How to use agape in a sentence. Agape is not “conditioned by the worthiness of its object.” Instead, Agape is creative….It is not that God loves that which is in itself worthy to be loved: but, on the contrary, that which in itself is without value acquires value by the fact that it is the object of God’s love. 6 sentence examples: 1. On this page we are showing correct ways to write: Agape in a sentence. ... "The ancient Greeks made the distinction between eros and agape" "They stared at each other, mouths agape and speechless" "what you would call Agape and satori" "With my mouth agape I shook her hand, dumbfounded" about examples terms privacy & cookie policy. 2. Agape used in a sentence Skip to content. Here are examples of agape love from life. A complete sentence always contains a verb, expresses a complete idea and makes sense standing alone. God does not merely love; He is love itself. Police officers on the sidelines watched the hordes with mouths agape. He tried to explain agape love to her, how it was so complete, so untainted, but she couldn't comprehend the concept. For _nuni menei_ (nothing can rob us of the word) _pistis, elpis, agape, ta tria tauta; meizpon de touton he agape _. agape in a sentence - Use "agape" in a sentence 1. sentence with Agape. Discuss why agape love is the greatest . Find more ways to say agape, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Earlier today, after four weeks of trial, a federal jury in Central Islip, New York, returned guilty verdicts against Diane Kaylor and Jason Keryc, former employees of Hauppauge-based Agape … Discuss why agape love is a more excellent way . 4. Outside of the New Testament, the word agape is used in a variety of contexts, but in the vast majority of instances in the New Testament it carries distinct meaning.Agape is almost always used to describe the love that is of and from God, whose very nature is love itself: “God is love” (1 John 4:8). So back i Everything God does flows from His l Sentences always begin with a capital letter and end in either a full stop, exclamation or question mark. How to use Agape in a sentence? If you experience any difficulty in accessing content on our website, please contact us at 1-866-333-8917 or email us at and we will make every effort to assist you. Agape definition is - wide open : gaping. New Testament the same idea is expressed in the Greek word agape, which is variously translated as love, compassion, charity, etc.. Hampton was clearly distracted, his mouth agape within his goatee. The word for love in the Bible is from the Greek word "agape," which is defined as death to the self, or the ego. Sentence with the word agape. View Agape usage in sample sentences. Another word for agape. Sentences Containing 'agape' As I stood agape, I saw a little red spark go drifting across a gap of starlight between the branches, and vanish. The Power of Agape Love In Marriage - Jennifer Slattery Christian blog and commentary on Agape love is the type of love that transcends all others, but it can seem abstract. 2. 3. Agape sentence.