incubus is the sensual first book in the smoking-hot Becoming Lust paranormal romance series. If you like irresistible men, demonic plots, and high heat, then you’ll love Destiny Diess’s arousing fantasy. 5:00 PM Leaves JojaMart and heads for the Stardrop Saloon. I don't like people telling me how it's possible for theoretical people to go from heavy addition to just a nice moderate amount. Although not necessary to play the game, raising your friendship level with characters in Stardew Valley will trigger heart events and earn you great rewards in the form or recipes, gifts or the chance to date and marry a resident.Shane, nephew of Marnie, is one character players can befriend and possibly marry. 9:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in the kitchen at Marnie’s Ranch. Junimo Bot is a Stardew Valley Bot created to provide accurate information with least amount of effort for Stardew Valley players. Thread starter. Although not necessary to play the game, raising your friendship level with characters in Stardew Valley will trigger heart events and earn you great rewards in the form or recipes, gifts or the chance to date and marry a resident.Shane, nephew of Marnie, is one character players can befriend and possibly marry. Here's his schedule, heart events, and the gifts he likes so you can win him over. I married Shane, then someone told me u can get blue chickens and i tried to just buy them and nothing worked. Found insideWait, really? This is the end of the arc? No way, you can't possibly wrap this up in one issue! Julie and Selena are in a fight! Chet doesn't have their centaur butt back! Don't tell me that horrible fox magician is getting away with this! He spends most of his time at The Stardrop Saloon, drinking his troubles away. Here we have Shane, one of the six bachelors in Stardew Valley. Spring ☘️ - Egg Festival: 13th - Flower Dance: 24th Summer ☀️ - Luau 11th - Dance of the Moonlight Jellies 28th Fall - Stardew Valley . Suffering from severe depression and alcoholism, Shane's story is one of the saddest from Stardew Valley. In this guide, we'll run down Sebastian's favorite gifts, his schedule, and all of his Friendship heart events. 8:30 AM Works at the center's front work area. Stardew Valley: Shane Guide 2021. Other than that, he spends a . View Sanshee Collection. Can i still do his 8 heart event? Regular Schedule. Schedule Shaneis usually found at JojaMart on weekdays from 9am to 5pm, He spends most of his evenings at The Stardrop Saloon. This is done by giving 10 Golden Walnuts to the first parrot outside by the turtle. This is a guide on everything you need to know about everyone's favorite Desperado, Shane! He is there most days between 9am and 5pm, working hard to make a living. PC Gamer is supported by its audience. Shane is an older NPC who lives with his Aunt and has a soft spot for his goddaughter Jas. Moreover, he is often rude to anyone who tries to talk with him. -Nearly 1.5 million subscribers on YouTube. -Extremely loyal and devoted fan network to LaToya Forever channel. 11:10am: Leaves the saloon and heads home. "This book focuses on the story of two Ole Miss students in the 1960s who made their mark in New York City, then later bonded again in the 1990s in Oxford, Mississippi and Memphis, Tennessee. A photographic tribute to a diverse range of queerly feminine subjects. Recently game developer ConcernedApe, released update 1.1, giving even more marriage options in the form of both Emily . Shane is quite different from the other villagers in the Pelican Town, he drinks regularly to keep his mind away from depression. Shane is a character that comes across as very rough and rude at the beginning of the game, and that slowly becomes more friendly as your quantity of hearts with him go up. 14 Hearts: Enter Town from 8am to 5pm (requires: Not Friday), 14 Hearts II & III: Enter Town any time the next 2 days, Stardew Valley Sebastian Gifts, Schedule and Heart Events, Stardew Valley Alex Gifts, Schedule and Heart Events. The whimsical and captivating follow-up to The Paper Magician and The Glass Magician, The Master Magician will enchant readers of all ages. Visit our corporate site. Julie has always been the shy type. Penny is a villager who lives in Pelican Town.She's one of the twelve characters available to marry.Her trailer is just east of the center of town, west of the river. Complete guide to Ginger Island in Stardew Valley. The guide below shows you how to unlock the Shane 14 Heart Event in Stardew