Sweet potatoes are not in the nightshade family, but, depending on the variety of vine they grow upon, may still be toxic to dogs. Supports a Strong Immune System – Sweet potatoes are rich in various vitamins (like A, B6, and C), minerals, and antioxidants that support a strong immune system.While both orange and purple sweet potatoes offer immune-boosting nutrients, according to Dr. Karen Becker, “Sweet potatoes with purple flesh have potent antioxidant and anti … It definitely didn’t feel like life threatening symptoms! I usually set mine to about 1/4″ so the chews are nice and thick. In addition, you should never serve your dog a raw sweet potato. ... Can dogs eat sweet potatoes? “Oh my God”, I thought, now I have to figure out how to make homemade dog treats – on top of everything else! However, when choosing between pumpkin and sweet potato, be aware that sweet potato contains more than double the calories than pumpkin, which can then “pack on the pounds”. Significant quantities of molybdenum, chromium and selenium can also be found just beneath the potato’s skin. Dehydrated 1-Ingredient Sweet Potato Dog Treats. While there’s no doubt about can dogs eat sweet potato safely, it should go without saying that the starchy spud should first be cooked. We just went back for his yearly well check and his blood level indicators for kidney disease now fall within the normal range! Truly he is a different dog. I’m about to blow your mind here….The yams you see at your local grocery store across the United States, well they’re actually sweet potatoes! Dogs should start out with very small amounts of sweet potato, usually no more than one or two ounces per serving. In most cases, it’s best not to feed your dog Sweet Potatoes every day for an extended period. ¿Cuáles son los 10 mandamientos de la Biblia Reina Valera 1960? Raw sweet potatoes are not good for your dog, therefore, you must always ensure that they are well-cooked before your feed them to your pet. Sugar is not toxic to dogs, but over time, feeding your dog sugary treats can result in obesity that can shorten their lifespan and cause multiple secondary diagnoses, including diabetes. This is because the cooking process breaks down the starch and dietary fiber, making it easier for your dog to digest them. Cooking a potato helps reduce the amount of solanine so that it’s safe for dogs. Although in the United States, sweet potatoes are often called “yams”, they really aren’t yams at all! It also converts to vitamin A in your dog’s body. Dog: You don't listen. Like any other meal, sweet potatoes for dogs should be served in moderation. The treats will crisp up a bit more as they cool. They make a great alternative to rawhide chews, and unlike rawhide, sweet potato chews do not have a reputation for causing digestive blockages and choking. Even the ‘natural’ treats had ingredients that he really shouldn’t have. You can feed dogs with small amounts of sweet potatoes as a healthy treat alternative. Cucumbers are perfectly safe for dogs to eat, and offer a low-calorie, crunchy snack that many dogs love. When the steamer is ready, add pieces, cover and steam for 7-10 minutes, or until the sweet potatoes are tender. One study involving diabetic rats found that consuming purple sweet potato extracts decreased blood fat levels and blood glucose levels. Me: You have sweet potato parts all over your snout. The one colour you have to watch out for is green, which is not a healthy colour for potatoes to be. They come in many colors besides the more familiar orange. If you’ve made our dehydrated sweet potato dog treat recipe I would be so grateful if you would rate the recipe and let me know what you think in the comments below! Beta-Carotene: Beta-Carotene is what gives sweet potatoes their unique orange color, but it does a lot more than just lend them their hue. Sweet potatoes are also used to alleviate constipation and diarrhea, depending on the fiber type. Each of these minerals contributes to the overall well being of your dog in its own way. Pros and Cons of Sweet Potato for My Dogs. Now that we have cleared the air and you know that a sweet potato and a “yam” are the same thing here in the U.S., let’s just take a second to chat briefly about sweet potatoes in general…. You should never feed your dog a raw sweet potato. Most pups enjoy a nibble of a tasty cooked sweet potato and these root vegetables are a healthy snack for pups. Can Dogs Eat Red, Russet, and Purple Potatoes All of these potato varieties are fine in small amounts. 2 large sweet potatoes, scrubbed clean and peeled. Sweet potatoes contain A, B, and C vitamins, which are beneficial to both dogs and dog owners. However, when pets ingest this plant from the Convolvulaceae family, poisoning could occur. Sweet potatoes are a healthier option than white potatoes because they are much more nutritious. Though the sweet potato itself … When boiled, steamed, dried, or baked, though, sweet potatoes become a great snack for hungry doggos. Yes, dogs can eat sweet potatoes in moderation. A small bit of a dehydrated sweet potato slice may appeal to your kittens and cats as an unusual or occasional treat, but only in the limited quantities that they can handle. Please accept cookies for optimal performance. