These barbs, unlike those of the Terran Feline, were soft and supple. Given free will and range to explore their own identity, they returned to the fold knowing themselves better. The iodine was also found in heavy concentrations in most of the flora on planet, leading to most foliage having a mild purple tint. Given the coloration of their fur, gold was rarely used, though bronze, steel, iron, titanium, and similar metals were in wide use. During the first 40, there was little physical evidence to suggest pregnancy, though the Caitian female often developed more territorial and aggressive urges as a result of changing hormone levels. In this manner, the number of peaceful clans dwindled, but in doing so grew powerful states out of the remaining clans. Submit your writing In addition to the spoken languages, training included both the written forms of Caet (Derrina Fht and Derrina Hree) and Federation Standard. Most Caitians knew both forms, though rarely made use of derrrina fht in anything but informal settings, such as notes between friends or simple notes. M'Lara (Star Trek OC) Background: At a young age, the Caitian M'Lara had lost her home and parents to savage Ferasan Pirates. Most often there was an incredible variety in any jewelry store to cater to not only individual tastes, but also the Caitian's own coloration. Star Trek: Voyager is an American science fiction television series created by Rick Berman, Michael Piller, and Jeri Taylor. Given the proximity to the Tholian Assembly and the Klingon Empire, Klingon was a common language spoken by Caitians, and many attempted to understand and learn Tholian, if there was even such a language. Male and female For females, the baldric was replaced or supplemented by a vest, which could be opened or closed depending on conditions. Hit generator to generate random Star Trek Cardassian Name content. Meanwhile, the combined stimulation of the male's barbs against the female's vaginal walls, triggered an ovulation response, releasing 3-4 eggs to be fertilized. The fertile plains of Caitia were covered in tall grass-like plants, though they were capable of supporting nearly any species of plant, which led the Caitians to be very cautious about the introduction of any plants to the area that could have damaged the somewhat fragile ecosystem. The manes on females were noticeably larger. Ensign K'Ren was a fighter pilot serving aboard the USS Resolve during its odyssey in the Delta Quadrant and upon her return to Federation space in 2381 discovered the conspiracy of alien parasites that compromised Starfleet Command . Children of the same brre'l, known as brrel'mar, were exceptionally close, and the clan usually separated them in schooling and activities to prevent them from developing a disproportionate dependence on each other as opposed to the clan as a whole. I quickly realized I had a new favourite Star Trek character. The process of picking out just the right name for your new kitty is such a fun and exciting time. Of course we have lots of hits from The Next Generation, Voyager, and Deep Space Nine, as well as the many Star Trek movies. YOU JUDGE YOURSELVES AGAINST THE PITIFUL ADVERSARIES YOU'VE ENCOUNTERED SO FAR: THE ROMULANS, THE KLINGONS... THEY'RE NOTHING COMPARED TO WHAT'S WAITING. Only those technologies that were 'cleanest' were accepted, and even then, work was forever ongoing in an attempt to control any pollution or other damage to the environment that could result. Jewelry was also seen as a form of beauty through which the Caitians could express themselves well. SEIZE THE FIRE Shortly after revealing its union with the Federation’s newest adversary—a coalition of galactic powers known as the Typhon Pact—the Gorn Hegemony suffers an ecological disaster that destroys the hatchery world of their ... Ael t' Rlailiiu is a noble and dangerous Romulan Commander. Join. In very rare cases were Caitians able to overcome this tendency. When the Klingons were introduced in Star Trek: The Original Series, they looked just like humans with copper-colored skin and odd facial hair.The Star Trek movies established that the Klingons had forehead ridges, which became the established look for the race. Ten Forward Fridays: Caitian. Live long and prosper! More than 150 light years separated them from any other inhabited planets. Unlike a grown adult, the urges are muted and the emotions tend to be one of attachment towards their friends, and boyfriend if they have one. Caitians from the chakat universe are native to Kà'iît, which translates to "Sunfilled land". Star Trek Ferengi name generator. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home) This Starfleet commodore was a flag officer who attended James T. Kirk's court martial in 2286. While the onset of puberty included the onset of the heat cycle, in younger Caitians, the drive to mate was lessened and tended to manifest as an increased interest in spending time with male freinds. After mating, both partners typically entered a lethargic stage during which further copulation was impossible. While it has rapidly been dwindling the last few centuries, a few Caitians still religiously worship their matron Deity, the Goddess, a monotheistic entity, that according to their religion created the universe. The Caitians A Caitian science officer in his Starfleet uniform. Both partner's stimulated each other during foreplay, eventually resulting in the male inserting his penis into the female's vagina. Other styles existed, using gels and similar products to style the mane, but these were rare for everyday use and were usually reserved for only the most important events. Scientists assumed that the tail was once a key component of communication, but once actual speech developed, it was no longer needed as much (though Caitian tails certainly provided a gauge of emotion, as did the positions of the ears). The information on this site is not intended to replace veterinary advice. There’s likely no more of a thankless job in the Federation than temporal investigation. Both had some similarity to Cuneiform and rune or glyph-based languages from many worlds. (DIS: "Brother"; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home) Caitians were present on Qualor II in 2381. There are furries in the Star Trek universe, cat-people who were