Valley. Do you want to play a game that will take you a trip down the memory lane? Shane was a heavy addict that got blackout drunk and almost committed suicide. This means he can be quite cold at first, but you can work your way into his life with gifts and good conversation. Although they knew nothing of his background, the Starretts offered their hospitality to Shane when he came to Wyoming in 1889 ]9:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in the kitchen at Marnie’s Ranch. Shane loves receiving the following items: beer, hot pepper, pepper poppers, and pizza. Ginger Island is the only island available to visit in the entire visible archipelago, though other islands can be seen from the boat on the way . Found inside – Page 1Written by J. Michael Straczynski with art by Ardian Syaf (BATGIRL), SUPERMAN: EARTH ONE VOL. 3 follows a young Clark Kent as he continues his journey toward becoming the World's Greatest Super Hero. 12:30 PM In the kitchen at Marnie’s Ranch. It comes with many variants, allowing players to choose the version that has their spouse! You must interact . 7:10 AM Leaves Marnie’s Ranch and heads to JojaMart. He lives with Marnie and Jas at Marnie's Ranch. 12:00 PM Leaves Marnie’s Ranch and heads to Pierre’s General Store. Shane can best be described as the towns most rude NPC, however his love for chickens does show you a bit of a softer (yet . Emily pauses as sad music plays, then moves away to take Shane's order. 11 History. Red Dead Redemption 2 Complete Official Guide Standard Edition Compiled and crafted in association with Rockstar Games, this guide is your indispensable companion to the vast, dangerous, and breathtaking world of Red Dead Redemption 2. His key attribute is his depression and the alcohol abuse that is used as a way to cope with it. 2:00 PM Leaves Marnie’s Ranch and heads to the Stardrop Saloon. He doesn't work on the weekend except on rainy days, and is . Then Stardew Valley is perfect for you. Each villager has a daily routine, so they can be located in different sections of town depending on the in game time of the day. They offered not to send him to jail if he took a job. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Shane is an employee at the Joja Mart. The choices are Sebastian, Maru, Abigail, Alex, Shane, Emily, Linus, Sam, Leah or Elliott. 11:00 AM Leaves the kitchen to head to his room. Shane seems to suffer from depression, is a heavy drinker, and loves frozen pizza. 11:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie’s Ranch. 11:00 AM Leaves the kitchen and returns to his room. Everything else is likely to upset him and make him dislike you. 6. Shane is a villager in Pelican Town who is often rude and unhappy, and suffers from depression and alcohol dependence. "Full-color, easy-to-read cross stitch patterns for over 300 items; includes farming, foraging, fishing, mining, and comabt essentials, as well as portraits and sprites of every bachelor and bachelorette"--Back cover Shane stardew valley: Schedule, Gift and Romace Guide. He works at JojaMart most days between 9am and 5pm, and after work he frequently spends his evenings in The Stardrop Saloon. Found inside – Page 8Chemor Grattend donia Sooth Waverly 18 aytre ERIE Windham Center Shane Vaud Towne ... Corner ur Troster vin klinike west Franklin Palba 1 Stardew Vatthill ! From friendships to romantic relationships everything depends on how you play your cards with the villagers. An unofficial reference book made for the educational and information purposes of all trainers and enthusiasts that aim to be the very best in their field of creature studies. Also, he is the nephew of Marnie who runs the JojaMart. This guide covers his Schedule, Relationships, Likes & Dislikes, Heart Events, Marriage, And Dialogue! Sometimes we just run out of things to do. Learn more. Added compatibility for the official Stardew Valley 1.5 update. When you first move to the valley, he'll bit a bit closed off and cold to you, but you can get him to warm up and show you a softer side. Stardew Valley is coming to Xbox One and Playstation 4 this week and players everywhere will have the chance to farm, mine, fight and most importantly get married. She sells animals and animal supplies. 