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper. Potato leaves are poisonous but you can eat sweet potato leaves. Sweet potato vine is a flowering plant and has a distant relationship with edible potatoes. Not being one to to take news like this well, I started researching and consulting with my vet about changing our dog to a 100% human grade diet. Make sure that there is room around each sweet potato and they aren’t touching. This website uses cookies in order to provide you the best experience possible. At the end of 2019, during our yearly vet check, we received the devastating news that our 11 year old dog, Hooch’s blood work showed that he was in stage 4 kidney failure! The information in this blog post documents our own personal experiences, research, and the recipes that we feed our dogs under our veterinarian’s careful supervision. You should also NEVER feed your dog raw sweet potatoes. However, the success of all of the dietary and lifestyle changes has kept him here and for more than a year he’s been going strong! The different colors of sweet potato have subtly different flavors and textures ranging from super sweet which our dogs love to rather mild. Yes – it's safe for dogs to eat potatoes. It also is especially rich in phytonutrients. Cooking also makes the sweet potato taste sweeter. When it comes to your dog eating yams, both true and of the sweet potato option, you should know that yams are an excellent supplement to your canine friend meal. Even then, they aren't a healthy treat–just a bit less unhealthy. Sweet potato is a safe, healthy, and natural treat for dogs , offering a range of health benefits (and a sweet flavor they'll likely love). © AskingLot.com LTD 2021 All Rights Reserved. Arrange the sweet potatoes in a single layer on the baking sheets and bake for 2 ½ to 3 hours flipping once half way through until they are shrunken, dried out, and some pieces are a bit crispy, while others are a bit chewy. Sweet potatoes, like pumpkin, are a good source of soluble fiber that can help regulate your pet's digestive tract. Preheat the oven to 250°F (130°C). Funnily enough, Hooch likes the Orange and Rebel prefers purple. You can pick them up at the grocery store, slice them thinly, and dehydrate them for dog and human treats. You see, ingredients matter. A great treat for a dog as long as she isn't lactose intolerant, which a small percentage are. I didn’t want to unwind all of our progress with some store-bought goodies – even if they were his favorites. Like with any food, moderation is key. ***Please note, I am not a veterinarian, just a very passionate dog owner! Dogs with kidney disease need to eliminate as much phosphorous from their diet as possible so bones, rawhide, organ meats, and jerky; well, they were all OUT! For our dehydrated sweet potato treats you will want to start small as well and as long as your dog’s tummy responds well you can gradually move up from there. I absolutely LOVE it! A single cup of cooked sweet potato contains nearly 6 grams of fiber! Want to be a part of our online community outside of the blog? The answer is yes. At the time of that visit, the vet estimated we only had 3-6 months left with Hooch. The sweet potato is a popular ingredient in many classic, cool-weather recipes. Peel a sweet potato and cut into small cubes that are about the same size as kibble. So, once I found out that he liked them I set out to make my own and share the recipe with you. Your email address will not be published. What is internal and external criticism of historical sources? Slice the prepared sweet potatoes into thick slices lengthwise like slabs either with a very share knife or mandolin. One of the main reasons for adding fiber to a dog's diet is to encourage regular, healthy bowel movements. Which yellow root veggie is chock full of Vitamin A (beta carotene), Vitamin C, and Vitamin B6, and is a healthy source of dietary fiber and beta-carotene*? Is there a weight limit for wall hung toilets? Next time you are at the market buying sweet potatoes, look around and see if you spot something a little different. The leaves, stems, and young, green tomatoes contain higher amounts of solanine than ripe fruit, which means that ripe tomatoes are generally safe to feed to dogs. Again the caveat of moderation applies, however sweet potatoes contain enough nutrients that are good for canines, making it a cheap and viable addition to their normal healthy dog food diet.. Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potato – Any Benefits? Line two baking sheets with parchment paper. Sweet potatoes are low in fats and thus appropriate as part of a diet for a dog suffering pancreatic. How do you change the units on a Salter scale? All so-called “yams” in your supermarket are in fact sweet potatoes!