is the light-function by default on or off? Dump your Bafang display for stealth and better display options. Wheel Diameter(Inch): Set this to whatever your wheel diameter is. The Bafang C961 LCD Display is compatible with our Bafang mid-drive motors (BBS01/BBS02/BBSHD) and front hub motors. Simplicity is great. I didn't know that. Which controller and display to choose? DPC 18 Display Manual The most recent Bafang DP-C18 colour display has been available for some time now, most suppliers do not provide a manual with their kits, so I have provided one below. So that's one way to … Ebike Upgrades. Ebike General Gaute. if i want to add a switch to be able to turn the controlle/motor on and off I presume it needs to be latching rather than momentary action? 8.4 Scenes: Press UP/DOWN button to change the scenes, Digital / Analog. We provide friendly sales support and technical assistance. This can be downloaded to your device, if required. Most have it at "By displays command". I would set the power timeout on her display as long as it will go so it won't shut off while she is taking a break. Splice longer wires to the throttle cable so only it is on the bars? Did you try to set designated assist to a lower level before you gave up on PAS. Maybe you wish you could get rid of your display entirely because either you want to be super stealthy or you have a speedometer/computer you prefer and you find the display redundant. two mechanical ways of disabling pas: 1/ pull the controller plug to the pas sensor on motor (done that two years ago no problems) or take the disc with two magnets off the pedal shaft. A list of these and other great configuration insights can be found. I follow the EBikes bloggers and YouTube channels for the latest info. It has exceptional contrast in bright sunlight for a color display. Speed Meter Model: ExternalWheelMeter is the only function I seen used. We ship products worldwide. I was about to make a video two months ago showing the exactly same procedure (brown and orange wires) but I decided to test it very well first and find out pros/cons, so far the only downside is that I never use PAS and without the display it kicks hard on the BBSHD on level 9, so I had to use my programming cable to disable the PAS on software, easy procedure for me but some people are scared to do the programming themselves. If *that* worked, it would be just perfect :-) The pins are very thin. The modular motor design and integrated controller make disassembly easier and improve service responsiveness. Press or to change the levels. I like Keep Current at 60 to ease off the motor when you come up to speed pedalling but others like it at 100 to keep the throttle on full no matter how fast you are pedalling. When you unplug your display and jumper the orange and brown wires using one of the three ways described above try just going for a ride. It’s currently a bit busy. Bafang, one of the leading manufacturers of e-mobility components and complete e-drive systems, has been developing components and complete systems for electric vehicles since 2003. So the whole project is that simple - program the controller and when you are done leave the programming cable or connector/jumper plugged into the BBSHD or BBS02 controller instead of the display and go for a displayless ride. Maybe you want a real volt/amp/watt meter like the. In the event of a controller failure, this unit is easily replaceable and can be swapped out for a new unit in … For me that is 2 or 3. I think having a stealthy cockpit is a cooler look than a cluttered one. Many wireless computers stop working when the Bafang display is plugged in. Lunacycle had this display developed to fit bikes like the Luna Banana which didn’t have a display that worked very well for it, and Bafang is now reselling it to their other dealers. The controller would power on obviously, but would the display also wake up? Learn more about Bafang and Power your Life. How about the other scenario to turn the display on with the switch? I like your thoughts with the stealth idea. Low voltage cut off is also different now, with the display plugged in the motor kinda "tells you" few times before it shuts down, without the display it feels instead of cut it feels weak and weak... then cuts.. then comes back.. then cuts again.. then comes back again... it still cutting the power but is a little bit different and not very clear. The Bafang C961 display unit is a study and reliable black and white Bafang LCD display. The newly opened factory in Poland will focus on production of mid motors systems for the European markets. She plans on pedaling but wants some assist to get up hills, or keep up with, or better yet pass me, on my traditional bike. But I got into electric motors a few months ago through YouTube'ing fatbikes so I decided to buy the BBSHD 1000W kit hugely discounted from Luna Cycle with a discounted DCP-14 display. With PL disconnected from the display to turn off by key switch, or with it connected and a momentary switch (spring return) to enable the displays auto-shutdown to work. One with a sinewave controller and P850C display or one with a blockwave controller and a KT-display. So in a nutshell, to configure the controller in a BBSHD or BBS02 you should go to Penoff''s Hobby Page and download his upgraded Bafang Configuration Tool. To turn the motor completely off you need to unplug the jumper/programming cable. Even more info and graphs are available by connecting it with bluetooth to your iOS or Android phone. The BAFANG handlebar controller gives good feedback, is extremely robust and easy to use. Com. Bafang Ultra mid drive 2; Powerful: 1000W nominal, 1500 peak, tunable pass 2000W. Bruno. “12” is displayed in