introduced with the character of M'Ress in Star Trek: The Animated Series in the 1970's. A lieutenant and operations officer, she was a felinoid-type alien of the Caitian species modeled after African lions, and included originally with the cast to make the series more friendly and attractive to young children. Digitigrade legs remained a part of the Caitian physiology. The earliest forms of organized Caitian writing were similar in method of creation, though radically different in form. Both genders spoke with a purring to their voice though female voices tended towards a softer, cat-like purring, whereas males tended towards a rougher lion-like sound. Pretty Litter Alternatives – Do They Exist? The first set of armor a warrior crafted was traditionally created from the results of the Caitian's first few hunts as an adult. In comparison to the other phenotypes, Mountain Caitians had shorter claws, though comparatively larger hands and feet, which showed a higher level of dexterity. A true carrier, the Atrox has been updated by the . An old custom was the taking of multiple wives. There was little organized clerical support for this religion, and the Goddess was usually worshiped privately, with detailed statues kept in a personal shrine in the home. Upgrades of much-loved Federation and Klingon starships are joined by all new vessels in the Dominion and Romulan ship lineage. Pulling out, the barbs in the male served one final purpose, that of triggering the female's cervix to clamp shut, sealing the male's seed inside her womb and giving the sperm a chance to fertilize the eggs released earlier during mating. No longer a main staple of the dilithium trade, Cait did not step down defenses or preparations for anything. This is not to say they would not engage in combat, merely that most saw it as an unfavorable alternative. The short term (typically a week at most) psychosis of a broken link tended to follow a pattern of unstable emotions, randomly changing from grief, to anger, and back again, punctuated by moments of calm, though a Caet remained unstable, their behavior unpredictable during this calm. All Caitians considered it a part of their duty to clan and species to keep the cities clean, and tradition dictated that at least one hour of each day should be set aside to help make the common areas of the city more beautiful. By Deggsy O'Brien and Jack Elmlinger. Happy Cat Corner is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to We each have well over 20 years of experience with cat ownership and are here to share our knowledge with you. Starting August 20th on PC, and very soon on Console, four new Support Carriers are being made available in the C-Store. Even though Caitia's negligible axial tilt and mostly uniform orbit around Prooka (15 Lyncis) resulted in mostly uniform conditions without seasons, there were still several distinct environmental zones, ranging from the arid desert region of Shgroothanha to the colder climate in the Ghrethdrak mountain range. Found insideContinuing the milestone 50th anniversary celebration of Star Trek—a brand-new novel of The Original Series featuring James T. Kirk, Spock, and the crew of the USS Enterprise! This was intentional, allowing for a more precise speech than many races since it allowed for little in the way of shading of the truth. The Dickens classic tale of ghosts and redemption adapted to reflect the Warrior Code of Honor and the translated into tlhIngan Hol (That's the Klingon Language). Doctor T'ana is a Caitian, a race of cat-like people who first appeared in Star Trek: The Animated Series.On that show, a Caitian named M'Ress had replaced Lieutenant Checkov as a member of the Enterprise bridge crew. To deal with the increasing threats of enemies and the tactical advantage they have with their carrier ships, the Federation has called upon their member worlds for assistance. For generating Sw Rodian Names simply scroll down and click on the Get Male Names, Get Female Names Button to randomly generate 10 Sw Rodian Names. This was an instinctual response, as overly ripe fruits were known to ferment. The Caitian Militia deployed its forces in numbers not seen since the Fera-Cait War. The tail functioned as a minor aid to balance, but Caet who lost them were capable of physically compensating for the loss. As the pair came down from their orgasm, the female's cervix eventually released it's grip on the male penis. The Caitian languages, spoken and written, had a smaller and more limited vocabulary than many other languages. For the mirror universe counterpart, see Caitian (mirror). The Caitians were a species of felinoids native to Cait, or as they called it Ferasa. Continued stimulation brought both partners to the peak of their sexual pleasure, triggering orgasm in both partners, the release of seed into the female, and the afterglow. Kzinti were the dominant species on their home world, having enslaved Caitians for centuries. Some clans practiced monastic, contemplative approaches to life, preferring the detailed appreciation of one flower to the overwhelming profusion of an entire jungle. The bulk of the land was in a single landmass. For a time, there was a black market for these plants, and they were linked to several overdoses that resulted in permanently impaired brain function or death. While most ranged between sandy and golden, black fur was not uncommon, and white was quite rare but not unheard of. Caitians live in close family groups with attachments to larger clans. They also settled on a number of colony worlds and were members of the United Federation of Planets. In rare cases, two Caitians 'bonded', and their pheromones reverted to the 'unavailable' status; however they also become linked. The lone exception was Ferasa. 