Skullmasher thingy? Pages in category "Legendary Sniper Rifles" The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total. with my nisha, i stuck purely with a purple sniper as the legendary ones didn't quite go well with my play style. Special Part(s): GD_Cork_Weap_SniperRifles.A_Weapons_Legendary.Sniper_Jakobs_5_SkullmasherGD_Cork_Weap_SniperRifles.Barrel.SR_Barrel_Jakobs_SkullmasherGD_Weap_SniperRifles.ManufacturerMaterials.Material_Jakobs_5_Legendary im thinking of just doing the same thing here and sticking with purples, prolly ether jakobs or vladof. Примітка: користуватися ЛИШЕ у випадках спаму, рекламних або образливих (домагання, погрози тощо) дописів. © Valve Corporation. I think because they ate ammo too fast. Unfortunately we do not have a great variety of sniper rifles good until the moment, so these are my options for Slot 2. A Triple Plus Bullpup - It's one bad pup. None Усі торгові марки належать відповідним власникам у США та інших країнах. Like its predecessors, each shot only costs one round of ammunition. Type: Never really tried it out, 'cause I'm stuck with my legendary Vladof, but still - could be pretty interesting. Skullmasher is a legendary sniper rifle in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel manufactured by Jakobs. Well i personally think vladof makes some of the better sniper rifles. Skullmasher Malen. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel > Discussões gerais > Detalhes do tópico. its just better that way for me with my play style. Частина географічних відомостей на цьому сайті надана, Español - Latinoamérica (іспанська — Латинська Америка), Português - Brasil (португальська — Бразилія). any sugestions as to what brand and afix i should aim for? A real head turner...turned to mush...ahahaha! Countdown: 10. Deep Major Tom is a Level-50 AR with 1982×3 base damage and 92.6% accuracy. any sugestions as to what brand and afix i should aim for? However, it tends to have very low accuracy for a s… In Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, it features a faster rate of fire, fires a cluster of six bullets, one more than its predecessor, just like the original. If all six projectiles connect, the Skullmasher is capable of much higher damage output than most of its peers. I never liked the legendary sniper rifles. So mabey the longnail. I always liked a nice purple or blue sniper. A real head turner...turned to mush...ahahaha! Legendary ok, after doing a little research on blue/unique snipers, i desided im just going to stick with purple ones. A real head turner...turned to mush...ahahaha! For Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Explosive Sniper Rifles? A legendary weapon returning from Borderlands and Borderlands 2, the Skullmasher is largely unchanged. I think because they ate ammo too fast. i know how you feel on that one. Yeah I am using perhaps the worst sniper rifle ever ... but I like sniper rifles. Усі права захищено. It has a clip size of 39 and reloads in 2.8 seconds. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. Game: This makes them poor weapons for hipshooting or quick-scoping. I have one of every type of HAIL gun by MOXXI CORP. Otherwise Hyperion sniper rifles have excellent accuracy and almost no recoil while aiming. The rifle you get in the Holodome as a reward, the one that acts like it's a single shot bolt action, plays well with some of her skill. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Element: oh @ lv 34. Dahl Major Tom Drop Location: Vendor / Grinder Red Text Effect: Fires 3-shot burst when hip-firing and 5-shot burst when aim down sight. Model: Borderlands is a series of action role-playing first-person shooter video games in a space western science fantasy setting, created by Gearbox Software and published by 2K Games for multiple platforms.. im trying to grind out a legendary sniper rifle for my 34 baroness. Vladof Shredifier Drop Location: Grinder Red Text Effect: Increased fire rate, large magazine capacity, d… That Skullmasher might work with Aurelia. [Skullmasher (Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel) Variants] Hyperion sniper rifles have low rate of fire; they start with low initial accuracy which increases while aiming and resets when players stop aiming. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. The Sniper Rifle can come with Dahl or Maliwan barrel, each one can give the gun different properties: … UFKHBA onGearchatForum says: March 18, 2012 at 5:09 pm. I think because they ate ammo too fast. Reduced accuracy and damage per projectile. I never liked the legendary sniper rifles. Manufacturer: The unique thing about this weapon is that it fires 3-shot burst when hip-firing and 5-shot burst when ADS. Rarity: A legendary weapon returning from Borderlands and Borderlands 2, the Skullmasher is largely unchanged. 3/fev/2015 às 12:34 Question about sniper rifles im trying to grind out a legendary sniper rifle for my 34 baroness. 31 Responses to Sniper Rifles. Sniper Rifle Borderlands Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. "., As the Skullmasher can achieve multiple critical hits in one shot, this makes it useful for faster completion of the "Melon Splitter". thats what i was thinking about myself, just need to nail down the right afix for the best damage. Anything blue or above without burst first is good. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel How To Get Longnail Legendary Sniper Rifle. Vladof auto fire is good, just not burst fire on zoom. So complain to the hand :P Skullmasher If all six projectiles connect, the Skullmasher is capable of much higher damage output than most of its peers. do you know any strong snipers of any kind with a lvl reqiurement lower than 40 and where there mostly found. ← Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel: How To Get Legendary Weapons Guide. Eats too much ammo. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Lady Hammerlock the Baroness. The series consists of four games, each with multiple downloadable content packs: Borderlands (2009), Borderlands 2 (2012), Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (2014) by 2K Australia and Borderlands … I never liked the legendary sniper rifles. Hi andrew, ... ©2020 Borderlands… By Ferry Groenendijk | Published October 20, 2014 | Full size is 1600 × 900 pixels « Previous Image. In Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, it features a faster rate of fire, fires a cluster of six bullets, one more than its predecessor, just like the original. Big Game Hunter • Bushwack • Callipeen • Cannon • Cannoness • Chinook • Coach Gun • Diaub • Gatling Gun • Iron • Law Enforcer • Longarm • Longrider • Madtrap • Muckamuck • Quad • Pepperbox • Revolver • Rifle • Role Model • Scarab • Scattergun • Six-Shooter • Sport Hunter • Wheelgun • Widow Maker, Boomacorn • Cyber Eagle • Kull Muckamuck • Moonface • Ornery Iron • Plunkett • Razorback • Smasher • Too Scoops • Wallop, Celestial Lawbringer • Flayer • Hammer Buster II • Luck Cannon • Maggie • Skullmasher • Striker, Bratchny • Callipeen • Chinook • Competition • Contract • Diaub • Fast Turnaround • Horrorshow • Jericho • Muckamuck • Policy • Outlay • Rakehell • Sniper Rifle • Sniper Rifle (old-style) • Strike • Terror • Transaction, Fremington's Edge • Kull Muckamuck • Plunkett • Razorback • The Machine • Wet Week, Invader • Longnail • Pitchfork • Skullmasher • Magma • Omni-Cannon. For the similarly named legendary sniper rifles in other games, see. Like its predecessors, each shot only costs one round of ammunition. – Fires 6 projectiles per shot. Skullmasher is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source but has an increased chance to drop from Nel located in Regolith Range. However, it tends to have very low accuracy for a sniper rifle and is best used at mid-range or against very large enemies. The skullmasher wrecks face at shorter distances if you're a keen shot or for big targets but due to the projectile spread it isn't great for actual long range sniping.