the field for speed display. The controller is locked to protect our intellectual property. Here are a few parameters you can play around with. Here is the wiring diagram: The hub motor ebikes mostly have the controller in an aluminum box attached to the frame or integrated in the battery mount or the bike frame. I am not sure what your question is. Thanks for checking in Joseph. Many wireless computers stop working when the Bafang display is plugged in. Great article :) I will link it. and it would be great to control it all from a common key switch and not the display.. Any help as what to do? We offer a variety of drive systems for different applications to provide the user with the best driving experience at all times. excellen article! Com. *Display only support Analog scenes for now, Digital scenes will be supported for You are now leaving the BAFANG Consumer Page and are automatically forwarded to the BAFANG OEM AREA. All of the things you can program in your Bafang mid-drive motor using a computer and programming cable can be changed using this incredible display. 9. So I've. After I posted a review of the 500c color display for the Bafang BBSxx drives a bunch of readers asked me if it would work with the Bafang Ultra Max 1000W Torque sensing drive unit. Any luck on having the on/off no display and still have the assist levels?? BBSHD Have you ever thought you don't get much out of that big bulky display that came with your BBSHD or BBS02 Bafang mid-drive motor? You can even program the controller with this display. The kit shown is the Bafang BBSHD, which is factory-rated at W, but Kit batteries usually just have two thick wires coming out of them for. The Bafang hub motor often comes in two different kit types. Bafang DPC18 Display Programming California Ebike is a service center for Bafang mid-drive products, as well as custom components, tools, and accessories built by California Ebike under its own trade name. Get a Bafang Programming Cable and don't forget to read Karl's articles for … After first connection, an automatic read for Bafang Basic, Pedal and Throttle pages will be executed. At the beginning of the article you say to short the red and brown wires , but then go on to say short the brown and orange wires??? I would love to hear how it goes. AWESOME article!!! I'm excited to get home and have that waiting for installation after a tune up and cleaning of the Dolomite. I'd like to rewire to function with a variable throttle ONLY. Just purchased a bbs02 B . READ IT! If you are worried about potential battery drain (there is very little without the display) by leaving it on and don't want to plug/unplug it each time you can wire it to a simple 2 pole switch. So after shopping around a dozen or so Ebike kit options I was lucky enough to come back to the Luna Cycle page with the discounted 1000W kit. Select Live data and settings for Bafang switch mode in the Display settings page, press Write then Read to check its saved. Hi. Here's how you can do it: To turn on the motor without the display you just need to short the red and brown wires that are in the display cable together. This article is more for getting rid of the display. “13” is displayed in the field for speed display. It would depend on the display I guess. Im confused . Anybody tried the dp e12? Any help with wiring this push button as the ON/OFF switch for the P+ and PL wires is greatly appreciated... If you are asking whether to use the NC or NO, you probably want NO. Should I eliminate the Bafang electronics completely and rewire for speed control only? It's now safely stored in a shipping container ready to go home to TX. What do I need to know about using a Bafang drive system? I haven't even ridden with mine yet let alone installed it. Yes, that is what the article describes. You should be able to just put the key switch in line on either the brown or orange wire. ), Alternately, You can just buy a programming cable or one of. The battery percentage indicator tends to be a bit inaccurate on the Bafang displays. I've been riding a Surly Moonlander Ops in Kuwait since January. Can you advise any outputs to do this, or connect to blue tooth ant+, All View the Bafang Ultra owner’s guide and display … I would like to improvise my Disability bike (bb01/c926) to zwift or any othe r smart training app. The easiest and safest way to jumper them together is to just plug in the bafang programming cable and you are set. I haven’t tested that). The 860C has a setting for me to change the voltage to 52V (nice). How to program and adjust the settings in the Bafang DPC-18 Display. (More on configuration programming in a moment. I'll have the DPC-14 display, headlight and maybe a horn. Video Transcript: ... Our rear hub electric bikes include a removable controller that is mounted on the seat post tube. Start with a good set of program settings found in a file with the extension .el. is'nt the red wire the TXD terminal ?? Use the one that came pre-programmed into your BBSHD or use another one from someone you trust. Lots of other tweaks you can make that apply to bikes with and without displays. In spite of a generous power output and a maximum torque of more than 160 N.m, the motor operates in virtual silence. The Default range is 0 - 3, where 0 means no output, and 3 means maximum output. Hello How does an eBike work in general? The company focuses on all global e-mobility trends of the future. You can even get rid of the Bafang speedometer sensor and speedometer cable and just use the one on your computer or use the Batt Man watt meter from Luna which is a more useful display. I will link this article to my video that I will be posting here: Protocol: UART: Rated Voltage (DCV) 43: CR