3:00 PM Leaves Marnie’s Ranch to attend the Night Market. Can you learn to live off the land and turn these overgrown fields into a thriving home? Sebastian is an NPC and one of the marriage candidates who live in Stardew Valley. Fandoms:Stardew Valley (Video Game) Antonio Skyler is a fuck up. $14.99. Stardew Valley created by ConcernedApe. . Stardew Valley Wiki Guide. That wraps up our Shane Stardew Valley guide, if you are planning to befriend Shane then we hope this article will aid you in that. Penny, an NPC, is somewhere between 19 and 24, based on the community's estimates. Stardew Valley Shane: Romance Guide, Schedule, Love, Likes, Neutral, Dislikes, Hates, Heart Events And More By Gemma Le Conte. A complete guide to marrying Shane in Stardew Valley. -- Definitely Shane August is all business, all the time. . Now, if you are interested in being friends with Shane, you must know what his daily schedule is during each season. Configuration. There are four candles around Grandpa 's Shrine, and lighting all four will give you the Statue Of Perfection, which grants 2-8 Iridium Ore per day. Stardew Valley is a chill farming game from developer ConcernedApe. Stardew Valley. Found inside85 Cartoons Shane's schedule is, as far as I've seen, nigh-identical every day of the game. Stardew Valley's Shane isn't the easiest community member to warm to, but as ever, you should never judge a book by its cover. Image via Stardew Valley. Stardew Valley tips: Become a farming master Shane is a character that is quite popular in the Stardew Valley community. 2. It is a simulation role-playing game that takes place on a farm. Home » Role Playing Games » Shane Stardew Valley Guide: Schedules and Likes. NY 10036. Stardew Valley Expanded literally expands the game's content, giving multiple quests, events, and rewards at the same time. Emily and Shane chat easily, and Clint is . His schedule changes depending on whether or not the Community Centre has been restored, too, so keep that in mind. Spring ☘️ - Egg Festival: 13th - Flower Dance: 24th Summer ☀️ - Luau 11th - Dance of the Moonlight Jellies 28th Fall - Stardew Valley . These Heart Events take place at 14 Hearts. " Emily prompts him, but Clint gives up and says nevermind. Should they be combined for simplicity? It looks like Shane's schedule on Saturday for both unrestored and restored Community Center are the same. Stardew Valley multiplayer: Farm with friends He is one of the few NPCs to get his own plushie, and his storyline is one of the darkest in the game. He leaves Marnie's Ranch at 7 am, arrives at JojaMart at 9 am, leaves work at 5 am, and then heads to the Stardrop Saloon for the rest of the night. Main Walkthrough. Shane Stardew Valley Guide: Schedules and Likes, 7+ Best Gaming Controller for Xbox, PC, PS4 (Wired and Wireless), 5+ Best FPS Gaming Mouse used by Professionals, 5+ Best Gaming Monitor for 2021: 144Hz, 1440p, 4K and G-Sync. Found inside“What do you think a hero is? A lot of Shane's time is taken up by his job at JojaMart. However, his attitude starts to change towards any player who chooses to befriend him. I looked up the problem and apparently u have to do Shane's 8 heart event which i have not done, and i think he has to still be living with marnie but since i married him hes living with me. Contents. Schedule. Welcome to stardew valley, one of the best role playing games in the gaming industry. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Found insideTHIS BOOK. If a love story that wrenches your gut is your cup of tea. THIS BOOK. Devney Perry makes you feel everything from love, sadness to hatred. Clint is unavailable for . 9:00 AM Standing in the kitchen at Marnie’s Ranch. Added a new 1920x1080 HD wallpaper titled 'The Raven's Descent', found in the wallpaper downloads. This site is made by Passionate Gamers for Passionate Gamers to achieve Victory. Shane is an older NPC who lives with his Aunt and has a soft spot for his goddaughter Jas. Guide to the Nintendo game Animal Crossing. Leave a Comment Cancel reply. Weâve collected all the necessary data which can be used by you to achieve your goal. Pelican Town has plenty of bachelors and bachelorettes for you to romance and everyone is open and easy to talk to... well, apart from one. Demetrius devoted his life to sciences, and he studies animals and plants of Stardew Valley. So I've been romancing the ♥♥♥♥ out of Shane, and I've read on the wiki that there are two parts to the 6 heart event. Marnie runs her own shop at Marnie's Ranch from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM each day, except Monday and Tuesday, although the building is still open on these days. Being on the right road to having a fantastic farm complete with crops, livestock, and every farm building available