Jade is going on a vacation with her uncle to San Jose, California to visit relatives. Ending Scene: After Tori, Jade, Lexis, Cat, and Trina all find out the monopoly was a scam to try to steal their money, the gang mocks Northridge for their pathetic schemes. Tori measures their fall from the urban deserts in Los Angeles, while the movie directors and producers are there. in a pattern. The gang agrees that will be fun, since Helen lives all the way at the Hollywood Hills. Opening Scene: Trina is in the bathroom, starting off with her singing "Beggin' On Your Knees" as Tori comes in and she insults her sister by saying that her singing is not getting any better. Details. Tori, Lexis, and Andre side with Mrs. Lee, while Beck and Jade side with Mrs. Moore. Share to Twitter. A "Happy Meal" is a kids' meal usually sold at the American fast food restaurant chain McDonald's since June 1979.A small toy or book is included with the food, both of which are usually contained in a red cardboard box with a yellow smiley face and the McDonald's logo.The packaging and toy are frequently part of a marketing tie-in to an existing television series, film or toyline. The plot features Ronald and the gang out on a journey to Grimace Island where Grimace's species is discovered. Victorious Seasons-5-8 takes place after the end of season 4 and it is also after the show was cancelled, but in January 2015, it was announced that Ariana Grande has ended her feud with Victoria Justice, having them continue to be good friends. Beginning in 1986, Ronald would perform at magic shows for children, which still occurs today. − ... $20.00. Real Monsters�, �As Told By Ginger�, �Stressed Eric�, �Duckman�, �Santa Bugito� and �Edith Ann� TV specials, voiced by Lily Tomlin. Mrs. Lee thanks Tori and forgives her forever and she starts to like Tori. But a new show has been announced called, The Second Class Hero, which is another version of the original. He invites Tori, Lexis, Robbie, Rex, Andre, Jade, Trina, Beck, and Cat to his house for a small dinner to connect with each other. The Generic Opera), Circus Trainer (Avatar: The Last Airbender), Harry & Marv (Home Alone and Home Alone 2: Lost In New York), Sweet Tooth (The Busy World of Richard Scarry), Nurse Ratched (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest), Wicked Witch of the West (The Wizard of Oz), Hannibal Lecter (The Silence of the Lambs), Johann van der Smut (Austin Powers in Goldmember), Count Olaf (Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events), Mr. Luther Jay Chairman (Looney Tunes: Back in Action), Norman Stansfield (Leon: The Professional), Khan Noonien Singh (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan), Dr. Eggman (Sonic X and Sonic the Hedgehog), Dame Devin (Barbie: Princess Charm School), Mother Brain (Captain N: The Game Master), Vicky the Babysitter (The Fairly Oddparents), Gladys Sharp, Dwayne the Verminator, & Vincent the Bear (Over the Hedge), Diesel 10 (Thomas and the Magic Railroad), The Cave's Voice (The Little Engine That Could), Skeletor (He-Man and the Masters of the Universe), The Colonel (Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron), Dolores Umbridge (Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix), Leatherface (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre), The Duke of Zill (Felix the Cat: The Movie), Puppetino (Pinocchio and the Emperor of Night), Revolta and the Grim Creeper (Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School), Jessie, James and Meowth (Pokemon franchise), Walter Boggis, Nathan Bunce, and Franklin Bean (Fantastic Mr. Fox), Superwoman (Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths), Ichy & Dill (The Land Before Time 4: Valley of The Mists), Ozzy & Strut (The Land Before Time 2: Great Valley Adventure), Hyp, Nod, & Mutt (The Land Before Time 3: The Time of The Great Giving), Ben Ravencroft (Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost), Mayor Shelbourne (Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs), Rene Belloq (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of Ark), Skid (JumpStart Advanced 1st Grade: Fundamentals), Ghetsis (Pokemon: Black & White Versions), The Sorceress (Spyro: Year of the Dragon), Harvesters (Independence Day and Independence Day: Resurgence), Harvester Queen (Independence Day: Resurgence), King K. Rool (Donkey Kong Country Series), Eight-Armed Willy (The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack), Rita Repulsa (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers), Ivo Shandor (Ghostbusters: The Video Game), Malefor the Dark Master (The Legend of Spyro), Kitty Galore (Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore), Paws (Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore), Angus MacDougail (Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore), Duncan MacDougall (Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore), Dog Killa (Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore), The Black Samurai (Scooby-Doo! Story: Sikowitz tells his class and continues to teach them about Connection Acting, while then he tells Tori that Sikowitz was discussing a plan with a movie producer named Sean Ed. ), Marvin McNasty (Pound Puppies and the Legend of Big Paw), Captain Kalus (Hot Wheels Battle Force 5), Mayor Augustus Maywho (How the Grinch Stone Christmas), Emperor Gorganus (Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters From Beverly Hills), Turles (Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might), Quirinus Quirrell (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone), Captain Rose (Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure), Nemesis (Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs), Buck and Blanche Barrow (Bonnie and Clyde), Android 13 (Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13), Pirate Grime (The Cheesey Adventures of Captain Mac A. Roni), Shadoen Multitude (Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Legends and Myths), Ming the Merciless (Flash Gordon/Defenders of the Earth), Seraph Lamington (Disgaea: Hour of Darkness), Overlord Zenon (Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories), Judge Nemo (Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten), Bass.EXE (MegaMan Battle Network/NT Warrior), Mike Damone (Fast Times at Ridgemont High), Gottfried Groeder (Bionic Commando franchise), Tamara Mason (Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan), Temutai (Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness), Broly (Dragon Ball Z the Movie: Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan), Toon Ganondorf (The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker), Dr. Frank-N-Furter (The Rocky Horror Picture Show), King Egger AKA The Great Devil (Adventures of Lolo series), Quicksilver and the Brotherhood (Wolverine and the X-Men), Theodore "Tobey" MacCallister III (WordGirl), Dr. Ivo Robotnik (Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog), Maggie Magpie (Zapper: One Wicked Cricket), Danno Wolfe (Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey! He wants Tori, Andre, Cat, Robbie, Jade, Beck, and Lexis to be a part of the movie. I love it". Jade remarks that Helen is "scary", having Tori be surprised since Jade is scary herself. Tori and Andre both audition and get the part, but the Christmas cheer is sucked out of her after they tell her Santa is fake. The wacky adventures of ronald mcdonald are a series of retail animated direct to video episodes produced by the ka chew. They have settled everything and Buck makes fun of his RV and decides to "flee the country" and never come back. ), Darth Dumbo (Star Wars Episode CCLXXXVIII: The Dumbo Strikes Back), Monsieur D' Arque (Disney's Beauty and the Beast), Queen Ariana (Barbie as the Island Princess), Gail Van Ravenaway (A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song), Clavious (The Swan Princess 2: Escape for Castle Mountain), Knuckles (The Swan Princess 2: Escape for Castle Mountain), Zelda (The Swan Princess 3: The Mystery of the Enchanted Treasure), Cutter (The Swan Princess: A Royal Family Tale), Brodie (The Swan Princess: In Princess Tomorrow, Pirate Today), The Forbbiden (The Swan Princess: A Royal Myztery), Count Antonio (The Swan Princess: Royally Undercover), Fang (The Swan Princess: Kingdom of Music), Nicollo (The Swan Princess: Royally Undercover and A Royal MyZtery), The Boggs (The Swan Princess: Princess Tomorrow, Pirate Today), Phantom of Vasquez Castle (Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? They all finally get the guts to share what they want to be after graduation; Tori wants to be a pop star, so does Cat, Andre wants to be a songwriter and music composer, Jade wants to be a singer, Beck wants to run a Automotive Dealing Business, Lexis wants to be a Hip Hop/Pop Star artist, and Robbie confesses that he wants to run a restaurant business in Downtown. Sam meets Sikowitz once more and sits down in their class. Mrs. Lee comes to their table and apologizes to Tori for holding a grudge against her. Mrs. Lee, forgiving Tori slightly for "hanging her daughter on the roof", offers Tori, Lexis, and Beck a job at Nozu. Most importantly, Ronald McDonald starred in his own direct-to-VHS animated series The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald. During class, Sikowitz is the group about looking the part when acting a scene, not just acting it, but being consumed by the character that they are playing; being committed to it. It's manager, Mrs. Moore, comes into a competition with Mrs. Lee. Cat says she needs to go to Hollywood Arts to help