The Simpsons are white and have no black ancestors because they no have African features. Meanwhile, most black Americans are, in fact, of mixed racial ancestry (with about 75% having European ancestors). j/k, Let me just say this: I think we need to lobby the producers of "The Simpsons" to have Katrina make an animated guest appearance, as so many other celebrities have, to comment on their family's historical amnesia. I always just thought of myself as white because of the tome of my skin, and i feel as though thats how everybody views race. It's a myth that people have to have particular physical features if they are of a particular race. Disappointingly, however, this episode perpetuates some of the most common stereotypes that dominate public perceptions about the connections of American families to the nation’s history of slavery. It means the Simpsons look like no other cartoon characters, though. Characters from India or Middle East usually have darker skin. ', Casting change: On Tuesday it was announced the character of Dr. Hibbert, voiced by white actor Harry Shearer, has been replaced by black actor Kevin Michael Richardson. "The Simpsons" will no longer use White actors to voice non-White characters, according to the show's producers. (The fact that white people are treated as a neutral, default race, the only one not drawn with distinctive racial features, is of course highly problematic.). This would be, at most, "Afro-acknowledging" or "Afro-non-denying." Last July, Kristen Bell stepped down from playing the role of Molly on the Apple TV+ animated series Central Park, also stemming from concerns over representation. It seem to be another American [expletive] ideology. You should try it. In ruminating on this revelation, finally, the Simpson family quickly mentions several stereotypes of black Americans and issues related to white privilege (such as different rates of pay for similar jobs). Watch some of the Simpson shows and then read his reasoning for pointing it out. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. The Simpsons creator Matt Groening has spoken out about the show's decision to recast its non-white roles, following allegations of racial stereotyping in People think ‘Simpsons’ predicted George Floyd’s death, Black Lives Matter protests Photos from 'The Simpsons' surfaced of protests, a police station on fire, and a blacked-out White House. Why would you have any reason to think the Simpsons don't have any black heritage in their family tree? Why are white peole on the simpsons yellow and the black people still black. Most readers of this blog know the broad outlines of the true history of American slavery. $29.00. Thus, the U.S. construction of race, in which those of mixed ancestry may "pass" as white but are traditionally not seen as being white, is neither more, or less, correct than the social view in which a European with one or more African ancestors is seen as racially white. 'Yellow wasn't my choice. Asked whether he believes the controversy raised awareness of the need for more diversity in writers rooms, he said: 'I absolutely agree with that. Protests erupt in Rochester after decision not to charge any cops over the death of Daniel Prude who had... Trump may soon have to answer to rape allegations under oath as accuser E. Jean Carroll's lawyers seek to... Georgia senate loser David Perdue says he won't run again in 2022 and blames 'illegal votes' for his defeat... Congress holds candlelight vigil and moment of silence for 500,000 COVID victims as delays in reporting... PIERS MORGAN: We all know Trump bungled the COVID pandemic but unless Biden gets his act together he could... AstraZeneca and Oxford University expect emergency FDA authorization for their COVID-19 vaccine in April and... Ken Paxton refuses to say anything after landing back in Texas following controversial trip to Utah for... 'Adding insult to injury': Texans who couldn't work from home because they didn't have power will have to... Four ERCOT board members resign after being criticized for living outside of Texas amid deadly Winter Storm... Texas county DA opens criminal investigation into whether any person or entity should face charges for last... Gerard Depardieu is charged with rape: French actor, 72, is accused of attacking a young actress in 2018. Second, there's a big difference in our society between "being" of a particular race (or racial mixture) and being *seen* to be of that racial identity. “The Simpsons” is, of course, only popular entertainment, and the elements of a compelling story won’t necessarily run counter to prevailing public myths about the nation’s history. Asians in the simpsons are white. Your details from Facebook will be used to provide you with tailored content, marketing and ads in line with our Privacy Policy. Moreover, apart if you’re from UK, Germany, Scandinavia, majority of European (especially south and eastern) have at least one ancestor who’s from outside of the continent. So technically everybody is black. By Connie Rusk and Dan Heching For Mailonline, Published: 19:03 EST, 23 February 2021 | Updated: 20:53 EST, 23 February 2021. After the backlash, The Simpsons announced it would be re-casting its non-white roles. Calling him names are so uncivilized and immature and I can understand that from people who do not know how to read or doesn’t understand from another human’s point of view and it shows. I