feels great, but wouldn't it be better if you could share it with a special someone? Jas is a Yandere Mod. I don't appreciate the message of someone like that "moderating" intake. "Elliott lives alone in a cabin on the beach. Shane is an older NPC who lives with his Aunt and cares a lot for . Stardew Valley Shane Gifts, Schedule and Heart Events - a wiki with all the info you need to marry Shane in Stardew Valley. Except on Mondays, Tuesdays, Fall 18, and Winter 18, Marnie's shop is open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily. With two decades of comic art behind Charlie Adlard, Drawings + Sketches selects work from the Walking Dead, Vampire State Building, Wendigo and much more offering insights into the stories and processes behind them. This game is simply a simulation of our day to day farming activities that we do in our farms. On his free time, Martin comes on Sunday's to borrow books from the library within the museum, even when he has a library nearby. ". All Day Standing in the kitchen at Marnie’s Ranch. Marnie's Ranch lies at the southwest entrance to Pelican Town, in the northeast corner of Cindersap Forest. Sign up to get the best content of the week, and great gaming deals, as picked by the editors. Trader Vic's extensive travel throught the Hawaiian and South Pacific islands was the source of his interest in Polynesian food and drink (especially rum). Stardew Valley is renowned for its attention to detail. Stardew Valley Shane Gifts, Schedule and Heart Events. However, according to the wiki, there should be a "Part 2" to this and I should be able to . Found insideFull of heart and humour, Molly Flatt's The Charmed Life of Alex Moore is one woman's adventure – with a most unexpected twist How would you feel if everything in your life suddenly started to go . . . right? "This handy farmer's almanac covers farming, crafting, foraging, combat, fishing and mining; it also includes detailed information of the residents of Stardew Valley, so you can truly make the most of your wonderful new life on the farm. He believes Joja will set a path of improvement to the Ferngill Republic - no matter the cost. Marnie is a villager who lives at Marnie's Ranch in the northeast area of Cindersap Forest, near the southwest entrance to Pelican Town . On April 6th, 2016, ConcernedApe announced that Shane, alongside Emily, had won the poll to become a . This wiki is a read-only version of the Stardew Valley Wiki. You've inherited your grandfather's old farm plot in Stardew Valley. He is there most days between 9am and 5pm, working hard to make a living. His biggest fuck up, though, was when he was twenty-two and higher than a kite. Here are 14 things you can do in Stardew Valley if you are bored.What ideas do you have? He has a bunch of things he absolutely loves while some he just doesnât. Found inside"The Camera Fiend" by E. W. Hornung. Stardew Valley Gift Guide: Abigail Edition If you want to impress her, it's worth giving her two gifts every week, and an extra one on her birthday. When fourteen-year-old Alex is framed for murder, he becomes an inmate in the Furnace Penitentiary, where brutal inmates and sadistic guards reign, boys who disappear in the middle of the night sometimes return weirdly altered, and escape ... View Fangamer Collection. Found insideQueer Game Studies provides a welcome corrective, revealing the capacious albeit underappreciated communities that are making, playing, and studying queer games. The lovingly crafted experience, clearly inspired by the best parts of HM and an idealized dream of quitting your nine to five job to tend a farm in the countryside was, and still is, one of the best things to happen to gaming in the past 10 years. 05/21/2021. The scene on the cliff where you save Shane from jumping has already been triggered, and the next morning he came to my house to say thanks and told me he's going to therapy. Shane deals with alcohol problems and depression, and he could use a friend. Yes, that's the name. Shane ; Husband Rating 35/100. Morris is the manager of the JojaMart branch located in Pelican Town. Often, liked gifts are easier to obtain. Stardew Valley: Shane Guide. Leo is a boy who initially lives on Ginger Island. He is one of the few NPCs to get his own plushie, and his storyline is one of the darkest in the game. The main purpose of this site is to provide all the vital information required for anyone to become a PRO Gamer. We are delighted to publish this classic book as part of our extensive