Social media posts falsely claim donations made on the Black Lives Matter website go "directly" to the Democratic Party, because the group uses ActBlue Charities -- an online fundraising platform. Tracking Your Tandem Fundraising To see how much you raised for yourself and the others on your Tandem form, go to the Statistics page for your form. Keeps tabs on the ticking donation amount found on ActBlue's home page. Donate $5, $10, even $50 today to support candidates who are fighting to ensure good government and will bring big ideas, innovation, and fresh leadership to our state. The WinRed platform used by GOP candidates does not have a public tracker of donations akin to ActBlue's. 2. Now we need your help to make sure we can support strong candidates throughout the state who will work to get our state back on the right track. MIT Hundreds of groups ranging from left-leaning to far-left use this platform, funneling an incredible $1.5 billion into political causes so far in the 2019-2020 election cycle. ActBlue Donation Tracker. ... You may already know this, but I wanted to remind you that the official campaign made a specific donation-link so that we can track how effective our fundraising is! Individual donors gave Individual donors gave 10,125 large ($200+) contributions to ActBlue PAC in the 2019-2020 election cycle. See the details. Close. ActBlue Ticker Tracker. More will be known about the impact of Ginsburg's exit, … This information is not intended to replace the law or to change its meaning, nor does this information create or confer any rights for or on any person or bind the Federal Election Commission or the public. This also has the added effect of obscuring the ultimate recipient, since money passing through ActBlue looks like a donation to ActBlue—not to, say, Black Lives Matter. ActBlue raised $4,318,377,981 in the 2019-2020 election cycle. This is a critical election cycle! With every donation you make on our page, that little thermometer in the sidebar rises more and more! This includes an embeddable form’s buttons, donation block helper text, donor information fields, the recurring option on your embeddable form or button pop-up modal, all ActBlue- or AB Charities-provided text in the recurring or Smart Boost upsell, standard contribution rules, and the ActBlue or AB Charities disclaimer. Paid for by ActBlue ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.Contributions or gifts to ActBlue are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. See the details. The previous biggest hour, on Aug. 20, when Joseph R. Biden Jr. spoke on the final night of the Democratic convention, saw $4.3 million in donations processed, according to an ActBlue spokesperson. A companion Observable notebook is available.. License.