43.7k. Welcome to Ten Forward Fridays, where a new playable species is presented for the Star Trek Adventures roleplaying game, filling in some gaps until official material can be released. The Atrox Carrier was still in development, but the remaining military capable facilities turned production to the Miranda Class and the Nebula Class vessels. While they were no better than Humans at hearing in low range bands, their high-end aural sensitivity extended to four times that of Humanity—they could hear tones up to two full octaves higher. Caitians tend to vary in color from brown to black, and speak in a soft purring voice. Caitians understood these signs on an instinctual level, though they could become cognizant of it as well. Caitians experimented with cryogenic ships and other 'sleeper' systems, but found them distasteful and prone to error. The larger point is simple: Dr. T'Ana is, in some ways, a hilariously exaggerated version of Pulaski. The technological development never advanced past that of Earth during the Eugenics War. In most cases, this was done for no other reason than to enjoy the ride and scenery. Caitian eyes were large and golden, capable of dilating widely to grant the race expanded vision in lower light. This is considered to be highly attractive and exotic by other members of the species. As the trade between the Federation and the Caitians expanded, shipbuilding facilities became a priority for the Caitians, allowing them to create a home-grown defense force and training cadre that would advance their urge for exploration. As part of basic education, Caitians were taught to speak both Caet and Federation Standard, but most often at least one additional language. Science fiction. 2378: Advanced Flight School. Fortunately, Caitian medicine was advanced enough to cope with many of the virological problems resulting from interplanetary travel. Philosophically, Caet tended to seek peaceful balance with their surroundings. But cats play a much bigger role in the wider Star Trek universe than even many Trekkies realize. Mated pairs traditionally wore matching anklets similar in function to the Human wedding ring tradition. HOME, SWEET HOME. Their bodies are covered in thick fur, which can vary in colour from black to tan. News to us! While the practice dwindled in the last few centuries, several sects of Caitians still followed a monotheistic patron deity called Rrikalla or the Goddess. At this point, the pheromones declared the Caitian to be 'available'; however, this was picked up subconsciously. Caitians possessed an unusual method of resting as a byproduct of their 'hot' burning metabolism. The popular science fiction franchise is chock-full of unique and interesting name ideas. Whether it’s one of your favorite characters or just a cool name for a cat, we have compiled over 250 name ideas for you to check out. Imagine you encountered an alien species of a similar build to you in terms of structure, but that for some nearly unfathomable reason, keep pets of a species that look just like you except quadrupedal and non-sapient. Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Having evolved on a hospitable world with little in the way of natural predators, their immune systems were not as hardy as many other life forms and thus susceptible to many diseases on other planets. (TNG novel: The Buried Age), In 2370 a party of Caitains visited Deep Space 9 to witness the Illumination of The Prodigal. The skin of most Caitians was covered with fur that varied in color from orange to black, various markings often times present on females. Worthy of note was that the Caitians were almost completely incapable of swimming unassisted due to their low body fat, a result of their high metabolism. So kick back and enjoy browsing our list of Star Trek themed cat names. It was not unheard of for Caitians to move about wearing nothing more than a belt and belt pouch, since they lacked the nudity taboos of species like Humans. Caitians' love of beauty turned most clothing into works of art, almost always original designs, handcrafted rather than mass produced. Pronunciation of words was very precise, and often carried over to other languages that the Caitians learned. Or, even better, utilized the mine itself for additional purposes. Bones and teeth were a common material to be worked into the jewelry, also featuring colorful stones or gems. Read our complete disclosure here for more information. The reverence for nature that was so much a part of the Caitian psyche did hamper some scientific development, as well as industrialization. This week is the feline Caitians . Caitians are a species of humanoid felines. While we don't . Star Trek: The Animated Series: Created by Gene Roddenberry. Every clan member of an age to fight was expected to aid in the defense of the clan when called to do so. This book provides fans with behind-the-scenes production documents, never-before-seen art, and all-new interviews with the people who produced the Enterprise's new animated adventures. For the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, see Lower Decks (Star Trek: The Next Generation).For ship decks, see Deck (ship). In The Philosophy of J.J. Abrams, editors Patricia L. Brace and Robert Arp assemble the first collection of essays to highlight the philosophical insights of the Hollywood giant's successful career. The female vagina differed from most humanoids in that it was covered in small fleshy nubs inside. Unlike Terra, there was no Ice Age to slow down evolution or destroy entire species. The most notable external difference was the slightly increased size of the male, though specimens of both genders tended to be lithe for their size due to a higher volume of muscle than most mammals. Each vessel that left the Caitian shipyards did so with at the very least, a skeleton crew composed of members of the Caitian Militia that had served in the 23rd Fleet. Even with this problem, the Caitian culture's stress on handcrafting and general hospitality ensured that it remained a major trade hub even after the dilithium trade tapered off from the early ages. Found inside"Based on Star Trek and Star Trek: the next generation created by Gene Roddenberry." Among the tomato plants today, Chickadee on the back porch after a rainstorm generator! Absorption of the light required by a human a mostly peaceful existence, fishing and hunting take., DeForest Kelley, George Takei ecologically damaging activities of industrialization and modernization were were. Form practiced by the tend to vary in color from orange to,! A byproduct of their 'hot ' burning metabolism foreplay, eventually resulting in the Federation who fought in several.... Dwindled, but in doing so grew powerful states out of the skin to sit despite it haven from. 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