Classic Library collection. Many of the books in our collection have been out of print for decades, and therefore have not been accessible to the general public. Learn how your comment data is processed. To help you unlock each new Heart Event I am writing a guide for each spouse. For example, if it is raining, that schedule overrides all others below it. Schedule. He works at JojaMart most days between 9 AM and 5 PM, and after work he frequently spends his evenings in The Stardrop Saloon. Found insideBeau Blanton is well known and respected in the rodeo circuit, and he is co-owner of the 3B Ranch in Montana. He works at Jojamart but is rude to the player when they first move to town. Leave a comment down belo. He's so dedicated he's spent his own money on store improvements and will work such long hours he sleeps under his desk . Berfrois is an online literary magazine. Berfrois: The Book is this volume. Demetrius' Schedule He decided it was a good idea to rob the JojaMart in town. 11:10 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie’s Ranch. Valerie. When he can afford it, he enjoys a strong beverage at the Stardrop Saloon. Those will be presented to you during his . His many flaws and imperfections can and will turn most people away, not to mention the whole weird chicken obsession. Ginger Island is the only island available to visit in the entire visible archipelago, though other islands can be seen from the boat on the way . They are citizens who live in and around Pelican Town. 3. Become a formidable farmer with these Stardew Valley guides, Valheim devs 'really hope' players start the game over for Hearth and Home, Another Discord music bot is biting the dust this month, The best wireless gaming keyboard in 2021, The best microphone for streaming, gaming, and podcasting, Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous review, Subscribe to the world's #1 PC gaming mag, Try a single issue or save on a subscription, Issues delivered straight to your door or device, Stands in the kitchen at Marnie’s Ranch all day. Stardew Valley Coloring Book 12:00 AM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie’s Ranch. This volume attempts to provide practical guidance to local governments interested in establishing sound financial management systems. Stardew Valley Shane Gifts, Schedule and Heart Events – a wiki with all the info you need to marry Shane in Stardew Valley, 2 Hearts: Cindersap Forest, from 8pm to midnight, 3 Hearts: You will receive a receipe (mail) when you reach 3 hearts, 6 Hearts: Cindersap Forest, from 9am to 8pm, 7 Hearts: Marnie’s ranch (when he is there), 7 Hearts II: Town from 10am to 4pm (requires: Sunny day and also 2 hearts with Emily and Clint), 7Hearts III: You will receive a receipe (mail) when you reach 7 hearts, 8 Hearts: Marnie’s ranch (when he is there). 6:00 PM Leaves Marnie’s Ranch and heads to the Stardrop Saloon. Marcus Valdez November 26, 2020 July 20, 2020. Shaneis avillagerinPelican Townwho is often rude and unhappy and suffers from depression and alcohol dependence. It also provides numerous fun functionalities for Discord users to replicate Stardew Valley experience, such as item spawns, gifting villagers, and marrying villagers. AUDREY SEZ: "The EarthBound Handbook is a spiritual successor to both the MOTHER 3 Handbook and the EarthBound Player's Guide. A tale about friendship, art and the importance of family as two childhood friends navigate their summer adventures. Complete guide to Ginger Island in Stardew Valley. Other than that, he spends a chunk of time at the saloon—except for weekends when he can be found near the ranch. 11:00 PM Leaves the Night Market to return home. Shane is a character that is quite popular in the Stardew Valley community. 05/21/2021. Stardew Valley Leah gifts, heart events, questions, and schedule In Stardew Valley , Leah spends a lot of time on her own, residing in her little cottage on the outside of town. Stardew Valley Shane - gifts, likes, and dislikes Everything you need to know about Stardew Valley's Shane. Get ready to romance the man with a heart of ice, Shane, in Stardew Valley. In order to build up a relationship with Sebastian, you're going to need to bring him gifts. 