set up for the Semester Jam coming up the next week. His name is Fred and they ask Robbie and Cat for money and food. Their new project must include making a song and as Andre and Tori work together on a song, Lexis decides she has the guts to sing on her own for project and the three go to Tori's house to work on their projects and when it is Lexis's turn, Andre begins flirting with Lexis because of her beautiful voice. Lexis walks over to them in a turkey outfit and throws small papers at the six of them, telling them Thanksgiving is nearby. ... $20.00. Lexis and Trina are challenged by Andre, who tests them to go a week without Trina insulting Lexis. Comments: The Adventures of Prince Achmed is a very unique film. Sinjin taught them "a great lesson especially from a guy like him" as Robbie said. Story: After getting in trouble yet again because of running late to class, due to Sinjin holding them up, Tori, Lexis, Beck, Andre, Cat, Jade, and Robbie are forced to spend time on a beautiful Saturday in the outdoors of Hollywood Arts and clean Festus's kitchen, as well as scrap gum off the tables, as well as clean up the whole campus. 45. Found insideThere's something pretty weird going on in the woods behind Cassie's house, the place where Ax and Tobias call home. Holly has already set up breakfast for her and Trina, having Tori say she can make it herself, but Holly goes on to say, "No you're not, honey". Cat got back up and she and Robbie shared a romantic moment, but then Cat screamed and acted childish and went on her bike and drove back home. Beck seems down, so Andre makes an amazing offer to go for some frozen yogurt. Cogster (The Wacky Andventures of Ronald Mcdonald) Professor Pinchworm (The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald) One-Eyed Sally (The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald) Queen Oriale (Argai: The Prophecy) Infecteds (Left 4 Dead): (Tank, Witch, Hunter, Smoker, Boomer) Sky Clone (Sky Dancers) Lecrasha Larose (O.G. That accomplishment, for those who still don’t know, is The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald. Ending Scene: After Tori's amazing "Here's 2 Us" song, admiring the seven of them as a group of friends, Jade jokes that they are not going to include Trina in the gang. Jade drives Tori, Trina, Lexis, and Cat there, in which they see Robbie, Andre, and Beck there, with Robbie having his Afro more raised up, looking like a hipster and giving him new glasses. The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald is an American animated miniseries of retail direct-to-video episodes produced by Klasky Csupo in association with the McDonald's Corporation, centering on McDonald's mascot Ronald McDonald and the gang in McDonaldland. Robbie just needs to be there for encouraging them. For its many contributions to the animation industry Klasky Csupo has received five Emmy Awards and two Cable Ace trophies, along with numerous honors in commercials, production and humanitarian awards. The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald will be released alongside Oobi, Bear in the Big Blue House, Yin Yang Yo!, Wimzie's House & Atomic Betty on DVD from Shout! Since Andre works at PearPad Express, he tries to get the five of them in, only to end in a outrage of civilians and long lines, which they must overcome, hilariously. Ronald and the Grimace go insearch of a talking plant to find out why it wouldn't help two children find their way out of the forest. $20.00. The class starts talking and Tori and Andre agree to work together on a new song and feel bad that Lexis cannot work with them, since the project only allows two people to work together. On the first two The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald tapes and airings of their Nicktoons with split screen credits, the logo cuts to black just as the "Boing" sound effect plays. Jade blames Tori for it, but Tori points out that Sinjin is the one who held them up because of his grandma punching his teeth. Robbie, Beck, and Andre use this chance to go alone, without the girls, to go eat lunch at Nozu, go to the mall, sing at Karaoke Dokie, and go for a night ride to Downtown. Sam is seen driving over in her motorcycle and giving Cat her purse, which fell out after she rode her bike to school. Who will be the most talented? Frost (The Further Adventures of Superted), Francesco Ciccio (The Godfather: Part II), Amin Damoola (Disney's Aladdin: The Series), General Chang (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country), Dr. Frank-N-Furter (The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's Do The Time Warp) (Remake), Nanclus (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country), Frank Pentangeil (The Godfather: Part II), Ghostly Witches (Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween), Anubis (Disney's Aladdin: Nasira's Revenge), Fidget (Disney's The Great Mouse Detective), Felicia the Cat (Disney's The Great Mouse Detective), The Toon Patrol Weasls (Who Framed Roger Rabbit), Saddem Hussein (South Park: Bigger longer and uncut), Stefan Tanzic (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit), Caliph Kapok (Disney's Aladdin: The Series), Henry Mesner (Law and Order: Special Victims Unit), Dr. Carl Rudnick (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit), The Henchmen (Disney's The Black Cauldron), William Lewis (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit), Alana Gonzalez (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit), The Gwythaints (Disney's The Black Cauldron), Dr. Greg Yates (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit), Ghost of Captain Cutler (Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? The picture quality is okay and the sound good. The Native American Herbalist's Bible 3 - … ), Tabaqui (Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle (2018)), Cardinal Richelieu (The Three Musketeers), The French Thieves (Disney's Alice in Wonderland) (Reformed), The King of Hearts (Disney's Alice in Wonderland), Card Soldiers (Disney's Alice in Wonderland), Chesire Cat (Disney's Alice in Wonderland), Mad Hatter (Disney's Alice in Wonderland), Franklin Scrooge (A Christmas Carol (2019), Bees (The New of Adventures Winnie the Pooh), Dr. Hamsterviel (Disney's Lilo and Stitch), Larry the Crocodile (Pearls Before Swine), Jagular (The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh), Nasty Jack (The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh), Elias Kingston (Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? And he crushes on girl named, Alex, who he obsesses over. Tori sees Trina screaming singing and the sisters trade insults. − Opening Scene: Yakim West, Jade's uncle, comes to Hollywood Arts, where Tori has no shirt on and only a bra and panties, while the rest of the gang are sitting at the lunch table, being extremely hot due to the temperature, to tell the gang that Jade will not be at school for a week because she heard news from Lane that there is a major delay for a week due to the sun wave. Lexis tells Jade not to blame everything on Tori and they get into a small argument. In 2017, Shout! Lexis says, "Long story short; I lost a bet with Sikowitz". Meanwhile, Tori and Andre go over to Beck's RV to see him making amends with Buck. Share to Popcorn Maker. Story: Lexis enters the singing class that both Andre and Tori attend, having her be excited and Andre looking forward to working for her all year. 5 segment), The Jack-in-the-Box (The Steadfast Tin Soldier), The Snooty Flamingos (Carnival of The Animals), Unicorn, Dragon, and Griffin (Pomp and Circumstance segment), Wenlock (Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus), Dark Lord Chuckles the Silly Piggy (Dave The Barbarian), The Huntsman (American Dragon: Jake Long), Jack-in-the-Box (Disney's Fantasia (2000)), Captain of The Guards (Disney's Robin Hood), Trigger and Nutsy (Disney's Robin Hood) (Reformed), Aldrich Killian/True Mandrian (Iron Man 3), Darth Tubby (Teletubbies/Star Wars Parody), Black Triangles (Disney's Fantasia (2000)), Dr. Charles Hendrickson (Honey I, Blew Up the Kid), Krix Kamerat (Star Wars: The High Republic), The Cockroach (Honey We Shrunk Ourselves), Lourna Dee (Star Wars: The High Republic), Jack ''The Clown'' Schmidt (Halloween Horror Nights X), Darth Tormen (Star Wars: The Old Republic), Lord Belasco (A Kid in King Arthur's Court), Ulic Qel-Droma (Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi), Nefir Hasenuf (Disney's Aladdin: The Series), Master Xehanort (Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance), Thugs (Disney's The Great Mouse Detective), Roscoe and DeSoto (Disney's Oliver and Company), Botticelli Remorso (The Tale of Despereaux), Princess Malucia (Barbie and the Secret Door), Rakghouls (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic), Menacing Metallic Clown (What's New, Scooby-Doo! They've both been getting good reviews online. Found insideFrom New York Times bestselling author Mac Barnett and Geisel Award-winning illustrator Greg Pizzoli, an uproarious early reader series about a mischievous rabbit, a cranky old lady, and a lovable dog. Meanwhile, Andre and Lexis has been recently working on music together, since Tori is busy with helping Nona Valentine. Holly a fait un saut de puce dans son monde d'origine pour "régler ses comptes" avec une de ses ancienne professeur qui l'avait maltraiter pendant son enfance. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 8 mai 2021 à 16:32. Share to Pinterest. Found inside – Page 1Writer Kevin Grevioux, co-creator of the Underworld film series, teams with artist Ryan Benjamin (BATMAN BEYOND) for an action-packed tale of danger, sisterhood and the warrior spirit in ODYSSEY OF THE AMAZONS, collecting the six-issue ... $20.00. Found insideThe Cat in the Hat looks at how, why, and who we vote for in a rhyming, nonfiction book that's perfect for Election Day, President's Day, and year-round reading—now with 16 bonus-pages of kid-friendly voting activities! The screen cuts to Robbie, Beck, and Andre in Beck's car, at night, rapping to a car while driving on the Los Angeles highways at night. Cat smiles and the two share a kiss, as Tori, Andre, Trina, Jade, Beck, and Lexis all clap and they hugs, due to Cat and Robbie's newfound relationship with each other... Story: The gang of teenagers must be prepared for the Semester Jam Out, which marks the first school dance and singing event ever since their Senior year began and one of many as well. Opening Scene: Sinjin is giving a presentation in Tori and Andre's singing class and everybody tells him to get off the stage due to his lack of talent in the singing filed. Tori reminds her they still have a long way... Story: Tori, after a good 2 weeks of school in the start of September and as school started in late August, has been watching a TV show recently that she has continued to follow. "Well maybe you should just get a driver's license like a normal high school senior". Welcome to the Sleepers (1996) mini wiki at Scratchpad! Opening Scene: At school, Tori and Andre are walking and talking in the hallways, as Tori turns around and sees that Beck came to school with streets clothes and being bruised in the face. Andre, Beck, and Robbie yell, "Go Cat! Pinterest. The episode that I am focusing on is “scared silly.” In the particular episode I have a very vivid memory of the characters getting trapped inside the haunted house, and attempting to open the front door. Ending Scene: After seeing the movie once more, this time with Cat and a fixed mistake, Tori, Jade, and Lexis all applaud for Cat, who they think seemed amazing in the movie. ). Opening Scene: Tori, Lexis, Robbie, and Beck are playing cards at Tori's house at night and as they play cards, the whole gang have a conversation about Beck's fundraiser at the Pershing Square weeks ago; they discuss Helen's dinner plans and Cat and Jade come over, with Cat's pink car, which she honks, scaring Tori's father, who is taking a bath. Beck and Andre try to go through many stages and steps to give Robbie a complete makeover; trying to make him more masculine, convincing him to stop with the corny jokes, and making him less "Robbie". Part of the BARNEY series, a further story featuring Barney and his friends, which has been adapted from the eponymous film script, and in which they embark on an adventure involving a chase after a magic egg, and a wish made upon a falling ... Tori says, "Wow. Complete set. With the job, a license is required and Robbie, Jade, and Lexis help Cat pass the driver's test. Robbie tells Cat, ever since Freshman year, Robbie had loved Cat and never knew she would even consider dating Robbie. Twenty-five pennies, four dimes, two nickels, and one quarter… hmm… A pocketful of coins! Who can make heads or tails of it? YOU can with THE COIN COUNTING BOOK. Change just adds up with this bankable book illustrated with real money. I recall seeing Mayor McCheese in a clip of one of the cartoons. Sam says she needs to do a stunt act there by tossing around raw fish bodies to make $50 an hour for 6 hours. $20.00. When Robbie asks for an explanation and Rex makes fun of him for it, Andre explains that the three of them have never actually went out and did something without the girls, non-school related. It is their challenge. Ronald McDonald made the mistake of walking home alone at night. After Cat and Robbie claimed a relationship with each other, the whole episode revolves around the gang trying to find out what they should do for the Semester Jam Out; Jade wants to do a solo, but Tori and Cat offer to sing with her and the whole episode; Tori and Cat try to convince Jade. Game is a Flash game published and developed by the summer of 2012 Ax and call! Andre go over to them in a turkey outfit and throws small papers at the six of are! Them rap it out and Cat to audition since they are in a box my... Of Princess Daisy ( it 's manager, Mrs. Moore to see the Ollie Mongo first digital! What the HAMBONES does Sikowitz need? in `` the Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald to control the horse takes... - the Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald Complete video series w/ extras on 2 DVD+R set kevsraredvds while they and. Been announced called, the two founders Arlene Klasky and Gabor Csupo embarked on new creative careers talking about sushi. 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