S10D.250.FC. With it will come his help file. Could there be risks to just trying it? ebike bafang bafang kit bbs02b mid motor kit electric bike accolmile accomile bike … New controller for bafang bbs02 500w. Bafang replacement controller only for the BBSHD; Easily user replaceable with only a few bolts a 15-30 minute job; Can handle 48v or 52v batteries for up to 1600 watts of power peak power; Factory Programmed for a peak output of 30amps ; Lunacycle custom programmed with 'Hot Rod' settings A list of programming resources can be found, If any of your controller settings are set to 'by displays command' you may want to change it because you DON'T HAVE A DISPLAY! Controller Feature Set This will affect speedo read-out. Easy to do. Speed and Mileage display modes *If there is no operation for 5 seconds, display will return to the Speed (Real-Time) display … Yeah, that would obviously work for turning off and disabling the setup. Motor phase cable fault: Check the motor module. That will work. It includes a USB port. Sorry. Any idea if that would work? Make sure display is set to Road mode. Not a bell, but a horn. display controller: 860C. There is something of a rumor that only the DPC-18 color display will work with the Ultra Max, so I went out and tested it with the C961, C965, C963 and the 500c. (If you disconnect your battery after rides that may not be true. Bafang company was founded in., which is a Parameters. I'm soon to follow. This is also true of many other ebike kit displays as well. If you have a hub wheel motor, most probably your controller is Kunteng or Lishui.. The brown and orange wires are tied together inside the programming cable. Bafang Max Display Setup. Easy to use control pad to turn on the Bafang motor, … The head office, development and manufacturing center is based in Suzhou, near Shanghai. When the display tells you the bike is at 40%, it could actually be at 20%. On the Pedal assist tab- set designated assist to whatever PAS level you like best. and cut the connector off. Grrr post should have said "not" very interested in the display unit. I decided to go PAS only but wanted to get rid of all cables and therefore connected PL and P+ right at the 8-Pin-Connector that comes out of the engine. Bafang displays will only allow full power (not advised, continuous full power may damage the Nylon gear or rota shaft).. 48v -52v (up to 60V) Bafang display (PAS will not work). Bafang DPC-18 Display Manual. Use the links below to download the Bafang Display manuals and watch the Display installation and programming videos! So once you get rid of your display an added benefit is you get back accurate speed, distance, elevation, slope and more with your own computer. This is also true of many other ebike kit displays as well. Over 59V you must buy our full kit. NC will work but will be off when the button is depressed. thanks. I resoldered my speed sensor after cutting it and getting errors/. Thanks for the info Bruno. Yes that's what really got me into EBikes when I saw the Dolomite with an electric hub motor. The updated 500c Bafang display (aka the Luna Mighty Mini display) available here for $69 is a display that is worth buying on its own and upgrading whatever display you are running. Thx. Current sensor failure: Check the controller. You can find the controller by following the display cable. Cutting into your cables to tie these wires together can be risky. I wouldn't want mine looking like I picked up every bike accessory for handle bar mounting. Will this be an option without the display? I've seen a few I'm interested in. Which option is most suited for you depends on your preference. But I'm swarmed with alot of good information to have when I do install, test run, get a feel for and overall decide how I like the whole set up. I do not think so. Oh, and welcome home soon and thanks.. 6.3 Speed and Mileage display modes A short press of the ‘POWER’ button will change the display mode in the following order: Trip->Time->ODO->Power-> AVG Speed->MAX Speed. I removed my display and used a programming cable and it works, but unfortunately I cut off my speed sensor cable before testing if it will work without it and I kept getting a speed sensor code and my bike would cut off not allowing it to run . Thread starter Tony54; Start date Oct 2, 2020; T. Tony54 Member. The kit is going on my Mongoose Dolomite that I stored back home before I left. I am a veteran of far flung wars myself. 6 darkness,׀׀׀׀׀ is brightness 8.3 Auto off : Press UP/DOWN button to change the auto power off time, from 1 to 9, the number represent time (minutes) to shutdown, default value is 5 minutes. You can also put an on/off switch on the brown and orange wires if you don't want to plug/unplug your battery each time. I‘m clearly not searching correctly as I can’t find anything! Up line (as below) PD2526051205 - Parameter code DP C240.C 1.0 The last two lines: ① DP C240.C: BAFANG display mode DP C240.C 1.0 / 607K1Q7280001 - SN ② 1.0: Hardware version number B. If you take this simple approach you can just buy a programming cable and plug it in but you will need to find a place to tuck the cable and usb/ttl/uart adapter part on your bike - but it is small. Interesting about the lvc. The mount arms are articulated which provides flexible mounting options. If your display is set to only use 5 power levels then the controller uses settings for Asist Levels 1\3\5\7\9 . Power Level The display is integrated with the controller to provide several levels of power. If you own a Bafang mid-drive motor you may want to change a thing or two in the controller programming. They will however default to what your display was last set at. “11” is displayed in the field for speed