5:00 PM Leaves Pierre’s General Store and heads to the Stardrop Saloon. Top Contributors: StaceyH, Hope Corrigan, Shawn Saris + more. Like all available singles in Stardew Valley, he has preferred gifts that he likes more than others . The official editable wiki maintained by ConcernedApe can be . Name Email Website. (If it rains on the weekend he will go to work at JojaMart.) Stardew Valley secret notes: How to read them. A lot of Shane’s time is taken up by his job at JojaMart. Penny can usually be found in town reading or cleaning up at the trailer she shares with Pam.On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday she tutors Jas and Vincent at the museum, walking them both . Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, Stardew Valley Marnie's Ranch. 12:00 PM Walks around the recreation center left of the town square. Temari. This is a guide on everything you need to know about everyone's favorite Desperado, Shane! Fancy hookin' up with Shane in Stardew Valley? I've always been a big fan of Harvest Moon.And when Stardew Valley came out in 2016 I was instantly hooked. 05/21/2021 By. Everyone wants to feel loved, nobody wants to be a loner all the time! 1. Here is a full guide for Shane with schedule hours and like & dislike. His work at the JojaMart is the classic 9-5, Monday to Friday job which chips away at his energy and patience. Shane. In the end, we would like to say that make sure to keep in mind the likes and schedule of Shane if you want to take your friendship to the next level. Always has from the day he was born until the day he dies. He reciprocates friendship if you befriend him. She teaches Vincent and Jas. Once a player gets married in Stardew Valley, their spouse moves onto the farm and adopts a new schedule. Every villager has something that they prefer over the other when it comes to gifts, Shane is no different. stardew valley linus fanart 198255-Linus stardew valley fanart If you want to see more of this game, drop a like!Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love It's where your interests connect you with your peopleI made some Stardew Valley Valentines Day cards with pixel heart Junimo pins (If it rains on the weekend he will go to work at JojaMart.) Comment. However, his attitude starts to change towards any player who chooses to befriend him. He also rents a little room from his auntie. On first impressions, he's hard to impress, has a rude attitude, and is known for his dark storyline centered around his struggles with depression and . Generally hopeful, he enjoys his trips to Pelican Town where he gets the chance to see more than the fields and mountains where he's from. Martin is polite and positive with . Thank you for signing up to PC Gamer. Little quirks in characters are represented in their daily schedules from when they work to when they sleep, but it wasn't 100% realistic. His residence in the shop's basement seems to further isolate him, and it seems he's not . A trip down the memory lane all times, so keep that in mind that villagers #. Heads back to Marnie ’ s Ranch s favorite Desperado, Shane is no different make dislike... Sandy and Emily are approximately 28-35 years old Shamrock in a thriving home Stardrop Saloon local interested! Be his family sebastian is an older NPC who lives in a cabin on the except... Pauses as sad music plays, then someone told me u can get blue chickens and i tried just! By giving 10 Golden Walnuts to the first parrot outside by the.!, Elliott, Shane & # x27 ; s Shane of Future US Inc.! Quite popular in the Stardrop Saloon and heads to the Island to be his family plays, then to. Audrey SEZ: `` the EarthBound player 's guide about everyone & # ;. 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In being friends with Shane in Stardew Valley Community relive that then make sure to his! A love story that wrenches your gut is your cup of tea –. Insidebeau Blanton is well known and respected in the kitchen at Marnie s. From within the company and prioritizes the Store & # x27 ; shane stardew valley schedule estimates # x27 ; favorite! The info you need to know about Stardew Valley wiki the darkest in the kitchen Marnie... Loves receiving the following items: beer, hot pepper, pepper poppers, and his stepfather.... Sez: `` the EarthBound player 's guide is to provide all the necessary data which can be quite at... The MOTHER 3 Handbook and the EarthBound player 's guide give you a chance to obtain a special Dialogue Romace. Effect ) and give you a trip down the memory lane in mind weekend he will go to work the..., 2016, ConcernedApe announced that Shane, Harvey, Sandy and are. Ranch and heads for the restored Community Center are the same Page 3-1641... 89511 Shamrock in me can. 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