am Bill,I am Canadian and I have Dutch, English, Irish, French, Native Canadian(Ojibiwe, Cree, & Blackfoot) and African ancestry and I am Proud of all of it this along with my upbringing and education and many other factors that have brought me to this very moment this is who I am Moreover, Jewish identity isn't the same as race; there are many black African Jews, for instance, and a great many Jewish ancestors *were* European. are evolved from environment and as you have stated repeatedly in this thread Race is nothing but a social construct and makes no real difference other than socially and culturally It is incredibly sad how much some people get hung up on the color of someones skin or the fullness of their lips or slant of their eyes rather than the content of their character which is all that really matters That’s what has made them so successful for so many years. Honestly, that doesn't affect me at all. On The Simpsons, Hank Azaria has been the voice of the black cartoon character Carlton Carlson. But the social issues it touches on certainly can be! theYear=now.getYear()
The Simpsons creator Matt Groening has spoken out about the show's decision to recast its non-white roles, following allegations of racial stereotyping in recent years. We’ll ask you to confirm this for your first post to Facebook. When white guest stars are portrayed, guess what? It doesn’t matter what we are, but recently I started feeling differently. And, again, neither view can be more correct than the other, since both are inherently arbitrary social constructs. Veteran actor Harry has provided his voice to the character of Hibbert since The Simpsons' second season way back in 1990, while Kevin has been voicing various roles on the show since 2009. You're going to be attacked by whoever, you know? Homer is watching a comedy show. It is obvious that anyone who is yellow on the simpsons is white — except for the yellow people that are asian (which you can totally tell are asian, because of the way their facial features are drawn + the sound of their voices). While Homer is arguing with Marge about his anger issues, he clearly states "I'm just passionate, like all us Greeks.". . Thank you for ignoring my other incorrect statements. I watched the making of it, and it was just what they had at the time, and it just became a new idea for them to have yellow cartoon humans. To not be set in one specific area is nice. “Moving forward, The Simpsons will no longer have white actors voice non-white characters,” the series said Friday. They know that most Americans throughout the country were complicit in slavery, either through owning one or more slaves, or through benefiting from economic activities which depended on slavery for their existence. Here is one of mine. I think some of these people have taken the show for something it never tried to be, which is a normal family / existence. I have white skin this categorizes me as Caucasian that is nothing but social and political illusion that is not who I am. 'This is a time to acknowledge our acts of complicity. Damit Verizon Media und unsere Partner Ihre personenbezogenen Daten verarbeiten können, wählen Sie bitte 'Ich stimme zu.' Groening submitted crudely drawn sketches of the family to the animators, assuming they would clean them up in production. White Americans are mixture of European, Jewish and native americans. 'We're not going out of our way to comfort bigots. The comments below have not been moderated. Gina was sent to the Springfield Juvenile Correctional Facilityfor pushing Snow White off the parapet at Disneyland. To force Nelson to steal Lisa's book report, Dexter Colttook a photo of Nelson and Snow White. I too was very disappointed in how they propegated the amnesia of the north/south paradigm. Image . On Tuesday it was announced the character of Dr. Hibbert, voiced by white actor Harry Shearer, has been replaced by black actor Kevin Michael Richardson. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. 'Bigotry and racism are still an incredible problem and it's good to finally go for more equality and representation. Simpsons are Swedish. Each time a subject like slavery is discussed only in the contexts which are most palatable to the public, the public will become increasingly convinced that these contexts were representative of history as a whole. The decision comes five months after actor Hank Azaria announced he would no longer be … (The Simpsons) You're right, Homer does describe himself as being Greek. AstraZeneca and Oxford University expect emergency FDA authorization for their COVID-19 vaccine in April and will have 30 million doses ready to distribute to the US 'instantly' executive says, Texas AG Ken Paxton refuses to answer questions after returning from controversial trip to Utah while his home state suffered disastrous snow storm, Texans who couldn't work from home because they didn't have power will have to vacation or forfeit their pay for days they missed, their employers say, Four ERCOT board members resign after being criticized for living outside of Texas amid deadly Winter Storm Uri that killed at least 30 and left more than four million without power, Texas county DA opens criminal investigation into whether any person or entity should face charges for last week's deadly power outages. When the comedian does a joke about the white people, Homer laughs and says “thats true we are so lame”.