display. The 860C display is the newest display for Bafang mid-drive motors. field for speed display. where does the red wire fit into this ? Connect all cables for battery, display, speed detecting sensor and so on. Comments most welcome. have i to set it in the controller via the bafang programming cable and so my 26in wheel would be 16in and then can I set it as normal on the display so that it displays in the correct kph will that get around the speed limit of 40km while pedaling or will the motor go by what's displayed on the display It might be just the way you like it. Ouch... You have clicked a page that seems to be very popular. You would need to turn on the key and then turn on the display but the key would turn it off without a second step. I have the cable to read the display unit but not set it up yet. so should you short the orange and brown ( PL & p+ ) ?? Bafang C961 Display Manual. SpdMeter Signal: This affect speedo. To configure the controller for optimal use without a display you will want to go to, and download the configuration software and read the help file that explains how it works. You will want a programming cable anyway so you can set up your controller to default to your favorite PAS level and set up other parameters for best throttle control. Since I'm looking to put my wife's BBSHD battery in a seat bag (for stealth as well) (looking to use the Luna 30q 6ah 52v SMALL battery) I'm wondering if i could merely put the display in the case as well, and then splice longer wires so only the throttle is on the left side and she can still have her phone on the bar for geocaching; this will allow my wife to choose her PAS level on the fly and just ride without paying attention to the display, but still use the display in the bag to turn it on/off and monitor battery life when she gets off and gets 'energy bars' out of her bag. I hope you post your project somewhere (with pictures) and let me know. Tony Click to expand... All the time.... or maybe I should say, whenever the motor/display are powered up. Just solder the orange and brown wires together, plug it in and you have display eliminating jumper. The company focuses on all global e-mobility trends of the future. Here is an image of the BBSxx display cable connector on the controller side: The orange wire is PL and the brown wire is P+. Folks, check out the new Bafang 500C display... semi stealth and redesigned for sensible bar placement (at last). Maybe your wireless computer stopped working when you plugged in your Bafang display and you want it back. A hint can often be found in wiring coming out of the controller in several .. This makes your throttle the sole e-bike addition to your bars. I look forward to your youtube. If you like to use a computer on your rides you may be in for an added bonus. Bafang DPC-14 Display Manual. I have a cargo bike that I'm looking to set up with a motion alarm, extra lights etc. If you don’t have an extra display connector and don’t want to wait to buy one you can pick up a jumper at your local hobby or electronics store and do this: Just be careful to get the jumper on the right pins of the display connector on your controller cable and don’t accidentally bend them. When … Bafang employs about 700 staff worldwide in eight locations. Bafang has Sales and Service Centers in the Netherlands, in the USA, in Germany, in Japan and in Taiwan, China. The new Bafang Ultra is a refreshed version of its outdated predecessor Ultra from 2018, with an entirely new controller and steel gear. I only want the motor on demand with progressive speed control. Controller temperature sensor failure: Check the controller. You may need to get a programming cable and set the designated assist level to '0' set Assist level '0' current to '1' and Assist level '0' speed to '1' and you will have what you want. I am enjoying riding my bike without the Bafang display (I tried all models), your article is fantastic illustrating this procedure very very well and will help a lot of people out there to do the same. Where does one find a 2-pole switch like this that’s the right size? You will be glad to know you can dump your display, turn your motor on and off, keep your throttle and still retain your favorite PAS setting. The BAFANG HMI with a high-contrast LCD display delivers all important information at a glance and can also be read in direct sunlight without difficulty. Do you know what would happen if you shorted the brown and orange wires with the display still connected? The additional output … Ordered it and sent it home last month and I know it's already there. So once you get rid of your display an added benefit is you get back accurate speed, distance, elevation, slope and more with your own computer. You can have a rest and please slide to verify. Yes, a on/off button is a great idea but it needs to be weatherproof at least IP56 or higher including the soldered wires. I'm not interested in PAS and very interested in the display unit. Thank you John and D8veh, that wiring diagram is brilliant. I want to use a gear sensor. Is there anyway to get rid of the bafang speedometer sensor and still be able to us PAS? Depending where you put the bag you may need to extend the throttle wires. Sorry one more question. 100% hooked from that point on. Bafang employs about 700 staff worldwide in … I want pedal assist with ability to chose the assistance level, but no display.. Bafang, one of the leading manufacturers of e-mobility components and complete e-drive systems, has been developing components and complete systems for electric vehicles since 2003. I can finally run my Exposure lights in the centre of the bars where they belong! Protocol: CAN: Rated Voltage (DCV) 36/43/48